Dear Apple - PLEASE improve iTunes!!

To whom it may concern at Apple.
Listen folks, you HAVE to do something about iTunes to improve the user experience for managing devices - it's an absolute nightmare, and that's coming from an I.T. professional of over 20 years.
There needs to be more granular control of syncing/backing up, etc.  It's far too easy to perform a sync function and find you've wiped out things you didn't mean to.
I know it's not just me - you can spend hours on the internet reading complaints about iTunes - namely folks losing their information.  I don't understand why you won't address these issues?   Considering what you've accomplished, I can't image it would be that difficult to improve this important feature of the i-Products.

Tell apple.

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    You are not addressing anyone working for Apple here. We are all just users such as yourself.
    Regretably, the iTunes in the Cloud service is not available for music in Denmark: You will not be able to re-download any music purchases. You'll need to restore from your local backup.

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    You are not addressing anyone working for Apple here. We are all just users such as yourself.
    Regretably, the iTunes in the Cloud service is not available for music in Denmark: You will not be able to re-download any music purchases. You'll need to restore from your local backup.

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    Download Past Purchases  >

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    We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support or Apple.
    Music can't currently be re-downloaded in all countries. If you are in a country where music can be redownloaded, and if it's still in the store, then it will show in the Purchased tab in the iTunes store app on your iPad. If some of your music purchases show there but not all, then check to see if any are hidden :
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    Click here for information. If the option to have the answers emailed to you isn't available or doesn't work(the email may take a few hours to arrive), contact the iTunes Store staff via the link in the 'Additional Information' section of that article.
    Nobody on these boards can reset them for you.

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    The Delete key and iTunes menu Edit -> Delete aren't enough?
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    What "big red delete click" at the the top of the Finder are you thinking of? I don't see it.

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    Couldn't agree more, if only the search was as good as on Metalink...


    Thank you so much,

    Try Apple Feedback
    Check out the Zoom 3095

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    No one from Apple is listening on these forums.

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    Apple is not here.
    We are all itunes users just like you.
    If for some reason you have failed to maintain a backup copy, then you can redownload some itunes purchases in some countries.
    Download previous purchases from the iTunes Store - Support - Apple

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    macfuente wrote:
    Dear Apple,
    Apple doesn't officially monitor these forums — we're all users like yourself here. To send Apple feedback, click here:

  • Dear Apple, Please Read This

    Dear Apple,
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    With Love,

    Me! Who Else?- Actually, My usage on the IPhone tops all your concerns/Issues/Ideas. I have a landscape construction company (as a second income) where the work and preform activities that make your durability concerns seem minor. I keep the IPhone in my pocket (sometimes with a cover, the otterbox brand+ a zagg invisible shield, sometimes without) and frequently carry paving stones, concrete debris, tools of all shapes and forms, get thrashed around in my skid steer (bobcat) and generally grind the IPhone into the these tasks and more! I keep the screen towards my leg side and it has been the only phone I have owned to even make it close to lasting the duration of my three year cell contract! I have dropped the phone in sand, loam, clay mud, and once into wet concrete! A quick dust-off with compressed air and wipe was all it needed.
    On an aside, I went ski touring this past winter and forgot to take the phone out of my sweaty pants for the ascent up and nearly soaked the IPhone with sweat. I dried the phone on the front defrost of my car when we returned and I (and my friends alike) were amazed that the IPhone had better reception in the Rogers Pass area (in Canada) than all the other phones.
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    Anyways, I dispute your ideas and challenge them with my own experiences!

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    i have lost the songs i bought on itunes,  please help me

    We are users here like you. You are not speaking to Apple here. See the following:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • Dear Apple – Please help me restoring my purchased iTunes tracks on my ned laptop.

    hello. i have bought some song on my apple ID, but i cant get em back..

    We are all itunes users just like you.
    Open itunes store, click Purchased under Quick Links
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store ... - Support - Apple

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