Dear Mr. Adobe.

Dear Mr. Adobe,
why do I experience new behaviour with each new update?
I use version 10.0.2.
- if i search for some text and find it with F3 then when clicking on that page and scrolling up with my mouse I return to page 1.
- if i search for some text and find it and press CTL+HOME I do not return to page 1, I first have to click on the page.
- the previous update showed some button to make one page fit into the window so with scrolling up/down the previous/next pages are shown: this button has now gone.
hope to hear from you soon,
best regards,

Sorry, Mr. Adobe is not here today.
What I would recommend is that you update to Reader 10.1.3, I have just tested your points 1 and 2, and my Reader 10.1.3 (on Windows 7) does not behave that way.
As for your question no. 3; I do not know what button that is / was.  Try Alt+F8 to reset the toolbar.

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    Suhas Yogin wrote:
    Adobe has a very detailed roadmap for the Flash technology. Appreciate you posting your conerns, but do read the following white paper to understand more about our plans for Flash:
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    As part of several functionality upgrades being made over the next few months, the SendNow service soon will only be accessible and usable as a web app, from Acrobat and Reader, and/or from Microsoft Outlook. Beginning December 12, 2013, SendNow no longer will be offered as an AIR-based desktop app, but as an alternative you can continue to use the web app at We advise that you bookmark this site for quick, easy access.
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    Model Name:    Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:    MacPro5,1
      Processor Name:    Quad-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:    2.4 GHz
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      L3 Cache (per processor):    12 MB
      Memory:    14 GB
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      Boot ROM Version:    MP51.007F.B03
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      SMC Version (processor tray):    1.39f11

    > Afte Effects CS5 v10.0.0.458 by the way...
    Install the most recent updates. They fix a lot of problems.
    See this page for information about render order and how intervening layers and other factors can interfere with shadows.

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    Hi Small Town Gal,
    Welcome to Adobe Forum,
    You can go through this thread, it can help to resolve your issue:
    You may be prompted to sign in but if you are on an annual plan you have up to 99 days to sign in.  If you are on month to month then you may have up to 30 days to sign in.  You can find more details on this in the Creative Cloud FAQ at
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    No. Your Creative Cloud desktop applications (such as Adobe® Photoshop® and Illustrator®) are installed directly on your computer, so you won't need an ongoing Internet connection to use them on a daily basis.
    An Internet connection is required the first time you install and license your desktop apps, but you can use the apps in offline mode with a valid software license. The desktop apps will attempt to validate your software licenses every 30 days.
    For annual members, you can use the apps for up to 99 days in offline mode. Month-to-month members can use the software for up to 30 days in offline mode.

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