Dedicated server installation

I am purchasing a dedicated Windows Server 2003 (standard edition) and having seen James Wards excellent bench testing I wish to build an application using actionscript 3.0 and transfer data using his AMF3 method. I believe he is using BlazeDS and I really need help working out the setup I will need. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Excellent! Thanks for the quick response.
I'm glad you think it's possible to re-create on a Windows dedicated server. Thank you for suggesting the sample apps I think that's a good approach.
My ignorance is in server-side software set ups. Firstly will the standard edition of 2003 support web apps? And how do I run J2EE on a windows server? Are they compatible?
Again I am ignorant when it comes to server-side set up so I apologise.

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  • SCOM Reporting Server Installation Give Error The specified SQL Server instance is not valid

    Hi All,
    I am trying to install SCOM 2012 SP1 Reporting Server on a Windows Server 2012 running SQL Server 2012 SP1. The SQL Server also host instance for SCCM 2012 SP1 named SCCM, and not in clustered environment.
    For SCOM 2012 SP1, I choose SQL instance named SCOM. At first, I successfully installed SCCM 2012 SP1 Reporting Services. I have SSRS configured to use port 80 for both SCCM and SCOM instance, and not using SSL, with IP Address settings: All assigned. SQL
    Server Agent services on both instances are configured to started automatically. I could access http://scsqlserver/reports_SCCM and http://scsqlserver/reporserver_SCCM, but could not for http://scsqlserver/reports_SCOM and http://scsqlserver/reporserver_SCOM. 
    On OpsMgrSetupWizard.log give error
    [12:24:53]: Error:
    :CheckHttpAddressResponse failed: Threw Exception.Type: System.Net.WebException, Exception Error Code: 0x80131509, Exception.Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
    [12:24:53]: Error:
    :StackTrace:   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Setup.ReportingComponent.CheckHttpResponseFromSRSUrl(String httpSite)
    I may continue Reporting Server installation that give no error mentioned above, if I choose SSRS instance named SCCM, but it is not supported for both SCCM and SCOM 2012 using same SSRS instance. Personal certificate for ConfigMgr SQL Server Authentication
    on SQL Server has been exported and deleted. Restarting SQL Server also has been done, but no luck.
    Many thanks for your help.

    I'm afraid you must use a dedicated instance of SQL Server for each site(SCOM/SCCM). Some similar issues were disscussed on this forum:
    SCCM and SCOM - SQL Server
    SCOM, SCCM, SQL on same server?
    Yog Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Coldfusion 8 on linux virtual dedicated server 500 error

    I've been trying to get my coldfusion server running on my virtual dedicated server for two days now and am stumped.  Server boots and connects to the apache server with no error messages displayed in SSH, but when I go to the administrator page I get the following error displayed :
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
    My cfserver.log file reads (from the last reboot) as follows :
    04/13 05:45:50 user CFMxmlServlet: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 user FlexMxmlServlet: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] -
    04/13 05:45:50  [] -
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 user CFFormGateway: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 user CFSwfServlet: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 user FlexInternalServlet: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 user FlashGateway: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 user CFInternalServlet: destroy
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] -
    04/13 05:45:50 Information [Thread-1] - Stopping Event Gateways.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Error [Thread-1] - The '' service is not available.
    04/13 05:45:50 Information [Thread-1] - ColdFusion stopped
    Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108673), coldfusion server
    04/13 05:47:13 warning Unable to open /opt/coldfusion8/runtime/lib/
    04/13 05:47:13 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2930
    04/13 05:47:14 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
    04/13 05:47:14 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
    04/13 05:47:14 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_8" from: file:/opt/coldfusion8/
    04/13 05:47:14 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 8" from: file:/opt/coldfusion8/
    04/13 05:47:15 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition enabled
    04/13 05:47:15 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
    04/13 05:47:15 user JSPServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:15 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:15 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
    04/13 05:47:15 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 10.0-b19
    04/13 05:47:15 Information [main] - Starting logging...
    04/13 05:47:15 Information [main] - Starting license...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Evaluation Edition enabled
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting crypto...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Installed JSafe JCE provider: Version 3.6 RSA Security Inc. Crypto-J JCE Security Provider (implements RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, AES, DES, Triple DES, DESX, RC2, RC4, RC5, PBE, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-RIPEMD160, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512)
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting security...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting debugging...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting sql...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting mail...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting runtime...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not enabled
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting cron...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting registry...
    04/13 05:47:16 Information [main] - Starting client...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting graphing...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting verity...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting archive...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting document...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting eventgateway...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting Event Backend Handlers.
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Initialized EventRequestDispatcher with a Thread Pool size of 10.
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Initializing EventRequestHandler
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting Event Gateways.
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting FlexAssembler...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting .NET...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - Starting Monitoring...
    04/13 05:47:17 Information [main] - ColdFusion started
    04/13 05:47:17 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
    04/13 05:47:17 user CFMxmlServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:17 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
    04/13 05:47:17 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
    04/13 05:47:18 user CFSwfServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:18 user CFCServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:18 user FlashGateway: init
    04/13 05:47:18 user MessageBrokerServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:19 user CFFormGateway: init
    04/13 05:47:19 user FlexMxmlServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:19 INFO Loading configuration file /opt/coldfusion8/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/flex-webtier-config.xml
    04/13 05:47:19 INFO Loading configuration file /opt/coldfusion8/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/flex-config.xml
    - Constructed GeneralCacheAdministrator()
    - Creating new cache
    04/13 05:47:19 user FlexMxmlServlet: Starting Adobe Flex Web Tier Compiler
    04/13 05:47:19 user FlexMxmlServlet: Adobe Flex Web Tier Compiler Build: 184817
    04/13 05:47:19 user CFInternalServlet: init
    04/13 05:47:19 user FlexInternalServlet: init
    Server coldfusion ready (startup time: 6 seconds)
    I'm desperate for help... this is wracking my brain.  Thank you in advance.

    got it fixed.  turns out that somehow during either my installation or someting i did after installation corrupted my liscense file for CF.  Uninstalled (with a lot of hesitation) and re-installed, and wallah, my cf server is running great!

  • ORA-12500 TNSLISTENER failed to start a dedicated server process

    Environment W2000 Pro SP4 latest fixes
    I just installed database 10g (10.1.0) in order to have a 10g (10.1) database (ORCL1) as required by Oracle Warehouse builder and other business intelligrence products like disoverer (from discoverer suite) and Portal 10g (9.0.4)
    during installation of 10g database I got following messages
    ==>Oracle Cluster Registry failed to initialize (in french) and went on
    ==>error when starting OracleCsservice
    i retried and went on.
    Install finishes correctly
    I can access the new database (type warehouse) with sqlplus in a dos window
    However I can't reach it through SQL*Plus of oracle 10g database and get ORA-12500 TNSLISTENER failed to start a dedicated server process message
    OracleCSService starting
    OracleDBConsoleORCL1 started
    OracleINFRASControl started
    OracleINFRAprocessManager started
    OracleINFRATNSListener started
    OracleOraDb10g_home1iSQL*Plus Started
    OraclePORTALBIASontrol Started
    OraclePORTALBIProcessManager Started
    OracleServiceASDB Started
    OracleServiceORCL1 Started
    ...... other databases.....
    I only have one LISTENER service (the one that was created for INFRAstructure instance) is it OK ?
    All other databases instances I am using where created from INFRA DBCA. and all defined with a dedicated server.
    I tried to define it through DBCA of Oracle database
    left dedicated server and finish
    won't work DBCA refuses
    I also tried to Stop/start OracleServiceOrcl1 but it won't stop
    database ORCL1 is unreachable from other instances:
    from Oracle WareHouse Builder's Enterprise Manager console I get the same ORA-12500 message
    same with Oracle Net Configuration Assistant of
    Oracle Developer Suite Net assistant
    What's wrong,
    is one listener enough? is there a bug in the product?..
    I read quite a few enties but didnt get the answer to my problem

    Hello Werner,
    What means error 1058?
    i posted an entry in application server
    Listener.ora and tsnames .ora where updated on INFRAstructure instance to be nearly identical to 10g DB instance (diference is one db definition)
    However starting infrastructure and portal instances has become erratic and error prone:u
    It takes about 20 minutes to start these two instances by hand has before i had only to start them and everything went smoothly (but took also a long time).
    Now i get the following messages and have to use following opmnctl commands to have the whole thing running as follows:
    ==> start INFRASTRUCTURE
    lancement de tnslsnr: veuillez patientez...
    failed to start service, error 1058 ==> new message
    TNS-12536: l'opération provoquerait le blocage ==>new
    TNS-12560 erreur d'adaptateur de protocole ==> not new and didn(t care
    TNS-00506 l'opération provoquerait un blocage ==> new
    32-bits Windows Error: 997: Unknown error ==>not new and didn't care
    I also get from SMTP the following mail:
    Horodatage=2 nov. 2004 23 h 34 CET
    Message=The listener is down: TNS-12541: TNS:no listener .
    Nom de la règle=Listener Availability
    Propriétaire de la règle=SYSMAN
    1-opmnctl status
    opmnctl status
    IAS-component process-type pid status
    OID OID N/A Down
    HTTP_Server HTPP_Server 1588 Alive
    dsm-daemon dcm-daemon N/A Down
    LogLoader logloaderd N/A Down
    here its very erratic sometimes OID is in STOP status
    2-opmnctl startall
    opmnctl status
    opmnctl status
    IAS-component process-type pid status
    OID OID 3504 Alive
    OC4J OC4J_SECURITY 3416 Alive
    HTTP_Server HTPP_Server 1588 Alive
    dsm-daemon dcm-daemon N/A Down
    LogLoader logloaderd N/A Down
    3_opmnctl startproc ias-component=dcm-daemon
    opmnctl status
    IAS-component process-type pid status
    OID OID 3504 Alive
    OC4J OC4J_SECURITY 3416 Alive
    HTTP_Server HTPP_Server 1588 Alive
    dsm-daemon dcm-daemon 5524 Alive
    LogLoader logloaderd N/A Down
    At that point i can start Portal instance
    Processes in Instance:
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    wireless | OC4J_Wireless | 5292 | Alive
    wireless | messaging_server | 3456 | Alive
    wireless | performance_server | 1364 | Alive
    Discoverer | PreferenceServer | 2080 | Alive
    Discoverer | OAD | 2124 | Alive
    Discoverer | OSAgent | 1688 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_WSRP | 820 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_Portal | 4264 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_BI_Forms | 5020 | Alive
    OC4J | home | 4948 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 1976 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCache | 3500 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 1912 | Alive
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 5048 | Alive
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down

  • Question regarding Listener and Server Processes in dedicated server mode

    Good morning,
    The Oracle documentation states that when a client connection request is received on the server, the Listener creates a Server Process which will work with the database instance to carry out the tasks requested by the user/client process. So far, everything good.
    Now, when the user is at the Oracle server itself, the Listener does not need to be running to establish a connection to the database. It is therefore possible to stop the Listener and still connect using sqlplus and a valid username and password.
    In the above case, the question is: if the Listener is not running, what/who created the Server Process that communicates with the database instance on behalf of the user ? Stated a different way, in the normal case, the Listener would get the request and create the server process. When the Listener is not running what part of Oracle gets the requests and creates the server process ?
    Clarification on how this case is handled is much appreciated, thank you,

    When using bequeath protocol the server process is created by the client process: it's the client process that is using ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME to compute shared memory key (under UNIX) to know which SGA to attach (i.e. which instance to connect to):
    Example with SQL*Plus :
    $ ps -fu oracle | grep DB112
    oracle    5675     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_pmon_DB112
    oracle    5677     1  3 18:13 ?        00:00:02 ora_vktm_DB112
    oracle    5681     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_gen0_DB112
    oracle    5683     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_diag_DB112
    oracle    5685     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_dbrm_DB112
    oracle    5687     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_psp0_DB112
    oracle    5689     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_dia0_DB112
    oracle    5691     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_mman_DB112
    oracle    5693     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_dbw0_DB112
    oracle    5695     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_lgwr_DB112
    oracle    5697     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_ckpt_DB112
    oracle    5699     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_smon_DB112
    oracle    5701     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_reco_DB112
    oracle    5703     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_mmon_DB112
    oracle    5705     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_mmnl_DB112
    oracle    5707     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_d000_DB112
    oracle    5709     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_s000_DB112
    oracle    5745     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_arc0_DB112
    oracle    5747     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_arc1_DB112
    oracle    5749     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_arc2_DB112
    oracle    5751     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_arc3_DB112
    oracle    5753     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_qmnc_DB112
    oracle    5769     1  1 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_cjq0_DB112
    oracle    5773     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_q000_DB112
    oracle    5775     1  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_q001_DB112
    oracle    5777     1  1 18:13 ?        00:00:00 ora_vkrm_DB112
    oracle    5785     1 46 18:13 ?        00:00:24 ora_j003_DB112
    oracle    5797  5796  2 18:14 ?        00:00:00 oracleDB112 (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))
    oracle    5832  5801  0 18:14 pts/2    00:00:00 grep DB112
    $ ps -fp 5796
    UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
    oracle    5796  5584  0 18:14 pts/1    00:00:00 sqlplusThis is also documented in 11.2 Net Admin. Guide
    If the client and database exist on the same computer, then a client connection can be passed directly to a dedicated server process without going through the listener. This is known as a bequeath protocol. The application initiating the session spawns a dedicated server process for the connection request. This happens automatically if the application used to start the database is on the same computer as the database.
    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 5 sept. 2010 18:23

  • SharePoint Server 2013 single server installation licenses and system requirements

    We are thinking of setting up a SharePoint Server 2013 for the following features to be accessed by our test team (<100 users)
    Our requirements are as follows - 
    Total user access <100 users(starts with 50 and may be go upto 100)
    Mainly Access to TeamSite(Document library), WiKi, BI reports view(SSRS Reports integration)
    We have a Visual Studio Ultimate license that covers SQL Server 2012 and Share Point server 2013.
    We have also got a Amazon EC2 machine access to create a Xlarge box with Microsoft recommended Cores, Memory, storage for SINGLE INSTALLATION of SharePoint Server 2013 and SQL server database on Windows Server 2012 
    My queries are as follows
    Are the licenses above sufficient to go ahead with setting up the SP Server? or do i need any other licenses ?
    I would like to create local LDAP in amazon without connecting to the company active directory. Would this be possible? We have users from other locations(different countries) providing services to our company and we would like them to access this portal
    to share and access docuemnts without any network issue etc..
    Are there any known firewall issues with EC2 machines for share point deployment
    System requirements for single server installation (with or without BI reports)
    Please note this implementation is only for internal use by the test team and is not critical. Not a production implementation. 
    Is there any better solution?
    Much appreciate your help 

    MSDN subscription licenses for SharePoint aren't, as far as i know, for use as production devices. This means that whilst you can use it for testing and development you can't use that license for the SharePoint server that you'll all be using.
    As such I think you will need to buy a SharePoint 2013 server license. The same goes for SQL, Windows etc.
    There is also the question of user licenses, ie. CALs. I don't remember if those come included as part of an MSDN subscription.
    2) Possibly. As long as Amazon can host a domain for you it should be possible.
    3) Pass. Microsoft prefer you to use Azure and most of my training and experience is with that.
    4) High. 4 cores, 24GB of RAM minimum.
    You'll either need a 2XLarge or a memory orientated box, in which case you won't have much storage space.
    Internal team infrastructure is still important. If you're using it enough to make it worth having then you need it there and running.
    Have you considered using Office 365?

  • SAP DMS server installation Query

    I would like to share my plans on DMS server installation under DEV,Quality,prod stage and requesting you all to validate and send me any comments if I am wrong anywhere.
    -        We have 1 external DMS server of (250Gb capacity)
    -     We are now in realization phase, As we know that we have 3 servers namly Development, quality and production server.
    -     In Development Server we do Baseline DMS customization
    -     In Quality server we do Integration testing
    -     There will be as external computer with harddisk capacity of 80 GB,I will Install Content server CD and make that 80GB hard disk as content server for storing the documents, create content repository and store the documents which are to be tested under both development and quality server stage(Note : we can use SAP database for both testing purpose but If we load huge data there,it will slowdown the server drastically)
    -     During the production server install the DMS server (250 gb) and define the content repository config under production server and start storing all the fresh document
    -     Note: Since the tested documents are stored in local PC we can avoid all the tested documents under quality stage only,once the DMS server is installaed in production server we can freshly load the documents.
    -     Note: I knew I have to install twice the Content server cd(once with 80 GB local hard disk and later with External DMS  server)
    This is how I planned, I request you to highlight the pain areas by this method else give me the confidence of how I planned?
    I appreciate for immediate solution; also how does Kpro comes into picture here.
    Points will be rewarded for sure.
    DMS consultant

    Hi Murali,
    As per my understanding you want to keep a Temporary Content Server for your Dev & QA system but a full fledge 250GB Content server for Production.
    This is a Good method you are following, i.e. when you go for production you will not have any junk data, you will be loading only fresh data (originals) into it.
    There is nothing harm or pain in doing this, only thing is you have re-configure the Content Repository and Category in Production System (SAP).
    Your Basis person has to open Production System for doing this Settings (Defining Content Repository and Content Category with Port, HTTP, etc)
    Document Area to be ensured in each client at any point of time, Physical machine, IP address, Port etc.
    You can maintain a Excel sheet with a following Columns:
    <b>Client, Content Category, Content Repository, Document Area, Physical Machine, IP Address, Port.</b>
    For Transaction OACT & OAC0.
    Rest your method is fantastic.
    Best Regards
    Reward Your Points If satisfied.

  • New Server Installation, now client computers can't connect to services. Where to go from here?

    I recently had to setup a new Mac Mini Server (Mavericks). We had one previously but one of the raided hard drives failed. No backup.
    Our office of 6 Apple MacBook Pros used to connect to all file sharing and calendar services, easily.
    On the new Server installation, I added the same users with the same passwords etc. The client computers cannot access calendars, file sharing etc. On the clients, I have opened up System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Options > Network Account Server and added the FQDN of the server, but I get an error ' Unable to add server. Connection failed to the directory server. (2100) '
    2 of the clients are on Mountain Lion. The rest are on the latest Mavericks.
    I'm a bit lost on where to go from here and would appreciate your help before I wipe everything and start from scratch.

    Hi Strontium90
    Ha! There was a time machine backup, but we had a storm here which rendered it and the server useless. We are such a small team without an 'IT' guy, apart form me as I have a vague interest in all things Apple.
    What is your DNS name space?
    Do you need the name here?
    Do the servers and the client agree on this name?
    Not sure what you mean. The domain name works as when I type it into a web browser, I can see the 'Welcome to Server' page.
    Did you enable an Open Directory Master?
    Yes. Open Directory is running.
    Did you grant the users/group access to the service you are offering?
    Yes. All services are checked for each user.
    Make sure the user/group is permitted to access your enabled services.
    All allowed, too.
    Oh, and implement a backup strategy
    Will do, once I sort out this problem. Time Machine and off-site, I think.

  • Start multiple domains simultaneously on 1 Weblogic server installation?

    Is it okay to start and run multiple domains simultaneously. Better yet, when having multiple domains on 1 WLS server, should each domain have a different port number in order to be run simultaneously?
    Here's my scenario - I installed Oracle Business Intellgence, which by default installs and configures WLS server for certain Business Intelligence applications (BI Publisher). This instance was running fine and good and still is.
    Then I had another application, Oracle Data Integrator, which has a Console piece that requires a domain on WLS. So instead of modifying the existing domain for Oracle Business Intelligence, I created a new domain via the Configuration Wizard and selected those components for Oracle Data Integrator.
    therefore current domains:
    ...\domains\bifoundation_domain --> installed automatically as part of Oracle Business Intelligence
    ...\domains\odi11g --> I created this domain after I
    Now I have 2 domains under 1 WLS Server (windows 7 64bit), but if I startWeblogic.cmd for the bifoundation_domain, and I startWeblogic.cmd for the odi11g...then only the components for the bifoundation_domain become available via the WLS Console.
    - Can I run both domains simultaneously?
    - Should I have modified the bifoundation_domain to include Oracle Data Integrator component; therefore only having 1 domain but having everything run under that domain?
    - Does the Port for each domain matter? both bifounddation_domain and odi11g domain use ports 7001
    Are there any other considerations? Thanks much.

    It is perfectly OK to run multiple domains on a single Weblogic server installation. Only constraint would be you have enough capacity available on your server to start multiple instances.
    Things to note is, if your domain1 is running on listen address : port { localhost : 7001 } then your other domain should be configured on a different port say {localhost : 8001 }. If you want both domain to run on same port then go for virtual IP's to be plumbed on your physical network interface and configure as,
    domain1 - { ip1 : 7001 }
    domain2 - { ip2 : 7001 }
    this way you will can access both domain admin console on same port.
    Remember, Weblogic resources cannot be shared between domain, however a single nodemanager will be enough to monitor both the domains.
    * rank it if answer is helpful :) *

  • Problem installing SQL Server 2012 SP1: "managed sql server installer has stopped working"

    I have a big problem.
    I just downloaded SQL Server 2012 SP1 and I only want to install SSMS. The installer always crashes with an error message "managed sql server installer has stopped working".
    I already tried all solutions from Google for this problem but nothing works.
    Can someone help me plase?
    My System: Window 8 Pro with Visual Studio 2012.

    Would you please uplaod/share SQL Server setup logs
    SQL Server\110\Setup
    to file sharing service like
    Ahmed Ibrahim
    SQL Server Setup Team
    My Blog
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  • BPEL Server installation on JBOSS application Server on SUN SOLARIS

    I have a question about Oracle BPEL installation. For our project exists the requirement, to install BPEL Server on SUN SOLARIS, whereby the appropriate Version of Application server JBOSS already exists and it should be used.
    The version of the Oracle BPEL server for JBOSS, which we found on the Download side, is made available only with JBOSS (version 3.2.6) in a Package.
    During the BPEL server installation this bound JBOSS server version is installed automatically, without giving selection. Is there a BPEL installation for JBOSS on SUN-SOLARIS, which can be installed at the already existing JBOSS server?

    Hi There,
    Dis you get any good responces to your question ?
    [email protected]

  • Service Manager data warehouse management server Installation fails

    Hi there,
    In Virtual Machine Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard with my user being a Local Admin and SQL Admin. I tried to do a Service Manager data warehouse management server
    first installation I am facing the following image as error:
    In the event viewer I get the following error:
    "Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager -- The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 25211
    The arguments are: -2147024809, The parameter is incorrect."
    In the Setup log, some of the errors are:
    WixRemoveFoldersEx:  Entering WixRemoveFoldersEx in C:\Windows\Installer\MSI35E.tmp, version 3.7.1224.0
    WixRemoveFoldersEx:  Error 0x80070057: Missing folder property: PSCONFIGFOLDER.A591E3B4_D228_431D_BF89_99D52C8FFB76 for row: wrf4582BC4C5CC47B1D2380408CD7A752DC.A591E3B4_D228_431D_BF89_99D52C8FFB76
    CustomAction WixRemoveFoldersEx.A591E3B4_D228_431D_BF89_99D52C8FFB76 returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
    CAStartServices: CAStartServices was passed . OMCFG
    CAStartServices: Checking if service already started. OMCFG
    CAStartServices: Attempting to start service. OMCFG
    CAStartServices: StartService failed. Error Code: 0x8007042D.
    ConfigureSDKConfigService: CAStartServices failed, trying again.... Error Code: 0x8007042D. OMCFG
    Action start 17:47:05: _SetHealthServiceConfig.80B659D9_F758_4E7D_B4FA_E53FC737DCC9.
    GetMsiFeatureState: Failed to get feature state. Error Code: 0x80070646. MOMServer
    MSI (s) (EC!4C) [17:47:05:483]: Note: 1: 2711 2: MOMGateway
    SetHealthServiceConfig: Failed to get Feature State.. Error Code: 0x80070646. MOMServer
    GetMsiFeatureState: Failed to get feature state. Error Code: 0x80070646. MOMGateway
    I have checked the following post but it did not help me:
    Could you please help me with this issue?
    Thanks a lot,

    Sorry I cannot post the full log. I have found also these errors in the log:
    Calling custom action CAManaged!Microsoft.MOMv3.Setup.MOMv3ManagedCAs.RegisterSdkSCP
    RegisterSdkSCP: There is no previous serviceConnectionPoint
    RegisterSdkSCP: Creating New serviceConnectionPoint
    RegisterSdkSCP: Adding ACL for current user: DOMAIN\InstallationAccount
    RegisterSdkSCP: Adding ACL for SM Admini: DOMAIN\SCSMDWadmins
    RegisterSdkSCP: Error: Access is denied.
    InstallCounters: LoadPerfCounterTextStrings() failed . Error Code: 0x80070057. momv3 "D:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Service Manager\MOMConnectorCounters.ini"
    InstallPerfCountersHelper: pcCounterInstaller->InstallCounters() for the default counters failed. Error Code: 0x80070057. MOMConnector
    InstallPerfCountersLib: InstallHealthServicePerfCounters() failed . Error Code: 0x80070057.
    InstallPerfCountersLib: Retry Count : .
    InstallHSPerfCounters: Failed to install agent perf counters. Error Code: 0x80070057.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • SAP WAS J2EE server installation on Windows Vista

    Hi Experts,
    Is there anything latest on SAP WAS J2EE server installation on Windows Vista. In SDN download section I see SAP NetWeaver 7.01 ABAP Trial Version available with Vista compatibility.
    Is there SAP J2EE server also available with Vista compatibility ?

    > Is there anything latest on SAP WAS J2EE server installation on Windows Vista. In SDN download section I see SAP NetWeaver 7.01 ABAP Trial Version available with Vista compatibility.
    > Is there SAP J2EE server also available with Vista compatibility ?
    The problem with J2EE is the support status of the used JDK. Sun does not support 1.4.2 under Vista/Windows 2008, technically it works.

  • VM Server installer does not recognize RAID configuration in Intel ESRT2

    I'm having a big issue here trying to deploy my third Oracle VM Server.
    I have:
    - A Intel Server Board S3420GPLC
    - A Intel Xeon X3440 processor
    - 16GB DDR3 ECC Memory
    - Six 1TB Hard Drives
    What I'm trying to do:
    - Create a RAID array using Intel ESRT2 (Embedded Server RAID Technology II) using all the discs (done)
    - Install Oracle VM Server into the array
    - Install some VMs....
    The problems:
    - When I boot the VM Server installer from USB stick I got an error saying that there is not enought memory. This issue is solved by typing "linux mem=15GB"
    - I got a screen per disk warning me about that the discs need to be initialized and all the data will be lost
    - When I go to the disk partitioning screen all the disks are listed separated, the installer simply don't recognize the RAID configured before.
    What I already tryied:
    - Change the RAID controller from ESRT2 to Intel Matrix
    -> Didn't solve.
    - Create a Driver Disk with the disk images supplied by Intel here
    -> I launch the installer using "linux mem=15GB noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 ....". When Im asked by the installer to load the drivers it doesn't recognize the disk, so i couldn't load the drivers.
    Now, the questions:
    - Is there another driver I can use do make the vm server installer recognize the RAId configured?
    - Is there a better way to setup this server, considering that it needs to be "self contanied" (store and run vms)?
    Edited by: xyp on 14/10/2010 11:37

    - I have installed VM Server into ordinary linux partitions on the first disk.
    - I have created a big partition in the first disc with the space not used for the VM Server
    - I have created five equal partitions on the other discs
    - I have configured software raid 10 using mdadm
    Now the problem seems to be solved, i have a storage repository with almost 3TB and can deploy my VMs.
    Unfortunatelly only my windows 2008 r2 hardware virtualized vm is working, the linux paravitualized guests not. but this new issue will be a subject for another topic.

  • Do I need to set  system env variables for weblogic and SOA server installation?

    Hi All,
       I already have two weblogic application servers on my machine(that were installed by others).
    I observed some environment variables were also set in System variables(ORACLE_HOME,WEB_SERVER_HOME etc) section in Env variables section(Start Menu---> Computer --> properties ---).But why do we need to have system environment variables wherein we already have those variables in files like setDomainEnv.bat or/and setSOADoaminEnv.bat for each server.
    And one more thing system variables will be applicable for all servers(the whole machine) right.It may spoil the installation of new servers and present servers as variables should be unique to each server.
        I want to install weblogic and SOA server installation.
    So Can I remove the existing system variables(as they will applicable for every server) and install weblogic and SOA server installation without setting up the environment variables?
    Especially I have multiple Weblogic servers,In that case how it would be to have environment variables(JAVA_HOME,WL_HOME,ORACLE_HOME etc)?
    Please guide me on this to installl SOA suite .
    Thanks in advance

    Hi All,
       I already have two weblogic application servers on my machine(that were installed by others).
    I observed some environment variables were also set in System variables(ORACLE_HOME,WEB_SERVER_HOME etc) section in Env variables section(Start Menu---> Computer --> properties ---).But why do we need to have system environment variables wherein we already have those variables in files like setDomainEnv.bat or/and setSOADoaminEnv.bat for each server.
    And one more thing system variables will be applicable for all servers(the whole machine) right.It may spoil the installation of new servers and present servers as variables should be unique to each server.
        I want to install weblogic and SOA server installation.
    So Can I remove the existing system variables(as they will applicable for every server) and install weblogic and SOA server installation without setting up the environment variables?
    Especially I have multiple Weblogic servers,In that case how it would be to have environment variables(JAVA_HOME,WL_HOME,ORACLE_HOME etc)?
    Please guide me on this to installl SOA suite .
    Thanks in advance

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