Default on Quit is Save. Why have Apple done this? How do I safely work around it?

I've just installed Mavericks on my new iMac.
OK, it's bad enough that "Save as..." is removed from the default menu and you have to hold down alt to get to it. Why do that..?
Far far worse though is that if you close an app without saving then it offers no options but just overwrites your last saved file without asking!
So I opened an image from a time lapse sequence in Preview and tried a few tweaks to see how it might look. I intended to do stuff to the whole sequence later in Lightroom. When I finished I closed Preview without saving. To my horror the image was permanently altered! I never asked it to do this.
What madness is this? This is system wide right? So how do I get it to just close apps without saving..?
Not happy.
Thanks for any help.

Got the correct character, but remove the space between the s of "As" and the ellipsis, as VikingOSX mentioned.
Using three periods will work - sometimes. But I've seen all three of these happen using periods:
1) Both the correct Save As… and the incorrect Save As... (made with periods) show up in an application menu.
2) Nothing shows up in the menus with Save As as a choice.
3) The incorrectly spelled version with the periods is in the menu, but the app ignores it when chosen.

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    About Wireless Diagnostics
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    Hello mr_sillypants,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot this issue:
    No sound through stereo headset
    Inspect the headset jack for debris and clean if necessary.
    Connect the headset and make sure the connector is pushed in all the way.
    Check the volume setting. Adjust the volume by pressing the volume up and down button on the left side of the iPhone.
    If you are trying to listen to music and cannot hear any audio, make sure that the music on iPhone is not paused. Try squeezing the headset microphone to resume playback. Additionally, from the Home screen you can choose iPod > Now Playing, then tap Play.
    Make sure the latest version of iTunes is installed on the computer that you are syncing the iPhone with (songs purchased from the iTunes Store using earlier versions of iTunes won't play).
    Try another Apple headset (some third-party headsets require an adapter to be used with original iPhone).
    Try a different song or video.
    Check to see if the iPhone alert sounds or other iPhone sound effects exhibit the same audio issues.
    Disconnect the headset from the iPhone and see if sound comes from the built-in speaker.
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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