Degrade to ios6

Is it possible to downgrade from ios7.0.4 to ios6.0.3   For I phone 4s. I love the new features but still I have issues like apps n safari refresh every time while multitasking and while making a phone call and while typing in what's app or any form in browser it's lagging. Apple please give the option on downgrading for 4s users..

See these for a few comments on the subject already. There are hundreds more:
how to downgrade ios 7 to 6.1.3
how do i uninstall IOS7
how to downgrade ios7 to ios6.1.3?
How do I degrade iOS 7 to iOS 6
can i change back to ios 6 after updating to ios 7?

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    im  not happy beause its choppy sound and image qualityis not so goodeven thoughwe are using wifi. i reverted back to ios 5.1.1 and its fine again but now appsi paid for wont download because im not using ios6!!!!! i want my apps back imovie and iphoto and i want to be able to use ios6 but cant untill you restore facetime back to how it was! now its useless on ios6! also the micis not as good because when i was in kitchen tonight on ios5.1.1 she could hear me from anotherroom but on ios6 she couldnthear me from just across the same room.
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    Yes thats very true however with a full HD that wasimpossible to backup apps I can just redownload!
    as for reverting if managed to get mymum to ditch her galaxy tab that she loved and get ipad 3rd gen so she can see the kids via reliable video which we cant get as good from anywhere else! when we both haveiOS 5.1.1 its fine!
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    It worked just fine on iOS 5.1.1!!!!!

  • IOS6 maps are useless, and other observations

    Well Apple, I'm not sure what happened here - but it seems like you hired some engineers that must have been fired by Microsoft.
    Seriously, your new map app is a COMPLETE JOKE, and is simply useless. Did you even bother to beta test it? Obviously if the product is THIS bad, it should still be in beta, and we should still be using Google Maps until you at least get Apple Maps *working*.
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    3) Crashes
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    7) There is no separate tab vfor routed directions and searched.
    8) S L O W
    9) WRONG
    Google Maps WAS the most used app on my iPhone next to Pandora. Now, MAPS is useless. By upgrading my iPhone to iOS6, I have degraded my iPhone and rempved some of it's most important

    You are here on a user-to-user message board and not in contact with apple representatives. If you have complains to do I suggest you do so through the feedback tool on

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    We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to Apple nor iTunes Support - I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post (it's not a good idea to post personal info on any public forum).
    Downgrading the iOS version isn't supported by Apple. If you are having problems with using iOS 7 then if you say what they are then somebody on here might be able to help (but not with downgrading the iOS version).

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    If you were backing up all along as you should have been, you wouldn't be so concerned about "loosing" data.
    If nothing else that you have tried is working, you are either stuck with an iPad that contains all of your data - but will not function properly - or you can bite the bullet - restore the iOS software and take the chance that your device will function normally again.
    Nobody wants to lose their work on a computer or a tablet when a problem arises, but that is why you have to be proactive and take steps to ensure that if you have to restore your OS - whether on a computer or an iPad - that you have that data and those files backed up somewhere so that you can recover your work when the restore process is complete.

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    Please! Restore Safari to iOS5!!

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    Anyone else experiencing this ?

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    This issue should be addressed urgently on Apple's side, as even if it is an app related issue, it should at most be limited to the affected app and not render the whole device useless.

  • Report Performance degradation

    We are using around 16 entities in crm on demand R 16which includes both default as well as custom entites.
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    Ideally for best performance how many records should be there one entity?
    What cud be the other reasons for such a performance?
    We are working in a multi tenant enviroment
    Edited by: Rita Negi on Dec 13, 2009 5:50 AM

    Any report built over the real-time subject areas will timeout after a period of 10 minutes. Real-time subject areas are really not suited for large reports and you'll find running them also degrades the application performance.
    Things that will degrade performance are:
    * Joins to other dimensions
    * Custom calculations
    * Number of records
    * Number of fields returned
    There are some things that just can't be done in real-time. I would look to remove joins from other dimensions e.g. Accounts/Contacts/Opportunities all in the same report. Apply more restrictive filters, e.g. current week/month to reduce the number of records required. Alternatively have very simple report, extract to excel and modify from there. Hopefully in R17 this will be added as a feature but it seems like you're stuck till then
    Oli @ Innoveer

  • Sensor Mapping Express VI's performanc​e degrades over time

    I was attempting to do a 3d visualization of some sensor data. I made a model and managed to use it with the 3d Picture Tool Sensor Mapping Express VI. Initially, it appeared to work flawlessly and I began to augment the scene with further objects to enhance the user experience. Unfortunately, I believe I am doing something wrong at this stage. When I add the sensor map object to the other objects, something like a memory leak occurs. I begin to encounter performance degradation almost immediately.
    I am not sure how I should add to best add in the Sensor Map Object reference to the scene as an object. Normally, I establish these child relationships first, before doing anything to the objects, beyond creating, moving, and anchoring them. Since the Sensor Map output reference is only available AFTER the express vi run. My compromise solution, presently, is to have a case statement of controlled by the"First Call" constant. So far, performace seems to be much better.
    Does anyone have a better solution? Am I even handling these objects the way the community does it?
    EDIT: Included the vi and the stl files.
    Message Edited by Sean-user on 10-28-2009 04:12 PM
    Message Edited by Sean-user on 10-28-2009 04:12 PM
    Message Edited by Sean-user on 10-28-2009 04:16 PM
    Go to Solution.
    test for ‏105 KB ‏97 KB

    I agree with Hunter, your current solution is simple and effective, and I can't really visualize a much better way to accomplish the same task.
    Just as a side-note, the easiest and simplest way to force execution order is to use the error terminals on the functions and VIs in your block diagram. Here'a VI snippet with an example of that based on the VI you posted. (If you paste the image into your block diagram, you can make edits to the code)
    Since you expressed some interest in documentation related to 3D picture controls, I did some searching and found a few articles you might be interested in. There's nothing terribly complex, but these should be a good starting point. The first link is a URL to the search thread, so you can get an idea of where/what I'm searching.You'll get more hits if you search from rather than​cture/
    Creating a 3D Scene with the 3D Picture Control
    Configuring a 3D Scene Window
    Using the 3D Picture Control 'Create Height Field VI' to convert a 2D image into a 3D textured heigh...
    Using Lighting and Fog Effects in 3d Picture Control
    3D Picture Control - Create a Moving Texture Using a Series of Images
    Changing Set Rotation and Background of 3D Picture Control
    Caleb Harris
    National Instruments | Mechanical Engineer |

  • IOS6 bluetooth connection with car stereo

    With my iPhone 4S running iOS5, my after-market car stereo bluetooth was able to read my song name, artist name, ect. Now that I upgraded to iOS6 my Kenwood receiver cannot read this data while connected via bluetooth. Since the data can't be read, the steering wheel control to search/skip a song forward or back also no longer works. I tested the car stereo last night with an iOS5 phone and it worked correctly, so I know the problem is related to the bluetooth iOS6.

    Dear Valued Pioneer Customer:
    We would like to inform you of the availability of an optional Bluetooth® firmware update (HW05-SW01.27.20) that enables Bluetooth AVRCP control and metadata display from a compatible Pioneer CD or DVD Receiver when used with an iPhone® 5 or iOS 6 device.  If you do not own an iPhone 5 or iOS 6 device, there is no need to install this update.
    This firmware update may be used only with the following 2012 Pioneer products:
    CD Receivers
    DVD Receivers
    In order to perform this update, the following items are needed:
    A Pioneer CD or DVD Receiver above with built-in Bluetooth
    Laptop with built-in Bluetooth running Windows® 7
    Bluetooth firmware update (HW05-SW01.27.20)
    How to Obtain the Free Firmware Update
    1. Download the INSTRUCTIONS for the optional Bluetooth firmware update (HW05_SW01.27.20).
    2. Download the UPDATE FILE to a computer and transfer the file to a compatible 2012 Pioneer CD or DVD Receiver via a Bluetooth-enabled Windows 7 laptop.
    You can also arrange for Pioneer to update your 2012 Pioneer CD or DVD Receiver by calling Pioneer Customer Service toll free at 800-421-1404 during regular business hours (M-F 10AM-7:30PM Eastern Time, except on holidays). If this firmware update is performed by Pioneer, there is a charge of $60.00 (this charge includes return shipping of the updated unit within the U.S.). Charges for removal/reinstallation of the unit and shipment to Pioneer are the customer’s responsibility.
    How to Determine if the Firware Update has Already been Installed
    CD Receivers:
    • With the unit turned off (press and hold the source button until the CD Receiver turns off), press and hold the center of the volume knob to bring up the Settings menu → rotate the volume knob until "BT Version Info" is displayed and then press the center of the volume knob → The firmware version should show HW05-SW01.27.20.
    DVD Receivers:
    • With the unit turned off (press the home button and select ‘OFF’ from the source icons), press the home button → Press the “System” icon at the bottom of the screen → Select the “Bluetooth Version Info” option → The firmware version should show HW05-SW01.27.20.
    If the Bluetooth firmware version shows HW05-SW01.27.20, no further action is necessary.
    If you have any questions, please contact the Pioneer Customer Service Center toll free at 1-800-421-1404, Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time), except on holidays.
    Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.

  • I have just updated to iOS7, no icon for browser, was using Safari, how do I get it back and can I reverse the upgrade and go back to iOS6?

    I have just updated to iOS7, no icon for browser, was using Safari, how do I get it back and can I reverse the upgrade and go back to iOS6?  Thanks to you from the UnTechie

    The icon for Safari has probably moved to make room for new apps. Scroll the Home screen to look for it.
    You cannot reverse the upgrade.

  • CC 2014 - another noticeable degradation in performance

    Hi all, just posting up to get a consensus on the current performance of CC 2014, for me, I've found it to be another very noticeable downgrade, to the point where its not useable for me in my workflow. I've since deleted 2014 and am hoping it doesn't replace Illustrator CC any time soon.
    While I love the new pen tool and general accuracy of selecting anchor points and closing paths, it seems to have brought with it a very noticeable lag in selection and laying out points. In previous versions I'd say it performs like having Smart Guides enabled on a complex file, only with or without Smart Guides enabled in CC2014 the lagginess remains.
    The file above is used as an example of the problem I'm having, its a small, relatively basic file. In Illustrator CC, when selecting the paving on the left, I get minimal to zero selection lag. When selecting that same area on Illustrator CC 2014, I get a 0.5 to 1 second delay, with or without smart guides enabled.
    I have a late 2012 iMac, fully upgraded with best videocard, fastest processor and 32gb of ram. I run my apps off a small local SSD and the artwork files of a Thunderbolt RAID array. It doesn't matter where I put the artwork, local, or RAID, the performance issues are the same.
    Anyone having a similar experience? It seems to me with every release or update, Adobe says it comes with "Improved performance" but I've yet to see any release that performed better than the previous.

    Hello Crispe,
    Could you please share with us the test file @ "[email protected]" so that we can reproduce the problem at our end? Please be assured that your test file would solely be used for reproducing the issue and won't be shared elsewhere.
    Please include the link (CC 2014 - another noticeable degradation in performance) in the mail you send.

  • HT201269 I am trying to save memory on my iPhone 4S/ ios6. Can I back up all photos to icloud and the external hard disk I normally use for photos? If I then delete photos from the iPhone do the get deleted on iCloud?

    I am trying to save memory on my iPhone 4S/ ios6.
    1) Can I back up all photos to icloud and the external hard disk I normally use for photos? If I then delete photos from the iPhone do the get deleted on iCloud?
    2) Can I back up the newsstand to iCloud and save memory on the iPhone?
    3) Can I back up the bookshelf to icloud and save memory on the iPhone?

    1. What format is the external drive? It sounds like it's ina format that Macs can't write to. Is it a NAS or NTFS?
    2. Easiest thing: just move your iPhoto Library to the external
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

  • I updated my IPad 2 and IPhone 4S to IOS6 and now I am unable to use Music on my IPhone (All is well with the IPad2)

    After updating my IPad2 and IPhone 4s to IOS6 I can not use the Music function on the IPone to play songs.  The IPad 2 is okay.  Help!

    This is what I have discovered. If I purchase an app that I've never purchased before it does download to both devices. Seems to only work when a never before used app is downloaded. If I have previously downloaded an app before I began using iCloud to sync multiple devices the apps don't appear on all devices.

  • I have an Iad2 and ever since ios6-there are issues.I get occasional lock-ups and have to reboot. The WSJ app freezes when running their videos to the end. The only work-around is to stop the video before it's over. Worse than windows me !!!!!

    My Ipad2 worked perfectly before ios6 upgrade. It now freezes occasionally and I have to reboot to get it to work. Also the WSJ app will now freeze if I try and run one of their videos that is imbedded in the article. My only work-around is to stop (press done) before the end of the video or I have to do a total reboot. The problems remind me of Windows ME . Will Apple resolve these issues or become more like Microsoft. Hopefully there will be a restore button in the future like Microsoft was forced to do because a lot of upgrades are just terrible. Am I crazy or are there other people having the same issues with ios6, or could this just be a coincidence and my ipad2 is starting to fail just when ios6 arrives ?

    I know this will not help but, the bluetooth headset I purchased for my wife works great and it pairs with our car and our sound bar in the livingroom (Motorola Droid Razr) 98.72.16.XT912.Verizon.en.US
    However I did not upgrade over the air but from a android web site and placed it on my external sd card. I believe this made the difference in why we had no issues and upgraded functionality has been great.
    Please note when I mention these bluetooth devices I mean the Razr connects with no problems.
    It also had no internet issues and none of the problems others have complained about in other threads.
    unfortunately when you say thousands have these issues I cannot say that is accurate. The hope is when large numbers of owners have updated to the Jelly Bean and are complaining inmase then Motorola will issue a patch to verizon to get out to the affected users.
    Of course now that Google owns Motorola Mobility and has laid off loads of workers it may never issue an os patch.

Maybe you are looking for