Delete GOS attachments ?

Hi friends,
I will write my question in 2 posts due to the length limitation.
In my program i create different attachments like this:
  CONCATENATE 'UPC' ordendpago INTO is_object-objkey
                    SEPARATED BY space.
* Indicamos el tipo de objeto URL
  is_object-objtype  = 'FMPSO'.
  rel_doc-objkey  = document_id.
  rel_doc-objtype = 'MESSAGE'.
* Creamos la relación entre la op y el objeto enlazado
            obj_rolea      = is_object
            obj_roleb      = rel_doc
            relationtype   = 'URL'
            no_model       = 1
            internal_error = 2
            unknown        = 3
            OTHERS         = 4.

At some point later, i want to delete some of these attachments created, and i do it like this:
        lt_output TYPE TRL_BRLNK,
        ls_output TYPE SRL_BRLNK,
        lo_bor_item TYPE REF TO CL_SREL_BOR_ITEM,
        lo_bor_browser TYPE REF TO CL_SREL_BROWSER_ITEM,
        ls_bor_obj  TYPE borident,
        ls_folderid TYPE soodk,
        ls_objectid TYPE soodk.
        CONCATENATE 'UPC' i_ops-lotkz INTO lv_objkey SEPARATED BY space.
        ls_object-objkey = lv_objkey.
        ls_object-objtype = 'FMPSO'.
        create object lo_list
            is_object        = ls_object
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        lt_output = lo_list->GO_LIST_VIEWER->gt_output.
*       in lt_output i have all the attachments for this document
        LOOP AT lt_output INTO ls_output.
          lo_bor_browser = ls_output-objref.
          lo_bor_item ?= lo_bor_browser.
          ls_bor_obj  = lo_bor_item->gs_bor_object.
          ls_folderid = ls_bor_obj-objkey(17).
          ls_objectid = ls_bor_obj-objkey+17(17).
             folder_id                        = ls_folderid
*            FORWARDER                        = ' '
*            F_UNREAD_DELETE                  = ' '
             object_id                        = ls_objectid
*            OWNER                            = ' '
*            PUT_IN_WASTEBASKET               = 'X'
I do delete them, but my problem is that for every attachment deleted, a popup window with the attachment list is opened. Does anyone know how could I avoid that ?

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    I am not sure how to write this to fit the code I am using.
    Here is the eMail form
    <!--- Mail_Form.cfm--->
    <title>Please enter your message</title>
    <form action="Send_Email.cfm" method="post"
    <table width="500" border="0" align="center">
    <td width = "500" colspan="2">Please enter your e-mail
    <td width="250">To:</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" name="to_addr"
    <td><input type="text" name="subject"
    <td><input textarea name="message" rows="5"
    <td width="250">Attachment #1:</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="file"
    name="attachment_1" value=""></td>
    <td width="250">Attachment #2:</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="file"
    name="attachment_2" value=""></td>
    <td width="250">Attachment #3:</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="file"
    name="attachment_3" value=""></td>
    <td width="250"> </td>
    <td width="250"><input type="submit"
    name="Send_Email" value="SendEmail"></td>
    Here is the form to send the attachment.
    <!--- Send_Email.cfm --->
    <!--- First make sure that the user uploaded attachments
    <cfif FORM.attachment_1 neq "">
    <!--- first actually upload the file --->
    <cffile action="upload"
    <!--- now create a temporary holder for the attachment
    later on --->
    <cfset attachment_local_file_1 =
    <!---Now repeat the process for the second and third
    <cfif FORM.attachment_2 neq "">
    <!--- first actually upload the file --->
    <cffile action="upload"
    <!--- now create a temporary holder for the attachment
    later on --->
    <cfset attachment_local_file_2 =
    <cfif FORM.attachment_3 neq "">
    <!--- forst actually upload the file --->
    <cffile action="upload"
    <!--- now create a temporary holder for the attachment
    late on --->
    <cfset attachment_local_file_3 =
    <!---OK, you have now uploaded the file the server, now
    let's send
    out the email with the attachments:--->
    <cfmail FROM="[email protected]" to="#form.to_addr#"
    server="" port="25">
    <!--- <cfsilent> tag used to kill the white space
    in this area
    so your email is not cluttered with white space.--->
    <cfif FORM.attachment_1 neq "">
    <cfmailparam file="#attachment_local_file_1#">
    <cfif FORM.attachment_2 neq "">
    <cfmailparam file="#attachment_local_file_2#">
    <cfif FORM.attachment_3 neq "">
    <cfmailparam file="#attachment_local_file_3#">
    Here is the session application code to delete the file upon
    Filename: Application.cfc
    Executes for every page request
    <cfcomponent output="false">
    <!--- Name the application. --->
    <!--- Turn on session management. --->
    <cfset this.sessionManagement=true>
    <cfset this.clientMangment=true>
    <cffunction name="onSessionEnd" output="false"
    <!--- Look for attachments to delete --->
    <cfset var attachDir = expandPath("Attach")>
    <cfset var getFiles = "">
    <cfset var thisFile = "">
    <!--- Get a list of all files in the directory --->
    <cfdirectory directory="#attachDir#" name="getFiles">
    <!--- For each file in the directory --->
    <cfloop query="getFiles">
    <!--- If it's a file (rather than a directory) --->
    <cfif getFiles.type neq "Dir">
    <!--- Get full filename of this file --->
    <cfset thisFile =
    The tutorial only explains how to delete the attachment when
    the recipient checks there mail
    in the POP server.
    Assuming that the sender is in a session would the code be
    written to delete the attached file from the directory on
    the server one the e-mail is sent.
    Can someone explain how to automatically delete email
    attachments from a designated directory or provide me with the code
    that would handle this after an email is sent with attachment.

    I don't know why your dos code didn't run. It could be
    addressing. My limited experience with cfdirectory/cffile/cfexecute
    is to type out the complete path at least once.
    Good books?
    Hard to say, depends on what else you are new at. If you are
    new to html, then has good tutorials. So does If you have trouble with sql, I have heard good
    things about the SAMS book, Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes by Ben
    Forta. I learned javascript by buying the book Teach Yourself
    Javascript in 24 Hours. The O'Reilly books are also good. I learned
    awk with one of those books.
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    of the pages. If it says Reefmaster, I used an external strobe. If
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    By the way, that is not a Cold Fusion site. It's strictly html and

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    Thunderbirds add-ons are platform neutral, so of course it works on OSX. You may however have tried to install it in Firefox which tells you bad things about not installing.

  • Delete the attachments in Service orders

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    User below code, it will work.
    REPORT zcrm_service_order_delet_attch.
                               TYPES DECLARATION
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_crmd,
             guid TYPE crmt_object_guid,
             object_id TYPE crmt_object_id_db,
             date TYPE crmt_posting_date,
             object_type TYPE crmt_subobject_category_db,
           END OF t_crmd.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_crmd_final,
             object_id TYPE crmt_object_id_db,
             date TYPE crmt_posting_date,
             sucess TYPE i,
             failure TYPE i,
             total TYPE i,
           END OF t_crmd_final.
                           Internal Tables                               *
    DATA: i_crmd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_crmd,
                    w_crmd TYPE t_crmd,
          i_object_no TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF crmt_icss_object_guid,
                   w_object_no TYPE crmt_icss_object_guid,
          i_attch TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF crmt_icss_att_info,
                    w_attch TYPE crmt_icss_att_info,
          i_crmd_final TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_crmd_final,
                    w_crmd_final TYPE t_crmd_final,
          ls_crmt_object_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid_tab,
          i_return_objects  TYPE crmt_return_objects.
    DATA: lt_ios         TYPE skwf_ios.
    DATA: ls_io          TYPE skwf_io.
    DATA: l_docbusobj    TYPE sibflporb.
    DATA: l_sucess       TYPE i.
    DATA: l_failure      TYPE i.
    DATA: l_tot_final    TYPE i.
    DATA: l_lines        TYPE i.
                           CONSTANTS                                     *
    c_typeid(10)     TYPE c VALUE 'BUS2000116',
    c_catid(2)       TYPE c VALUE 'BO',
    c_object_type(1) TYPE c VALUE 'P'.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: so_date FOR crmd_orderadm_h-posting_date OBLIGATORY.
      PERFORM getdata.
      PERFORM delete_attach_save_order.
      PERFORM display_output.
    write: u_line(100)
      WRITE: /05 'Total number of attachments deleted',
              75  l_tot_final.
    *&      Form  getdata
    FORM getdata .
      SELECT guid
             object_type INTO TABLE i_crmd
                                 FROM crmd_orderadm_h
                                 WHERE posting_date IN so_date.
    ENDFORM.                    " getdata
    *&      Form  delete_attach_save_order
    FORM delete_attach_save_order .
    *Fetching the attachments for GUID.
      LOOP AT i_crmd INTO w_crmd.
        CLEAR: i_attch, i_object_no.
        MOVE: w_crmd-guid TO w_object_no-object_guid.
        APPEND w_object_no TO i_object_no.
            it_object_guid     = i_object_no
            et_attachment_list = i_attch.
    *Deleting the attachment for GUID.
        DESCRIBE TABLE i_attch LINES l_lines.
        LOOP AT i_attch INTO w_attch.
          l_docbusobj-instid = w_crmd-guid.
          l_docbusobj-typeid = c_typeid.              "'BUS2000116'.
          l_docbusobj-catid  = c_catid.                "'BO'.
          ls_io-objtype = c_object_type.              "'P'.
          ls_io-class   = w_attch-att_class.          "'CRM_P_ORD'.
          ls_io-objid   = w_attch-objkey.
          APPEND ls_io TO lt_ios.
          CALL METHOD cl_crm_documents=>delete
              business_object = l_docbusobj
              ios             = lt_ios.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            l_sucess = l_sucess + 1.
    *Saved the service order after deleting the attachment.
          APPEND w_crmd-guid TO ls_crmt_object_guid.
              it_objects_to_save   = ls_crmt_object_guid
              iv_update_task_local = 'X'
              et_saved_objects     = i_return_objects
              document_not_saved   = 1
              OTHERS               = 2.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *Moving the data to inter table to display the output.
        IF l_lines EQ l_sucess.
          MOVE: w_crmd-object_id TO w_crmd_final-object_id.
          MOVE: w_crmd-date TO w_crmd_final-date.
          MOVE: l_sucess    TO w_crmd_final-sucess.
          MOVE: l_failure   TO w_crmd_final-failure.
          MOVE: l_sucess    TO w_crmd_final-total.
          APPEND w_crmd_final TO i_crmd_final.
    *Clearing the internal tables and variables.
          CLEAR: i_attch,
    ENDFORM.                    " delete_attach_save_order
    *&      Form  Display_output
    FORM display_output .
      IF NOT i_crmd_final IS INITIAL.
        WRITE: /5 'Order Number',
               20 'Creation date',
               35 'success Records',
               55 'Fail Records',
               75 'Total Records'.
      LOOP AT i_crmd_final INTO w_crmd_final.
        WRITE: /5  w_crmd_final-object_id,
               20 w_crmd_final-date,
               35 w_crmd_final-sucess,
               55 w_crmd_final-failure,
               75 w_crmd_final-total.
        l_tot_final = l_tot_final + w_crmd_final-total.
      CLEAR : w_crmd_final.
    ENDFORM.                    " Display_output

  • Storage repository for GOS attachments outside R/3

    For our requirement we have to extract and store GOS attachments in a DMS server.
    I would like to know what are all the possible soutions to store the data outside R/3 (our users will not accessing them everytime but just to have reference when needed). I do not have much knowledge about DMS so some reference link also would be of a great use.
    Please let me know if I need to eloborate on my requirement. Your help is much appreciated!

    Hi Manoj,
    You can store GOS documents in external server. Follow steps as below
    1) Link content category SOFFHTTP to the repository referring to external server.
    2) For SOFFPHIO class in table SDOKPHCL, maintain value X for CAT MAINT field
    3) Go to the transaction skpro8, maintain SOFFHTTP as new category for SOFFPHIO class,
    After making these changes, GOS documents will be stored in external server.
    Refer to the below link which gives good facts about GOS. It is very informative.

  • GOS Attachments Display URL in WD ABAP

      We have to display the GOS attachments list in the the WD ABAP application. Unfortunately the class and Function module which can do that are not working in the WD ABAP application. Like CL_GOS_DOCUMENT_SERVICE...
      Any thoughts?

    hi Kumar,
    Please go through this...
    GOS and FileUpload UiElement
    Global object Services ( GOS ) in WD4A
    Attachement Details (GOS) in Web Dynpro (ABAP)

  • Infopath form Restrict users not to delete the attachments uploaded by others

    Hi ,
    Could any one please help me on the below requirement , 
    In infopath form, can we restrict the users to delete the attachments(multiple) which are uploaded by other users and one shold be able to delete the attachments which are uploaded by him/her self,
    Any ideas are highly appricated ,

    This trick will work if you want to do for all users. Somehow you have to store the current user name, who has attached the files then hide show section based on user using conditional formatting.
    Your job can be easy if only one person is uploading file in one form. In that case you can use UserName() function to get current user name and based on this name you can add rule on section.
    But if multiple people are allow to upload file in same form then you are in trouble.
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Unable to delete the attachments from the order header or line

    Hi Friends,
    when i am saving any short text message through attachments either on sales order header or line, i am unable to delete the same again.
    i would like to know that is it a indented functionality of oracle or any setup needs to be done?
    Can anyone please look in to this?
    We are using

    If the order or line is closed, then you probably can not delete the attachments.
    But if the order line is still open, you should be able to delete attachments.
    If you cannot, it might be because your responsibility has a menu that excludes delete function. Try to use one of the seeded responsibilities (such as Order Management super user).
    Hope this answers your question
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Omkar Technologies Inc.
    Independent Techno-functional Consultant

  • Deleting Mail Attachments doesn't reduce email size

    Trying to keep my mailbox size down by deleting attachments. Attachments all show as deleted but the email sizes do not change. Quite odd that an email with no attachments should show as 25mb! Any ideas? Apple Mail 7.3, Mavericks 10.9.3

    Yes - the principal is: if you need to keep an attachment, store it in the relevant place e.g. pictures folder, documents, movies, icloud etc. Don't keep large attachments in the email system.
    Also applies to 'Sent' items. Except where forwarding an attachment from someone else, you will always have the original item on your hard drive so keeping it in email sent items is completely pointless.
    Once deleted, mail leaves a small text item detailing what the attachment was so you still have a record of what was sent / received.
    You can also delete all attachments in an entire mailbox - bit risky tho'.
    Where I had an issue was missing attachments in long threads - easily done. Thought I had selected all messages in a thread and deleted all attachments but missed some.
    One tip, you might find it easier to view the messages / attachments in 'Classic' view. Go to Mail>Preferences>Viewing and select 'Classic Layout'. Once in, right click the menu bar to customise if necessary and  add 'size' 'attachments' and whatever else to the strip above the message list. You can then easily sort by size.
    happy shrinking!

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    The issue being for me is that the phone is now getting cluttered with unwanted phot

    You need to "void the warranty" and then buy iExplorer or a similar program, and THEN you can access the SMS library to delete them.   Apple admits this problem yet hasn't bothered to fix it.   Those SMS attachments should have been deleted all along, but they were being stored in an inaccessible location.  Thus, Apple's customers are unable to fix Apple's mistake; meanwhile, our iphones' space is being minimized because of Apple's bug.

  • How to delete eMail attachments without deleting the text

    Often people reply to eMails that I have sent and the resend all the attachments. So maybe I've sent 10 photos and this is 2mb in size. They reply - often more than once - and the attachments are all there!
    With Eudora, I could simply go to the Eudora Folder and delete the attachments to save HD Space (hey, 2mb a few times per day for a few years is a lot of gb!)
    How to do that in Mail - but without deleting the text of the message they sent?
    Thanks for any reply here--

    YES!! THANKS VERY MUCH! And now there must must must be a way to alter incoming eMail text and then save that without forwarding or whatever.
    By the way - I have found my Mail INBOX for my POP and also for my MobileMe accounts (as well as the other mailboxes). In my Library/Mail folder. OK so my INBOX for my POP is 800mb in size. Let's imagine that I have 8000 messages and 200 of them have attachments that are 1 to 10mb in size. If I now select all the messages in the INBOX and delete the attachments, will I see that INBOX drop substantially in size? And those attachments are "glued" to each eMail, right? I can't see them other than opening each eMail and then if I want to save the attachment(s) somewhere, doing that manually, right?
    Is there a way to have all attachments automatically saved in another folder? But then they likely are not linked to an eMail - so if I then delete the attachment that is linked to the eMail, the attachment I saved to another folder is there OK- but it is no longer associated with the eMail, so I might not know to what it is related at some future time.
    There were some nice advantages to Eudora-- you could quickly scan your attachments in coverflow or other mode--
    Mail's way has some advantages in that you always have the attachment linked AND you can save another copy easily.
    Likely best to archive each 31 Dec and then have INBOX-2009-21-31 and next year INBOX-2010-12-31 -- I did that with Eudora and have every message received and sent (most with attachments - but that's a bit tricky) - since 5 March 1996. Handy that.
    OK I'm rambling a bit but let me know if I have it right here.
    And thanks!

  • Script to delete all attachments

    Hi all
    I was wondering whether there is a script to delete all of the attachments in a pdf form? I know that you can use removeDataObject to delete specific attachments by name, but was wondering whether there was a simple way to delete all of the attachments in one hit?

    You just need to loop through the dataObject.
    var d =;
    if (d != null)
    for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
    // console.println("Data Object[" + i + "]=" + d[i].name);[i].name);

  • Why is email usage on ios7 ipad so high up to 918 Have deleted all attachments?

    Why is email usage up to 918 ? Have ios7 and have deleted all attachments and old saved emails?

    Why is email usage up to 918 ? Have ios7 and have deleted all attachments and old saved emails?

  • Mail 4.5 - how do I permanently delete email attachments?

    I'm using Mail 4.5 on OS X 10.6.8 - I'm using a late-2008 aluminium unibody MacBook with a 250GB hard drive and I only have 4Gb of available space left.  I'm trying to free up space on my hard disk and I downloaded Disk Inventory X to check what was taking up so much space - apart from my iPhoto library and Pictures folder which together account for about 125GB I see that the folder containing Mail messages is 42.8GB in size!
    I'm assuming that this is because I've received a lot of photos via email but I've added the ones I wanted to my iPhoto library so I assume I no longer need the images that were emailed to me.
    Can someone please tell me where I can find these email attachments so that I can delete them all at once - I'm hoping that I don't have to go through all my emails one by one to select and delete them individually?

    Hi again .... The Preferences/Accounts/Advanced tab is set to Keep all messages and their attachments for offline viewing.
    I agree that it seems strange to say that junk messages should never be deleted ... it was one of the settings in the article that I thought odd but assumed that 'there must be a reason'. 
    I had a look in my Macintosh HD/Tricia/Library/Mail folders - there would appear to be a great many ....
    Disk Inventory is telling me that my Library/Mail/Mailboxes/Recovered Messages folders are the following size -
    Mail 46.4 GB
    Mailboxes 44.8 GB
    Recovered Messages 42.1 GB
    When I look at the Recovered Messages data it shows 775 messages numbered from 260549 to 161324 with a suffix of .emlx - each one is 69.6 MB exactly!  Apart from these messages there are another 40 odd with sizes that range from 5.6MB down to 2KB.  I have the feeling that this might be where my problem arises but I have no idea what these Recovered Messages are.
    Any ideas?

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