Decimales en norma de Repartos

Es posible generar las normas de reparto con decimales, cuando las configuro sistema siempre las redondea..Cual es el parametro que controla esto???
GRACIAS! como siempre
Oscar V

la configuracion para que las normas de remarto sean con decimales, en los parametros generales, el importe debe tener decimales. Aunque esto puede traer problemas en la totalizacion de los documentos cuando la moneda es sin decimales.-

Similar Messages

  • Historial Normas de Reparto (Contabilidad de Costes) no muestra decimales

    En SAP BO 2007, la definición de las normas de reparto permiten establecer una fecha de inicio de valided.
    Hay un boton de 'Historial' pero no sirve para nada si no te deja editar historiales pasados (pese a boton si/no no carga un reparto antiguo) y además la tabla muestra valores enteros, cuando la funcionalidad permite meter decimales.
    ¿A alguien le suena esto? ¿No hay parametrización ni parche para este asunto?

    hola SIMECAL,
    El boton de historial en la norma de reparto solo sirve para ver las modificaciones que haces a la deficicion de la norma de reparto.
    De otro lado los valores que puedes capturar en la definicion son valores enteros equivalentes a porcentajes para verlos reflejados en los informes de los cetros de beneficio, esto no guarda historial ni genera asientos contables.

  • Norma de Reparto

    Hola a todos
    Necesito asociar a una serie de foliación de documentos una norma de reparto específica.
    ¿Es posible configurar esto sin utilizar busquedas formateadas?
    Ojo: Lo que busco tambien funcionaría si lo asocio a un usuario en particular
    Ojalá puedan ayudarme

    hola Patricio,
    La norma de reparto o el centro de beneficio esta diseñado para asociar a la contabilizacion de las cuentas de PyG, directamente no creo se pueda asociar a una serie en particular, ni a un usuario especifico, puedes dejar una norma de reparto vinculada a una cuenta de Costos o Ventas en la definicion del Plan de cuentas.
    Lo que si puedes hacer es crear BF Ej. en un documento de Compras o Ventas, dependiendo de una serie te actualice la norma de reparto o Centro de Beneficio, para que la lleve al registro en el diario.

  • Existe un LinkObjectType para dimensiones contables.

    buenas tardes,
    desarrollo con el sdk de SAP Bussines One y necesito incorporar a una matriz las dimensiones contables, queria saber si existe un BoObjectTypes Enumeration para dimensiones (centro de costos y normas de reparto)
    agradezco la informacion que puedan brindarme,

    Hola, para centro de costos el objeto se llama ProfitCenter. Pero el objeto no tiene el metodo de add. Por lo que en ese caso se debe utilizar los Servicios.
    Busca en la ayuda de SDK ProfitCentersService para que veas el ejemplo.
    Sucede lo mismo con las normas. El objeto se llama DistributionRulesService.

  • Ayuda bloqueo de Asiento contable

    Buen dia compañeros por este medio solicito de sus buenos oficios para que me puedan asesorar con un transaction que  desean implementar, el cual conciste que al momento de efectuar cualquier operacion que utilice cualquier cuenta de gasto, obligue al usuario a ingresar el centro de costo que aqui esta por Departamento, el problema que tengo es que logro bloquear ingresan el departamento y sigue pidiendo el ingreso y ya todas la linea o las lineas ya lo tienen ingresado. Si me pudieran ayudar de antemano muchas gracias.
    saludos cordiales
    IF @object_type in ('30') and @transaction_type in ('A')
    If (Select Count(1)
          From OJDT T0 INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.TransId = T1.TransId
                       inner join OACT T2 on T1.Account=T2.AcctCode
          Where T0.TransId = @DocEntry  And T2.groupmask  in ('5','6','7','8')
          And   ( T1.ProfitCode IS NULL and T1.ProfitCode = space(8)) ) > 0  Begin
            Set @error = 1
            Set @error_message = 'Debe Ingresar Departamento OBLIGATORIAMENTE para realizar el Asiento'

    Armando este es para el asiento contable
    ----------Valida Norma de Reparto en Asientos Contables---------------------------------------
    IF @object_type in ('30') and @transaction_type in ('A')
    If (Select Count(isnull(T1.ProfitCode,1))
          From OJDT T0 INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.TransId = T1.TransId
                       inner join OACT T2 on T1.Account=T2.AcctCode
          Where T0.TransId = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del  And T2.groupmask  in ('5','6','7','8')
          And   ( T1.ProfitCode = ' ' OR T1.ProfitCode IS NULL) ) > 0  Begin
            Set @error = 1
            Set @error_message = 'Debe Ingresar Departamento OBLIGATORIAMENTE para realizar el Asiento'
    y si lo necesitas en el documento marketing este es para un documento marketing que es factura de proveedores
    -------CENTROS DE COSTOS FACTURAS DE COMPRA  -------------
    IF @object_type In ('18') and @transaction_type in (N'A')
          IF (SELECT Count(isnull(OcrCode,1)) FROM PCH1 WHERE (OcrCode=' ' or OcrCode is NULL) and DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del) > 0 Begin
                Select @error = 1
                Select @error_message = 'RV.Falta ingresar el Centro de Costo'
    quedo atento

  • A cuanto toman el dólar en la App Store porque quiero comprar y nose cual es el precio en estos momento y como se averigua

    A cuanto toman el dólar en la App Store porque quiero comprar y nose cual es el precio en estos momento y como se averigua

    Acá te envío una explicación o lógica de los centros de beneficios y normas de reparto, de acuerdo a lo que solicitas:
    Las normas de reparto definen cómo se distribuyen los costes o ingresos contabilizados en una cuenta en los centros de beneficio.
    Cuando se crea un centro de beneficio, el sistema crea automáticamente una norma de reparto con el mismo nombre. Esta norma (que no puede modificarse) se configura para que el sistema contabilice todos los costes o ingresos en el centro de beneficio correspondiente. En otras palabras, el sistema no divide los importes. Puede utilizar estas normas de reparto para costes e ingresos directos, que puede asignar exclusivamente y por completo a un centro de beneficio específico.
    No es posible asignar costes e ingresos indirectos directamente a un centro de beneficio determinado. En lugar de ello, se asignan a uno o varios centros de beneficio mediante una norma de reparto. En la norma de reparto, especifique cómo se va a distribuir el importe entre los centros de beneficio. Puede asignarlos por porcentaje o por relación. Por ejemplo, puede distribuir los costes de calefacción en los centros de beneficio en función del tamaño de las áreas calentadas. De la misma forma, puede distribuir los beneficios de empleado de voluntariado entre el número de empleados.
    Espero haber ayudado.

  • Norma de apropriação de ordem de serviço para ordem de venda via IDV

    Boa tarde,
    Temos um processo de reparo de produtos de cliente e estamos parametrizando nosso sistema conforme segue abaixo:
    1 - Cria-se uma ordem de manutenção a partir de uma ordem SM. Dentro dessa ordem é feita a expedição prévia dos componentes relacionados para uma ordem de venda atrelando ambos  documentos.
    2 - Após a confirmação dessa ordem de serviço se faz necessário o encerramento técnico da ordem que preve a norma de apropriação como obrigatória. Ao tentar registrar a norma de apropriação optando-se pela proposta do IDV (item do documento de vendas) o mesmo envia mensagem de erro "O item do documento de vendas ... não esta previsto nesta operação".
    No teste informamos um número de documento de vendas criado para esse fim mas no matchcode do item não apresenta nenhum registro mesmo já existindo um no documento em questão.
    O que precisaria ser parametrizado no documento de vendas para que o mesmo esteja disponível para receber a apropriação ?
    Alguém tem algum processo parecido?
    Obrigado antercipadamente
    Helio Camargo
    ZF do Brasil

    Conseguimos resolver o problema por outros meios.

  • F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST not returning value with 2 decimals point

    hi all,
    i use function F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to do search help, the master data in table ZINVEST has field ZNO, with field type CURR , 2 decimals point.
    the return table shows 2 decimals point but in display screen it only shows 1 decimal point, pls advice
    here's the coding:
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
             END OF itab.
      DATA: BEGIN OF field_tab OCCURS 0.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE dfies.
      DATA END OF field_tab.
      DATA : return_tab LIKE ddshretval OCCURS 0 .
          CLEAR field_tab.
          field_tab-fieldname = 'E_VALUE'.
          field_tab-intlen = 17.
          field_tab-outputlen = 17.
          field_tab-decimals = 2.
          field_tab-inttype = 'C'.
          field_tab-scrtext_m = 'Investment No'.
          APPEND field_tab.
            CLEAR: itab.
            itab-e_value = ZINVEST-ZNO.
            APPEND itab.
          retfield        = 'E_VALUE'
          dynprofield     = 'A'
          dynpprog        = sy-cprog
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          value_tab       = itab
          field_tab       = field_tab
          return_tab      = return_tab
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.

    Hi ester,
    You shud try this way. Try to use this code.
    DATA:  BEGIN OF it_help OCCURS 0,
           zuonr TYPE zvinvoice,
           kunnr TYPE kunnr,
           name  TYPE zvcustname,
           END OF it_help.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: p_zuonr FOR bsid-zuonr.
      FROM bsid
      WHERE zuonr <> space.
      SORT it_help BY zuonr kunnr.
      COMPARING zuonr kunnr.
      IF it_help[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        SELECT kunnr
        INTO TABLE it_kna1
        FROM kna1
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_help
        WHERE kunnr = it_help-kunnr.
        SORT it_kna1 BY kunnr.
        CLEAR v_tabix.
        SORT it_help BY kunnr.
        LOOP AT it_help.
          v_tabix = sy-tabix.
          READ TABLE it_kna1 WITH KEY kunnr = it_help-kunnr
                                      BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            CONCATENATE it_kna1-name1 it_kna1-name2 INTO it_help-name  
            SEPARATED BY space.
            MODIFY it_help FROM it_help INDEX v_tabix
                                        TRANSPORTING name.
    FORM event_selscr_valreq_for_pzuonr .
    ***Function module to display the search help for the assignment filed****
          retfield         = 'ZUONR'
          dynpprog         = sy-cprog
          dynpnr           = sy-dynnr
          dynprofield      = 'P_ZUONR'
          window_title     = text-029
          value_org        = 'S'
          callback_program = sy-repid
          value_tab        = it_help
          parameter_error  = 1
          no_values_found  = 2
          OTHERS           = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Reward if help ful.

  • Decimals upto 2 in alv report

    Hi to all abapers,
    I have to show only upto 2 decimals in the field of an alv report but it is of type p and decimals 4.I dont want to change its type to 2 decimals due to some calculations.So can we show upto 2 decimals in the report?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Here is the code
    <b>Here act_pckeff is of type p decimals 4 and i want it upto 2 decimals in the output.</b>
    PERFORM fldcat  USING i_fieldcat 'ACT_PCKEFF'       'DEC'       'Actual Efficiency "Packed"'    ''."13
    FORM fldcat USING p_ifieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat
      DATA: w_fldcat TYPE LINE OF lvc_t_fcat.
      CLEAR w_fldcat.
      w_fldcat-fieldname = p_name.
      w_fldcat-datatype = p_type.
      w_fldcat-reptext = p_desc.
      w_fldcat-key     = p_key.
      IF w_fldcat-fieldname = 'AUFNR'.
        w_fldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      IF p_type = 'CURR' OR p_type = 'QUAN'..
        w_fldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
      <b>IF p_name = 'ACT_PCKEFF'.
        w_fldcat-decimals = 2.
        w_fldcat-do_sum = 'C'.
      APPEND w_fldcat TO p_ifieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " fldcat

  • ALV QUANTITY field Geting converted into decimals ?

    Hi All ,
    I have developed an alv report .In that the quantity field is made editable after editing the quantity when i save it .It gets converted into decimals.Suppose if i give 77 its getting reflected as .077 all the field name ,table name ,reference field name, reference table name, quantity field data type has been passed but the problem persists.If there is any one whos has come across this kind of scenario please share your thoughts on this.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Sreeram,
    I am not gettin this issue. See below code :
    If you are gettiing the same issue with the below code then it has something to do with your user settings.
    Go to Menu Item System -> User Profile -> Own Data -> Defaults ->Decimal Notation.
    Set it to 1,234,567.89 and save. Now try the program again.
    REPORT z_test.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_ekpo,
              ebeln TYPE ebeln,
              ebelp TYPE ebelp,
              ktmng TYPE ktmng,
              menge TYPE bstmg,
            END OF ty_ekpo.
    DATA: it_ekpo TYPE TABLE OF ty_ekpo,
          it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    SELECT ebeln ebelp ktmng menge
      FROM ekpo
      INTO TABLE it_ekpo
      UP TO 20 ROWS.
    PERFORM add_fieldcat USING 'EBELN'.
    PERFORM add_fieldcat USING 'EBELP'.
    PERFORM add_fieldcat USING 'KTMNG'.
    PERFORM add_fieldcat USING 'MENGE'.
       i_callback_program                = sy-repid
       it_fieldcat                       = it_fieldcat
        t_outtab                          = it_ekpo
       program_error                     = 1
       OTHERS                            = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    FORM add_fieldcat  USING  p_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv-fieldname.
      DATA: wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = p_fieldname.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'IT_EKPO'.
      wa_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = p_fieldname.
      wa_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'EKPO'.
      IF p_fieldname EQ 'KTMNG'.
        wa_fieldcat-edit = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " ADD_FIELDCAT

  • Dump when changing the value for a field (of 13 decimals) in alv grid.

    Hi Group,
    Its giving a dump when user is trying to change the value.
    dump description: Unable to interpret "70,000 " as a number.
    what is happening here is, the original value is 50,000 and he is deleting 5 and replacing it with 7, here its throwing the dump.
    If he removes the complete number 50,000 and then gives 70000 its  taking the value.
    I tried to use, the decimals options in alv field catalog but to no joy.
    Please can you give me an advice on this.
    Many Thanks.

    the problem is the comma in the 70,000....that's an alpha character.... Normally, we expect SAP to display numeric fields in a appropriate format, based upon their numeric type, but trying to forcibly insert '70,000' into a true numeric-type field can generate an 'unable to interpret xxx,xxxx  as number' error.
    You could experiment with changing your ALV column to a char17 (or appropriate width) and putting your numeric value into that to display, then converting back to type P, or other field type in the table, in a column that is not displayed, when the user changes the value....  essentially two columns, one not displayed with a routine to copy/convert the numeric field into the alpha field and the reverse when the field is changed.
    But, the better solution is probably for the user to understand that they're seeing a formatted numeric field, and that they need to replace the entire value with the only possible punctuation being a decimal and (if necessary) a negative sign.

  • Suppress Decimals for CURR field in ALV Grid based on condition

    Hello All,
    I am displaying records in ALV Grid. For a Company Code, I get the Currency Code from table T001.
    If the Currency is JPY, I want to display the value of CURR field without decimals.
    For example: if the value is 200.00, I want to display only 200
    But if the Currency is other than JPY, I want to display value with decimals.
    For example: if the value is 200.00, I want to display only 200.00
    Also I want the summation function to work on this column, so can't take the field as char field.
    Waiting for useful pointers.
    Thanks in advance,
    Tarun Gambhir

    Hi Keshav,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I have only one CompCode on the selection screen and for that CoCd I will have only one Currency.
    So either all records will be displayed with decimals or all records will be displayed without decimals.
    Can DECIMALS_OUT property of field catalog be helpful in this case.
    For reference you can check:
    I am confused over the use of DECIMALS_OUT.
    Please suggest.

  • How to remove the display of DECIMALS in ALV? Any Falg?

    Hi Experts,
    One simle dount that, I am getting some values in some fields as 12.34; 11.22 etc - 2 decimals, but, am looking to hv as 12; 11 - NO DECIMALS.
    So, I looked any flag in Fileds catalog, Lay out in SLIS, but, did not find any flag?
    now, am getting it by moving to a P type field.
    But, pls.  let me know that How to get it done in ALV w/ SLIS? wht is the flag?

    Check the field catalog, there is a field called  decimals_out,  set this to 0(zero).
    Rich Heilman

  • Sales order schedule line quantities in decimals

    Gurus - Required your help to resolve the following scenario.
    I'm facing with the problem where schedule lines of a sales order allocated with decimal quantities even though materials with UOM as EA(Each). For example Material A of sales qty 13 has the schedule lines allocated as 11.960 and 2.040. The delivery has been created as per the schedule lines with qty 11.960 and 2.040 and it has been pick/packed and delivered to the customer. Now, while issuing goods for the delivery, received the error message as <b>"Serial number management only allows whole numbers".</b>
    Can anyone provide what are the possible ways to round the delivered qty and issue the goods, when the delivery is complete?

    Sree - Question 1 - Why would you deliver the product and then try goods issue it (In general ;)...anyway....I know, a lot of companies do that way....
    Question 2 - How much exactly did you ship out, surely must not have shipped products in decimals, since you've EACHES defined and not KGs....or LBs...
    I would suggest finding out the correct quantities shipped out and then cancelling this delivery can then go on to modify sales order schedule line accordingly and then process it again..."WHAT ABOUT PICK PACK DETAILS"....before cancelling this delivery doc out..capture the packing details (HUs) and then apply them to the new delivery doc... if you are using external system for packing HUs.....process the IDOC (or file etc) using the new delivery doc number....
    Hope you got the direction )

  • How can I add decimals to my calculator? Percentages as well?

    I am building a simple calculator app. I have implemented my calculator this way: I have the viewcontroller.h and .m, I also have my "CalculatorBrain.h and .m" That is where I implement the addition and substraction, multiplication. I use the symbol or the text of the button to read it and calculate the value. The question is, if I have 1.5 plus 1.5, it says the answer is 2. It only takes the 1 and the 1. How do I add decimals? Also, if possible, how would I do percentages?
    This is my Calculator Brain.m:
    #import "CalculatorBrain.h"
    const NSString *Delete = @"D";
    @implementation CalculatorBrain
    - (void)setOperand:(double)anDouble
        operand = anDouble;
    - (void)performWaitingOperation
        if ([@"+" isEqual:waitingOperation]) {
            operand = waitingOperand + operand;
        } else if ([@"-" isEqual:waitingOperation]) {
            operand = waitingOperand - operand;
        } else if ([@"×" isEqual:waitingOperation]) {
            operand = waitingOperand * operand;
        } else if ([@"÷" isEqual:waitingOperation]) {
            if (operand) {
            operand = waitingOperand / operand;
    - (double)performOperation:(NSString *)operation;
        if ([operation isEqual:@"√"]) {
            operand = sqrt(operand);
        } else {
            [self performWaitingOperation];
            waitingOperation = operation;
            waitingOperand = operand;
        return operand;
    And this is my View Controller.m. Any suggestions?:
    #import "CalculatorViewController.h"
    @implementation CalculatorViewController
    - (CalculatorBrain *)brain
        if (!brain) {
            brain= [[CalculatorBrain alloc] init];
        return brain;
    - (IBAction)digitPressed:(UIButton *)sender;
        NSString *digit = [[sender titleLabel] text];
        if (userIsInTheMiddleOfTypingANumber) {
            [display setText:[[display text] stringByAppendingString:digit]];
        } else {
            [display setText:digit];
            userIsInTheMiddleOfTypingANumber = YES;
    - (IBAction)operationPressed:(UIButton *)sender;
        if (userIsInTheMiddleOfTypingANumber) {
            [[self brain] setOperand:[[display text] doubleValue]];
            userIsInTheMiddleOfTypingANumber = NO;
        NSString *operation = [[sender titleLabel] text];
        double result = [[self brain] performOperation:operation];
        [display setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%g", result]];
    - (void) runTimer;
        // This starts the timer which fires the showActivity
        // method every 0.5 seconds
        myTicker = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.5
                                                    target: self
                                                  selector: @selector(showActivity)
                                                  userInfo: nil
                                                   repeats: YES];
    - (void)showActivity;
        NSDateFormatter *formatter =
        [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
        // This will produce a time that looks like "12:15:00 PM".
        [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
        // This sets the label with the updated time.
        [clockLabel setText:[formatter stringFromDate:date]]; 
    // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional
    // setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        // This calls the runTimer method after loading
        // SimpleClockViewController.xib
        [self runTimer];
    //  CalcController.m
    //  SimpleCalc
    //  Created by Chris Ball ([email protected]) on 1/17/08.
    //  Copyright 2008, Chris Ball, Strainthebrain.Blogspot.Com.
    //  All rights reserved.
    - (IBAction)resetEverythingPressed:(UIButton *)sender;
        if (userIsInTheMiddleOfTypingANumber) {
            [[self brain] setOperand:[[display text] doubleValue]];
            userIsInTheMiddleOfTypingANumber = NO;
        NSString *operation = [[sender titleLabel] text];
        double result = [[self brain] performOperation:operation];
        [display setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"0", result]];
    Oh, by the way, it tells the time. And if you want a screenshot, so you can see how it works out...

    For percentages, first make sure the number is < 0, then multiply it by 100, add a % sign and you're done
            double displayValue = [display.text doubleValue];
            if(displayValue < 0)
                displayValue *= 100;
                [display setText:[@"%" stringByAppendingFormat:@"%g", displayValue]];

Maybe you are looking for