Default Admin User

We have upgraded to 1.5.0 and are unable to use the original "internal" administrator account to login and create new users, workspaces, etc. Has this account been changed in 1.5.0? What is the default administrator userid and password? When upgrading we only selected the defaults. What is the workspace to use for the default administrator?

Dear "404334",
Visit URL for htmldb_admin procedure, try to login as admin/admin. If it works, change the password. If not, let us know.
P.S. If you like, you can show your name in this forum instead of a numeric ID by clicking on 'Forum Settings' and setting 'Name visible to others' to Yes.

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    C:\Users\Amit>net user Administrator
    User name                    Administrator
    Full Name
    Comment                      Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
    User's comment
    Country/region code          000 (System Default)
    Account active               No
    Account expires              Never
    Password last set            7/26/2012 12:57:03 PM
    Password expires             Never
    Password changeable          7/26/2012 12:57:03 PM
    Password required            Yes
    User may change password     Yes
    Workstations allowed         All
    Logon script
    User profile
    Home directory
    Last logon                   9/16/2013 1:16:30 PM
    Logon hours allowed          All
    Local Group Memberships      *Administrators
    Global Group memberships     *None
    The command completed successfully.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Default admin user when restoring from time machine backup in setup assistant

    Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere.
    I will soon take delivery of a new iMac running Mac OS Mountain Lion, and I will want to restore my full Time Machine backup which was made on a MacBook Pro (which was my main machine, but is now faulty - it was running Snow Leopard).
    On the MacBook Pro I had 2 user accounts.  Mine which was the default admin account (named Ian Johnson), and my wife's which was a standard user account.
    Now, I know that I should use SetUp Assistant to restore user accounts etc from the Time Machine backup, but I'm wondering whether during that process I will be asked to create another admin user account when I first run SetUp Assistant.  Ideally I would like to end up with exactly the same user accounts as on my old MacBook Pro.
    The reason I'm asking in advance is that I believe it's hard to "undo" whatever default admin user account you set up on first use of a new Mac, so want to be prepared.
    Any help appreciated, thanks.

    I'm wondering whether during that process I will be asked to create another admin user account when I first run SetUp Assistant.
    You won't be, provided you go straight into Setup Assistant the first time you boot the new machine.

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    Finally I decided to reboot the mac mini server from a remote dvd drive again to verify the mac mini server serial number using system profiler of the installer. The serial number shown in profile is consistent with the one shown on the bottom of the mini. So it seems to me the password setting somehow corrupted during the previous configuration error.
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    Thanks in advance
    Julian de Lima

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    I found the answer in another area.
    Apparently, I fat fingered it a few times.

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    Edited by: user11969485 on Jun 28, 2011 3:23 AM

    You can look at the list of forums at:
    (the link is at the top left of this forum as well)
    and locate the one that looks like the best fit for your question.
    Thank you,

  • We have non admin users on Windows 7. They change the homepage and it works for that session. When they close the browser, and restart it again the default homepage is shown.

    Windows 7 Sp3. Using Firefox 7.01
    Non admin users.
    Can change homepage to whatever they like and it will work.
    BUT when they close firefox and open it again the home page goes back to default setting

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    it loads the basic firefox "FirstPage"
    How do I get around adding a default homepage that can be changed by the user?
    I have tried adding
    defaultPref.. .. then the webpage info.. BUT it retrurns a Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system administrator.
    Do I need to create a prefs.js file?
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  • How can I add an admin user in Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) 11g r2?

    I'm using OUD 11G R2. I just installed OUD with the default setting and setup an instance.  I tried to add an admin user with the command:
        ./ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password --defaultAdd --filename admin.ldif
    Here is the content of admin.ldif
        dn: cn=oimuser,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
        objectClass: inetOrgPerson
        objectClass: person
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: ds-cfg-root-dn-user
        objectClass: organizationalPerson
        userPassword: Oracle123
        cn: oimuser
        sn: oimuser
        ds-cfg-alternate-bind-dn: cn=oimuser
        givenName: OIM User
        ds-privilege-name: -config-read
        ds-privilege-name: -config-write
        ds-privilege-name: -backend-backup
        ds-privilege-name: -backend-restore
        ds-privilege-name: -data-sync
        ds-privilege-name: -disconnect-client
        ds-privilege-name: -jmx-notify
        ds-privilege-name: -jmx-read
        ds-privilege-name: -jmx-write
        ds-privilege-name: -ldif-export
        ds-privilege-name: -ldif-import
        ds-privilege-name: -modify-acl
        ds-privilege-name: -privilege-change
        ds-privilege-name: -proxied-auth
        ds-privilege-name: -server-restart
        ds-privilege-name: -server-shutdown
        ds-privilege-name: -update-schema
        ds-privilege-name: -cancel-request
    I got the error as below:
    The provided entry cn=oimuser,cn=Root DNs,cn=config cannot be added because its suffix is not registered with the network group network-group
    Would you please advise how I can fix that? Thanks

    I got the reason. cn=config is an administrative suffix.
    In general, direct LDAP access to the administrative suffixes (using
    the ldap* utilities) is discouraged. In most cases, it is preferable
    to use the dedicated administrative command-line utilities to access
    these suffixes.
    If you must use the ldap* commands to access the administrative
    suffixes, you must use the administration connector port (with the
    --useSSL or -Z option).
    It works when I use the command:
        ./ldapmodify -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Oracle123 --defaultAdd -Z --filename admin.ldif
    You can verify it by:
        ./ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password --useSSL -b "cn=root DNs,cn=config" "cn=oimuser"

  • How can I transfer iPhoto files from one admin user to another on the same Mac?

    i created a new admin user on my computer, so now my husband has one and so do i. how can i transfer our iphoto files from his admin user to mine as a shared file? i was able to do this with itunes easily but i am not able to do it with iphoto.

    You want to share the Library?
    For iPhoto 09 (version 8.0.2) and later:
    What you mean by 'share'.
    If you want the other user to be able to see the pics, but not add to, change or alter your library, then enable Sharing in your iPhoto (Preferences -> Sharing), leave iPhoto running and use Fast User Switching to open the other account. In that account, enable 'Look For Shared Libraries'. Your Library will appear in the other source pane.
    Any user can drag a pic from the Shared Library to their own in the iPhoto Window.
    Remember iPhoto must be running in both accounts for this to work.
    If you want the other user to have the same access to the library as you: to be able to add, edit, organise, keyword etc.
    Quit iPhoto in both accounts. Move the Library to the Users / Shared Folder
    (You can also use an external HD set to ignore permissions, a Disk Image or even partition your Hard Disk.)
    In each account in turn: Double click on the Library to open it. (You may be asked to repair the Library Permissions.) From that point on, this will be the default library location. Both accounts will have full access to the library, in fact, both accounts will 'own' it.
    However, there is a catch with this system and it is a significant one. iPhoto is not a multi-user app., it does not have the code to negotiate two users simultaneously writing to the database, and trying will cause db corruption. So only one user at a time, and back up, back up back up.

  • Using a different user(other than default PI user) with adapter module

    We are having a custom adapter module built to interact with a Hardware Security Module(HSM). This custom adapter module by default uses a PI user configured in the system. However, we are not able to pass commands to HSM because of insufficient authorizations to this PI user. Now, we do not exactly know the permissions required for the user to access HSM. We have asked the HSM support team about the same. However, I wanted to explore the possibility of using a different PI user to work with the adapter module and eventually pass commands to HSM.
    We have an admin user configured which has all the necessary authorizations. Is it possible to use this admin user created on PI system to work with adapter module so that it passes commands to HSM?
    Ravi Desai

    We have given the necessary authorizations to PI user.

  • JSPM phase error : admin/user/SID does not exist

    Hi ,
    There is an error message while opening the JSPM
    Phase error report:
    "cannot read secure store properties .could not set up secure admin/user/SID does not get string value found exception could not find a record key "admin/user/SID" in the store"
    checked the config tool secure store and found no entry maintained for /admin/user/SID.
    How to add the new entry in config tool and what is post entry procedure
    Thanks a ton

    Hello Daniel,
    You can maintain the Administrator user in secure storage using the config tool.
    By default, the value for this config tool property is user Administrator. However, when using the ABAP Engine for persistency, this user is J2EE_ADMIN.
    Following are the steps:
           1.      Start the Config Tool.
           2.      Select secure store.
                    The configuration for the secure storage in the file system appears.
           3.      Select the key admin/user/<SID>.
           4.      Enter J2EE_ADMIN in the Value: field and choose Add. 
           5.      Select the key admin/password/<SID>.
           6.      Enter the password for J2EE_ADMIN in the Value: field and choose Add.
           7.      Save the configuration.
    The corresponding link is mentioned below:

  • Safari problem & how do I do admin user account  fix

    Using Safari 1.3.2, QT 6.5.2, OSX.3.9 on Mac G4. I have not chosen to upgrade to QT 7 or Tiger because of other apps on this machine.
    Safari crashes when I try to empty cache. Problem started after upgrade to above and installing flip4mac. - not sure which caused the problem.
    I've already thrown out the suggested things from Safari prefs, plist, cache files from prefs, etc. I also trashed all of the fllip4mac pieces. Didn't fix the problem.
    The only solution has been to log in as a different user. So, I guess I have to fix or delete and re-do the problem user account, which is my main admin. user account. I see that the dialogue box says I can save the user folder items into a "deleted user" folder.
    Before taking this step, I want to know what happens then? Do I just drag the items back into the new admin. account? I would like some info before I take this step - don't want any regrets. If I can and do drag stuff back, any chance it would bring the problem with it? Will I get all my setting back? How about a step x step on setting up as new admin.?
    Mac G4 450 SP   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    Mac G4 450 SP   Mac OS X (10.3.8)  

    Hi Chris
    I can't help with a step by step - but did you simply trash the f4m files or run the uninstaller.pkg ??
    Below is the list of commands that the uninstaller uses to remove/reset everything that was changed when f4m was installed. Possibly you didn't locate all these files?.
    # remove historical files
    userGuide="Flip4Mac WMV Player User Guide.pdf"
    /bin/rm ~/Desktop/"$userGuide"
    prefPaneNameOnDesktop="Flip4Mac WMV Registration"
    /bin/rm ~/Desktop/"$prefPaneNameOnDesktop"
    internetPluginsPath="/Library/Internet Plug-Ins"
    windozeMediaPluginName="Windows Media Plugin"
    disabledFolderName="Disabled Plug-Ins"
    /bin/rm -rf /Applications/WMV\
    # New application files and registration link
    /bin/rm -rf "$appFolderPath"/WMV\
    /bin/rm "$appFolderPath"/Users\ Guide.rtf
    /bin/rm "$appFolderPath"/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ User\ Guide.pdf
    /bin/rm "$appFolderPath"/WMV\ Upgrade
    # Remove QT components
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Import.component/
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Export.component/
    # Remove web browser plug-ins
    /bin/rm -rf "$internetPluginsPath"/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Plugin.plugin/
    /bin/rm -rf "$internetPluginsPath"/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Plugin.webplugin/
    /bin/rm -rf "$internetPluginsPath/$disabledFolderName"/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Plugin.plugin/
    /bin/rm -rf "$internetPluginsPath/$disabledFolderName"/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Plugin.webplugin/
    # move windows media player back into place
    if [ -d "$internetPluginsPath/$disabledFolderName/$windozeMediaPluginName" ] ; then
    if [ ! -d "$internetPluginsPath/$windozeMediaPluginName" ] ; then
    /bin/mv -f "$internetPluginsPath/$disabledFolderName/$windozeMediaPluginName" "$internetPluginsPath/"
    # remove the disabled plug-ins folder if it is empty
    /bin/rm "$internetPluginsPath/$disabledFolderName/.DS_Store"
    /bin/rmdir "$internetPluginsPath/$disabledFolderName"
    # old prefpane
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/WmvPlayer.prefPane/
    # new prefpane
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/Flip4Mac\ WMV.prefPane/
    # Package receipts
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac\ Web\ Plugins.pkg/
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac\ QuickTime\ Components.pkg/
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Player\ Installer.pkg/
    # Change mms URLs back to windows media player
    /usr/bin/defaults write LSHandlers -array-add '<dict><key>LSHandlerRoleAll</key><string></string><ke y>LSHandlerURLScheme</key><string>mms</string></dict>'
    # single package installer
    /bin/rm -rf /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac\ Uninstaller.pkg/
    # Final clean up: remove the uninstaller and app folder
    /bin/rm -rf "$appFolderPath"/Flip4Mac\ Uninstaller.pkg/
    /bin/rm -rf "$appFolderPath"/Flip4Mac\ WMV\ Uninstaller.pkg/
    /bin/rm "$appFolderPath/.DS_Store"
    /bin/rmdir "$appFolderPath"
    exit 0;

  • Migration Assistant created admin user w/ Macintosh HD volume on desktop

    MBP 17" (running Leopard) logic board died
    Retrieved hard drive from MBP and put in USB 2.0 caddy
    Bought Mac Mini 2.5 intel core i5 w/ latest Mountain Lion
    Used for a couple of days as main Administrator user, set up a VPN etc, every working fine.
    Made a back up using Time Machine on a USB connected My Passport Edge for Mac
    Used Migration Assistant to transfer user account from MBP HD (with Leopard) - this was the main adminstrator (not root superuser) of the MBP
    When prompted, renamed the Leopard user account to MacBook so no conflict with new Mountain Lion administrator user
    Transferred everything but applications and download folder of the main (administrator) user on the MBP.
    All appeared successful.
    Restarted Mac Mini and logged into the User account created by Migration Assistant---all files there etc so far so good.
    Then I noticed that this migrated user still had Admintrator rights and appears to have reset some of the global settings effecting the original ML admin user (the one I eventually want to carry on using)
    First inkly of this was that the VPN server I set up was no longer recognised by Safari in any accounts on the machine.
    Logged into original ML administrator user and changed the migrated MBP user to a 'standard' user with no rights to do change settings on the computer.
    [still can't get Safari to recognise the VPN proxy server]
    Decided I'd better make a back-up to the Time Machine on the My Passport, but had to follow these instructions for a 'Full Reset of Time Machine'. Which did the job.
    Then I logged back into the migrated MBP user account to look around. There on the desktop is a volume called 'Macintosh HD' (the same as the main computer default name that is used my Mountain Lion.
    When I do a get info on this volume it tells me the following:
    Kind: Volume
    Created: Friday, 19 October 2012 (which is an odd date)
    Modified: Today ...
    Version 10.8.2
    Formal: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    Capacity: 499.25GB
    Available: 361.32GB
    Used .....(127.93 GB on disk)
              Sharing and Permissions
                   You can only read
                   system Read & Write
                   wheel Read only
                   everyone Read only
    Can I delete this volume off the desktop or will that mean I lose all the files and folders for this user? Why is there a 137GB volume on the desktop?
    Also, as it's called Macintosh HD (the same as Mountain Lion's Computer name) isn't this likely to be causing some clashes?
    I will eventually be deleting this migrated user, once I have all the emails, notes, etc off Entourage's Main Identity imported into Outlook 10. In the meantime this volume on the desktop is worrying me.
    My question is: what should I do about this double Macintosh HD volume on the migrated MBP user account?
    Thanks for your help.

    There are settings in Finder's Preferences to show Hard Disks on the desktop. So, that is likely normal. Deleting it would be bad.

Maybe you are looking for