Default master gain setting when capturing

Hi, I am capturing audio via AES from a DVCPro deck and notice that I can change the Master Gain control on the clip settings tab in the capture tool from either 0 up to 1, can someone please advise what is the default setting? Is it 1 or 0? I can't find this information in the help menu or anywhere! I don't want to change the levels but someone was using the system before me and now I don't know what I should set it back too (closing down and going back in just leaves it on whatever I had it previously). I have never been able to change this before so have not come across it with other digitising.
Many thanks!

The capture audio default on the master gain slider is "1"

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    Hi Dwayne,
    I could reproduce this, as a workaround, we can use javascript code as below to hide the element in the following image.
    <script src=""></script>
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Depends on your overall configuration/workflow...but I'll usually set my external for Video Capture/Video Render/Audio Render. Then both cache files to my system drive and my Autosave Vault to the external...unless I have an additional internal or second external. I keep my Project files on the system/startup drive.
    When you click on the 'Set' button, it's best to simply select the root of whatever drive you want to use. This alleviates the possibility of uncontrolled heirarchy of 'scratch folders' cluttering up your system. If you select the root, then FCP creates a "Capture Scratch" folder at the root level, and each new project gets it's own folder within the main "Capture Scratch" folder.
    Setting your autosave vault somewhere other than where your project file is located, can save your butt, if your system drive (or wherever your project file is located) decides to crash.
    Others may do it differently, as I do on occasion...just depends on what drives/Mac I have available at the time.
    Hope that helps.


    I am having problems capturing audio at optimum levels.
    In other words my audio levels in my log and capture window
    do not match the output of my tape (bars and tone).
    To be more specific:
    I am capturing from a Sony Beta deck (BetaCam SP).
    The tape has Bars and Tone. I am running the audio signal through
    my Mackie CR1604 audio mixer in order to control levels going into FCP.
    The signal goes out from the 1604 into my AjA IO then out of AjA IO into
    my MacG5 via the Fire Wire connection.
    I have the Mackie levels set at 0 (zero unity gain) just below the
    point of clipping using the tone from the Beta Tape.
    My first thought was to boost the input in FCP using the Master Gain
    setting in the log and capture / clip settings tab.
    My problem was that the meters in my capture window (clip settings tab)
    were greyed out. Well I found a way to access them by changing
    my settingsby way of the following path:
    Audio Video Settings / Capture Presets / Preset Editor. In the Preset Editor
    I changed the QuickTime Audio settings device from Pro IO (AjA Io) to
    Built-In audio. This allows access to the Master Gain slider in the log and
    capture window.
    No good...I can not get the audio levels in the capture window to match
    the levels on my Mackie 1604. They should match.
    (they are way too low and the Master Gain slider is maxed out)
    Please help!!!!!
    Michael Kraus / mak design co.

    I need the Mackie 1604 mixer to boost or lower audio levels.
    Lets say I have a Beta tape (or any tape/media) with bars and tone set to Zero db.
    Thats great BUT what if the videographer had some areas in the tape
    where levels were too high / hot or too low. The Mackie allows me to
    boost or lower levels.
    As for the headache of re-digitize/ re-capture....I see your point but it is usually
    not a big problem. Especially since most of my tapes have tone at the head
    of the tape set at zero db for me to "calibrate" to. The audio on the remainder
    of the tape does not surpass zero db most of the the time (in a perfect world).
    There are some times where the world is not so perfect and I need to
    adjust levels.
    My problem is that the levels out of the Mackie output and the levels
    of the FCP / AjA IO input are different enough for there to be some concern.
    I am in a sense doing what you are doing on the deck using the Mackie.
    This is the way I always went about things when I ran my Avid video editor
    and never had a problem. I am certain there are many people using the same
    The bottom line is there is some kind of drop off in levels going into FCP via
    the AjA IO.
    I appreciate your input...Thank you!
    Let me know if you have any other ideas.

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    Code of method which is call on feature activation
    public void SetCustomMasterPage(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string MasterPageName)
    #region SetMasterpage
    SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
    if (siteCollection != null)
    foreach (SPWeb web in siteCollection.AllWebs)
    // Get the Site Collection root path to get the master page gallery.
    string siteCollectionRoot = web.Site.RootWeb.Url;
    // Set the Site Master to Custom.master
    var siteMaster = new Uri(siteCollectionRoot + "/_catalogs/masterpage/Master/" + MasterPageName);
    web.CustomMasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    web.MasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    // Clear the Alternate CSS
    web.AlternateCssUrl = string.Empty;
    // Save the changes back to the web
    catch (Exception)
    Code of methods which are call on feature deactivation
    public void SetDefaultMaster(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
    if (siteCollection != null)
    foreach (SPWeb web in siteCollection.AllWebs)
    // Get the Site Collection root path to get the master page gallery.
    string siteCollectionRoot = web.Site.RootWeb.Url;
    // Set the Site Master to Custom.master
    var siteMaster = new Uri(siteCollectionRoot + "/_catalogs/masterpage/default.master");
    web.CustomMasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    web.MasterUrl = siteMaster.AbsolutePath;
    // Clear the Alternate CSS
    web.AlternateCssUrl = string.Empty;
    // Save the changes back to the web
    catch (Exception)
    public void RemoveCustomMasterPage(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string MasterPageName)
    using (SPSite sitecollection = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent)
    using (SPWeb web = sitecollection.RootWeb)
    string WebAppRelativePath = sitecollection.ServerRelativeUrl;
    if (!WebAppRelativePath.EndsWith("/"))
    foreach (SPWeb site in sitecollection.AllWebs)
    WebAppRelativePath = site.Url;
    if (!WebAppRelativePath.EndsWith("/"))
    WebAppRelativePath += "/";
    String MasterUrl = WebAppRelativePath + "_catalogs/masterpage/Master/" + MasterPageName;
    SPFile fileUrl1 = site.GetFile(MasterUrl);
    if (fileUrl1 != null)
    SPFolder folder = fileUrl1.ParentFolder;
    //attempt to delete the folder if it is now empty
    if (folder.Files.Count < 1)
    catch (Exception)
    Pls guide me for solve this issue.

    Hello Sameer,
    When you are calling "RemoveCustomMasterPage" function?
    Also make below change in web.config file your web application to know the problem:
    1. Open up your sites web.config, and make the standard custom errors edit. You want it to be < customerrors mode="Off"/>
    2. Then, search for the CallStack="false" and change it to CallStack="true", you should find this in the "<safemode>" node.
    3. Find:   <compilation debug="false" />, Replace with: <compilation debug="true" />
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Abrupt changes when keyframing Master Gain in Secondaries room

    hi all,
    I'm new here, and new to Color, though I've been using Final Cut since getting version 1 at QuickTime Live.
    I need to keyframe a gain adjustment for part of a clip I rendered in ProRes 422 and brought back into Final Cut 6.0.2 .
    As shown in
    my approach to using keyframes is the same as in most any other app I've used, including Final Cut Pro:
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    - set 2 "outer" keyframes before and after the fully affected portion, to define the transition into and out of the effect.
    Whether I use smooth, linear or constant keyframes, there is in fact no transition at all. Sliding along the timeline and watching the Master Gain numbers, it looks as though there's a smooth transition from no gain (Master Gain = 1.0) to 1.4 and back to no gain; but the preview (and rendered sequence) jump from no adjustment to full adjustment at the innermost keyframes.
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    Can someone set me straight, with a step-by-step of how to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
    many thanks

    Thanks, JP.
    Yes, I've been working with the manual all along, which is where I learned of the 3 transition types .
    I sent a fresh sequence from FCP, and created keyframes in the order you suggested. The graph looks the same as the earlier linked screencap, and the behavior is the same too: though the readout in the Master Gain field changes gradually from no adjustment (1.000000) to desired adjustment (1.400000) over the course of the transition, there is no difference in the preview or rendered output until the playhead is moved that one last frame over the keyframe, at which point the full adjustment happens abruptly - ie. no transition at all, just a sharp change.
    In my experience with other apps, eg. FCP as mentioned, one can enter keyframes in any order one likes, and set the parameters at each afterwards.
    COLOR's behavior (such as it is) seems the same whether I set keyframes the way I described earlier, or the way you suggested.
    As long as I'm being grumpy (this simple correction should have been rendered, finished, done hours ago) ... while I appreciate that Color is apparently a feature-film-quality grading tool that Apple adapted from Silicon Color's FinalTouch, and I really do like the grading rooms approach to refining color correction... I must say that it's really irritating not to have a scroll bar in the timeline.
    Thanks again for any help that you or others here can offer, to help me get keyframes working as easily as I've been doing for over 8 years now in FCP...

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    Hey guys,
    This might seem like a bit of a n00b question, but I really can't find this info any which way I Google it.
    What is the default dot gain setting in the US Web Coated SWOP v2 profile?
    Allow me to explain my dilema:
    My printer told me to use the US Web Coated SWOP v2 this profile for a catalog we're printing. 4/4 on 100# gloss book stock. However I've used that profile in the past and the prints came out darker than I expected them to. I don't have a high enough quality printer to be able to test this in-house, but I'm pretty sure my monitor is not overly bright or set to an overly high contrast level. They indicated to me that their standard dot gain is about 10-15%
    I assumed the SWOP v2 profile accounted for 20% dot gain as that appears to be the default for many of the other color settings, but I've never known for sure. I'm trying to decide if I need to use a custom profile with a higher dot gain setting.
    Thanks for any help!

    Hello Kenzier,
    the ICC-profile US Web Coated SWOP contains a tone reproduction curve  (TRC)
    which cannot be characterized accurately by Dot Gain or Gamma.
    For the entry in Color Settings > Gray we can proceed as follows:
    Color Settings > Gray > Load gray > (click on) USWebCoatedSWOP.icc > Save gray
    This saves a 'Black-ink-profile' with a similar name, which replaces Dot Gain
    or Gamma settings.
    This profile can be interpreted by the program ICC Profile Inspector (free):
    Here we have kTRC (black ink tone reproduction curve), the red line.
    With the auxiliary black diagonal one can read the effective  dot gain 20%,
    the blue line.
    The printer should tell you a profile which is representative (a good approximation)
    for his actual process.
    Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann

  • Master gain (capture setting)

    Can anyone please tell me what's the "factory" setting for audio master gain while capturing? I changed it for a few tapes and now can't remember where it was... Thanks!

    Capturing what format?
    DV allows no changes as it is a direct digital transfer so you must be working in something that requires a 3rd party card/device for transcoding during capture, yes?

  • Setting Image Capture defaults.

    I use Image Capture to do all my scanning. In Snow Leopard, I had the default file type set to PDF and the default file location set to desktop. When I first used image capture in Mountain Lion, the default file type was JPEG and the default file location was the picture folder. I changed the defaults to match what I had in Snow Leopard. However, each time I open Image Capture, The default file type stays on PDF but the default file location reverts to the picture folder. Anyone know how to keep the default file location set to desktop?

    Do a backup.
    Quit the application.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library. Then go to Preferences/ Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Restart the computer, open the application and test. If it works okay, delete the plist from the desktop.
    If the application is the same, return the .plist to where you got it from, overwriting the newer one.
    Thanks to leonie for some information contained in this.

  • "Set as default master page" link is disabled

    I have an enterprise wiki site collection , but when I try to change the default page layout for my site collection,by opening the site collection using SharePoint designer>>then going to page layout section. The problem is that the “Set as default
    master page” link will always be disabled.. although I am login using the site collection administrator
    Can anyone advice on this please?

    Enterprise WIKI's are essentially Publishing sites.  You set the default page layout for new pages in a publishing site using the Page Layout and Template Settings link on the Site Settings page.  On the Page Layout and Template Settings page
    you can choose the default page layout to use when creating new pages.  The default page layout is not the same thing as the default masterpage.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • I have two email accts. set in my iphone,one is the default setting.when I send an email it shows that it was sent from a 3rd email acct. that I no longer use?I deleted it from my phone?

    I have two email accts. set in my iphone,one is the default setting.when I send an email it shows that it was sent from a 3rd email acct. that I no longer use,and had been deleted  from my phone?

    Install ClamXav and run a scan with that. It should pick up any trojans.   
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

  • Using Document Sets when I add Default PDF the save location is wrong.

    Using Document sets you can add "Default Documents" to load when you use this function.  The file are stored in a separate document library, template location.  
    Once the user uses the function the file deploy and show in the right folder.  The problem is when someone edits a PDF form from the folder and then tries to save, the default save location is back to the template location.  I've lock
    the document but it a pain for the user to have to thumb their way back to the right place to save.
    Is this just a Adobe vs Microsoft fight?  

    See this:

  • Nuke default PAN setting when expanding track view in multitrack project

    I have not been able to find the following preference to change: When I expand the view of a track in a multitrack project, the default is for VOLUME and PAN to appear. I only want VOLUME. Every time I open a multitrack project after saving it with the PAN unchecked, it shows up again. Anyone know how to change the default settings for this?

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I did not miss some little option some place. Here is another default question for you: when I open a new multitrack project, SUBMIX 1 is always set to 1-6 SURROUND whereas I would prefer it to be 1-2 STEREO. At least that one seems to stay as STEREO after I have changed it and saved the project, but is there a way to change that default setting to have STEREO 1-2 in SUBMIX 1 from the start?

  • A way to adjust audio when capturing video?

    I transfered some video/audio and am having distortion in some audio.
    The original audio does not peak and when I captured it in Premiere CS6, it is not peaking out, but when I play back, I can hear occasional distortion. The video is up at:
    Does this sound like it is overmodulating or is something else happening?
    Is there a way to adjust audio when capturing audio or is it a straight feed? Wondering if I can lower the audio input to try to fix.
    thanks in advance for your help,

    How are you capturing the content? Because in my experince premiere doesn't have a way to adjust the audio levels of what your capturing. However if you post how you are capturing the footage in more detail I might be able to help. Please tell me exactly how you have everything hooked up.
    For example if you have the camera hooked straight to the computer or if you're using a capture card if so what kind. Some capture cards have audio gain settings which might be causing the issue. Also some decks and cameras have audio playback volume settings which can also cause audio to be sent to premiere louder than what it started as. So if you give more detail I may be able to offer some sort of help.
    One thing you might try though to remove that distortion is too add a lowpass filter to the audio, and start off by setting the low pass filter to like 3000 and just adjust by 500 up or down from there until the distortion goes away. I've had to do this in the past with audio that's distorted before. (Although I haven't experinced the specific issue you're experincing before.) Although it will make the persons voice sound  muffled it will take most of the distortion out. Which getting rid  of distortion at the cost of making it sound somewhat muffled is a decent trade off if worse comes to worse and you can't get the issue figured out. 

  • Change default.master creates a mess

    Guys, I appreciate your thoughts and help in advanced.
    What I'm trying to accomplish here is to change the master page file for some SharePoint pages to a different .master
    file. I'm using SharePoint Designer 2010 to customize SharePoint 2010.
    Here are the steps that I did:
    1. Went to _catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx and downloaded
    default.master page.
    2. Renamed the default.master to hes.master (Note:
    I haven't changed anything in the file, but the renaming)
    3. Uploaded the file back to _catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx
    4. Went to SharePoint designer and opened the page I wanted to change the master page and found this declaration at the top of the page
    5. I changed it to be
    When I did that I hoped that it will pick the new .master page but instead the designer gave me an error saying that the master page cannot be loaded and it offered an option to locate a proper master page file
    6. So I used the SharePoint option 'Attach a different Master Page' and I browsed the new master page (hes.master)
    7. This should suppose to attach the same master page (since it is only a copy of the
    8. The master page appeared BUT the structure is so messed up and not all the styles as they should be.
    9. I noticed that the new value for the property MasterPageFile is now like this:
    Now I have these questions:
    1. How can I fix this issue? and if possible someone can explain why did this happen?
    2. What is '~masterurl' that is in MasterPageFile
    property? and why SharePoint designer wasn't able to locate the file since both .master files were in the same location? and Why the value completely changed to something looks like a relative path instead of using the variable '~masterurl'?
    Appreciate your help in this.
    Regards, Himyar.

    Hi Himyar,
    ~masterurl/default.master---> means it will take master page which is set  by you as "set as default"
    ~masterurl/custom.master---> means it  will take master page which is set by you as "set as custom"
     So above file path doesn't locate physical path of any masterpage it is just a notation  of which kind of master page is applied to your page.
     because of  this only you are seeing different  path like below:
     you just set your custom master page as custom  by clicking "set as custom" tab in designer  and change url in your desired page like 
    For more clarity check this link.
    Hope it helps.:)
    Whenever you see a reply and if you think is helpful, click &quot;Vote As Helpful&quot;! And whenever you see a reply being an answer to the question of the thread, click &quot;Mark As Answer

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