Dateformat in Lightroom database?

I'm not familiar with SQLite and I can not find out how to extract a readable date and time from the database. I'm especially looking into the table Adobe_imageFiles and the columns externalModTime and ModTime.

Pretty certain there's no built in function like Cast for example, but do google for "converting Cocoa dates".
You're probably going to have to write a formula. That could be something in the SQL and I'd expect it to be quite complex. Alternatively I'd connect the SQLite database via ODBC to something like MS Access, then write a VB custom function.
I think there was one other thread on this issue a while back.

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    Dave Mayfield

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    Simply select them in LR, add the keyword.
    If the real problem is selecting them using the text file list, you can cut and paste the list into a smart collection's criterion.

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    If you have now found the mislocated database file the simplest method would be to copy and paste it into the location that you really want it. Once in the new location, double click it and LR will open up (as if by magic) or, alternatively, start up LR and point it to this database location. The image that you then accidently removed from LR should show up in Red in the left hand panel and in addition a thumbnail image of your image will appear in the main window with a question mark in the top right hand corner. Click on this question mark and point LR in the direction of where the image is located. All then will be fine and your image will still have any previous edits applied that were contained in the database. The 'preview' file that you found and mentioned in your post contains as you might have guessed - the image previews. This file can be deleted at any time and LR will rebuild it as and when required.
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    Hi guys,
    I'm happy to announce LrSaver ( - The Lightroom Screensaver Addon!
    LrSaver provides many features, such as:
    Selection of images according to any meta-data fields by utilizing Smart Collections (or by using rating).
    Utilization of Lightroom image cache which enables:
    Low CPU & RAM utilization
    Accurate display exactly as by Lightroom itself.
    No need for the actual images to be accessible during slideshow (e.g. if stored on external/remote storage).
    Arrow keys to move between images during slideshow
    Check for more information.

  • Where is the Lightroom database?

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    - Lightroom 1.0
    - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
    - documentation
    D:/ My Pictures
    - Lightroom
    - Backups
    - Lightroom CatalogPreviews.Irdata
    - Lightroom Metadata.Irdata
    (file) Lightroom Catalog (Ircat file)
    I can not locate the original Lightroom Data base. There are data bases in the backups.

    Thanks for your reaction.
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    Lightroom Catalog Previews.Irdata.
    Lightroom Metadata.Irdata
    Lightroom catalog
    * Do I just copy: D:/My pictures/Lightroom with its 4 sub folders to D:/ on the new PC?
    Thanks in advance for your help!

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    Thank you, Jim!
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    I think the answer is yes, but I'd like to be clearer on what your questions are first.
    If you are thinking of combining several Libraries, perhaps on a new external drive, you can do so with no loss of anything.
    But do outline a bit more what your situation is.

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    My Mac 10.5.4 LR 1.4.1 has 140,000 records that have had 1.5 million keyword indexes imported and several hundred thousand captions imported and it functions fairly well in routine Imports, Edits, Exports, Web Gallery production, etc.. The .lrcat file is about 2GB.
    The Mac Pro is a 3GHz Intel Quad with 10GB RAM and 12 750GB Seagates.
    Backups used to take 15 minutes, but I think they are down to about 2 minutes with v1.4.1.
    It gets very sluggish doing updates to keywords or captions and the search is horribly slow. Lots of spinning color wheels and application hangs when in this turf.
    I am SO HOPING v2 functions like most other database applications. It's just a database of thumbnails and some data. 140k records should FLY doing a Boolean search.

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    Thanks for the help!

    >Does this not need confirmation on each keyword as you delete it?
    He's been polishing his crystal ball again ;-)
    The dialog will probably tell you that keyword X will be deleted from Y photos and give you the option to Cancel or Delete All. Chose Delete All and ALL selected keywords will be deleted. The dialog is either presenting the wrong info about what will be deleted or is deleting everything when it shouldn't. Strangely, had there been 100 selected keywords then you would need to hit Cancel 100 times.

  • How do I retrieve lightroom database?

    Lightroom 3 was shutting down unexpectantly and from an advice at this forum I moved the preferences folder to the desktop (from the library)
    the lightroom opened allright but was completely empty, how do I retrieve the database. I couldn´t save catalogues because it always shut down before I could do anything.
    Please help, am in dire straits here. need photos that were numbered and processed to work with.

    You have to find your most recent catalog. The unexpected shutdown would have prevented LR to write the most recent changes to the catalog but these would be only a few. LR writes changes into the catalog without you having to <save>.
    There are two ways to open your most recent catalog:
    a) if you know where your catalog is on the hard drive, open LR - it will come up empty - and go >File >Open catalog. Then navigate to your catalog and click on it.
    b) If you do not know where your catalog is you have to find it - in Mac Finder or Win Explorer.
    The catalog is the file with the ending <... .lrcat>. See here where you will find the catalog for different OS:
    When you have found the .lrcat file just double-click it and LR will open with it.
    LR will rebuild the preference file on its own but you might have to set your preferences again in >Edit >Preferences.
    It is generally a good idea to know where LR puts the catalog. Go >Edit >Catalog Settings >General tab and this will show you the location - provided that LR has opened with a catalog.
    Also, it is a good idea to have a backup catalog. Go  >Edit >Catalog Settings >General tab and at the bottom select <Every time LR exits>. Next time you close LR the backup dialog will come up that lets you choose a backup location.

  • Lightroom Database Accessable Outside Lightroom?

    Hi -
    I am thinking of creating a quick application to track my photo sales and I would like to be able to take advantage of the data that is already in Lightroom. My questions are: 1) what is that database tool e.g., Sql... that Lightroom uses or is a proprietary database? And, can the data be accessed by other programs and if Yes, how?
    Thanks - Cathy

    There's an opensource ODBC driver for SQLite.

  • Lightroom database performance

    I've been using Lightroom for a few weeks now and generally find it very convenient. Performance is OK in the 'Development' module. Yet when I add or change keywords to an an image, the program is busy for several minutes (yes, even when I add only _one_ keyword to _one_ single image).
    On another forum someone suggested that there must be something wrong with the database, so I started one from scratch again. Still the same problem.
    Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong here ? I'm running Windows XP SP2 on a 1.8 GHz Pentium with 1 GB of RAM.
    Many thanks in advance

    Keywords are critical to any photographer managing his library.
    If it takes any percept-able amount of time to add a single keyword, that's unacceptable. This is my biggest problem with LR.
    We have around 25k images, and we just started building our keyword library (<30 total). it takes 20 seconds to add one keyword. In my opinion, this is bogus. With today's hardware, adobe should be able to write a 6 character string to a property on a file in less than 20 seconds.
    I understand the issue with keywords and related keywords from a database perspective. I'm not an expert. But I've written code to manage keywords.
    This product is billed as a workflow enhancer. Adding keywords to a photo is a key aspect of that workflow.
    Adobe MUST fix this problem !
    The problem is LR is trying to do the whole process at once, taking up all the cpu cycles for stuff that doesn't make sense in the workflow
    My suggestion:
    - write the info to the files as fast as possible.
    - use a background process at a lower priority to update the database in the order it would be most useful.
    1. basic filtering off the GUI
    2. advanced search filters
    - optimize the database last in a way background process.
    Current operation is totally unacceptable. I am going to get my money back for my product...then watch the forums for an update on this issue....

  • Syncing Lightroom Database w/ External Changes

    Does anyone know how to set lightroom to recognize changes that are made outside lightroom?
    For example If I delete 10 files in Windows Explorer, and rename 20 others with Windows Explorer will it automatically scan/monitor/recognize these changes?
    How can I enable this? I've delete some files outside LR and it still shows me the 1:1 previews of the delete files, and doesn't realize I've renamed the folder as well.
    Thoughts? Thanks!

    LR is a database-driven application. It doesn't know what goes on outside of its database unless you tell it to go look. There are ways to do just that. For example, the sync function was mentioned above for syncing LR with changes made outside of it. However, it's usually easier and faster to make such changes inside of LR because that way you don't have to take the time to sync after you've made changes in some other application. LR launches pretty fast (6 seconds for me).
    If you make folder or filename changes within LR, they are reflected in the operating system, and thus you'll see them in Windows Explorer immediately, just as John said.
    There are some disadvantages to a database drive application, but numerous advantages too. For example, try searching through 50,000 images in Windows explorer (for a filename, for example) and then waiting for all the matching images to come up and get thumbs. In LR, that takes under 3 seconds. Now try searching for all images shot with a particular lens, in a particular date range, or at a particular location. Again, in LR this takes just a couple of seconds, while it's really hard to do at all using basic Windows tools.

  • Import or Merge Lightroom Databases

    I have Lightroom both on my PC and my Laptop and am looking for a way to get these two in sync. Is there any way that I could import the database from my Laptop into the one on my PC?
    Thanks and regards, Robert

    John is right. For a in-depth description, as well as a step-by-step exposition, check out Martin Evening's excellent coverage in the Photoshop Lightroom book. An update to the book is available as a PDF on the Lightroom-News web site

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