Day and time question

I have the following
Arrival_date Date
Arrival_time VARCHAR(2) (15)
Arrival_day VARCHAR(2) (15)
When the user enter the date in the arrivals date field the other 2 field to be filed with the correct day and system time (I want to make sure that time will be entered in military format HH:MI)

For that I would just store the timestamp once and then use that to convert to whatever you like, otherwise you have the problem of keeping the various columns in sync.
For example, to get the day of the week from the timestamp, we could -
jes@DBTEST> select to_char(sysdate, 'DAY') as day from dual;
FRIDAYYou can find a list of useful date/time manipulation techniques here -
Hope this helps,

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    Now, the operating system, the Application server (i.e. ColdFusion) and the database probably all have some type of scheduled task tool that you could choose from.  But one of them is going to have to be used.
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    Could be corrupt plist try deleting
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    copy and paste:
    delete this plist.
    now open terminal (Applications/Utilities/ and paste the command:
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    Well the goods is it wasn't a windows problem it was a cloud problem.  apple helped me fix it but again it shows the compatibility problems between the two.  sending back apple products and sticking with windows.  I don't know if your a tech or what because of your bold verbage but your cut and dry answer was not only incorrect but condescending.  Please, you don't have to respond because i will be closing the window and won't have need of it again with experiencing this type of response to my query I will choose to look elsewhere for assistance. just wanted to let you know how i felt about your feedback.  I do want to thank you for answering me but I also want to ask that you think about lightening up the next time you try to help someone. Thanks Tim have a great day.

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        Hi papal74. I am sure that this is a situation in which these call records are extremely important. In order to provide additional information about these call records we would need to speak with you personally. Please give us a call at 800-922-0204. This way we can get down to the bottom of this.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    This is the standard function and features of the menubar clock in OS X 10.3 thru 10.5.
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         System Preferences -> Universal Access -> Seeing
    in the Display section adjust the "Contrast" slider.

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