Deep Cloning problem

I am having problems deep cloning a LinkedList object which contains serializable objects. I have tried using hand coded deep cloning and using the byteArray output and input streams.
But nothing is working :(.
My code currently looks like this:
public LinkedList clones(LinkedList list){
   LinkedList deepCopy = new LinkedList();
   for(int x = 0; x < list.size(); x++){
      myClasstemp = new myClass((materials)list.get(x));
      deepCopy.add(new myClass(temp));
   return deepCopy;
}cloning using just new myClass works when I am using individual objects, but when I try applying this to the new linkedlist, nothing happens. Is my error in the fact I am using .get? Or is it somewhere else in my code?
My problem is that when I remove an object from the original LinkedList, the deepclone is changed as well.
Message was edited by:

to be as detailed as possible, my problem is that I actually have 2 classes. One class is a structure object which contains basic properties like doubles and strings. And the other has doubles and strings as well and includes a LinkedList containing objects from the first class. To for an example, I have a student and School class where a School object contains a LinkedList holding all the students at the school.
What I am trying to do is make a Cancel button. So, what I want is to make a copy of the original school, so if while editing the school, I decide I want to revert back to my original settings, I can by pressing the cancel button. So far, I can only accomplish this with the student class but not the School class. Does that make sense?

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    I am trying to use deep cloneing for copying objects and then setting the appropriate values to the properties of copied object. When we make deep clone copy, it is supposed to retain original property values. But in the example I tried, it shows only zeros. The source code and the output is given below. i seek your expertise and my advance thanks for any help to resolve my problem.
    * This class extends the class of Javas Point2D.Double
    import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
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    // Properties
         Color drawColor;
    * Constructor
    point2D(){ }
    point2D( double xx, double yy){ super(xx,yy); }
    public void setLocation( double xx, double yy){
    public void setDrawColor( Color drawColor){
         drawColor = this.drawColor;}
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    int width = 4;
    return new Rectangle( (int)x-width/2,(int)y-width/2, width, width);
    * Check for a given point coinciding with point2D
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    * Draw method.
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    ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(b);
    ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(b.toByteArray());
    ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(bIn);
    return oi.readObject();
    catch (IOException e)
    { System.out.println("exception:"+e.getMessage());
    return null;
    catch( ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
    System.out.println("exception:"+ cnfe.getMessage());
    return null;}          
    public static void main( String[] args){
         point2D pp = new point2D();
         pp.setLocation( 100.,150.);
         System.out.println( pp.locationCheck(100.5, 149.5));
    System.out.println( pp.getX() + " " + pp.getY());
         point2D ppp = (point2D)pp.deepClone();
    System.out.println( ppp.getX() + " " + ppp.getY());
    The output:
    100.0 150.0
    0.0 0.0

    Hai sztejkat,
    I tried with adding methods to save and restore the state of the non-serializable class and it works.
    What is the reason to implement deep clone in point2D - this class does not contain any references >except Color, which is an immutable class and can be safely shared by multiple objects. In this case the >shallow copy will work fine. In my opinion the method you have choosen to implement deep copy is one >of the worst possible, looking from performance point of view. Shallow copy makes a new reference but pointing to the same object. My intension of deep copying was to create a new object. However, I fully agree with you that for simple instances of Point2D.Double, it is better to create a new onject using " new" operator than deepcopying.
    With best regards,

  • Deep Cloning of resultset object

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    Resltset rs = pstmt.execute()
    Anyway to assign rs2 = rs1
    Because I am passing my resulset to a legacy application's method, that does a rs.close(). I need to use the same resultset later. JDK 1.4

    Write a dynamic proxy to the ResultSet where theclose() method does >nothing.
    What if the OP discovers that the app does a rs=null
    as well?How can that affect your code? Presumably the ResultSet is passed as an argument to a legacy method so the legacy method might set it's local reference to null it will not affect the reference held by the caller of the method.
    The op then runs thru hoops to get permission to
    modify a line in legacy code and is too distressed to
    post.He does not need to! You need to learn about Java argument passing.
    Anyway, thanks for the classrom solution. but i cant
    create another class file for extending rs.You have not presented any reason why not! This can be an inner class in the code you are writing and has no influence what so ever on the legacy application.
    If you are too distressed by the posts here, you are
    under no obligation to reply to every one. Anyway , i
    found the postI replied because I had a viable solution to a problem you were having. Nothing you have said so far stops it being viable. Look at my posting history - I do not try to reply to everyone.
    A Resultset is mainly a Java front end for adatabase
    cursor (which exists on the database server). When
    the ResultSet is closed, the cursor will be closed
    too so, even if you could copy everything in the
    ResultSet object, the handle for the cursor wouldno
    longer be valid.
    Which is why you use a Proxy so that you can control exactly what happens.
    To truely "deep copy" a resultset the depth would
    have to extend accros the database connection to
    cloning the cursor.I still don't see why you need to clone the ResultSet rather than use a proxy!
    very much useful than the self pity expressed by
    you.No self pity! I just expressed annoyance at the lack of feedback from you and many others.
    No offence, none taken and none dealt.I still find it offensive when people don't bother with a simple acknowledgement. I don't ask many questions myself but when I do I make sure I track the responses and acknowledge those who try to help.
    I still think you should re-think your solution but you are free to totally ignore my very simple solution. I expect you will ignore it so the best of luck.

  • Cloning problem with Tool Tip Manager

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    I checked out the ToolTipManager Class which does not implements interface.
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    Thanks in advance,
    Deep Shah

    I am using JDialog which has got JTabbedPane. Inside the JTabbedPane I am using JTable.
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    Thanks in advance,
    Deep Shah

  • Generic class for deep cloning

    How can I write generic class for deep cloning instead of implementing cloneable for each and every object

    Yes, probably you'd need to use reflection. Though, generic deep copy brings up some issues not readily resolvable at run-time, such as, for example, does the object you want to copy refer to a shared or synchronized resource, such as a db connection? If so, by making a new, say, DBConnection object, you then take up a db connection that you really don't need or want to take up (db conns being scarce in many I.T. shops that own a limited number of Oracle or SQL Server, etc. db conn. licenses). Also, many classes these days are getting written that use "obj = classname.newInstance()" (with their constructors made private so you can't use "new SomeObject()") instead of the more commonsense and traditional "obj = new SomeObject()". [Hey, can anyone explain why it might be preferable to use "classname.newInstance()" at times over "new SomeObject()"?  I can't to this day tell why it might be better or why some hacks have started doing this.]
    I am not saying either that you couldn't do it or that you shouldn't. In fact, if you wrote a really good generic deep copy class, it may very well suit your needs 95+% of the time. It'd be a great programming exercise that would likely result in something very useful to someone somewhere (yourself included), and would get you to really learn the reflect package, time generally well-spent. I also can see how it'd be a great exercise in writing recursive calls (if for example you'd like no limit to the depth of objects created within your deep-copied object). You may need to supply a few caveats for use, such as that there's no guarantee that objects within the object to be copied that don't have public constructors can be copied, and that objects that hold other objects that are limited in availablity due to their very natures, such as db connections, may not get fully copied. Another one may be that no object can be copied as long as a thread created and run from it is executing at the time the copy is done (because you couldn't guarantee the to-be-copied object instance's data or object reference state), or that perhaps in some cases, certain kinds of method-level (ie, what's officially called by Sun, "automatic") variables declared and used within, for example, blocks of code within methods, may not have their values copied correctly if they are not visible to the reflect pkg objects (though I'd have to look into that one myself to be sure it would be an issue).
    Doing a search on "deep copy" or "deep clone" on as well as on the 'net reveals surprisingly little except suggestions for using object serialization to do all the dirty work for you.
    I am surprised there isn't a kind of virtual working group trading ideas on the topic and trying collaboratively to come up with a good, solid generic deep copy class as a public service for all the Java brethren. Does anyone know of one? And if not, wanna start one?

  • Deep cloning

    Hi i need to know how can I make deep cloning of own created array which will store the same array as well as other objects like Integer class and then array at element of array will again store another array or some other objects and then again at any element store array can store objects or array . I need to know how should i make deep cloning recuresively . and how should i write hash code and equals method for that class . please help me. I m feeling fustrated

    As a supplementary issue on this subject I am interested how to choose between the Arrays and the
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    ArrayList. Should I review this practice?Sorry. You read the thread incorrectly. :-)
    Arrays and ArrayList are completely different. java.util.Arrays has static methods for dealing with arrays. java.util.ArrayList is like a resizable array. java.util.Collections has static methods that can be used on java.util.ArrayList. Read the APIs, and you will see the difference.

  • Deep cloning a Binary Tree

    Hi, I have a class called DigitalTree that acts like a binary tree, storing nodes that each have a "key" which is a long value, and then puts each node into the tree in its correct place, binary tree style. I am trying to deep clone the tree, but for some reason my recursive cloning method isn't working. If anyone can see a problem in my code or has any tips for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    public Object clone()
           DigitalTree<E> treeClone = null;
               treeClone = (DigitalTree<E>)super.clone();
           catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
               throw new Error(e.toString());
           cloneNodes(treeClone, this.root, treeClone.root);
           return treeClone;
       private void cloneNodes(DigitalTree treeClone, Node currentNode, Node cloneNode)
           if(treeClone.size == 0)
               cloneNode = null;
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.left, cloneNode.left);
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.right, cloneNode.right);
           else if(currentNode != null)
               cloneNode = (Node<E>)currentNode.clone();
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.left, cloneNode.left);
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.right, cloneNode.right);
       }In the Node class:
    public Object clone()
              Node<E> nodeClone = null;
                   nodeClone = (Node<E>)super.clone();
              catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
                   throw new Error(e.toString());
              return nodeClone;

    Hello jssutton
    Your question inspired me to try my own binary tree and cloning. My cloning algorithm is similar to yours but with one difference.
    In my class Tree defined as:
    class Tree<T extends Comparable>
    I have:
        private void deepCopyLeft(TreeNode<T> src, TreeNode<T> dest) {
            if (src == null) return;
            dest.mLeft = new TreeNode<T>(src.mValue);
            deepCopyLeft(src.mLeft, dest.mLeft);
            deepCopyRight(src.mRight, dest.mLeft);
        private void deepCopyRight(TreeNode<T> src, TreeNode<T> dest) {
            if (src == null) return;
            dest.mRight = new TreeNode<T>(src.mValue);
            deepCopyLeft(src.mLeft, dest.mRight);
            deepCopyRight(src.mRight, dest.mRight);
        public Tree<T> deepCopy() {
            if (root == null) return new Tree<T>();
            TreeNode<T> newRoot = new TreeNode<T>(root.mValue);
            deepCopyLeft(root.mLeft, newRoot);
            deepCopyRight(root.mRight, newRoot);
            return new Tree<T>(newRoot);
        }Its a similar recursive idea, but with 2 extra functions. I hope that helps. I don't have time right now to pinpoint the problem in your routine. Good luck.

  • HT2412 iMac "deep sleep" problem

    Hi, I have a iMac 27" Late 2012 and it keeps going in "deep sleep" when I leave it unattended during the day. When I come back, I have to wait for my mac to load the saved state which is quite long. I had many macs in my life and it's the first time I encounter the problem. I've seen that sleep mode before when my MacBook would be out of battery, but never on a desktop... My energy saver settings are set to never sleep (computer) and 15 minutes (display). My setting in Privacy/Advanced/Log out after XX min of inactivity is also off. I checked my hibernation mode in the terminal and it is set to 0. Out of ideas. Anyone ?
    Thank you !

    I have the same problem on my black MacBook. My problem is intermittent. Sometimes restart works; sometimes I'll select restart, but after the logout it never really shuts down. Black screen, glowing status indicator, completely unresponsive. I've also left it overnight with no change. The only "fix" is to do a hard shut down with the power button, whereupon I'm presented with the annoying "computer wasn't shut down properly" message on startup. No kidding! But no matter how many times I report it, no response.
    I've tried resetting the power manager, I've tried zapping the pram. I've tried reinstalling the system -- I just nuked and paved this weekend, with no change. So either it's a hardware problem, or something fundamentally wrong with the OS. But since I don't hear a lot of people complaining about this one, that makes me think it's specific to my (and your) computer...
    I called Apple about it while still under warranty, but got no helpful suggestions. The nearest apple store is 7 hours away, so I can't just pop in and show off my problem

  • Deep Cloning of Arrays

    Hello, I am stuck with this problem...
    I am trying to clone an Array object of type MajorCat. Each MajorCat contains another Array of type MinorCat.
    MajorCat[] contains n MajorCat
    MajorCat[0] contains MinorCat[], of length m
    I wanna clone MajorCat[], which will in turn clone MinorCat[] embedded within it.
    Tried the method given in Section "CloneDemo5" within:
    The result is strange, and I need a solution...
    1) MajorCat[] after cloning gives another copy
    2) MinorCat[] after cloning gives another copy
    3) the orginal MajorCat[] remains the same Object
    4) BUT THE ORIGINAL MinorCat[] points to the Object at 2) !!!!!!!
    Please see this System.out:
    Original MAJORCAT starting off is [LMajorCat;@59ac7b [LMinorCat;@e2ae8   <--- 1)
    Minor Cat before cloning: [LMinorCat;@e2ae8
    Minor Cat after cloning:  [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    New MAJORCAT afterward is  [LMajorCat;@487a3a [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    Original MAJORCAT is   [LMajorCat;@59ac7b [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    Here is the code:
    MajorCat[] tempcat = (MajorCat[])(majorcat.clone());
    for ( int i=0; i<majorcat.length; i++ ) {
    if ( majorcat.minorcat != null ) {
    tempcat.minorcat = (MinorCat[])(majorcat.minorcat.clone());
    What have I done wrong? A million thanks in advance!!!!

    Hello, I put the overloading clone() method back into MajorCat and MinorCat. Again, they are never called...
    Here is the code:
    public class CatelogueSingleton extends ConnectionBase {
        protected MajorCat[] majorcat = null;
        public MajorCat[] getCatelogue() {
            if ( majorcat == null ) {
                System.out.println("majorcat erased!");
            MajorCat[] tempcat = (MajorCat[])(majorcat.clone());
            System.out.println("original object is   " + majorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat[0].itemgroup + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat[0].itemgroup[0].item);
    // clone each Object in majorcat[]
            for ( int i=0; i<majorcat.length; i++ ) {
                if ( majorcat.minorcat != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat = (MinorCat[])(majorcat[i].minorcat.clone());
    for ( int j=0; j<majorcat[i].minorcat.length; j++ ) {
    if ( majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup = (ItemGroup[])(majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup.clone());
    for ( int k=0; k<majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup.length; k++ ) {
    if ( majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item = (Item[])(majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item.clone());
    System.out.println("cloned object is " + tempcat + " " + tempcat[0].minorcat);
    System.out.println("after cloning the original object is " + majorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat);
    return tempcat;
    Here is the code for MajorCat...
    public class MajorCat extends ConnectionBase implements, Cloneable {
        public MinorCat[] minorcat = null;
        public Object clone() {
            try {
                System.out.println("Cloning majorcat");
                MajorCat aobj = (MajorCat)super.clone();
                aobj.minorcat = (MinorCat[])(this.minorcat.clone());
                return aobj;
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError(e.toString());
        public MajorCat() {
    }here is the code for MinorCat...
    public class MinorCat extends ConnectionBase  implements, Cloneable {
        public ItemGroup[] itemgroup = null;
        public Object clone() {
            try {
                MinorCat aobj = (MinorCat)super.clone();
                aobj.itemgroup = (ItemGroup[])(this.itemgroup.clone());
                return aobj;
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError(e.toString());
        public MinorCat() {
    }The result is:
    original object is [LMajorCat;@572085 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    cloned object is     [LMajorCat;@148656 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    after cloning the original object is  [LMajorCat;@572085 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    The original MinorCat within MajorCat now points to the new clone, and the clone() within MajorCat and MinorCat aren't called.... as there is no System.out statements.
    What have I done wrong in clone() within MajorCat and MinorCat?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • E3200 - https and mac cloning problem

    Took me one whole day to get it working. 3 different Linksys tech supports worked with me in chat sessions for 5-6 hours. Eventually, figured out a trick that would get it working every time: I had to do mac address cloning manually, because somehow this router doesn't work with my cable modem with default mac address?
    The funny thing is that the first 2 tech support guys already helped me find out we should do manual mac cloning to get it working, yet the 3rd tech support guy insisted that Cisco Connect software already took care of mac cloning, there's no need to manually do it, and the only thing to blame is the intermittent network connection of my ISP. But my old D-Link works fine with the cable modem and the ISP. It's just this new E3200 router kept having problem, unless I manually clone mac address...
    Another funny thing is that, the setup page of the router allows you to enable https, yet https apparently doesn't work on this version of firmware (as of Mar 23 2012). I disabled http and enabled https only, hoping that it'd be more secure to access the setup pages that way, only to find out that since https doesn't work, there's no way to log into the router any more, unless I reset it...

    To set the router all it requires is a proper physical connectivity between your modem, router and computer. There are 2 way to setup the router.
    1)      Setting it up through Cisco Connect software.
    2)      Setting it up through manual configuration.
    Here is the link for setting up the router through Cisco Connect Software:
    Here is the link for setting up a Linksys router with Cable Internet service
    Second, I would like to ask few question. Like did you try opening up the router management page by “” in Internet Explorer 8. If not, then try to open the Router Management page in the same manner in any other browser and check whether it opens or not.

  • Bootcamp Cloning problem

    I have had terrific help from everyone to get my OS drive cloned, but now I have hit a snag. I have a bootcamp partition on my old OS drive and Carbon Copy Cloner comes up with the following screen when I try to clone it to the new SSD OS drive.
    Even I can work out that the partition isn't gunna work! I have tried diffrerent formats which I new would not work, but I had to have a go.
    Can anybody her today solve this problem for me.

    there is a way to do this..
    use bootcamp assistant to create the bootcamp partition on the new drive.
    use winclone to make a copy of the original bootcamp partition
    restore the winclone file to the new bootcamp partition.
    it worked for me on 10.6.8
    good luck.

  • L440 cloning problem

    Brand new L440 with WD 1TB HDD. 
    Brand new Kingston HyperX 3K 240G SSD.  
    Goal:  clone  the HDD (at this point not much more than the OS - Windows 7 - there is 208G of free space) to the SSD.  Software: Acronis True Image Home 2010 which I have had for a couple of years (used successfully to do the same thing 2 years ago with different equipment).  
    Disk manager sees both disks and pronounces them healthy.
    Cloning setup:  HDD in L440, SSD in USB3.0 docking station, connected to USB port on L440.  Can see the SSD from the L440.  Disk manager indicates that about 15G of storage is being used on the SSD.  
    Process begins, and a page or so of terse lines of code (white on black) come up and then process pauses (no indicator of anything happening).
    Then nothing happens.  For hours.
    When I abort the process and check on the SSD, it's just as empty as it was at the beginning of the process.
    Any ideas?

    Hi eyetrply,
    using Acronis, or any other similar software, when cloning a ThinkPad I always reverse clone because not doing so can cause problems.  Try cloning with the new SSD installed as primary drive with the original drive attached through USB 2.0 and not USB 3.0 which Acronis will not have the drivers for.
    You can find a few articles on cloning in the forum's Knowledgebase, just search on "cloning acronis"
    Andy  ______________________________________
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  • MacPro + Deep Freeze = Problems

    We have over 15 MacPro and we purchased licenses to install deep freeze. I have been successful in installing deep freeze on our Imac's (=75) when I am encountering the same error on our MP. It reads: Encounter Error when writting data, the error code is: 0XE00002c0. I have researched on the Faronics website but nothing. On the apple side I get many different problems that users encounter and they get the same error. Any ideas?

    Only clue I find is here...
    2006-04-04 21:56:36.700 diskimages-helper[285] ERROR: unable to load disk image driver - 0xE00002C0/-536870208 - Device was not configured.

  • HD Cloning Problem

    I have a G3 Pismo laptop running Tiger & a G4 desktop running Panther. The G4 HD is partitioned so that I can backup the Pismo’s HD to the G4’s HD partition. To do the cloning, I put the Pismo in Target Disk mode & interface it via Firewire to the G4. I have done this many times using the Restore feature of Disk Utility and CarbonCopy Cloner.
    However, now I’m having problems cloning. CCC stalled about 2/3 of the way on the first and several more attempts. Later I quit the cloning & restarted CCC and left it running over night, but had the same stall results. I got the same stall when using Disk Utility’s Restore function. I downloaded SuperDuper, but I still get the stall.
    I’ve run Disk Utility on the HD and run DiskWarrior v4 on the HD; with everything being OK. I’ve repaired Permissions. All of these cloning utilities must analyze the files somehow & stop the cloning if it finds a problem file. Both the Pismo & G4 are operating OK.
    Any suggestions as to what to do to solve this problem?
     Cheers, Tom

    First off, cloning one Mac to another is not recommended. This can especially be a problem if you attempt to use one Mac's installed operating system to boot another if they are a different model, or vintage of that model. System specific installation features may not work on one model that work on another. This limitation is not consistent. Some have been able to do this without issue, but you also run into license agreement restrictions as well. If you are doing that, stop! You are better off getting an external hard drive for cloning.
    You may not have sufficient space to store the clone. It is a generally accepted arbitrary maximum, but you should never let a hard drive get more than 85% full.
    Also a problem you may run into when cloning is if other applications are running while the clone takes place. To eliminate that problem, I let the computer stand alone when it is cloning, and run in a separate admin user that has no startup items installed. What generally makes a problem for this is the fact that any file that is being written when the backup happens, may only be partially written, and thus become corrupted in the copy. Creating a new one admin user will do that for you, and just simply not install anything on that user except make sure the backup software will run on it.

  • Cloning Problem

    My initial problem was in thread "My files in under 2 different databases".
    After fixing it, now I performed backup and tried to run the duplicate command and found this error.
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 02/18/2011 13:11:19
    RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
    RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 13 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 12 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 11 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 10 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 9 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 8 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 7 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 6 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 5 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 4 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 3 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 2 found to restore
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 1 found to restoreThen,
    Opened another command prompt and changed this
    configure channel device type disk format 'd:\clone\backup_files\conver_backup_%U';it used to be uat_backup_%U.
    backup database plus archivelog;
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of backup plus archivelog command at 02/18/2011 13:21:15
    ORA-19504: failed to create file "D:\CLONE\BACKUP_FILES\CONVER_BACKUP_3FM4VPE9_1_1"
    ORA-27044: unable to write the header block of file
    OSD-04008: WriteFile() failure, unable to write to file
    O/S-Error: (OS 112) There is not enough space on the disk.What shd I do?
    Where am I going wrong?
    Please help!
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    I tried to ensure again and again that the backup files were copied to the aux but didn't see any difference. Is there a way to add in the statement which folder in aux it shd refer to?
    Thanks.They should be in the same location. Check my video tutorial for Database Duplication:

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