DBA cockpit - anyone like it?

We just upgraded and found the new dba cockpit that replaces DB02.  Don't know what it's like for other databases, but for Oracle it's pretty ordinary.
Somehow they've managed to put a lot of effort into replacing spartan yet functional transactions into something offering apparently the same result in a new and confusing interface.  Not quite sure what they hoped to achieve.
In many ways it reminds me of solution manager - it has all the wrappings of an unfinished internal tool thrust upon the unsuspecting public.
Thankfully db02old is useable, but they've nerfed it to a degree by doing silly things like removing the 'Data files/Temp files' button.  It's still available as a menu option, but why remove the button??
It's a shame that they put so much effort into moving sideways...

Evolution , generally whatever SAP does, is due to feedback given by its customers, so i am sure there are good things in the DBA Cockpit.
Personally I like the idea of the Cockpit.

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    I am running java 8 update 4 i.e. java 1.8! so I would suggest as per stefan also upgrade yoru java version.
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    Kind Regards,

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    I suggest the "Abstract Query Plan Guide" from the Performance and Tuning manuals,
    Chapter 13: Abstract Query Plan Guide

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    You are right. SAP delivers this functionality from SP-12. So when you have applied the SP-12, you must have done these config steps to enable the DBA Cockpit.
    If you have done these steps earlier, So you must have DBA Cockpit enable right now and putting extra SPs like 13, 14 and so on, should not be a matter.
    Now if you have not performed those config steps before, Please do them now and you will be able to use DBA cockpit.
    Please understand that SP12 is the base to run DBA Cockpit.
    With Regards,

  • DBA Cockpit: Planning calendar and remote Oracle databases- which method?

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    2. Connection through Remote/Secure Shell
    Specifically Secure Shell. Rejecting remote shell as too old and insecure a protocol.
    3 Connection through SAP gateway
    The note provides clues as to how these methods work. Expanding on that:
    With #2, central ABAP system calls out to its OS user level to execute the ssh client (after gw/rem_start has been set to the non-default value SSH_SHELL) which it finds in the location specified in gw/ssh (default value is /usr/bin/ssh). It must use password-less authentication and the key-based authentication must also not require a passphrase. (Using ssh-agent is not an option since this is being called from SAP, not from your own script.)
    It remotely runs via ssh a command, sapxpg, which must be found in the PATH of the remote user. (This is why the note, which has you place this exe sapxpg and a subset of the BR*Tools in the home dir of the remote user, also has you make sure the home dir is included in the path--your OS might or might not include the user's home dir in the path in the default shell environment for a new user.)
    Then via sapxpg, the BR*Tools are invoked.
    One thing that may be confusing here is you have to check at least one gateway parameter 'gw/...' in the central system to get the method #2 the non-gateway method to work--this is because the two methods are technically almost the same: in #2, secure shell is used to basically start a gateway on the fly with sapxpg in order to call the BR*Tools each time a DBA Planning Calendar action runs or you view DBA or Backup logs of the remote system from the central system. With #3, the gateway runs continuously on the remote system.
    With #3, central system connects to remote SAP standalone gateway, which executes the BR*Tools installed in the standard SAP kernel directory of the SAP gateway. This method is simpler to describe so it sounds like it has less components than the secure shell method, however you do have an entire SAP system running, although it is just a standalone gateway.
    These pros/cons are UNIX/Linux-oriented since I assume most Windows environments do not have added 3rd-party products that provide secure shell so SAP gateway is the only method.
    Secure shell
    + Less software required (not counting secure shell which comes with the operating system distribution): just a few SAP executables placed in the home dir of an ordinary user on the remote system.
    + Secure shell service probably automatically starts upon boot of the remote system operating system.
    + Secure shell is a widely used tool outside of SAP for executing commands remotely without passwords.
    - Installation is non-standard: shell environment of remote user is not adapted by SAP installer since SAP installer is not used, SAP executables in the home dir of the remote user is non-standard. Has to be setup manually.
    - Requires setting up secure shell key-based authentication, which should be known by UNIX/Linux admins or combined Basis/UNIX/Linux admins, but might be less familiar to SAP Web AS only admins.
    - If your admin config policy is to have SAP interact as little possible with the OS level for interfaces with other systems, here you are relying on the OS-level secure shell.
    - Using a private key that does not require a passphrase on the central system may not fit with your security policies if you have standards for secure shell configuration.
    SAP gateway
    + The gateway is a standard installation, performed with SAP installation tool, with the exception of a few additional environment settings that have to be added after the installation. BR*Tools are installed in the standard location. Can use standard procedures for updating this software.
    + Only uses SAP software.
    - More software on remote system: standalone gateway just to run BR*Tools and view logs.
    - SAP Kernel of remote gateway should probably be updated whenever you do SAP kernel updates across your systems for consistency. One more system to update.
    - Shell environment of remote user that runs the gateway looks like something setup by the SAP installer but is not standard because it has a few additional environment variables added.
    - Need to make sure the SAP gateway is started on the remote system.

    Hi Joe,
    I configured a monitoring/dba landscape for two SAP Portals and one SAP BusinessObjects system on a SAP landscape by using DBACOCKPIT, at a customer site. These systems are running on AIX, Windows 2003/2008 servers and attached to the central monitoring system with standalone SAP gateway installations.
    One another reason to not use OS based commands or 3rd party tools is security. We are stopping and disabling most of the services on OS where SAP system is running on, because of the security reasons. I faced more security gaps on rsh/ssh and the other tools than standalone SAP Gateway installations. As you can figure out that rsh/ssh is getting more attack than standalone SAP Gateway, because of well known by the IT world.
    As a summary of it, this depends to point of view and policy of the IT organization. I applied both ssh and standalone SAP Gateway solutions at my customers, but I choose standalone SAP Gateway installation among of them.
    Best regards,
    Orkun Gedik

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    Every tutorial is showing how to import an RFC, DDIC ...  but how can I find out which RFC, DDIC Structure I have to import to expose some data from the DBA Cockpit to generate an ODATA service.
    Please help...
    Thank you

    Many many thanks,
    i want to build an odata service which exposes some data from my IBM DB2 database.
    For example data like:
    Buffer Pools
    Total Size
    Catalog Cache
    Logical Reads 
    Physical Reads
    Physical Writes
    Synchronous Reads
    Synchronous Writes
    Temporary Logical Reads
    Temporary Physical Reads
    Average Time
    Physical Reads 
    Physical Writes
    Buffer Quality
    Overall Buffer Quality 
    Data Hit Ratio
    Index Hit Ratio
    No Victim Buffers
    Logical Reads 
    Physical Reads
    Physical Writes
    Synchronous Reads
    Synchronous Writes
    Temporary Logical Reads
    Temporary Physical Reads

  • DBA COCKPIT error when scheduling a job

    hi experts
    Iam trying to schedule some jobs in DB13 when i try to add the action i get this error:
    DBA Cockpit Error
    Acces to system SID failed
    Function Unit DB6_PLAN_DD_BATCH
    Reason job error
    iam able to run these jobs externally directly from DBM.
    I have checked some notes 1072066,1057855,927642 and they are all refering to MS SQL Server as the database.Iam running ERP6 on Maxdb 7.6
    Any help appreciated

    > dbmcli inst_enum
    OK    /sapdb/BT1/db
    dbmcli db_enum
    BT1     /sapdb/BT1/db                        fast    running
    BT1     /sapdb/BT1/db                        quick   offline
    BT1     /sapdb/BT1/db                        slow    offline
    BT1     /sapdb/BT1/db                        test    offline
    xinstinfo BT1-MAXDB
    IndepData           : /sapdb/data
    IndepPrograms       : /sapdb/programs
    Installationpath of serverdb <BT1-MAXDB> not found!
    ERR 20010  RTE      Could not open file /sapdb/data/config/BT1-MAXDB for read, rc = 2
    sdbregview -l
    DB Analyzer         /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    Server Utilities    /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    PCR 7300            /sapdb/programs               valid
    PCR 7301            /sapdb/programs               valid
    PCR 7500            /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    SAP Utilities       /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    Base                /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    Redist Python       /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    JDBC                /sapdb/programs               valid
    Messages            /sapdb/programs    MSG 0.3951              valid
    ODBC                /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    Database Kernel     /sapdb/BT1/db     32 bit    valid
    Loader              /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    SQLDBC              /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    SQLDBC 76           /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    Fastload API        /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    PCR 7403            /sapdb/programs     32 bit    valid
    SAP Basis component  SAPKB70011
    db59 there are no errors log says all 4 tests  successfull.

  • Solution Manager EHP 1 SP22 - DBA Cockpit Configuration Wizard

    When trying to "Configure DBA Cockpit" in Managed System Configuration ,I got the below error .
    We are on Oracle and Solution Manager SP22.
    Database history :Not supported for this DB platform
    Extractors activation :The DB performance warehouse is not available, thus the DB extractors were not activated
    Please let me know if i need to perform any more additional steps.
    Thanks in advance.....

    "Database Performance Warehouse was not set up"
    "Not supported for this DB platform"
    For Oracle databases there is no support for Database Performance Warehouse in EHP1. With EHP2 the Oracle platform will be supported as well with some reports in the Solution Manager UI.
    Basically the database performance warehouse is a project to collect and extract performance data to the SAP Solution Manager BI system. Once the data was loaded in to this BI you can use DBA Cockpit for detailed analysis. In EHP2 of SAP Solution Manager you will be able to also use the SAP Solution Manager UIs to analyze the database performance and workload.
    If you are more interested in this feature you are very welcome to have a look at some articles available in SDN:
    For now you have full support for DB2 for LUW and MS SQL Server platforms and a more limited set of reports for SAP MaxDB and DB2/z.
    I hope this clarifies your question.

  • DBA Cockpit shows incorrect space information

    Hi all,
    We have an NW04s with SP12 on Solaris 10 and Oracle 10g.  The new DBACOCKPIT is introduced with the SP which supposedly replace many of the database administratrive transasactions (db02, st04, db13, etc.).
    The problem we have is the space information is not showig.  Using tcode db02 (becomes db02old in SP12) the information is still there.
    The following steps that supposedly rectify the issue has been followed:
    1. SAPNOTE 1027146 - Monitoring remote system prerequisites
       a. Imported the latest kernel patch.
       b. Migrate the system configuration of the old central planning calendar
    2. SAPNOTE 1028624 - DBA Cockpit for Oracle
       a. SAPNOTE 706927 - Installation Script for DBA Cockpit
       b. BR*Tools 700 patch level 24
       c. SAPNOTE 1028068 - Oracle Active Workload Repository
       d. APPLIED SAPNOTE 1042725
       e. APPLIED SAPNOTE 1046668
       f. IMPORT TRANSPORT From SAPNOTE 1052909
    Any input or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
    Handi Cokrojoyo

       Re-index Macintosh HD.
       Spotlight reindexing will take a while to finish.
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy

  • How to configure dba cockpit in sap solution manager

    Hello colleagues,
    how to configure dba cockpit in sap solution manager??

    Hi Victor,
    Please go through this doc, it might helps you.
    Sap Solution Manager - Dbacockpit
    Sap Solman Instguide Dba Cockpit Setup

  • Some suggestion for Sony smartphone, anyone like these setting?

    I have had my Z3 a week
    It's my first Sony smartphone, I am satisfied about this mobile (camera, waterproof, walkman, battery life...etc)
    But I have some suggestion about these...
    Apps screen page add "App info"  
    It's very convenient to Force Stop / Clear data / Clear cache / and Uninstall the App
    Add more Navigation Bar setting and choice  
    Because thin Navigation Bar can show more content, It's helpful for Z3 & Z3c 4.6-inch display, browse more content, feel the screen bigger!
    Screen Capture Area
    App ops
    View or change App permissions, more security
     Anyone like these setting ?

    Hi ShortyE, I am sorry but there is no supported method to alter the funciton or move the function of this button.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.


    unable to connected the manged system dba cockpit from the solman7.1 sp10. i have attached the screen shot. please can any one guide me how to
      solve the issue. it was given error db connection not established.

    Hi Experts,
    I am not able to turn the step 5 to green Dbacockpit connection.
    Error message:
    The DBACockpit connection can not be established
    The DB extractors for collecting DB Performance data will not be activated.
    Error during SQL script execution. Start DBACOCKPIT and re-run manually.
    When i run the script manually from DBACOCKPIT. it throws the error attached in
    Your help to resolve the below issue highly appreciated.
    Ravi Pandey

  • DBA COCKpit problem

    Hi All,
    when i am accessing dbacockpit ,in the left pan space tab  ,if i click on the spaceoverview i could able to see nothing on the right pan side .It shows only all 0 data (table spaces ,users and segments).How do i see the data on the left pan space overview tab.I ran RSORAHST report but could not able to succeed.Anybody can help me to get the data on the space overview data.
    thanks & regards

    Hi Ajay,
    Check Note 1028624 - Overview of DBA Cockpit for Oracle, there's a attachment in this note with docu, also read the referred notes, This should guide you in setting it up.
    In addition you can still run the old "DB02" which has moved to Tcode "DB02_OLD".
    Regards, Patrick Rieken.

  • DBA COCKPIT warning message during startup

    When I execute DBACOCKPIT the following message is displayed:
    Problem with UDF Installation: Other error
    Therefore some functions may not work properly.
    Check the UDF configuration for more details.
    You are able to "enter" the DBA Cockpit application. The only visable anomoly is:
    "File Systems" is greyed-out under DB02-->CONFIGURATION. Therefore I am unable to select this icon and see the "df -k" statistics.
    When I execute the TEST under DB02>CONFIGURATION>MONITORING SETTINGS the response is: Test of user defined functions has been finished without errors
    The UDF configuration is version 19
    The database is version: 09.01.0003
    The SAP Application is SAP NW2004 version 640 with Support Pack 19
    I have other systems with the same configuration and the problem does not exist - any ideas?

    Hi Timothy,
    I am not really sure, if the SAP Note 452275 - 'Problem with UDF installation' may help you, as it is quite old and have a new version
    However, you have there also a reference to SAP Note 334777 - DB6: Missing user-defined functions, which explains you how to verify that the UDF are correctly installed.
    Best regards, Edgardo

  • DBA Cockpit Error

    hi experts
    Iam trying to schedule some  jobs in DB13  when i try to add the action i get this error:
    DBA Cockpit Error
    Acces to system   SID failed
    Function Unit         DB6_PLAN_DD_BATCH
    Reason                  job error
    iam able to run these jobs externally  directly from DBM.
    I have checked some  notes 1072066,1057855,927642 and they are all refering to MS SQL Server as the database.Iam running ERP6 on Maxdb 7.6
    Any help appreciated

    hi experts
    Iam trying to schedule some  jobs in DB13  when i try to add the action i get this error:
    DBA Cockpit Error
    Acces to system   SID failed
    Function Unit         DB6_PLAN_DD_BATCH
    Reason                  job error
    iam able to run these jobs externally  directly from DBM.
    I have checked some  notes 1072066,1057855,927642 and they are all refering to MS SQL Server as the database.Iam running ERP6 on Maxdb 7.6
    Any help appreciated

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