Norma de apropriação de ordem de serviço para ordem de venda via IDV

Boa tarde,
Temos um processo de reparo de produtos de cliente e estamos parametrizando nosso sistema conforme segue abaixo:
1 - Cria-se uma ordem de manutenção a partir de uma ordem SM. Dentro dessa ordem é feita a expedição prévia dos componentes relacionados para uma ordem de venda atrelando ambos  documentos.
2 - Após a confirmação dessa ordem de serviço se faz necessário o encerramento técnico da ordem que preve a norma de apropriação como obrigatória. Ao tentar registrar a norma de apropriação optando-se pela proposta do IDV (item do documento de vendas) o mesmo envia mensagem de erro "O item do documento de vendas ... não esta previsto nesta operação".
No teste informamos um número de documento de vendas criado para esse fim mas no matchcode do item não apresenta nenhum registro mesmo já existindo um no documento em questão.
O que precisaria ser parametrizado no documento de vendas para que o mesmo esteja disponível para receber a apropriação ?
Alguém tem algum processo parecido?
Obrigado antercipadamente
Helio Camargo
ZF do Brasil

Conseguimos resolver o problema por outros meios.

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  • Criar ordem de venda a partir de um pedido de compra de forma automatizada

    Olá pessoal,
    Na empresa onde trabalho, acabamos de implantar mais uma company code no R/3, dessa forma o que antes era feito através de transferência (MB1B, 833 e 835) agora será feito via pedido de compra (empresa X1) e ordem de venda (empresa X2). Então estamos verificando a possibilidade de criar as ordens de vendas de uma forma automatizada a partir dos pedidos de compras criados manualmente ou via MRP.
    Alguém tem alguma sugestão de como podemos realizar esse processo?
    Desde já agradeço a ajuda.

    Oi Douglas
    O processo de transferência interempresarial é muito similar a transferência de estoque entre centros da mesma empresa; e, assim como este não possui ordem de venda.
    Resumidamente as etapas do processo são:
    - Requisição de transferência de estoque (com MRP)
    - Modificar pedido de transferência de estoque (com MRP)
    - Pedido de transferência de estoque (sem MRP)
    - Remessa para pedido de transferência de estoque
    - Lista de remessas
    - Confirmação de picking
    - Saída de mercadorias
    - Receber material transferido
    - Faturamento da remessa
    - Fatura recebida
    Segue alguns documentos (r6 ehp4) para você olhar...
    Visão geral do cenário
    Procedimento do processo empresarial
    Guia de configuração

  • Zona Franca ICMS+IPI BXZF não desconto - Ordem de Vendas

    Boa tarde;
    Estou tentanto realizar uma configuração de um cenário Zona Franca para produtos importados no qual terão incidência de imposto ICMS+IPI.
    O cenário esta configurado desta forma:
    1) Cenário normal venda Zona Franca de Produto Nacionais. Sem incidência de impostos.
    - Código do Imposto I1.
    - IVA SZ dispara a linha de desconto BXZF no qual dá o desconto ZF - OK
    2) Cenário de itens importados - materiais com origem "1", "2" ou "8" - Incidência de ICMS+IPI.
    - Código do Imposto - I3 - ICMS+IPI
    - Deve trazer o código IVA "SD" disparando cálculo de ICMS.
    - BXZF é RefConType da IBRX.
    - Não deve disparar a linha BXZF.
    - BXZF - traz o IVA SZ.
    Cenário Configurado:
    - Criado uma nova tabela 972 - País, ClassCliente, Classi Mat, Origem Material.
    - Sequencia de Acesso IZOF  - a tabela 972
    - Condição  DIZF - Seq Aces - IZOF.
    - Quando crio a ordem de vendas o sistema trata desta maneira:
    1) Ele verifica a origem do material encontra "1"
    2) Determina na condição DIZF - IVA "SD"
    3) BXZF é um RefconType da IBRX
    4) Por isso BXZF - determina "SD"
    Entretanto, a linha de desconto BXZF  esta trazendo o desconto ZF no qual se tenho o IVA SD não deveria trazer a linha.
    Alguém tem alguma ideia de como fazer a configuração?
    OBS: ZZOF é a mesma SeqAce - IZOF.
    Muito Obrigado
    Rodrigo Vieira

    Olá André;
    Então pelo que entendi para o tipo de materiais com origem 1,2 e 8 Importados que não quero que aplique a linha de desconto se hoje tenho uma tabela de condição criada 972 972 - País, ClassCliente, Classi Mat, Origem Material e associada a sequência de acesso e condição DIZF conforme abaixo irá encontrar e SD, porém irá aplicar o desconto.
    Registro de condição cadastrada.
    BR 2 1 1  Foreign - imported directly  100,000  % 01.04.2014 31.12.9999 SD
    BR 2 1 2  Foreign - acquired nationally  100,000  % 01.04.2014 31.12.9999 SD
    BR 2 1 8  National - with import content over 70%  100,000  % 01.04.2014 31.12.9999 SD
    Tenho um cenário que na mesma pricing terie produtos Nacionais origem "5" e Importados origem 1,2 e 8.
    Para o primeiro a linha de desconto precisa ser disparada por causa da isenção..
    Então o SZ na condição DIZF irá ser disparada e o desconto na BXZF séra aplicada.
    Entretando, como posso fazer para que não se aplique o desconto..
    As únicas possibilidades foi criado sequência de acesso forçando o SD, porém como a condição DIZF é determinada porque encontra origem ele força o desconto na BXZF
    Tem alguma sugestão ou ideia de ocmo posso configurar?
    Rodrigo Vieira

  • SQL Server 2K "Linked Server" to Oracle 9i Release 2 via "Oracle Provider

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    My SQL*Net alias/datasource in tnsnames.ora works (It passes the test in "Net 9i Configuration Assistant", I can connect from SQL*Plus, and I can get a Linked server going with the "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle").
    When I set up my Linked Server with Oracle Provider for OLE DB, I need to supply the following three fields (with description from the read-only field at the bottom of the "Linked Server Properties)
    Product name: (The product name is the OLE DB data source to add as a linked server.)
    Data source: (The data source is usually the name of the server or filename.)
    Provider string: (This is the entire provider string.)
    Here is my tnsnames.ora entry that works as described above (names may have been changed to protect the innocent)...
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nn.nn.nn.nn)(PORT = 1521))
    With every combination of values I have tried for these fields, when I try to use the Linked Server I get this error message...
    Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'OraOLEDB.Oracle'.
    OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error:  CoCreate of DSO for OraOLEDB.Oracle returned 0x80040154].
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Thank you,
    Daniel Jameson

    Thanks Norman.
    Well, I've made it a step closer. I uninstalled everything Oracle from my machine and reinstalled the 9i stuff, including the Oracle OLE DB Provider. Now, after I set up the linked server, and I try to view the Tables or Views under the Linked Servers, I get this error message...
    Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' reported an error.
    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' IDBINitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005:   ].
    Does anyone have any idea what this is about? My other Linked Server using the same Oracle SQL*Net alias, but using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider, works fine.

  • Operação Triangular - FORNECEDOR (Recebe uma Ordem de Venda de um Cliente)

    Bon dia,
    No processo de Operação Triangular - FORNECEDOR o processo é:
    1. VA01Criar ordem venda SD Operação Triangular  (tipo de pedido TA usar tipo de item especial TAS,  que (1.1) cria automaticamente (via IMG) uma requisição de compras)
    2 ME21N Criar pedido MM classificaçao contavel "S terceiros".
    3. O fornecedor entrega a mercadoría no cliente SD. Preciso registrar NF de remessa. Qual é a transaçao para cria a NF de remessa?
    4. MIRO NF Facturamento MM com Impuesto X3
    5. VF01NF Faturamento SD. Posso criar a NF de faturamento SD sem ter criado o pedido MM?
    Qual é a transaçao para cria a NF de remessa?*
    Posso criar a NF de faturamento SD sem ter criado o pedido MM?

    Olá Marta,
    O processo standard de Venda por Conta e Ordem do R/3 foi desenvolvido 
    com base no RICM, Artigo 116, parágrafo 3, item 4 -> Boletim IOB 11/95 
    e que tem atendido os clientes SAP.                                                                               
    No site você pode verificar como está desenhado o fluxo   
    para a criação deste processo e as referências necessárias.                                                                               
    Remessa por Conta e Ordem                                              
    Nesse caso, cumprir a função de fornecedor: o cliente (emissor da ordem)
    encomenda as mercadorias do fornecedor que as envia ao cliente         
    (recebedor das mercadorias) e fatura esse cliente (emissor da ordem).  
    E necessario criar duas notas fiscais - uma para acompanhar as         
    mercadorias e uma para enviar ao emissor da ordem que serve como uma   
    Criação de uma nota fiscal para acompanhar as mercadorias                                                                               
    1.      Criar uma ordem do cliente com o tipo RCM.              
    Entrar o emissor da ordem e o recebedor das mercadorias. O emissor da  
    ordem já enviou uma nota fiscal ao cliente e informou à empresa dessa  
    nota fiscal. Entrar a data dessa nota fiscal no campo Data do pedido e o
    número da nota fiscal no campo Referência (em Saltar > Cabeçalho >    
           2.      Criar um fornecimento subseqüente.                      
           3.      Criar o documento de faturamento.                       
    Essa fatura tem um valor total de zero e portanto não cria um documento
    contábil, mas gera uma nota fiscal.                                    
           4.      Imprimir a nota fiscal com o Emissor da Nota Fiscal e   
    enviá-la ao recebedor das mercadorias.                                                                               
    . Criação de uma nota fiscal para o Emissor da ordem                                                                               
    1.      Criar uma ordem do cliente com o tipo RCS.              
    Na caixa de diálogo exibida, entrar o número do documento de faturamento
    da fatura da etapa 3 acima.                                           
           2.      Criar o documento de faturamento.                       
    Isso gera a NF do emissor da ordem e um documento contábil             
           3.      Imprimir a nota fiscal com o Emissor da Nota Fiscal e   
    enviá-la ao emissor da ordem (o cliente)."                             
    Espero poder ter ajudado,
    Ruy Castro

  • Impostos não cálculados na ordem de vendas

    Olá, estou com um problema no atual cliente. Resulta que fiquei a cargo de aplicar a Localização Brasil e alguns problemas surgiram.
    Primeiro: O Client que estão usando (500) não foi copiado do 000 como a SAP recomenda.
    Segundo: Não rodaram a Country Version adequadamente e não copiaram a empresa no Brasil da 001 como a SAP recomenda.
    Terceiro: Não rodaram a SCU0 ou qualquer ferramenta de comparação entre ambientes para saber quais tabelas estão faltando. (eu rodei e notei uma infinidade de tabelas faltantes)
    Não foi aplicado o BC Set e nenhuma Nota SAP de forma automática.
    O Resumo da situação é que a Localização Brasil terá que ser feita 100% manualmente e aos trancos e barrancos.
    Enfim, apesar de tudo eu consegui aplicar algumas notas (Docu_302 e 664855 de forma bem rídicula e óbviamente não ficou bem feito devido àos erros no sistema) e consigo ao menos entrar na VA01 e tentar criar uma ordem para o cliente.
    Tudo está carregando, está determinando CFOP, Leis fiscais... mas tem um problema, os impostos não estão sendo cálculados, quando eu insero a PR00 o valor aparece no documento mas nenhum imposto é contabilizado. Fazendo a análise da pricing, noto que algumas condições não foram encontradas como exemplo a DGTX (IBRX) diz que a Condition Record is Missing, e a ICBS encontrou no grupo de impostos 80 (que eu criei) o valor de 0,000 %
    Diante disto, não sei o que pode estar acontecendo. Abaixo segue algumas observações do que já fiz, então se alguém puder ajudar seria muito bom:
    O cadastro do cliente indica que ele não é isento de ICMS e IPI.
    A tabela de exceção J_1BTXIC3 indica que para Origem SP, Destino SP a alícota é de 18%.
    O Grupo de Impostos criado é o 80 com todos os Impostos padrões flegados com escessão do ISS.
    A condição IBRX está na VK11 com 100% para o Brasil e também as condições abaixo como segue:
    ICMO  BR  100-
    ICSO  BR  100-
    IPIC    BR  100
    IPIO    BR  100-
    O código interno atribuido à condição está da seguinte forma:
    O código de imposto SD para a operação é o C3 com os flags de Cálcular ICMS, IPI, PIS e COFINS acionados além de ser Comsumo.
    O esquema de cálculo é uma cópia fiél da RVABRA.
    Abradeço muito por qualquer ajuda.

    Translating...sorry about the Erros.
    Hello, I have a problem in my current client. I'am in charge of applying the Location Brazil and some problems have arisen.
    First: the client that is using (500) was not copied from the 000 as SAP recommendes.
    Second: did not run a Country Version properly and did not copied the company for Brazil of the 001 as SAP recommends.
    Third: did not run the T.Code SCU0 or any tool of comparison between environments to find what tables are missing. (I did it by my self and a lot tables are missing)
    Was not used and no BC Set SAP Note automatically.
    The overview of the situation is that the Brazil Localization will be done 100% manually and anyway.
    Finally, although I could apply some notes (Docu_302 very ridiculous and obviously was not done well due to errors in the system) and I could at least get into the VA01 and try to create an order for the client.
    Everything is loading, determining CFOP, tax laws ... but has a problem, no taxes are being calculated, when I insert the PR00 with the price value appears in the document, but no tax is accounted for this price.
    Doing the analysis of pricing, I notice that some conditions were not found as an example DGTX (IBRX) says that the Condition Record is missing, and found the ICBS tax group 80 (which I created) the value of 0.000%
    I do not know what might be happening. Below follows some of the settings I have made, so if anyone can help would be great:
    The registration of the client indicates that he is not exempt from ICMS and IPI.
    The exception table indicates that for J_1BTXIC3 Origin SP, SP alícota Target is 18%.
    The Tax Group is created with all 80 standards fleg Taxes escessão with the ISS.
    The condition is IBRX is in the VK11 with 100% in Brazil and also to the following conditions as follows:
    ICMO BR 100 -
    ICSO BR 100 -
    IPIC BR 100
    IPIO BR 100 -
    The internal code assigned to the condition is as follows:
    ICMSBASE                V         ICBS
    ICMSCOMPBASE      V         ICCB
    The SD tax code for the operation is the C3 with the flags Calculate ICMS, IPI, PIS and COFINS, is a Consummate.
    The calculation scheme is a faithful copy of RVABRA.
    I am very grateful for any help.

  • Installing 10.4 Server on a XServe Dual G5 via remote from a MBP 10.5

    I have just purchaced a XServe Dual G5 running 10.3 Server. The admin password is lost (purchased it from a auction). So I purchased a original OS X Server 10.4 bundle (CD and DVD). As the XServe lacks a video card I need to install the server remotely via my Macbook Pro running Leopard (10.5). I've installed the Server Tools (10.5 as 10.4 Server tools won't install) and started the XServe with the 1st CD of OS 10.4. The server started from CD and I have found the IP address the server is using in my DHCP list. The hardware address matches the xserve hardware address and a ping <ip> replies. After this all installation steps fail.
    I've tried to use the Server Assistant, no servers found, not in the list, not on the IP.
    I've tried to use ssh root@<ip address>, no reaction.
    I've tried to use /System/Library/Serversetup/sa_srchr, no reply.
    I've tried to mount the XServe on Firewire, works fine, but OS 10.4 Server won't install via my MacBook Pro, as this is Intel and my original version of 10.4 server is not universal.
    I am getting desparate, is there no way that I can install OS 10.4 on this server? I need 10.4 because I run Filemaker Server, and Filemaker Server does not run on 10.5
    Any idea's out there? Please?
    Message was edited by: dudematters

    Hi everyone, thanks for your reply. I've tried most of these solutions and read all the documents. But it didn't help me any futher. At a point I've got the ssh working, at least, got reply from the server that I had to install the ssh key, so there is communication. But then it stopped all together again. Very frustrating.
    I've ordered a video card for this XServe @ 234 euro's, out of frustration, so I will be able to install my original OS 10.4 and upgrade it to the lastest 10.4 version.
    I suppose that there is no upgrade .dmg from apple that will allow me to upgrade my 10.4 cd's to 10.4.7 (universal) what will create the possibility to install it from my MBP via firewire. I could not find anything.

  • Multi server administration MSXOeprator not getting notified via email

    I created mutli server jobs and they are working fine except that I don't get any notification via email.
    The target and master are configured with DB Mail and it is working fine. But for the multi server jobs.. it isn't.
    I tried the operator that exists in both target and master and also the msxoperator.
    What am I doing wrong?

    I guess this is it:
    Enable DatabaseMail on the SQL Server Agent -> properties -> Alert System  (check the checkbox), and then restart SQL Server Agent.

  • Disconnect WSUS server and Process of Approving Updates via Metadata.

    Hi Folks:
    I have recently setup 2 WSUS servers.   The first one has connectivity to the Internet and of course has access to Microsoft updates.   The second WSUS server is part of a disconnected network.   Both WSUS servers are supporting client workstations
    of various operating system versions.   The connected WSUS server is fairly easy, from a management viewpoint.   I simply check to see what updates are "Needed" and I approve them for download.   However, the disconnected WSUS server
    is the one that I need some advice on.   I want to have a fairly simply procedure for the disconnected WSUS server, but here is the procedure that I think would work:
    Transfer metadata and updates via disc from the connected WSUS server to the disconnected WSUS server (using documented export/import procedure).
    Check to see what is "Needed" updates on the disconnected WSUS server, once the WSUS server has had a chance to absorb all the imported metadata and updates.   This means that the disconnected WSUS server has determined from it's supported
    client workstations, what updates are required.
    Generate a list of those "Needed" updates in some form, so that I can now approve those updates on the CONNECTED WSUS server for download.  
    Once those updates have been downloaded to the connected WSUS server, transfer the updates and metadata again to the disconnected WSUS server.   Approve those updates, so that they can now be sent out to the client workstations on the disconnected
    If that is my procedure (can someone like Lawrence Garvin), please let me know, if that sounds correct.   I'm concerned about the double export/import of the metadata and updates.
    Also, I'm wondering if it would be better to have separate connected WSUS server for supporting the disconnected WSUS to keep things straight.
    For example:
    One connected WSUS servers supporting the set of client workstations, that are on the connect WSUS server's network.
    One disconnected WSUS server supporting the set of client workstations that are on the disconnected WSUS server's network.
    One more connected WSUS server, that would be used to download and transfer metadata and updates to the disconnect WSUS server.   The advantage in keeping this separate, is that you would never confuse approved updates between the connected network
    client workstations and the disconnected network client workstations.  Especially, if they have different versions of software, that require updating.  
    Any input would be appreciated.

    You will likely also want to configure your WSUS server to "Download express installation files." under the "Update Files and Languages," setting on your options.
    I will unequivocally disagree with this statement, for several reasons:
    First, there's nothing that needs to be deployed that would use Express Installation Files anyway. Express Installation Files were designed to facilitate the deployment of Very Large Updates (read: SERVICE PACKS) across slow-speed links by significantly
    reducing the size of the binary that must be downloaded by the CLIENT. There are NO service packs in the catalog that won't already be installed on any client system.
    Second, in exchange for that ability of clients to download less, it significantly increased the size of the binary that must be downloaded by the SERVER from Microsoft. Express Installation Files will cause hundreds of gigabytes of extra binaries to be
    downloaded, which will need to be transferred to the disconnected server. None of which will actually ever be used.
    Third, most disconnected networks do not include WAN links, so the primary purpose of Express Installation File is contra-indicated by the very scenario being discussed.
    Otherwise by default you might get just an installer downloaded onto the WSUS server and clients might still need internet access to download the actual package contents.
    It would seem that you do not correctly understand Express Installation Files.
    There is an in-depth explanation of Express Installation Files in the WSUS Deployment Guide. For additional information see
    I also would not recommend a internet facing WSUS server just to provide updates to the disconnected WSUS server as that will also need to download a full copy of the content to that server when it is likely already downloaded onto your internet
    / production WSUS server anyway.
    Seemingly you are also not actually familiar with the documented guidance for how to manage disconnected networks. An Internet-facing (connected) WSUS server is *exactly* how this is done.
    You may also find this part of the Deployment Guide to be useful reading:
    Configure a Disconnected Network to Receive Updates
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

  • Unknown server error when accessing Search api via REST

    When trying to access the SharePoint search service via REST, I always get an internal server error with no information about the cause of the problem.
    My SharePoint app uses app-only permissions, and includes search permissions as follows:
      <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="Write" />
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant" Right="Read" />
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/search" Right="QueryAsUserIgnoreAppPrincipal" />
    I see the search permission listed when installing the app.
    I know I'm getting a valid bearer token, because all of my other requests work fine. Here is the request I'm making that returns the error:
    $ curl -H "Authorization:Bearer abcABC...f1-iYrm-efhQ" https://<domain-my>
    where <domain-my> is the SharePoint site that I'm accessing. I've also tried this request with all combinations of headers, including Accept, Content-Type, odata, and even including the request digest. I've also tried adding query parameters, and using
    POST with the query in the message body. However, this is always the response I receive:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><m:error xmlns:m=""><m:code>-1, Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.REST.SearchServiceException</m:code><m:message
    xml:lang="en-US">An unknown error occurred.</m:message></m:error>
    If I log in to SharePoint I can make a get request to /_api/search/query and it returns a non-error response. What is causing the problem with my REST request? Is there any way to get more information from the server? This is SharePoint online, so I don't have
    access to the server.

    When using search you must have a user context, it cannot be used with an app only policy. This feature has been submitted to Office User Voice. You can vote for it here:
    Blog | SharePoint Field Notes Dev Tools |
    SPFastDeploy | SPRemoteAPIExplorer

  • OS X Server Calendar Won't Share Calendar via Sharing Settings

    I have OS X Server 10.9.1 with Server 3.0.2.  The CalDAV server is enabled, and I have a few users who are using calendars from their devices (e.g. on 10.8.5 and iOS 7).    Everythign is working great (events are syncing between devices properly).
    If you right click a CalDAV Calendar on 10.8.5 you get a popup saying "Sharing Settings..."   Choosing this gives you an option "Share CalendarName with..." and a dialog box, into which you can type a persons name.   The field autocompletes initially with names (which appear to be from one's local Contacts list) but in a second later some names show up (which appear to be from the Server's list of Accounts).
    If I choose one of the people who is in my address book but not a user on OSX Server, then I get an error message "At least one sharee was not recognized by the server.  New invitations have not been sent.".    Fair enough: this is how it should work.
    However, if I choose a name which only exists on OS X server, I get a beep, and nothing happens.
    Possibly related: the usernames on OS X server do not show up with any email address attached (probably because I never set an email address there, as we are not using email there).
    Any ideas how or why this is functioning like this?

    I have OS X Server 10.9.1 with Server 3.0.2.  The CalDAV server is enabled, and I have a few users who are using calendars from their devices (e.g. on 10.8.5 and iOS 7).    Everythign is working great (events are syncing between devices properly).
    If you right click a CalDAV Calendar on 10.8.5 you get a popup saying "Sharing Settings..."   Choosing this gives you an option "Share CalendarName with..." and a dialog box, into which you can type a persons name.   The field autocompletes initially with names (which appear to be from one's local Contacts list) but in a second later some names show up (which appear to be from the Server's list of Accounts).
    If I choose one of the people who is in my address book but not a user on OSX Server, then I get an error message "At least one sharee was not recognized by the server.  New invitations have not been sent.".    Fair enough: this is how it should work.
    However, if I choose a name which only exists on OS X server, I get a beep, and nothing happens.
    Possibly related: the usernames on OS X server do not show up with any email address attached (probably because I never set an email address there, as we are not using email there).
    Any ideas how or why this is functioning like this?

  • Server 2012 not accepting inputs either via console or RDP

    Hello Experts,
    I have a server 2012 standard running in a physical box with 3 virtual machines running in hyper-v session. For sometime now, i have been running into strange issues where it does not accept input. I tried via RDP, console; neither method worked. It still
    holds AD and file server role. It was all working good and driving me into issues for some time now.
    It does not accept inputs via keyboard or mouse either from console or RDP. All resources such as file share, virtual machine are accessible from network. I can logon to server via console or RDP for 3 to 5 min right after server has been hard restarted
    and again it stops accepting inputs.
    Can someone help me out work around this issue as i am new to server 2012 and not sure what goes in error.

    Hi koneska,
    Did you install any software recently? Please try to unistall the new installed software and if you have AV soft disable the AV soft then try again.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Adding a Server at a New location - linked via VPN

    I found some old posts so I thought it would be a good idea to create a fresh post.
    Site A - Windows 2012 + Exchange 2013
    3 - 4 users at 2nd site (Site B) connect via VPN (and some home users)
    Number of users at 2nd site is to increase and also need local server resources.
    Never done this sort of thing... is there any step-by-step
    What I was thinking:-
    Add a member server whilst at Site A
    Setup Site-Site VPN at the Router level
    Move the 2nd Server to Site B
    is that practical ?

    If I were you, I would give a similar solution. You can do like that.
    Please feel free to let us know if there is any problems during the deployment.
    Thank you

  • How to automate sql server querry and output to send via email alerts

    I have MS SQL 2005 server. Daily i m running sql querry at 10:30 pm. i want to automate this process & output need to send via email. Please suggest what are the options availble.
    Thanks in advance

    Create a job and put the query in , then schedule it... You can email an output by using data base email feature
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 
         @profile_name = 'Admin', 
         @recipients = '[email protected]', 
         @query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address', 
         @subject = 'Error Log Count', 
         @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Have a LAN (server) - want to connect to it via airport extreme - Pls help

    Need to connect to my office server via airport extreme

    Sorry, but it would be nearly impossible to help without a lot more information about both your network and your company's network in order to provide you with any useful assistance.
    For example:
    What model is your AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS)?
    How do you plan on connecting to your office server? VPN? Direct router-to-router connection over the Internet?
    What type of Internet service is at the office?
    Does the ISP provide the office router with a static or dynamic Public (WAN-side) IP address?
    What is the model of the Internet router used at the office?
    What service(s) do you want to access from the office server?

Maybe you are looking for