Problem in deep cloning

Hai Friends,
I am trying to use deep cloneing for copying objects and then setting the appropriate values to the properties of copied object. When we make deep clone copy, it is supposed to retain original property values. But in the example I tried, it shows only zeros. The source code and the output is given below. i seek your expertise and my advance thanks for any help to resolve my problem.
* This class extends the class of Javas Point2D.Double
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
public class point2D extends Point2D.Double implements Cloneable, Serializable{
// Properties
     Color drawColor;
* Constructor
point2D(){ }
point2D( double xx, double yy){ super(xx,yy); }
public void setLocation( double xx, double yy){
public void setDrawColor( Color drawColor){
     drawColor = this.drawColor;}
* Draw a rectangle around through point.
public Rectangle getPointRect(){
int width = 4;
return new Rectangle( (int)x-width/2,(int)y-width/2, width, width);
* Check for a given point coinciding with point2D
* location check is true, if it contains the point
public boolean locationCheck( double x, double y){
     return getPointRect().contains((int)x,(int)y);
* Draw method.
public void draw( Graphics2D g2d ){
g2d.fill( getPointRect());
public Object deepClone()
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(b);
ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(b.toByteArray());
ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(bIn);
return oi.readObject();
catch (IOException e)
{ System.out.println("exception:"+e.getMessage());
return null;
catch( ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
System.out.println("exception:"+ cnfe.getMessage());
return null;}          
public static void main( String[] args){
     point2D pp = new point2D();
     pp.setLocation( 100.,150.);
     System.out.println( pp.locationCheck(100.5, 149.5));
System.out.println( pp.getX() + " " + pp.getY());
     point2D ppp = (point2D)pp.deepClone();
System.out.println( ppp.getX() + " " + ppp.getY());
The output:
100.0 150.0
0.0 0.0

Hai sztejkat,
I tried with adding methods to save and restore the state of the non-serializable class and it works.
What is the reason to implement deep clone in point2D - this class does not contain any references >except Color, which is an immutable class and can be safely shared by multiple objects. In this case the >shallow copy will work fine. In my opinion the method you have choosen to implement deep copy is one >of the worst possible, looking from performance point of view. Shallow copy makes a new reference but pointing to the same object. My intension of deep copying was to create a new object. However, I fully agree with you that for simple instances of Point2D.Double, it is better to create a new onject using " new" operator than deepcopying.
With best regards,

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          myClasstemp = new myClass((materials)list.get(x));
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    Message was edited by:

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    If you are too distressed by the posts here, you are
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    cloning the cursor.I still don't see why you need to clone the ResultSet rather than use a proxy!
    very much useful than the self pity expressed by
    you.No self pity! I just expressed annoyance at the lack of feedback from you and many others.
    No offence, none taken and none dealt.I still find it offensive when people don't bother with a simple acknowledgement. I don't ask many questions myself but when I do I make sure I track the responses and acknowledge those who try to help.
    I still think you should re-think your solution but you are free to totally ignore my very simple solution. I expect you will ignore it so the best of luck.

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    Doing a search on "deep copy" or "deep clone" on as well as on the 'net reveals surprisingly little except suggestions for using object serialization to do all the dirty work for you.
    I am surprised there isn't a kind of virtual working group trading ideas on the topic and trying collaboratively to come up with a good, solid generic deep copy class as a public service for all the Java brethren. Does anyone know of one? And if not, wanna start one?

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    public Object clone()
           DigitalTree<E> treeClone = null;
               treeClone = (DigitalTree<E>)super.clone();
           catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
               throw new Error(e.toString());
           cloneNodes(treeClone, this.root, treeClone.root);
           return treeClone;
       private void cloneNodes(DigitalTree treeClone, Node currentNode, Node cloneNode)
           if(treeClone.size == 0)
               cloneNode = null;
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.left, cloneNode.left);
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.right, cloneNode.right);
           else if(currentNode != null)
               cloneNode = (Node<E>)currentNode.clone();
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.left, cloneNode.left);
               cloneNodes(treeClone, currentNode.right, cloneNode.right);
       }In the Node class:
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              Node<E> nodeClone = null;
                   nodeClone = (Node<E>)super.clone();
              catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
                   throw new Error(e.toString());
              return nodeClone;

    Hello jssutton
    Your question inspired me to try my own binary tree and cloning. My cloning algorithm is similar to yours but with one difference.
    In my class Tree defined as:
    class Tree<T extends Comparable>
    I have:
        private void deepCopyLeft(TreeNode<T> src, TreeNode<T> dest) {
            if (src == null) return;
            dest.mLeft = new TreeNode<T>(src.mValue);
            deepCopyLeft(src.mLeft, dest.mLeft);
            deepCopyRight(src.mRight, dest.mLeft);
        private void deepCopyRight(TreeNode<T> src, TreeNode<T> dest) {
            if (src == null) return;
            dest.mRight = new TreeNode<T>(src.mValue);
            deepCopyLeft(src.mLeft, dest.mRight);
            deepCopyRight(src.mRight, dest.mRight);
        public Tree<T> deepCopy() {
            if (root == null) return new Tree<T>();
            TreeNode<T> newRoot = new TreeNode<T>(root.mValue);
            deepCopyLeft(root.mLeft, newRoot);
            deepCopyRight(root.mRight, newRoot);
            return new Tree<T>(newRoot);
        }Its a similar recursive idea, but with 2 extra functions. I hope that helps. I don't have time right now to pinpoint the problem in your routine. Good luck.

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    Hi ,
    I am converting smartform into adobe forms. While converting the program code in the code initialization of the smart forms also get transformed to adobe forms the problem is my internal table is of type deep structure while passing it through the tables parameter i am getting error in adobe forms .But while passing the internal table through import parameter its not giving error.The same code works fine with smartforms. I dont know why its not taking the structure of internal table in adobe forms properly .It happens only for deep strucure formal normal tables it works fine in table parameters .If any one has come across this scenario please share your ideas.
    Best Regards,

    If I were you, I would never do this through any program. The only secure, reliable way is to rewrite everything by your own hands. Even if we could argue, your way works as well (and could be faster at the beginning), at the firt moment you will be asked to perform any tiny change in this "imported" thing, you will cry your eyes out (and understand why it is the only useful way to rewrite everything manually).
    regards Otto

  • Problem in opening cloned database

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    c:\>set oracle_sid=test1
    c:\>sqlplus /nolog
    SQL>conn sys/oracle as sysdba;
    ORA-12560 TNS:Protocol adapter Error.
    But if i use the folowing procedure i can able to open the cloned database
    c:\>set oracle_sid=test(NOte test is the source database not clonned database)
    c:\>Sqlplus /nolog
    SQL>conn sys/oracle as sysdba
    SQl>startup nomount pfile='c:\oracle\pfile\inittest1.ora'(this is the location of init.ora file for cloned database)
    SQL>alter database mount;
    SQL>alter database open;
    Now cloned database is up and running.
    Now if i try to open the original database (TEST) then i am getting the error
    c:\>set oracle_sid=play
    c:\>sqlplus "/nolog
    SQL>conn sys/oracle as sysdba
    ERROR:database is already up and running
    SQL>select name from v$database;
    Can any one help me to open two databases at same time.

    1) ordim
    Create an instance by specifying the following options:
    -NEW -SID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSID sid | -ASMSRVC srvc [-SYSPWD pass]
    [-STARTMODE auto|manual] [-SRVCSTART system|demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE]
    [-SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort] [-TIMEOUT secs] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass]
    oradim -NEW -SID orcl2
    2) Password creation
    orapwd file=orapwd<SID> password=oracle entries=5

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    don´t know, how the batterie status is.
    That´s very strange.
    Somebody who can help me?
    MacBook 2,1
    3Gb Ram
    950 gma

    if you haven't already try listing your problem in the Powerbook forum. Sounds like its most likely an issue with the PB.
    Also, have you tried putting the ipod in different settings? As in;
    Enable Disk Mode
    ->itunes open
    ->itunes closed
    Open itunes when this ipod is connected
    ->itunes open
    ->itunes closed
    and then combining the two...

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    See my example message formats below.
    Source message:
    zmessage (1..1)
    +zidocmessage (0..unbounded)
    ++zidoc       (1..1)
    +++zidocheader (1..1)
    ++++zidocitem  (0..unbounded)
    Target Message:
    zmessage (1..1)
    +zfilemessage   (1..1)
    ++zfilefirstrec (1..1)
    ++zfileheader (1..unbounded)
    ++zfileitem   (1..unbounded)
    I need to map zidocheader to zfileheader and zidocitem to zfileitem. 
    The Source Data:
    The Target Data:
    Can someone advise me on how to map this correctly?
    Thank you,

    Can someone please help me with this problem?
    I am at the point where all of the records in my source message are being written out, however, all of the header records are together and all of the line item records are together.  So, the target message is not in the proper sequence.  It should contain the header record, then item records, header record, then item records, etc. 
    Is there anyone that can help me with this issue?
    Thank you,

  • Deep Cloning of Arrays

    Hello, I am stuck with this problem...
    I am trying to clone an Array object of type MajorCat. Each MajorCat contains another Array of type MinorCat.
    MajorCat[] contains n MajorCat
    MajorCat[0] contains MinorCat[], of length m
    I wanna clone MajorCat[], which will in turn clone MinorCat[] embedded within it.
    Tried the method given in Section "CloneDemo5" within:
    The result is strange, and I need a solution...
    1) MajorCat[] after cloning gives another copy
    2) MinorCat[] after cloning gives another copy
    3) the orginal MajorCat[] remains the same Object
    4) BUT THE ORIGINAL MinorCat[] points to the Object at 2) !!!!!!!
    Please see this System.out:
    Original MAJORCAT starting off is [LMajorCat;@59ac7b [LMinorCat;@e2ae8   <--- 1)
    Minor Cat before cloning: [LMinorCat;@e2ae8
    Minor Cat after cloning:  [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    New MAJORCAT afterward is  [LMajorCat;@487a3a [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    Original MAJORCAT is   [LMajorCat;@59ac7b [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    Here is the code:
    MajorCat[] tempcat = (MajorCat[])(majorcat.clone());
    for ( int i=0; i<majorcat.length; i++ ) {
    if ( majorcat.minorcat != null ) {
    tempcat.minorcat = (MinorCat[])(majorcat.minorcat.clone());
    What have I done wrong? A million thanks in advance!!!!

    Hello, I put the overloading clone() method back into MajorCat and MinorCat. Again, they are never called...
    Here is the code:
    public class CatelogueSingleton extends ConnectionBase {
        protected MajorCat[] majorcat = null;
        public MajorCat[] getCatelogue() {
            if ( majorcat == null ) {
                System.out.println("majorcat erased!");
            MajorCat[] tempcat = (MajorCat[])(majorcat.clone());
            System.out.println("original object is   " + majorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat[0].itemgroup + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat[0].itemgroup[0].item);
    // clone each Object in majorcat[]
            for ( int i=0; i<majorcat.length; i++ ) {
                if ( majorcat.minorcat != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat = (MinorCat[])(majorcat[i].minorcat.clone());
    for ( int j=0; j<majorcat[i].minorcat.length; j++ ) {
    if ( majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup = (ItemGroup[])(majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup.clone());
    for ( int k=0; k<majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup.length; k++ ) {
    if ( majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item = (Item[])(majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item.clone());
    System.out.println("cloned object is " + tempcat + " " + tempcat[0].minorcat);
    System.out.println("after cloning the original object is " + majorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat);
    return tempcat;
    Here is the code for MajorCat...
    public class MajorCat extends ConnectionBase implements, Cloneable {
        public MinorCat[] minorcat = null;
        public Object clone() {
            try {
                System.out.println("Cloning majorcat");
                MajorCat aobj = (MajorCat)super.clone();
                aobj.minorcat = (MinorCat[])(this.minorcat.clone());
                return aobj;
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError(e.toString());
        public MajorCat() {
    }here is the code for MinorCat...
    public class MinorCat extends ConnectionBase  implements, Cloneable {
        public ItemGroup[] itemgroup = null;
        public Object clone() {
            try {
                MinorCat aobj = (MinorCat)super.clone();
                aobj.itemgroup = (ItemGroup[])(this.itemgroup.clone());
                return aobj;
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError(e.toString());
        public MinorCat() {
    }The result is:
    original object is [LMajorCat;@572085 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    cloned object is     [LMajorCat;@148656 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    after cloning the original object is  [LMajorCat;@572085 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    The original MinorCat within MajorCat now points to the new clone, and the clone() within MajorCat and MinorCat aren't called.... as there is no System.out statements.
    What have I done wrong in clone() within MajorCat and MinorCat?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Problem with Stamp Cloning Tool in CS5?

    I am having the darndest problem that I've never encountered before. I am using the cloning tool in CS5 and I am trying to stamp clone one part of the photo and clone it to another part of the photo. The problem is that after I option click and then drag it to the part I need, dark spots show up instead? What is wrong here? Below is an example. Thanks.
    I am running Photoshop CS5 for Mac with the latest updates.

    We can't quite see it in your image, but have you got the Blend mode for the clone tool set for Difference perhaps?  Otherwise go to the dropdown top let of Options bar, and see if you have any presets for that tool, and reset it.  If none of that helps, time to reset the Preference file (Shift Cmd Opt as you open Photoshop)

  • Problems after failed cloning

    Hello. I was stupid enough to make a clone of the disk in my Powerbook G4 with Super Duper before checking it was compatible with Leopard. I wasnt. I got several errors on the new larger drive after boot like:
    system extension was installed the wrong way and must be reinstalled.
    The files are in:
    Libkern.kext , Mach.kext , BSDKernel.kext and IOKit.kext ,
    The others are in:
    autofs.kext , IOFireWireFamily.kext and IOFirewireSBP2.kext
    The powerbook boots but there is several probs. Mail wont start, Bluetoot is not there, Photoshop wont start and more.
    I still have the old drive with the previous system, but that drives is not visible as a boot drive in startup disk control panel. Anything I can do beside swap disks and use carbon copy cloner? Install Leopard from the DVD?
    Thanks for any advice
    Message was edited by: eflaten

    Sorry. I cloned my internal 10.5.1 80 gig disk to external 250 gig in a firewire cabinette. Then I replaced the original one inside my powerbook G4 with this clone. I made the clone with latest Super Duper, which I later found out was not compatible. So it is the 250 gig now inside my mac that doesnt work. Thanks for asking for clarifying

  • Problems with deep request structure in web service

    I'm having problems when trying to consume an Enterprise Service-like web service in my Web Dynpro application. The web service FindXByElements has a request-structure as follows:
    Regarding the structures on level two, the structure ProcessingConditions are of the global data type "WITHOUT_LASTRETURNED_QueryProcessingConditions" and are therefore typed. The structure XSelectionByElements on the other hand are just a "level" in the request structure and are therefore not typed. Both structures have occurrence 1 so they have to be filled with input data.
    The code in wdDoInit in the Component Controller looks like this:
    QueryXInModel model = new QueryXInModel();
    wdContext.nodeRequest_FindXByElements().bind(wdContext.createRequest_FindXByElementsElement(new Request_FindXByElements(model)));
    wdContext.currentRequest_FindXByElementsElement().modelObject().setXByElementsQuery(new XByElementsQuery_Sync(model));
    //Processing structure
    wdContext.currentXByElementsQueryElement().modelObject().setProcessingConditions(new WITHOUT_LASTRETURNED_QueryProcessingConditions(model));
    //Selection structure
    wdContext.currentXByElementsQueryElement().modelObject().setXSelectionByElements(new XSelectionByElements(model));
    The last row generates the following exception:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot perform write operation 'setRelatedModelObject' on target role: Class 'XSelectionByElements' is not compatible to class '$002fWsdlDefinitions$002fWsdlTypes$002fXsdSchema$002fXsdComplexType$005b3$005d$002fXsdSequence$002fXsdElement$005b2$005d$002fXsdComplexType' of target role 'XSelectionByElements' in model class 'XByElementsQuery_Sync'
    There seems to be a problem to bind a non-typed structure element to a context node since the processing structure is working fine but the selection structure are not.
    What am I doing wrong, anyone got any clues?

    QueryXInModel model = new QueryXInModel();
    wdContext.nodeRequest_FindXByElements().bind(wdContext.createRequest_FindXByElementsElement(new Request_FindXByElements(model)));
    wdContext.currentRequest_FindXByElementsElement().modelObject().setXByElementsQuery(new XByElementsQuery_Sync(model));
    //Processing structure
    wdContext.currentXByElementsQueryElement().modelObject().setProcessingConditions(new WITHOUT_LASTRETURNED_QueryProcessingConditions(model));
    //Selection structure
    wdContext.currentXByElementsQueryElement().modelObject().setXSelectionByElements(new XSelectionByElements(model));
              QueryXInModel model = new QueryXInModel();
               Request_FindXByElement  request = new Requst_FindXByElement();
                ProcessCondition   processCond  = new  ProcessCondition(model);
                QueryHitsMaximumNumberValue  qhMaxNumValues = QueryHitsMaximumNumberValue(model);
          QueryHitsUnlimitedIndicator  qhUnLimind = new QueryHitsUnlimitedIndicator(model);
            XSelectionByElements  selecByEle = new XSelectionByElements(model);
                     qhMaxNumValues .set...();
               and so on
      in the above during the values you will automatically get the set values .

  • Problem with deep structure in OO Context

    Dear All
    As we know deep structures with occurs 0 cannot be declared in Object Oriented context (will give a syntax error). Can some1 please suggest a workaround. I need to declare the following structure in a BADI implementation. But it is a deep structure & gives a syntax error.
    OCCURS 0,
    MINDX LIKE SY-INDEX, "Index Merkmal
    WINDX LIKE SY-INDEX, "Index in Datentabelle
    WSELE TYPE C, "Kz. selektiert
    WOHNE TYPE C, "Kz. ohne Wertedefinition
    WWERT TYPE C, "Kz. weitere Werte vorhanden
    ATSON TYPE C, "Kz. Sonderwerte erlaubt
    ESWRT TYPE C, "Kz. Eingeschränkter Wertebereich
    SSTRG TYPE C, "Kz. Stringsuche
    STATU TYPE C, "Status
    ATWRT LIKE CAWN-ATWRT, "Wert sprachneutral
    ATFLV LIKE CAWN-ATFLV, "intern von
    ATFLB LIKE CAWN-ATFLB, "intern bis
    ATAWE LIKE CAWN-ATAWE, "abw. Einheit
    ATAW1 LIKE CAWN-ATAW1, "abw. Einheit bis
    ATCOD LIKE CAWN-ATCOD, "Operator-Ident.
    ATTLV LIKE CAWN-ATTLV, "Toleranz von
    X TYPE C,
    ATTLB LIKE CAWN-ATTLB, "Toleranz bis
    ATPRZ LIKE CAWN-ATPRZ, "Angabe in %
    ATINC LIKE CAWN-ATINC, "Schrittweite
    AENNR LIKE CAWN-AENNR, "Änderungsnr.
    DATUV LIKE CAWN-DATUV, "Datum von aus Änderungsnr.
    ATZHH LIKE CAWN-ATZHH, "Hierarchie: ATZHL des Parent
    ATWHI LIKE CAWN-ATWHI, "Hierarchie: ATZHL ist Parent
    ATVPL LIKE CAWN-ATVPL, "Kz. Vorplanung
    NATWRT LIKE CAWN-ATWRT, "Sprachneutraler Wert
    KNOBJ LIKE CAWN-KNOBJ, "Beziehungswissen
    KNPRE TYPE C, "KNART: Precondition
    KNACT TYPE C, "KNART: Action
    KNPRO TYPE C, "KNART: Procedure
        est_atwrt like ausp-atwrt,      "Eingabestring    (für EH&S) 4.0c
    END   OF WI.
    Help needed urgently!!

    Declare TYPES statement.
    types: BEGIN OF WI,
    MINDX LIKE SY-INDEX, "Index Merkmal
    WINDX LIKE SY-INDEX, "Index in Datentabelle
    WSELE TYPE C, "Kz. selektiert
    WOHNE TYPE C, "Kz. ohne Wertedefinition
    WWERT TYPE C, "Kz. weitere Werte vorhanden
    ATSON TYPE C, "Kz. Sonderwerte erlaubt
    ESWRT TYPE C, "Kz. Eingeschränkter Wertebereich
    SSTRG TYPE C, "Kz. Stringsuche
    STATU TYPE C, "Status
    ATWRT LIKE CAWN-ATWRT, "Wert sprachneutral
    ATFLV LIKE CAWN-ATFLV, "intern von
    ATFLB LIKE CAWN-ATFLB, "intern bis
    ATAWE LIKE CAWN-ATAWE, "abw. Einheit
    ATAW1 LIKE CAWN-ATAW1, "abw. Einheit bis
    ATCOD LIKE CAWN-ATCOD, "Operator-Ident.
    ATTLV LIKE CAWN-ATTLV, "Toleranz von
    X TYPE C,
    ATTLB LIKE CAWN-ATTLB, "Toleranz bis
    ATPRZ LIKE CAWN-ATPRZ, "Angabe in %
    ATINC LIKE CAWN-ATINC, "Schrittweite
    AENNR LIKE CAWN-AENNR, "Änderungsnr.
    DATUV LIKE CAWN-DATUV, "Datum von aus Änderungsnr.
    ATZHH LIKE CAWN-ATZHH, "Hierarchie: ATZHL des Parent
    ATWHI LIKE CAWN-ATWHI, "Hierarchie: ATZHL ist Parent
    ATVPL LIKE CAWN-ATVPL, "Kz. Vorplanung
    NATWRT LIKE CAWN-ATWRT, "Sprachneutraler Wert
    KNOBJ LIKE CAWN-KNOBJ, "Beziehungswissen
    KNPRE TYPE C, "KNART: Precondition
    KNACT TYPE C, "KNART: Action
    KNPRO TYPE C, "KNART: Procedure
    VL TYPE table of VALUE_DESCRIPTION,est_atwrt like ausp-atwrt, "Eingabestring (für EH&S) 4.0c
    END OF WI.
    types: t_wi type standard table of wi.
    data: wa type wi,
            t_itab type t_wi.

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