Delete completed task in profilemanager

is there a possibility to delete the completed tasks in profile manager?

I'd Really like to know this too.

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    I can delete completed tasks in a notification (Claim). However, I want to disable this function.

    Type: Property
    Object Type: Block
    Target Object: RGW_FOLDER
    Property Name: DELETE_ALLOWED
    Value: FALSE
    Note: The button will remain visible and if the user presses it, the system will ask if he/she want to delete the receipt. However, if the OK button is pressed the receipt will not be deleted and a message will be shown ("You cannot cannot delete this record")
    Hope this helps.

  • BB desktop deletes completed tasks on the handheld?

    It does this when I have marked them as completed in Outlook 2003.  I would prefer to keep them on the handheld and just hide them as completed tasks.  Can I do this and what setting do I adjust?  It appears to only be deleting them from the handheld; not Outlook. At least that is what it says in the 'Details for Confirm Tasks Edits dialog box.'
    I have Conflicts set to Notify, but it doesn't tell me it is going to delete these completed tasks from the handheld until I am in the 'Confirm Tasks Edits' and 'Details for Confirm Tasks Edits dialog box.'
    Please remember to "Accept as Solution" the post which solved your thread. If I or someone else have helped you, please tell us you "Like" what we had to say at the bottom right of the post.
    Go to Solution.

    Oh ok, I thought you were on a BES and the tasks synced wirelessly. So you're syncing through Desktop Manager then...
    Well I just tried a wired sync. My completed tasks transfer over fine.  When you go to the Task synchronization settings in the Desktop Manager, it is set to sync with Outlook with a Two-way sync and also to transfer all items?
    Message Edited by jmrmb80 on 02-25-2009 11:31 PM
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

  • OS X Server 3.0.1 Completed Tasks Error

    Everytime I click on completed tasks in profile manager, I get the error message "A Server Error has Occurred" and am told to reload the page, but it keeps doing the same thing.  I am not able to view my competed tasks.  Is anyone seeing this same issue or have a solution?
    Thank you.

    We have the same problem and I'm looking for a solution. With os x server 2.2, I was able to delete completed tasks with this command:
    sudo psql -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket" -U _postgres -d device_management -c "TRUNCATE TABLE tasks;"
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  • Problem with complete task via email

    I have problem with complete task via email. I found this blog very useful ( te.html), but...
    I set up everything as it’s written in blog mentioned above. When a task is assigned to me, I received an email notification with actions (accept, deny). After that I replied with action “accept”. Then I received email with subject “Errors from LiveCycle ES”:
    LiveCycle ES has tried to process your request and encountered the following error:
    com.adobe.pof.POFRuntimeException: Transaction is not active: tx=TransactionImple ; – nested throwable: (javax.resource.ResourceException: Transaction is not active: tx=TransactionImple )
    This response to your original email
    Subject:RE:Task Assignment – Process: Test/Email_Test. Task 76 has been assigned to you.
    Date Sent:Thursday, October 24, 2011 1:17 PM
    In log appeared this following error:
    Caused by: ALC-DSC-215-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCRuntimeException: None of the Auth Provider could authenticate the user. Authentication Failed
    at com.adobe.livecycle.notification.TaskNotificationServiceImpl.processEmailComplete(TaskNot
    Can you me please? I have no idea what to do to succesfully complete task via email endpoint. Thanks
    Jan Petrla

    Hi Diana, thanks for your reply.
    You're probably right about 2 different error messages.
    To the 1st one: I'm sure that status task is Assigned (to me). I received an email and I also reply on that email.
    To error log: I found out that error log appears when I enable email endpoint on Complete Task service. But I managed to solve this problem. I set wrong user. Now I have here the same user as is written in login-config.xml so log seems to be ok.
    So I created new task and tried to complete it via email. Now I receive email with another error:
    LiveCycle ES has tried to process your request and encountered the following error: Error getting user context
    This response to your original email
    Subject:RE:Task Assignment - Process: WorkFlowClient/Test. Task 92 has been assigned to you.
    Date Sent:Thursday, October 27, 2011 3:05 PM
    And to the last point: email endpoint is set up with TestPOP3@mydomain and user receiving email has jpetrla@mydomain. I use Lotus Notes as email client, I tried another account with gmail, but the result was same.
    Now I really don't know to do...

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    I've generated taskDetails1.jspx. I highlight Task as in the figure and right click in askDetails1.jspx (design tab) but I don't get a Create JSF page dialog as in the figure.
    I get a dialog with Insert Before Show Detail Spacer ... etc (no Create /Human Task/Complete Task with payload etc)
    Do I need to position within a particular element ? or is this a bug ? wrongly documented?

    Hi Diana, thanks for your reply.
    You're probably right about 2 different error messages.
    To the 1st one: I'm sure that status task is Assigned (to me). I received an email and I also reply on that email.
    To error log: I found out that error log appears when I enable email endpoint on Complete Task service. But I managed to solve this problem. I set wrong user. Now I have here the same user as is written in login-config.xml so log seems to be ok.
    So I created new task and tried to complete it via email. Now I receive email with another error:
    LiveCycle ES has tried to process your request and encountered the following error: Error getting user context
    This response to your original email
    Subject:RE:Task Assignment - Process: WorkFlowClient/Test. Task 92 has been assigned to you.
    Date Sent:Thursday, October 27, 2011 3:05 PM
    And to the last point: email endpoint is set up with TestPOP3@mydomain and user receiving email has jpetrla@mydomain. I use Lotus Notes as email client, I tried another account with gmail, but the result was same.
    Now I really don't know to do...

  • Issue: Archiving and Deleting completed Processes  from GP Administration

      IWe want to delete the completed processes from every users "Completed Processes' List.  For this ,
    In GP administration-> Archiving and Deleting-> Maintain Process templates->Global Settings,
        We set 1 day for completed tasks.
        So , after one day,will it remove all the completed processes  or only the processes which were completed after setting the Archiving in Global settings?
    How can I delete all the completed Processes?

    Hi Smitha,
    Basically, there are two ways in which you can delete processes in <b>GP administration-> Archiving and Deleting</b>:
    1. automatically, through the <b>Maintain Process Templates</b> option
    2. manually, through the <b>Begin Archiving</b> option - there you have to ignore the predefined settings and set a date before which you want to delete processes.
    You should delete manually all processes up to now that were not deleted by the automatic scheduling. After that, all newly completed processes should be deleted promptly as you have specified in the global settings.
    Make sure that you also perform the appropriate settings for the archive store and the home path.
    You can check the documentation at: <a href="">Process Archive Management</a>.
    Regards, Petja

  • Can not open the completed task.

    Hi, All.
         I config my uwl to accept the GP tasks.
         It works fine with the tasks which is in process.
         I can click the link and deal with the gp task successfully.
         When I switch to the completed tasks, I can see the tasks which I finished.
         I click the link, but I get an error page with an error message as below:                                                      
                       Start *****************************Error Page **************************************
         404   Not Found
         Error: Request cannot be processed.
          Troubleshooting Guide
          Details: Requested resource [/JWFTaskDetail] is not found.
    End *****************************Error Page **************************************
    Edited by: LouisHuang on Nov 24, 2010 7:56 PM

    I tried to find something in logs and I got two error logs as below:
        Cannot process an HTTP request to servlet [forwardServlet] in [webdynpro/dispatcher] web application.
        For more details on the problem please check traces searching by logId: 0010187E3C96059A0000000700002F48
        Cannot process an HTTP request to servlet [forwardServlet] in [webdynpro/dispatcher] web application.
    [EXCEPTION] Requested resource [/JWFTaskDetail] is not found.
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    This situation only occurs on gp task. If I use the common uwl task, it works fine.
    Can anyone give me a hand? Thanks a lot.

  • Task API - Completed Tasks for Creator

    I started to investigate the BPEL TaskManager Service following the Steps of Tutorial 6. That works great, no problem there.
    Then I followed Tutorial 7 to invoke the BPEL process from a Java Application. That also works fine.
    Finally I used the TaskManager API to retrieve all Tasks owned by a creator.
    So I used the following code:
    ITask[] creatorTasks = worklist.listTasksByCreator("TaskSample");
    System.out.println( " **** Creator Tasks ****");
    for (int j = 0; j < creatorTasks.length; j++) {
    ITask thisTask = creatorTasks[j];
    System.out.println("Task Title " + thisTask.getTitle() + " Status: " + thisTask.getStatus());
    What happens is that the API is giving me only the tasks that are in the "Active" Status and I want also the ones that are in the "Completed" Status.
    However with the following code, the completed tasks appear:
    ITask[] allTasks = worklist.listTasks(1,100);
    System.out.println( " **** All Tasks ****");
    for (int j = 0; j < allTasks.length; j++) {
    ITask thisTask = allTasks[j];
    System.out.println("Task Title " + thisTask.getTitle() + " Status: " + thisTask.getStatus());
    So my question is: does "listTasksByCreator" only gives the "Active" tasks or is this a bug ?
    I will be waiting for your answer.

    Hi Brooke,
    I recommend to change the $item.percentcomp, $item.created, $item.status and $ to be like this: $item[" percentcomp"], $item[" created"], $item[" status"] and $item[" id"] in the command.
    Please also make sure that the percentcomp or status is the internal name of the fields.
    More reference:
    SharePoint: A Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields using PowerShell:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I delete the task bar in iOS7

    How can I delete the task bar in iOS7

    Stop Task Bar (Control Center) from popping up?
    Settings>Control Center>Access Within Apps

  • Can Lightning pin a completed task to the day completed on the calendar so it always shows up if I click on the day?

    This may be already doable, but I don't know how. It would be convenient to show completed tasks pinned to the calendar day completed. I know that if you switch to the task mode, the completed tasks and the date completed is displayed, but it would enhance the operation, if these completed tasks were displayed in the task panel whenever I highlighted the completion date on the calendar when in the calendar mode.

    Hi Big_T,
    I am not sure, this is what I found about how to use Lightning [] and it sounds like you could add more to that article. If you would like please add to the article what you find, because I am sure others would love to know how to do this too!
    Actually you can do this!
    # Go to View
    # Go to Calender
    # then go to Current View
    # Tasks in View and select show completed Tasks
    I knew it was there somewhere.

  • Delete Sub Tasks

    Dear All ,
    One of the PM wrongly created subtasks and expenses were created on those  and were  paid by AP . We raised SR with Oracle Support and was told that it cannot be deleted.
    We use an API to delete but we got this messages. 
    Error: API Error while deleting the Task: 1: You cannot delete this task because expense transactions have been charged to the task.
    Error: API Error while deleting the Task: 2: You cannot delete this task because expense transactions have been charged to the task.
    Can some one help in this issue.
    Also can some one guide me how to move the expenses from on task to another.
    Thanks and Regards

    The answer you received in the SR is correct. You won't be able to delete tasks if there are any transactions against it.
    Transferring costs to another task/project will not help either.
    It's a limitation we have in the system which can not be removed as data integrity will be compromised otherwise.

  • Unable to perform the request error while selecting completed tasks in UWL

    When user is selecting the Completed Task in the UWL, the below error is displaying
    error: Unable to perform the request. Try again and if the problem persists, inform your system administrator.
    While selecting completed tasks in the drop down, it is showing "Completed Tasks(30)". But after selecting "Completed Tasks(30)" from the drop down, the above error message is getting.
    How can we resolve this??
    Note: We are using EP 7.0 SP 17. When I checked in sdn, I found that there is a problem with completed tasks earlier to sp14. But in SP14, this issue was fixed. But why we are facing this issue?

    Please let us know if you can found any relevant logs on
    1) dafault.trc file
    2) UWL logs:
    Also Have a look on note 1120556.
    Please remember to evaluate the replays, this incentive the SDN to keep growing,

  • What is the best practice to display info of completed task in process flow

    Hi all,
    I'm starting to study BPM modeling with CE7.1 EHP1. Thanks to the tutorial and example on SDN site and I can easily build my own process in NWDS and deploy to server, start it, finish it.
    I like the new runtime which can show a BPMN diagram to the processors. However, I can't find a way to let the follow up processor to review the task result completed in previous step. I'm more familiar with Guided Procedure, and know there is "Display Callable Object" which can used to show some info of a completed task when the processor/owner/admin/overseer click on a completed task.  Where is the feature in BPM ? What is the best practice to show such task information in BPM environment.
    For example, A multiple level approval process, the higher level approver need to know the comment written by the previous approver. Can he read this information from process flow ?
    I think it is very important feature for a BPM platform. In Guided Procedure, such requirement can be done with Display Callable Object + View Permission, and you just need some coding for the UI. If BPM is superior to GP, I think there must be a way to achieve this, I just do not know how ?
    Can anyone shed me some light on it ?

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Yes, Notes and Attachment CAN BE USED for the purpose. But I'm still looking for a more elegant solution.
    With the solution of using Notes/Attachment, the processor need to give input at two places : the task UI and Note/Attach , with similar or same data. It is really annoying.
    Is there any SAP BPM real-world deployment ? None of customer has the requirement ?

  • I just upgraded to iOS 7 and I realized that the "Completed" tasks folder in the "Reminders" application was erased. I had important information there. How can I recover my completed tasks and the dates the tasks were completed?.

    I just upgraded to iOS 7 and I realized that the "Completed" tasks folder in the "Reminders" application was erased. I had important information there. How can I recover my completed tasks and the dates the tasks were completed?.

    Restore from your iTune backup.

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