DB Growth per month from last 7 months

Am on Apps
Can anybody help me out to get a increase in our database from last 7 months.(monthly wise)

[oracle@visr12 ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Dec 12 21:54:52 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> conn /as sysdba
SQL> select to_char(creation_time, 'MM-RRRR') "Month",
sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "Growth in Meg"
from sys.v_$datafile
where to_char(creation_time,'RRRR')='2010'
group by to_char(creation_time, 'MM-RRRR')
2 3 4 5 6
SQL> /
Month Growth in Meg
03-2010 4400
02-2010 5020
12-2010 47.4921875
01-2010 4400
04-2010 2500
07-2010 1000
11-2010 10052
7 rows selected.
Its working script only
Ajikumar G

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    I received an email saying that starting next month my membership will be $49 per month instead of the $29 I have been paying.  I have the annual plan where I pay monthly.  Why is it going up?

    symbolized_bar_code wrote:
    There are plenty of good arguments opposing CC, fear of  a massive price hike isn't one of them.
    For current CS6 customers CC is already a price increase of 150% to 500%. Why do you think it will be different next year? Even edu versions face a drastic price increase.
    Where does the price increase come from:
    1) A perpetual license has a value. You can sell it or use it indefinitely. To compare subscription and perpetual prices you must takes this into account. You probably will lose about $200 to $300 dollars if you sell your actual version. So only this needs to be added to the costs. If the price for a full version goes up or down after some years this is an adjustment for the calculation, too. An individual subscription user pays at the moment $600 per year. Based on the last update cost to CS5.5 and CS6 the subscription price is about 25% more expensive than perpetual upgrades of CS6 Master Suite.
    2) Existing user invested already in perpetual licenses. A CS6 license will in 3-5 years not be up-to-date anymore and will have lost its value. (Before CC users could keep up the value of their software by buying upgrades.) This value loss has to be added to the subscription costs. Over a span of 5 years this doubles the cost of CC for existing user, which is another 100% price increase.
    3) The larger number of professional users works in specialized fields. They edit video, create websites or work in design. This is why Adobe offered specialized suites (Web, Production, Standard). The base price and upgrade prices were about half of the master suite. CC doesn’t offer any special packages for those user groups. For them CC is already 150% more expensive. If they are existing users they are losing even more.
    4) If you want to purchase more than one CC in your name or if you want to purchase even one CC in the name of your company you are forced by Adobe to pay for the team version. This is another 40% of price increase on top of the above price increases. This price increase comes with no value at all, if you don’t want to can’t use cloud space (e.g. because of legal restrictions)
    5) Additionally with the subscription you need to pay indefinitely. If you need to work on old files you are forced to pay forever. Before users were able to skip an upgrade, if an update didn’t have enough value for them. So CC forces to pay for something that you might not need or want. You need to take all those costs into account if you compare CC and perpetual licenses. If you work in an environment that relies on specific working processes you can’t just install a new feature upgrade that might break your workflow or creates unbearable costs in the IT department, because it needs to be managed.
    6) Student versions are about 50-100% more expensive now.
    7) If you want to end CC and switch to other software you are forced to manually convert all your files into other formats. Many conversations won’t work fully. You will lose data or have to do correct the results afterwards spending a lot of time. One user wrote about this experience. He just switched from the actual upgraded CS6 Cloud versions back to CS6. After this experience he cancelled his cloud subscription, because he realized CC is suicide. Since CC doesn’t give you any exit strategy you need to calculate all this time and (lost) money into your comparison.
    So in general CC means dramatic price increases for the vast number of users. Only if you fulfill all the following criteria CC’s price is acceptable:
    You are a new user
    You are an individual user
    You need to use the whole suite
    You are able to use the cloud storage (legal, bandwidth)
    You would upgrade immediately to each new version
    You plan to use CC indefinitely or don’t  mind to pay for the next 20+ years
    A subscription model can be an advantage in some cases. The problem is that it is subscription only. As a company owner with various employees a subscription might make sense. You can also write it off immediately. In case you shrink your company later or close it you could purchase one perpetual version that you could use to open and edit older files. That is the missing exit strategy. 

  • EBP purchase order status is comming as blank from last 5 months

    Advance thanks for BW experts.
    Here is the issue I am facing.
    We are extracting shopping cart data from EBP(SRM) daily.
    We are using Data source as '0BBP_TD_PO_1' in SRM.
    In BW it is coming to ODS '0BBP_PO' for collecting data.
    Info source we are using is '0BBP_PO_TD_1'.
    The problem is EBP(SRM) Purchase order status coming as blank from last 5 months, we are using every thing standard objects, no routine, i checked in BW side. I found that purchase order status field coming as blank from SRM. It seems to some problem in extractor?.
    If any one experts in SRM-BW please help me on this how to proceed?.
    for more information PO status filed (InfoObject) in BW is -0bbp_PROPO

    take a look sap oss note 827638
    check also 824410,809118
    Status is blank
    Other terms
    0BBP_TD_PO_1, PO extractor, I1016, Status rejected
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The rejected status is not considered while extraction
    Got a mail from customer regarding all the possible statuses which is not populated while extraction.
    Status   Populated or not ?
    Ordered                                             X
    Awaiting Approval                                  X
    In Your Inbox
    Release Rejected
    Held                                                X
    Deleted                                             X
    Outstanding Confirmations Outstanding Invoices
    Transfer Failed                                    X
    Confirmed by Vendor
    Partly Confirmed by Vendor
    Rejected by Vendor
    Changes Transmitted Obviously we dont report on all these statuses in BW but release rejected might be an important status and BATA (customer no: 169433) needs this status to be extracted through the PO extractor. I am changing the extractor code for this status. In future we can enhance this note to take care of other statuses relevant for BW. For now other statuses seems to be not usufull for BW reporting.

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    I want to find out the materials which are not used from last 3 months.Is there any report?

    check MB5B
    give material and plant there
    select valuates stock radio button and NON-Hierarchical representation layout  on selection screen
    give last three month duration period on selection screen and execute report
    and see total  Goods receipt and total goods issue for material
    kailas ugale


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    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    You'll need to take it back to them again.

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    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net start crmdmgtd
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    This one from Event viewer- applications.
    Faulting application ccraccess.exe, version, faulting module xerces.dll, version, fault address 0x00046913.

    No changes were done (domain, hostname, ip...nothing was changed).
    Systeminfo :
    Host Name:                 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    OS Name:                   Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition
    OS Version:                5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 Build 3790
    OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
    OS Configuration:          Member Server
    OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free
    Registered Owner:          EndUser
    Registered Organization:   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Product ID:                XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Original Install Date:     XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    System Up Time:            0 Days, 18 Hours, 34 Minutes, 42 Seconds
    System Manufacturer:       HP
    System Model:              ProLiant DL380 G5
    System Type:               X86-based PC
    Processor(s):              8 Processor(s) Installed.
                               [01]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [02]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [03]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [04]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [05]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [06]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [07]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
                               [08]: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel ~3166 Mhz
    BIOS Version:              HP     - 2
    Windows Directory:         C:\WINDOWS
    System Directory:          C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    System Locale:             en-us;English (United States)
    Input Locale:              en-us;English (United States)
    Time Zone:                 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Total Physical Memory:     3,326 MB
    Available Physical Memory: 2,643 MB
    Page File: Max Size:       5,222 MB
    Page File: Available:      4,337 MB
    Page File: In Use:         885 MB
    Page File Location(s):     e:\pagefile.sys
    Domain:                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Logon Server:              XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Hotfix(s):                 269 Hotfix(s) Installed.
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    Network Card(s):           1 NIC(s) Installed.
                               [01]: HP NC373i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter
                                     Connection Name:  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                                     DHCP Enabled:    No
                                     IP address(es)
    When the problem started intially, solution was just to stop and start the service, if that doesn't work restarting the machine was enough.
    Now after restart it is like this even after 24 hrs.
    Server Not Ready
    Please wait..... System is still coming up. You will be redirected to login page soon

  • Have purchased Adobe CC today. How many more apps I can use apart from photoshop, illustrator and indesign. Can I use all the listed apps within the membership fees charged per month? Or I will be charged extra?

    Have purchased Adobe CC today. How many more apps I can use apart from photoshop, illustrator and indesign. Can I use all the listed apps within the membership fees charged per month? Or I will be charged extra?

    Cloud Plans https://creative.adobe.com/plans
    -and subscription terms http://www.adobe.com/misc/subscription_terms.html
    -what is in the entire Cloud http://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/catalog/desktop.html

  • When I try to open a specific album, the pictures from "last 12 months" comes up instead of the pictures in the album

    When I try to open an album, the pictures from "last 12 months" come up instead of the pictures in the album. 

    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.

  • I am using Apple Iphone 4s from last 2 months. i purchased some apps from store but each time apple charge me $1 extra above the original price of software.

    I am using Apple Iphone 4s from last 2 months. i purchased some apps from store but each time apple charge me $1 extra above the original price of software.

    Go here:
    and follow the instructions to report the issue to the iTunes Store.

  • HT1212 I restored my iphone to a backed up version from last month. However, I forgot the password from that time, and I cannot restore iphone or restore backup because "Find my phone" function is on for iCloud.  What can I do now???  Help!

    I restored my iphone to a backed up version from last month. However, I forgot the password from that time, and I cannot restore iphone or restore backup because "Find my phone" function is on for iCloud.  What can I do now???  Help!

    Can you log into icloud.com on a computer and turn it off there?

  • Trying to pay my bill, could you use the same information from last month

    Trying to pay my bill online, It keep saying wrong cvv, could you just use the same information from last month to pay bill? Haven't anything changed.

    Debit cards are no longer accepted in the iTunes Store, it seems. The current valid payment methods are listed here:
    You can try contacting the iTunes Store and asking if there is any way to use your card, but they probably will tell you that it's not possible.

  • HT1414 I just got a replacement iPhone and when I try to restore it, it restores to almost a year ago when there is an available sync from last month. How do I back it up to the more current one?

    I just got a replacement iPhone and when I try to restore it, it restores to almost a year ago when there is an available sync from last month. How do I back it up to the more current one?

    When you right-click on the name of your phone you should see these options (where "iPhone" is the name of your phone):
    Are you saying you don't see these?

Maybe you are looking for