Membership going from $29 to $49 per month

I received an email saying that starting next month my membership will be $49 per month instead of the $29 I have been paying.  I have the annual plan where I pay monthly.  Why is it going up?

symbolized_bar_code wrote:
There are plenty of good arguments opposing CC, fear of  a massive price hike isn't one of them.
For current CS6 customers CC is already a price increase of 150% to 500%. Why do you think it will be different next year? Even edu versions face a drastic price increase.
Where does the price increase come from:
1) A perpetual license has a value. You can sell it or use it indefinitely. To compare subscription and perpetual prices you must takes this into account. You probably will lose about $200 to $300 dollars if you sell your actual version. So only this needs to be added to the costs. If the price for a full version goes up or down after some years this is an adjustment for the calculation, too. An individual subscription user pays at the moment $600 per year. Based on the last update cost to CS5.5 and CS6 the subscription price is about 25% more expensive than perpetual upgrades of CS6 Master Suite.
2) Existing user invested already in perpetual licenses. A CS6 license will in 3-5 years not be up-to-date anymore and will have lost its value. (Before CC users could keep up the value of their software by buying upgrades.) This value loss has to be added to the subscription costs. Over a span of 5 years this doubles the cost of CC for existing user, which is another 100% price increase.
3) The larger number of professional users works in specialized fields. They edit video, create websites or work in design. This is why Adobe offered specialized suites (Web, Production, Standard). The base price and upgrade prices were about half of the master suite. CC doesn’t offer any special packages for those user groups. For them CC is already 150% more expensive. If they are existing users they are losing even more.
4) If you want to purchase more than one CC in your name or if you want to purchase even one CC in the name of your company you are forced by Adobe to pay for the team version. This is another 40% of price increase on top of the above price increases. This price increase comes with no value at all, if you don’t want to can’t use cloud space (e.g. because of legal restrictions)
5) Additionally with the subscription you need to pay indefinitely. If you need to work on old files you are forced to pay forever. Before users were able to skip an upgrade, if an update didn’t have enough value for them. So CC forces to pay for something that you might not need or want. You need to take all those costs into account if you compare CC and perpetual licenses. If you work in an environment that relies on specific working processes you can’t just install a new feature upgrade that might break your workflow or creates unbearable costs in the IT department, because it needs to be managed.
6) Student versions are about 50-100% more expensive now.
7) If you want to end CC and switch to other software you are forced to manually convert all your files into other formats. Many conversations won’t work fully. You will lose data or have to do correct the results afterwards spending a lot of time. One user wrote about this experience. He just switched from the actual upgraded CS6 Cloud versions back to CS6. After this experience he cancelled his cloud subscription, because he realized CC is suicide. Since CC doesn’t give you any exit strategy you need to calculate all this time and (lost) money into your comparison.
So in general CC means dramatic price increases for the vast number of users. Only if you fulfill all the following criteria CC’s price is acceptable:
You are a new user
You are an individual user
You need to use the whole suite
You are able to use the cloud storage (legal, bandwidth)
You would upgrade immediately to each new version
You plan to use CC indefinitely or don’t  mind to pay for the next 20+ years
A subscription model can be an advantage in some cases. The problem is that it is subscription only. As a company owner with various employees a subscription might make sense. You can also write it off immediately. In case you shrink your company later or close it you could purchase one perpetual version that you could use to open and edit older files. That is the missing exit strategy. 

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    i cancelled my current mebership and bought the new one at a lower cost. thx fot your support!
    Verzonden met Windows Mail
    Van: Rajshree
    Verzonden: donderdag 26 juni 2014 12:01
    Aan: Ann Cleuren
    how can i change my membership? I pay now 19,99€ each month, but i want to switch to the 12,29€ per month.
    created by Rajshree in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion 
    Yes, you can buy the new one now.
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    concretedonkey, I'm glad you were able to take advantage of this offer when you ordered your new iPhone 6. I can certainly review your account to ensure this was added for you. Please reply to the direct message I have sent you.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Data usage is only available for the past 90 days:
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    Click the Calls/Messages/Data tab.
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    Hi rjmo
    Yes, you can switch to the Creative Cloud Photography Plan without penalty.
    Please check this doc for the differences between this plan and the Photoshop single app plan you have currently: Photoshop Help | Differences between Photoshop and Creative Cloud Photography Programs
    Let me know if you wish to proceed with the switch and I can arrange it.

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    Contact sales support by phone or web chat. Could well be that your first year discount simply ran out and now you pay the full price.

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    Hi Vin,
    Please refer to the help document:

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    Hi Traci,
    To push the site live, you will need to:
    Publish a trial site on BC (File menu> Publish)
    Then, go to the admin dashboard of your site and the launch the site live by paying for it or redeeming a free site.
    Add domain to the site
    Change name-servers at domain registrar
    For steps 3 and 4, kindly refer to the following link:!/site-settings/site-domains/change-the-domai n-name-of-your-site
    The following link might also be helpful:
    Launching a Muse Site | Adobe Muse CC

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    hi ViRuSeS,
    Thanks for your posting.
    It seems that every subscription has 150$ per month, they have 5 subscriptions. I recommend you refer to this blog:
    And you also contact to Azure support team for more details:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Vicki Reed

    This is an open forum with a mix of program users and Adobe staff, not Adobe support... you need Adobe support
    Adobe contact information - may help
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

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    when I commenced subscriptions for PhotoshopCC i was billed $19.99 per month.  The advertised fee is now $9.99 per month for a single product.  How do I change to the lower payment plan.?

    The advertised fee is now $9.99 per month for a single product.
    Where are you seeing that? I still see Single App membership at US$19.99/month.
    Creative Cloud free trial & plans : Adobe Creative Cloud
    The only US$9.99/month offering is Photoshop+Lightroom.
    So I guess you're asking to swap from the Photoshop Single App Plan to the Photography Plan (PS+LR)?

  • BT are overcharging me by £40 per month + other gr...

    Hello, everyone.
    This is my first post here, and it will be long, and in the form of a mixture of a rant and a complaint, and I want to apologise for that beforehand. I don't want to be *that guy* who comes into a room and instantly kicks off about something, but I'm at my wits' end, and I have never before been treated like this by any service provider.
    The reason I'm posting this here is because I literally can't find out how to complain to BT. Their pre-formulated "solutions" avail me not, I've tried calling and using the option of having them call me back, which they never did/do, and it's pointless for me to talk to some guy in a call centre halfway around the world who not only misunderstands the nature of my complaint, but, even if he did, would be powerless to change it.
    This is the complaint I sent to BT, which prompted the aforementioned call centre operator to contact me and suggest that I "change my password every day for a month". I live with two other people, and we all have numerous internet devices (laptops, stationary pcs, smart phones) - around 10 in total - and you want me to change the password *every day* for *one month* to see if that might solve the problem?
    Anyway, here it is:
    To whom it may concern
    I have been repeatedly abused and mistreated by BT. The last on a long and painful list of grievances is that when my broadband security password (never changed from the default one, and never shown to anyone outside my dwelling place) was hacked and my connection used to download up to FIVE TIMES my usage limit, you were not only too happy to take the obscene amounts of money you charge for gigabytes in excess of this pernicious download limit, (which, by the way, NO ONE informed me of when I was PETITIONED to switch to BT Broadband, during a call in which the glorified hawker (cursed be his name) managed to PROMISE me MINIMUM download speeds of 12 MB per SECOND (a guarantee I was mindless enough not to ask for in writing)), but you also deigned to wait THREE MONTHS before informing me that my usage had (suddenly, and suspiciously, you would think) gone from around my measly 10 allotted gigabytes per month to FIFTY. Add to this the fact that when I tried to get my landline activated at my humble abode (or so it must strike you as, to pay it such little heed), you never did appear on the date the PRINTED LETTER you had sent me stated, and when I called to inquire as to the reason of your hired guns' truancy, you informed me that regrettably, I had chosen an ILLEGAL COMBINATION in my package (this fact was very well hidden by your Byzantine sign-up procedure, as it showed no outward signs of condemnation of my ILLEGAL COMBINATION, but rather allowed me to COMBINE ILLEGALLY, take my money, arrange an activation date and SEND ME A LETTER CONFIRMING THIS, and then took NO FURTHER ACTION to notify me that my COMBINATION had been ILLEGAL FOR SIX WEEKS while I awaited my overdue landline activation with trepidation), so you were in fact not going to come and activate my landline, and had now CANCELLED my order. Again, WITHOUT TELLING ME. I then had to wait ANOTHER FOUR WEEKS before your hired buffoons ("I'm sorry, sir, but we subcontract the actual activation of the landline to the COMPLETELY UNRELATED company BT OPENREACH, so there is no way we can actually override the system and give you an earlier activation date"), after having cost me SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS in lost income (yet again!), finally came in to flick the switch ("That'll be £125, please!").
    At this point in time, I believe it would be prudent for you, as a company, to offer me some token of reimbursement as a measure of your no doubt elephantine remorse, regret and contrition by way of... well, what would you suggest?
    Now, I know that this is written in a sarcastic and choleric tone (I've tried being civil, patient and polite, but that has gotten me nowhere in a hurry), but surely that does not negate the validity of my complaint
    I should also note that I was notified that the problem might be online gaming. I have since stopped doing that altogether, but looking at my broadband usage now, it hasn't solved the problem at all. In fact, it has made no discernible interest whatsoever.
    The only explanation I can think of for the increased usage is that someone has hacked into my connection. Why else would I suddenly be downloading five times as much per month?
    I guess what I'm asking you people is what I should do to resolve this.
    If I cancel my DirectDebit payments, that might get BT's attention, but it also might result in them suspending my internet connection, and I work from home and am completely reliant on a fast and stable internet connection (did I mention it stops working / falls out every 20 minutes?), which is another reason why I would never have signed up for this plan in the first place if I knew I could only use 10 GB per month (which I nevertheless stayed within for the first months).
    If I leave BT, I'll probably have to pay for the outstanding months of the 18 month contract I was tricked into signing, and I would have to go without an internet connection until I can get with another ISP.
    If I upgrade my plan, I'll be giving these bloodsuckers even more of my money, not less.
    As I wrote earlier, I'm at the end of my tether, so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Hi this is a customer to customer self help forum for BT Residential Customers. As you refer to lost business maybe you should post on the  BT Business Forum, the only BT presence here are the Forum Moderators you could try contacting them at this link
    they normally reply by email or phone within 72 hours
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

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