Dbconsole: anyone using for backup?

Is anyone using dbconsole for backups? I'm used to creating rman scripts and running those scripts using a cronjob or legato/veritas software. When dbconsole is up and running, it is generating a lot of archivelogs, so theres a space issue.

What you asked is a little confusing.
Yes, use dbconsole to generate rman scripts is a good idea if you are not familiar with the syntax.
dbconsole is part of Oracle Enterprise Manager, it shouldn't generate a lot of archive logs. Maybe you can elaborate the problem you are facing so we can help you to troubleshoot.
What's your Oracle version, OS etc..

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    First of all, you do not really want to use their software; if you want a bootable clone, use either Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper. If you simply want to drag and drop some files, you don't need software to do that. The important thing on any external drive is that you format/partition it correctly (Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and using GUID partition scheme). 
    Unfortunately, I don't know anything about WD drives or their software, so I don't have any idea what kind of backup you did. Having said that, it should still recognize the external even if it's outdated. Have you tried mounting it manually in Disk Utility? If you can get it to mount, you could (worst case scenario) just drag your stuff off onto your internal and then reformat the external.

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    Please see Kappy's User Tip here:

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      ECC:    Enabled
    DIMM Riser B/DIMM 1:
      Size:    2 GB
      Type:    DDR2 FB-DIMM
      Speed:    800 MHz
      Status:    OK
      Manufacturer:    0x0000
      Part Number:    0x000000463732353642363145353830304600
      Serial Number:    0x00000000
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      Type:    DDR2 FB-DIMM
      Speed:    800 MHz
      Status:    OK
      Manufacturer:    0x0000
      Part Number:    0x000000463732353642363145353830304600
      Serial Number:    0x00000000
    DIMM Riser A/DIMM 1:
      Size:    1 GB
      Type:    DDR2 FB-DIMM
      Speed:    800 MHz
      Status:    OK
      Manufacturer:    0x80AD
      Part Number:    0x48594D5035313241373243503844332D5335
      Serial Number:    0x42076007
    DIMM Riser A/DIMM 2:
      Size:    1 GB
      Type:    DDR2 FB-DIMM
      Speed:    800 MHz
      Status:    OK
      Manufacturer:    0x80AD
      Part Number:    0x48594D5035313241373243503844332D5335
      Serial Number:    0x4207631E
    DIMM Riser B/DIMM 3:
      Size:    Empty
      Type:    Empty
      Speed:    Empty
      Status:    Empty
      Manufacturer:    Empty
      Part Number:    Empty
      Serial Number:    Empty
    DIMM Riser B/DIMM 4:
      Size:    Empty
      Type:    Empty
      Speed:    Empty
      Status:    Empty
      Manufacturer:    Empty
      Part Number:    Empty
      Serial Number:    Empty
    DIMM Riser A/DIMM 3:
      Size:    Empty
      Type:    Empty
      Speed:    Empty
      Status:    Empty
      Manufacturer:    Empty
      Part Number:    Empty
      Serial Number:    Empty
    DIMM Riser A/DIMM 4:
      Size:    Empty
      Type:    Empty
      Speed:    Empty
      Status:    Empty
      Manufacturer:    Empty
      Part Number:    Empty
      Serial Number:    Empty

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    Kind regards,

    Restart the TC..
    But yours might be more serious than that.
    Read C12 in pondini.
    I would suggest you change all names to match what Pondini writes here.
    And use ethernet not wireless.

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    There are many third party tools.
    But Why third party tools?
    SQL Server integrated Backup and restore feature is complete. For more info please see these links:
    Backup Overview (SQL Server)
    Introduction to Backup and Restore Strategies in SQL Server
    Server Backup Best Practices

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    The iPhone and iPad cannot back up directly to the Time Capsule.....they only back up to iTunes on your Mac or PC....or....to iCloud.
    If you are using Time Machine to backup your Mac to the Time Capsule, then all of the backups of your iOS devices in iTunes will then be backed up to the Time Capsule.
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    Use the ditto command in the Terminal, which is in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder; for instructions on its use, enter 'man ditto' without the quote marks into the Terminal prompt.

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    Message was edited by: Mr Macintosh

    Basic Backup
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    1. Retrospect Desktop (Commercial - not yet universal binary)
    2. Synchronize! Pro X (Commercial)
    3. Synk (Backup, Standard, or Pro)
    4. Deja Vu (Shareware)
    5. PsynchX 2.1.1 and RsyncX 2.1 (Freeware)
    6. Carbon Copy Cloner (Freeware - 3.0 is a Universal Binary)
    7. SuperDuper! (Commercial)
    8. Intego Personal Backup (Commercial)
    9. Data Backup (Commercial)
    The following utilities can also be used for backup, but cannot create bootable clones:
    1. Backup (requires a .Mac account with Apple both to get the software and to use it.)
    2. Toast
    3. Impression
    4. arRSync
    Apple's Backup is a full backup tool capable of also backing up across multiple media such as CD/DVD. However, it cannot create bootable backups. It is primarily an "archiving" utility as are the other two.
    Impression and Toast are disk image based backups, only. Particularly useful if you need to backup to CD/DVD across multiple media.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore. Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files.
    Although you can buy a complete FireWire drive system, you can also put one together if you are so inclined. It's relatively easy and only requires a Phillips head screwdriver (typically.) You can purchase hard drives separately. This gives you an opportunity to shop for the best prices on a hard drive of your choice. Reliable brands include Seagate, Hitachi, Western Digital, Toshiba, and Fujitsu. You can find reviews and benchmarks on many drives at Storage Review.
    Enclosures for FireWire and USB are readily available. You can find only FireWire enclosures, only USB enclosures, and enclosures that feature multiple ports. I would stress getting enclosures that use the Oxford chipsets (911, 921, 922, for example.) You can find enclosures at places such as;
    Cool Drives
    Firewire Direct
    California Drives
    All you need do is remove a case cover, mount the hard drive in the enclosure and connect the cables, then re-attach the case cover. Usually the only tool required is a small or medium Phillips screwdriver.

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    The first requirement would be that the drive is formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled). If not, the next question for Seagate support would be.....can it be formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled)?.
    If yes.....in theory.....it would work, but backups will be mighty S L O W this way due to a "double hop" wireless situation.
    In other words, your Mac would have to send the signal to the wireless router......hop one.....and then the wireless router would have to send the signal back out to the Seagate......hop two.
    In addition to doubling the amount of time that it would take for backups to occur, the chances of an error are doubled as well.

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    Does anyone know what these backups are and how I get rid of them?  Thanks.

    Yup.  The old forum had a box at the top of the page with User Contributed Tips, for just such stuff. 
    If you haven't found all the details about Local snapshots, see #30 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.

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    Has anyone had success using different backup software (maybe Apple Backup) with Time Capsule?
    I would love to go back in time and simply:
    1-Plug my computer into the drive (wireless is fine too)
    2-Launch my backup software

    Really not sure. I've always just done bootable backups...
    You CAN create a bootable backup onto a sparse disk image on an Airdisk, but of course it wouldn't really be bootable until the backup was cloned back directly to a drive. So I guess you could back up that way, and if you needed it you could restore back to your main HDD, from the sparse image, and the computer would be restored and bootable. I think.
    My original goal was to have both Time Machine backups and SuperDuper clones ll being done over the Time capsule/Airdisks, but now (if I decide to get an AEBS or TC) I will likely only do the Time Machine backups over the wifi, and still have an occasional clone made to a drive plugged in via usb.
    To your last comment though...if your only going to do the User folder, it may make as much sense to just use Time Machine, since you can restore/migrate from a TM backup. Although it may be smart to do a user folder backup using BOTH Time Machine and SuperDuper, for redundancy.
    Sigh, always so many options, and usually doesn't work the way you want it to...

  • 10g Physical Standby to be used for Backup through RMAN

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    I have 10g Database Primary and Standby Server which is operating in Maximum Performance Mode. I want to use Standby Database for performing Weekly Full and Daily Incremental Backups through RMAN. Kindly inform me is it possible, if yes how should I configure it. I will also be using Compression and Encryption while performing backups.
    Best Regards,

    Yes, that is possible.
    Because the standby databases are in mount mode, they can be accessed through the SYS account .
    I use the following RMAN script for the same purpose. Please note that we have configure the flashback area, so we are not letting RMAN delete the archive files:
    run {
    sql 'alter system archive log current';
    sql 'alter system archive log current';
    allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' parms 'ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64/tdpo.opt)';
    incremental level 0
    tag full_bk_db_webshop
    format 'df_%d_t%t_s%s_p%p'
    (database include current controlfile);
    backup archivelog all;
    This script is for a FULL backup ( level 0 ). You could also use the "backup full" command
    You can easily change the level of the Backup for incremental purposes.
    Starting RMAN - if configured correctly - is the same as with an open database
    rman target / rcvcat <rman/rman>@<catalogsid>
    the user for, and the catalogsid are merely examples
    Edited by: fjfranken on Mar 24, 2009 4:07 AM

  • Unable to install Mountain Lion because HD is "being used for backups"?

    I have been unable to install mountain lion because it is saying that my hard drive is being used for time machine backups. That makes no sense, because I use an external hard drive to backup my computer. I'm not sure why this is happening.

    Do you, for some reason, have an item named "Backups.backupdb" on your hard drive? If so, you need to get rid of that in order to install.

  • What to use for backups?  Should I clone the drive?

    I have a 100Gb hard drive and would like to know what software i should use to backup/clone. I'm still relatively new to Macs and the idea of a cloned drive isn't as feasible in the PC world. I ordered an external drive (250Gb) and will use part of it for my Mac (Can I use half for my Powerbook and half for my PC laptop?). The external drive will have firewire.
    My main concern is backups with the ability to boot as an added feature. What plan should I use? I have no problem cloning the whole drive once or twice a month. Should I buy Carbon Copy, Super Duper or Deja vu? Is there something better out there? HELP!

    The main fear I was referring to about the drive partitioning was the possibility of drive failure, which might lose data on both partitions. Whilst loss is a relatively unlikely event, the whole idea of backing up is to give you the re-assurance that your data is safe when that 'unlikely' event happens (which it probably will when you least expect or want it to). Over the years I have learned the hard way that backups should be treated in the most safest and most conservative manner - no shortcuts. That said, the event you described is very unlikely.
    You can erase and partition the drive whilst booted into OS X normally, using Disk Utility. Obviously the PC partition needs to be formatted for MS-DOS. Once erased and properly partitioned, the drive will be ready for cloning. There's no need to repeat the erase/partitioning process in the future - unless there's a problem. These tasks do not need to be performed in safe mode.
    15" 1.25GHz/12" 1GHz PBs, 2xPPC Mac minis, 12" iBook G4,   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Cube, 2xTAMs, iPods 2G/4G, iPs, AEBS, AX

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