Defining a recordset, sessions and session_start()

It took me a long time to work out why a recordset defined using a session variable did not function.
I finally decided that the session_start() command was not being inserted by the recordset creation procedure.
Working out just where to put it in the code was not as simple as I thought.
Initially I placed it after the include files, but that would not work.
I eventually put it in the recordset creation code as follows:
$colname_eventset = "-1";
if (isset($_SESSION['event_sess'])) {
  $colname_eventset = $_SESSION['event_sess'];
mysql_select_db($database_dummyread, $dummyread);
$query_eventset = sprintf("SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_index = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_eventset, "int"));
$eventset = mysql_query($query_eventset, $dummyread) or die(mysql_error());
$row_eventset = mysql_fetch_assoc($eventset);
$totalRows_eventset = mysql_num_rows($eventset);
This works fine, and as there is no output to the browser at this point, there is no error message "headers already sent". There may bve better locations
I would have thought that any recordset defined using a session variable would have included the session_start() command in the code that it generated but apparently it does not.
For the record, most of the help topics on session variables in Dreamweaver help refer to a no longer supported version (Ultradev) but at least one file is current:
There may be others.

If you are looking for something like global method it is not possible. But you can create a function module in SE37 and you can use the same wherever you want.

Similar Messages

  • Is not defined in this session

    SELECT cycle_flag, sequence_name FROM ALL_SEQUENCES
    I picked 'record_SEQ' sequence from the listing.
    select record_SEQ.Currval from dual; ==> ORA-08002: sequence record_SEQ.Currval is not defined in this session.
    where is the problem ?

    As per the link you posted it says , this error comes up when there is no value >...but I can see the last value in the sequence is 20632 (using TOAD's sequence tab and highlight the particular sequence).
    So, This error is confusing
    Total Questions: 3 (3 unresolved) ?????one answered and Marked as answered.
    Edited by: user575089 on Dec 23, 2009 12:47 AM

  • Best practice for dealing with Recordsets, JDBC and JSP?

    I've spent the last three years developing web apps using JSP, Struts and Kodo JDO for persistence. All of the content for the apps was created as Java objects using model classes and saved to an Oracle db. Thus, data retrieved from the db was as instances of the model classes and then put into Struts form beans, etc.
    I changed jobs last month and am now having to use Servlets with JDBC to retrieve records from db tables and returning it into Recordsets. Oh, and I can't use Struts in my JSPs either. I'm beginning to think that I had it easy at my previous job but maybe that's just because I was used to it.
    So here are my problems/questions:
    I have two tables with a one to many relationship that I need to retrieve data from, show in a jsp and be able to update eventually.
    So here's what I am doing:
    a) In a servlet, I use a SQL statement to join the tables and retrieve the results into a Recordset.
    b) I created a class with a bunch of String attributes to copy the Recordset data into, one Recordset row per each instance of the bean and then close the Recordset
    c) I then add the beans to an ArrayList and save the ArrayList into the session.
    d) Then, in the JSP, I retrieve the ArrayList from the session and iterate over each bean instance, printing the data out to the jsp. There are some logic statements to determine when not to print redundant data caused by the one to many join.
    e) I have not written the code to update the data yet but was planning on having separate jsps for updating the (one) table and the (many) table.
    Would most of you do something similar? Would you use one SQL statement to retrieve all of the data for display and use logic to avoid printing the redundant part of the data? Or would you have used separate SQL queries, one for each table? Would you have saved the results into something other than an instance of a bean class that represents one record in the RecordSet? Would you have had a bean class with attributes other than Strings - like had a collection attribute to hold the results from the "many" table? The way that I am doing everything just seems so cumbersome and difficult compared to using Struts and JDO before.
    Your help/opinion will be greatly appreciated!

    Would you use one SQL statement to retrieve all of the data for display Yes.
    and use logic to avoid printing the redundant part of the dataNo.
    I believe in minimising the number of queries. If it is a simple one-many join on a db table, then one query is better than one + n queries.
    However I prefer to store the objects in a bean class with attributes other than strings - ie one object, with a collection attribute to hold the related "many" records.
    Does the fact you are not using Struts mean that you have to use scriptlet code? (shudder)
    Or are you using JSTL, or other custom tags?
    How about tools like Ant? Junit testing?
    The way that I am doing everything just seems so cumbersome and difficult
    compared to using Struts and JDO before.Anything different takes adjusting to. Sounds like you know what you're doing for the most part. I agree, in terms of best practices what you have described so far sounds like a step backwards from what you were previously doing.
    However I wouldn't go complaining about it too loudly, too quickly. If you're new on the block theres nothing like making a pain of yourself, and complaining how backwards the work they have done is to put your new workmates' backs up
    Look on it as a challenge. Maybe discuss it quietly with a team leader, to see if they understand how much easier/better/less error prone such approaches can be?
    Struts, cumbersome as it can be, definitely has the advantage of pushing you to follow good MVC practice.
    Good luck,

  • Web session and authentification session pb with wl6.0

    I am evaluating weblogic 6.0 on windows 2000.
    I have a little web application, with some URL (html, servlet...), I want to protect.
    So I defined a <security-constraint> element in my web.xml
    file, and I binded the logical roles with real participant in
    It works very well at startup. I launch a browser, request a protected URL and the
    authentification window popup. I enter valid info and I can access my URL.
    Now I want to give the possibility to my user to terminate a session, to disconmect,
    so I had a button, (disconnect) which invoque a servlet which get the current session
    and invalidate it.
    I checked, the session is destroyed and a new one is defined (new ID, new counter...),
    but my user are still connected. It means that if I want to acces a protected URL,
    I still can do it.
    more strange. In both a secured and unsecured page I print the User Principal. When
    I connect, the two pages print the same and right value.
    But if I disconnect, the unsecured page print null(no connection for this session)
    and the secured page print the principal I used to connect in the previous message.
    I know this message is a little bit long, but I tried to give the cleares context.
    Has anyone ancountered that kind of problem? Is there a solution.
    I pass the test with netscape 4.76, netscape 6.01, Internet Explorer 5.50. I got
    the same behavior each time...

    If you use a Form to authenticate then the browser is unaware of the
    username and password. The PetStore demonstrates how it's done in
    "Nicolas GANDRIAU" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi John,
    thank you for your answer. It confirmed my first guess, that the
    browser keep the secret info and send them back to the server.
    The server does not make any attachment with the current session.
    But you talk about a "ServletAuthentication" example which presents theway to bind
    the login info in the session. I have not found this servlet, in weblogic6.0 distribution
    or J2EE API.
    Can you give me the exact reference of this servlet.
    Thank you for your help.
    "John Lindwall" <[email protected]> wrote:
    It is my understanding that the authentication information for this
    (ie HTTP BASIC authentication) is not contained in the session -- it is
    maintained by the browser and resent with every request. That is why
    invalidating the session makes no difference. If you have a HTTPsnooping
    utility you will see the "Authorization" information (albeit encodedusing
    BASE64) present in the requests from your browser to the server.
    FYI: I've noticed that by using the ServletAuthentication class tomanually
    perform authentication, it DOES in fact store the authentication info in
    session. There is a "done()" method in this class which removes thisinfo
    from the session (ie performs a logout).
    If this link reproduces properly, check it out -- it's a good simple
    explanation of what's going on:
    For tons of detail on BASIC authentication see
    Nicolas GANDRIAU <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I am evaluating weblogic 6.0 on windows 2000.
    I have a little web application, with some URL (html, servlet...), I
    to protect.
    So I defined a <security-constraint> element in my web.xml
    file, and I binded the logical roles with real participant in
    It works very well at startup. I launch a browser, request a protectedURL
    and the
    authentification window popup. I enter valid info and I can access myURL.
    Now I want to give the possibility to my user to terminate a session,to
    so I had a button, (disconnect) which invoque a servlet which get thecurrent session
    and invalidate it.
    I checked, the session is destroyed and a new one is defined (new ID,new
    but my user are still connected. It means that if I want to acces aprotected URL,
    I still can do it.
    more strange. In both a secured and unsecured page I print the UserPrincipal. When
    I connect, the two pages print the same and right value.
    But if I disconnect, the unsecured page print null(no connection for
    and the secured page print the principal I used to connect in the
    I know this message is a little bit long, but I tried to give the
    Has anyone ancountered that kind of problem? Is there a solution.
    I pass the test with netscape 4.76, netscape 6.01, Internet Explorer
    I got
    the same behavior each time...

  • Oracle portal  session and pl/sql

    Hi all i use portal v. and i would like to play with a session variable. all i do is
    grant execute on wwsto_api_session to myportal from portal schema. and then i want to do
    l_store := portal.wwsto_api_session.load_session (p_domain, p_sub_domain);
    l_store.set_attribute ('myname', 'name');
    1) i do not know what is the p_domain, p_sub_domain
    2) when i do wwsto_api_session.get_sub_domain and wwsto_api_session.get_domain i get an error.
    How can i read and write to a variable session in oracle portal? to to like java set session and get session?
    Thank you in Advance,

    [email protected] wrote:
    Hi all i use portal v. and i would like to play with a session variable. all i do is
    grant execute on wwsto_api_session to myportal from portal schema. and then i want to do
    l_store := portal.wwsto_api_session.load_session (p_domain, p_sub_domain);
    l_store.set_attribute ('myname', 'name');
    1) i do not know what is the p_domain, p_sub_domain
    2) when i do wwsto_api_session.get_sub_domain and wwsto_api_session.get_domain i get an error."Storage is located by the combination of the domain and subdomain parameters, and the Login session ID.
    If a session store object has not previously been created for this combination of domain, sub-domain, and session ID, then an empty session store object is created and returned. "
    How can i read and write to a variable session in oracle portal? to to like java set session and get session?Hi,
    You may want to see the wwsto_api_session here in [Portal APIs|].
    "Working with the session object
    The general procedure for working with the session object is:
    1. Load the session object, with an appropriate domain and sub-domain combination, using the load_session method.
    2. Manipulate the content of the object using the set_attribute methods, or just access its content using the get_attribute methods.
    3. Force these changes to be saved, using the save_session method.
    Typically this sequence occurs within the scope of one client routine that extracts and/or sets all of the client states. For example:
    l_store portal30.wwsto_api_session;
    l_date date;
    l_store := portal30.wwsto_api_session.load_session ('PORTAL', 'TEST');
    l_store.set_attribute ('LAST_ACCESSED', sysdate);
    l_store.set_attribute ('USERNAME', 'SMITH');
    l_store.set_attribute ('COUNRTY_CODE', 1);
    l_store.set_attribute ('LOCATION', 'US');
    l_store.set_attribute ('LAST_LOGGED_ON', sysdate);
    The login session that creates the session storage object is defined by wwctx_api.get_sessionid. "
    ref: wwsto_api_session for Portal 10.1.2
    then, look for the functions for getting attributes as number, varchar2, string or index, etc. in the above link.
    hope that helps!

  • ISE v1.2 - Endpoint abandoned EAP session and started new

    I have lots of clients that are not able to log on to both wired and wireless networks, and they always fails with these errors.
    5411 Supplicant stopped responding to ISE
    5440 Endpoint abandoned EAP session and started new
    This is with certificate authentication, both for client and for machine.
    The clients are for the most part Windows 7.
    We use both Cisco and Aerohive for wireless, and the switch I have tested with is a Cisco2960S
    A few strange things:
    It works perfectly for a lot of clients too, with the excact same configuration.
    One PC I'm testing with works fine when authenticating via wireless, but when I plug it into the switch, I get these errors.
    I seems to be a timeout of some kind, either to short or too long, but where?
    In the Win7 supplicant?
    In the switch?
    In the Cisco WLC
    or in the Aerohive AP?
    I have spent hours and hours on this problem, but I can't make it go away, it is very exhausting.
    There surely must have been others with the same problem?
    Thank you.

    Thank for trying to help out, but this is.. insanely vague.
    How can i verify that NAS (the C2960S) is properly configured?
    What timers are we talking about here? There are many to choose from..
    The problem is still here, even with the latest patch 7 for ISE 1.2. It works fine on wireless, but not with wired, from the same computer. So it is logic to assume it has something to do with the switch.
    This is the configuration from the switch:
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20
      switchport mode access
     authentication event fail action next-method
     authentication open
     authentication order dot1x mab
     authentication port-control auto
     snmp trap mac-notification change added
     dot1x pae authenticator
     spanning-tree portfast
    sh dot1x int g1/0/20
    Dot1x Info for GigabitEthernet1/0/20
    PAE                       = AUTHENTICATOR
    QuietPeriod               = 60
    ServerTimeout             = 0
    SuppTimeout               = 30
    ReAuthMax                 = 2
    MaxReq                    = 2
    TxPeriod                  = 30
    sh run aaa
    aaa authentication login default group radius local
    aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
    aaa authorization exec default group radius local
    aaa authorization network default group radius
    aaa accounting dot1x default start-stop group radius!
    aaa server radius dynamic-author
     server-key nope!
     auth-type any
    radius server hmz
     address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
     key nope!
    radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth
    radius-server attribute 6 support-multiple
    radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req
    aaa new-model
    aaa session-id common
    Some debug from the switch:
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] Create attr list, session 0x1E0000E0:
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding MAC d43d.7e97.1e26
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Swidb 0x4F8BAC8
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding AAA_ID=14B
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Audit_sid=C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Domain=DATA (1)
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding [email protected]
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: %AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'dot1x' for client (d43d.7e97.1e26) on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:07:01.745: AUTH-DETAIL: No default action(s) for event RX_METHOD_AGENT_FOUND.
    Apr  6 11:08:21.182: %DOT1X-5-FAIL: Authentication failed for client (d43d.7e97.1e26) on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: %AUTHMGR-7-STOPPING: Stopping 'dot1x' for client d43d.7e97.1e26 on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: %AUTHMGR-5-FAIL: Authorization failed or unapplied for client (d43d.7e97.1e26) on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] Create attr list, session 0x1E0000E0:
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding MAC d43d.7e97.1e26
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Swidb 0x4F8BAC8
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding AAA_ID=14B
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Audit_sid=C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Domain=DATA (1)
    Apr  6 11:08:21.187: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Username=host/
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] Create attr list, session 0x1E0000E0:
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding MAC d43d.7e97.1e26
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Swidb 0x4F8BAC8
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding AAA_ID=14B
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Audit_sid=C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Domain=DATA (1)
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: [d43d.7e97.1e26, Gi1/0/20] - adding Username=host/
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: %AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'dot1x' for client (d43d.7e97.1e26) on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID C0A864FA0000014B6983A2E0
    Apr  6 11:09:22.079: AUTH-DETAIL: No default action(s) for event SESSION_STARTED.

  • How bapi different from session and call transaction?

    how bapi different from session and call transaction?
    thanks in advance.

    For one, Batch Data Communication (BDC) is older. Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) came later, about 10 years ago (you can see this already from the name, which contains marketese like "business" ).
    More important though, they are different technologies. With BDC you build the "batch input transaction" yourself, with an ABAP program which creates the "batch input session" ("Batch-Input-Mappe" in german). You then take that session, like an object, and "run" it on a system (most of the time, this is done on a local system by the administrators, after it has been tested for correctness).
    With BAPI, a system (local or remote) exposes its interface to you through some kind of Remote Function Call (RFC). Practically, it tells you: "What do you want to do? Insert that data into Materials Management? Here is the function and the the parameters you have to use for each record". You only work with the Interface - the exposed function. How this function works does not have to interest you. You don't have sessions to "run", you fire your function calls filled with data, one after another and you're done.
    BAPI can be run remotely. With BDC, you probably have to call the administrators of the remote system and send them the session you created for them to run. With BDC you go through the whole transaction in one BDC session, with BAPI you may need more than one "BAPI calls" to do this.
    With BAPI you don't fill obcure field names with values, you just fill the parameters. You can use a BAPI from inside your ABAP program to let a "business object" do some clearly defined work for you, then you can continue with your code doing other things. You don't do this with BDC. With BDC you write a dedicated program that creates the "session", which is then executed separately.
    Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the oldest batch interfacing technique that SAP provided since the early versions of R/3. BDC is not a
    typical integration tool, in the sense that, it can be only be used for uploading data into R/3 and so it is not bi-directional.
    BDC works on the principle of simulating user input for transactional screen, via an ABAP program. Typically the input comes in the form of a flat file. The ABAP program reads this file and formats the input data screen by screen into an internal table (BDCDATA). The transaction is then started using this internal table as the input and executed in the background.
    In Call Transaction, the transactions are triggered at the time of processing itself and so the ABAP program must do the error handling.
    It can also be used for real-time interfaces and custom error handling & logging features. Whereas in Batch Input Sessions, the ABAP
    program creates a session with all the transactional data, and this session can be viewed, scheduled and processed (using Transaction SM35) at a later time. The latter technique has a built-in error processing mechanism too.
    Batch Input (BI) programs still use the classical BDC approach but doesnt require an ABAP program to be written to format the
    BDCDATA. The user has to format the data using predefined structures and store it in a flat file. The BI program then reads this and
    invokes the transaction mentioned in the header record of the file.
    Direct Input (DI) programs work exactly similar to BI programs. But the only difference is, instead of processing screens they validate
    fields and directly load the data into tables using standard function modules. For this reason, DI programs are much faster (RMDATIND - Material Master DI program works at least 5 times faster) than the BDC counterpart and so ideally suited for loading large volume data. DI programs are
    not available for all application areas.
    Business Add-In (BADI) are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects.
    They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.
    As with customer exits two different views are available:
    In the definition view, an application programmer predefines exit points in a source that allow specific industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the original object.
    In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic they need or use a standard logic if one is available.
    In contrast to customer exits, Business Add-Ins no longer assume a two-level infrastructure (SAP and customer solutions), but instead allow for a multi-level system landscape (SAP, partner, and customer solutions, as well as country versions, industry solutions, and the like). Definitions and implementations of Business Add-Ins can be created at each level within such a system infrastructure.

  • Sequence is not yet defined in this session

    Hello everybody
    I have package, that contain some steps. I create batch log in the start (using BATCH.nextval sequence) and to close batch log in the end (using BATCH.currval sequence) of package, also after each step of the package I create batch_process log (using BATCH.currval and BATCH_PROCESS.nextval sequences). Log works fine, if the package status is "SUCCESS".
    But when I get an error through any step, I try to create errored batch_process log (using BATCH.currval and BATCH.nextval sequences) and to close batch log (using BATCH.currval sequence) with error also. So, when I try to create errored batch_process log, T get an error: BATCH.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session.
    Help, please, to solve this error.
    Best regards

    Are you trying to handle the error in a scenario and accessing batch.currval from within that scenario ?
    If that is the case, then you need to know that each scenario creates its own session and connection to the DB. So, the currval becomes undefined within that session.

  • Defining a Mail Session

    I'd like to setup a Mail session in my WLS 6.0 sp2. I have to log in the
    mail server I use to send email, by providing login and password. Actually,
    I can't find the way to define a password on the properties of the mail
    seesion (I'd like all of the user of my realm to use the same login and
    password to connect to the mail server). What is the name of the property I
    have to use to set the login and password for this mail session ?

    If you keep the connection open across pages, you're going to need to deal with
    timeouts - from the http session and from the mail server.
    If you don't keep the connection open, you're going to need to "resynchronize"
    your view of the store/folder with each operation, in case the folder is modified
    by another session.
    The former is easier in the common cases, especially if you don't care how gracefully
    you handle failures. The latter is more difficult in the common cases, but handles
    failure better, and in particular handles clustering better. You'll need to measure it to
    see if it meets your performance and scalability requirements. You may need to mix
    the two approaches to get acceptable performance.

  • Difference between session and connection

    Not sure this is the right place for this, but I am not able to find a proper definition between these 2 terms.
    What is the difference between session and connection, theoritically speaking ?

    In order to get the meaning of terms Connection and Session let's define first the term Flow.
    The definition of a Flow is historically accepted as:
    A unidirectional sequence of packets between 2 network endpoints that have the following 7 things in common:
    1. Source IP address
    2. Destination IP address
    3. L3 Protocol type
    4. Source port
    5. Destination port
    6. Tos (Type of Service)
    7. Input interface
    The terms Connection and Session can have many different meanings depending on the framework that they are used, but it can be said that:
    Connection: A bidirectional Flow
    Session: Many connections between the same source and same destination

  • Every time I launch Firefox 4 it opens 3 or 4 blank windows, no longer opens the tabs from the previous session and does not show my bookmarks sidebar.

    I have to manually close the extra windows and restore the tabs from the previous session, and reopen the sidebar. In disgust I uninstalled Firefox 4 and reinstalled 3.6. Everything works fine in 3.6. Looks to me like Firefox 4 has many major bugs and is not yet ready for prime time. I'll stay with 3.6 for now.

    This can be a problem with the files [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    Delete [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    If you see files sessionstore-##.js with a number in the left part of the name like sessionstore-1.js then delete those as well.<br />
    You will have to redo App Tabs and Tab Groups after deleting sessionstore.js.

  • Difference between connection, session and process

    Hi all,
    Can anyone please update me on the difference between connection,session and process.
    Thanks in advance,
    - Sri

    I got this useful note by googled in net. It describes session,connection,process gracefully.
    A connection is a physical circuit between you and the database.A connection
    might be one of many types -- most popular begin DEDICATED server and SHARED
    server. Zero, one or more sessions may be established over a given connection
    to the database as show above with sqlplus. A process will be used by a session
    to execute statements. Sometimes there is a one to one relationship between
    CONNECTION->SESSION->PROCESS (eg: a normal dedicated server connection).
    Sometimes there is a one to many from connection to sessions (eg: like
    autotrace, one connection, two sessions, one process). A process does not have
    to be dedicated to a specific connection or session however, for example when
    using shared server (MTS), your SESSION will grab a process from a pool of
    processes in order to execute a statement. When the call is over, that process
    is released back to the pool of processes.

  • Report in new page does not know of session and presentation variables

    I have a question about GOURL.
    I am using GOURL as a column function in one report (report A), so that when i click on that column it takes me to another report(report B) that open in new popup window.
    the first report (A) also uses some session and presentation variables, which is also used by Report B as filters. I am curious that if I add these filters which are using variables to report B, why can't report B get the value of these, (it just errors out ) because it didn't found any value to those variables in the filter.
    Becuase I am ending up with passing all these variables in GOURL and setting them as 'isprompted'.
    Does this report (B) knows nothing else than what it finds in GOURL?

    In a nutshell, if u use gourl then its parameters will be only using in navigated report. This is functionality

  • Safari doesn't "Reopen All Windows From Last Session" and links from Mail

    After a crash I found myself trying to "Reopen All Windows From Last Session", then I found that if I click a link from Mail it does not open it ... as well from any other application. It's like only workin' within itself and can't interact with any other application. Plus I used a lot "Reopen All Windows From Last Session" and now it doesn't work

    Same thing just happened to me. Reinstalling Saferi did not help.

  • Error : Excise modvat accounts not defined for GRPO transaction and U1 exci

    I have Created Impot PO, After Planned Delivery cost MIRO I am trying to Perform GR then its giving Error "Excise modvat accounts not defined for GRPO transaction and U1 excise group
    Message no. 8I402"
          I have already maintained GL account in "Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction" for Excise group U1
          This problem is coming when Additional Duty on custom condition type JADC is maintained in "Maintain Excise Defaults" node in the column "ADC Cond" . If I remove JADC condition type from this place the this error is not coming but AED column is not fetching any value while doing GR.
    Please help me in this issue , still No answer
    Edited by: shiwanshu singh on Jan 28, 2009 10:26 AM

    Dear sir
    For GRPO have you maintained sub transaction Type IP for your excise group U1. If you not maintained pl maintain . and assign G/L account to modvat clearing account , the G/l account should be same as company code CVD account.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Excise base amount is not changing as per the scheduling agreement

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    Hi I having a problem processing XSLT on unix at the moment, it works fine on windows but when I try process the same file on Unix I keep getting the same error. I'm wondering does anyone know is there a difference between the two operating systems t

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    I have about 7 menus in my DVD project, each one is about 700MB. But I know for a fact that one of them only has some text in it and shouldn't take up that much space. Is there a way to reduce the file size of those menus? Thank you.

  • Oracle 11gR2 on Oracle Linux 6 64 bit

    Hi all, I am a newbie on oracle so i posted this thread because i needed some help installing oracle 11gR2 on Oracle Linux using command line This is for testing purposes. I did all the prerequisites by oracle for the operating system. I finished ins

  • How to add a webservice to webservice test interface?

    Hi, i have to deploy a webservice for LDAP lookup in the form. I have seen the Webservice test interface URL where already some webservices have been deployed.My question is how to upload or deploy my webservice in it so that i can use it in my form.