Delete if "export" is successful?!

Hi there!
I've got something special which is driving me mad at the moment :-)
What I want to do is the following.
# "export" records (append) into a file on the filesystem via a select-statement ( select ... WHERE datetime < SYSDATE - 90;) in the format "insert into <table> values (...);".
# If this is done correctly (without any errors, 0 affected rows doesn't count), delete these lines via a delete-statement (delete ... WHERE datetime < SYSDATE - 90;)
# I want to pack these Oracle instructions into wrapper-shell scripts like
#! /bin/sh
ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/ADM/920_64; export ORACLE_HOME
sqlplus /nolog <<EOF
connect <user>/<password>@<system>
Any help is appreciated (especially ways how to "export" data to the filesystem)

To export your data to a file you can either use SQL*Plus to "spool" the data out view select statements. You can use the formatting options to produce comma-delimiteres (set colsep ,) and you can mess around with setting to eliminate headings, feedback etc. Have a look at the sql*plus docs for all the options available. You can also use UTL_FILE package to write out to a file. THis would need some form of PL/SQL loop to go through a format your result sets (i.e. in a Cursor FOR LOOP).
The PLSQL loop may be better as you would have better control over what data was succssfully exported, you can delete through a collection of ROWIDs which have been "exported", and you can control your commits etc.

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    Hi Reddy,
             I hope there is no specific function module to delete the entries ( as of version 4.0). So you need to code a delete statement to perform the task.

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    Hi Depesh,
    go to transaktion SBIW and delete the datasource.
    Postprocessing of DataSources -> Edit DataSources and Application Compponent Hierarchy -> BW -> DM -> Find your datasource.
    hope that helps,
    Message was edited by: Michael S

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    ORA-01403: no data found
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    You can keep a backup copy of that old file or make backups of the JSON backups on the new computer.<br />
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    Macintosh HD --> Users --> Home Folder --> Library --> Preferences
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    Macintosh HD --> Users --> Home Folder --> Library --> Caches
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    var myOutFolder = Folder("Desktop/Completed");
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    var Indd_files = mySourceFolder.getFiles (/\.indd|\.INDD/i);
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        for(var w=0;w<Indd_files.length;w++)
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                myDoc =[w]));
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                 var myDocNam = stripExt((Indd_files[w].name).replace(/%20/g," "))+"idml";
                 myDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.INDESIGN_MARKUP, (File(myOutFolder+"/"+myDocNam)));           
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    var myFiles2 = copyFolder1.getFiles(/\.indd|\.INDD/i);
    for ( i = myFiles2.length-1; i >= 0 ; i-- ){
    } catch (e) {}
    Many thanks for the support..

    I hope this is what you expected.
    You can try the following code:
    var mySourceFolder = Folder("Desktop/GENERAL_CS6-IDML/IN_CS6");
    var myOutFolder = Folder("Desktop/Completed");
    //var Indd_files = get_Files(mySourceFolder,[], ".indd");
    var Indd_files = mySourceFolder.getFiles (/\.indd|\.INDD/i);
    //var Indd_files = get_Files(mySourceFolder,[], ".indd");
        for(var w=0;w<Indd_files.length;w++)
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                 var myFile = File(Indd_files[w]);
                myDoc =;
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                 var myDocNam = stripExt((Indd_files[w].name).replace(/%20/g," "))+"idml";
                 myDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.INDESIGN_MARKUP, (File(myOutFolder+"/"+myDocNam)));          

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    You know the answer already, so I won't tell you as asked.
    We cannot discuss JB or non apple approved software on this forum.
    I suggest you do a google search.
    You will find no answers here.

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    Hi Peter, 
    Thank you for your response, I updated the original question with one of the codes.

  • Message not deleting from Topic after successfully dequeue

    Hi All,
    Help please..
    I need to design a process where message have to produce into a AQ JMS topic and later i have to consume the message from the same topic and publish to a Queue.
    In order to move on this i have created a sample My_Topic1 and My_Queue1 with below syntax
    EXEC dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table (queue_table=>'MY_Topic1', queue_payload_type=>'$_jms_text_message', multiple_consumers=>true );
    EXEC dbms_aqadm.create_queue(queue_name=>'MY_Topic1', queue_table=>'MY_Topic1');
    EXEC dbms_aqadm.start_queue(queue_name=>'MY_Topic1');
    EXEC dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table (queue_table=>'My_Queue1', queue_payload_type=>'$_jms_text_message', multiple_consumers=>false);
    EXEC dbms_aqadm.create_queue(queue_name=>'My_Queue1', queue_table=>'My_Queue1');
    EXEC dbms_aqadm.start_queue(queue_name=>'My_Queue1');
    Now i created Foreign server and create local and destination topic of queue.topics name and also created Data source of XAType.
    Now my bpel process getting a message(which as one element of sting type) from a web service and i am producing the same message to Topic. Once the message published to topic in a separate composite my JMS Adaptor dequeue/Consume the message from the topic and subscribe it to queue.
    The Above scenario working as expected but here what my observation on this
    1)When i dequeue message from a topic using bpel process successfully i am able to subscribe the message to queue but the message still remain in the topic i think it suppose to get of the topic once successfully dequeued.
    Even i check the subscriber topic table and one subscriber is listening to the topic.
    2)If in case any error generated at the time of subscribing to the queue the message should rollback( because i am using XA Transaction) but i think it is not happening as i can see in my topic view aq$my_topic1 MGS_STATE changed to PROCESSED.
    Can some one please let me know where i am going wrong.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Tarak on Sep 9, 2012 8:47 PM

    The behavior should be the process consume a message from the topic and will try to do its job. If this process fail, {code]
    But in this message not there in topic even it is failed in soa process.....i am very much interested how this XA is  working that the reason i am trying all this.What to do with a failed/expired message is usually configurable, but doesn't make sense to place it in the same topic again... If the messages are failing too quickly better to adjust the max_retries and retry_delay...I agress in real senario we will move to error queue. But in that case also some how we need to read the message from queue and publish to the end system.
    I am just trying to understand the behavior and what i came to know is after all the retire fails message not going to topictable _E. But when i pass Expire time property or time to live then it is moving to error table.What do you mean? What server was restarted, the database or the soa server? Messages that still didn't reach the max retry number will still be retried...Wheni am bouncing my managed server soa_server1 i can see the invoke activity is trying to publish the message into queue... this is happens after server restart and suppose not to happen....
    But thanks alot for the inputs...

  • Export terminated successfully with warnings, warning is ignoreable

    Is this waring ignorable?
    Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
    Note: table data (rows) will not be exported
    About to export the entire database ...
    . exporting tablespace definitions
    . exporting profiles
    . exporting user definitions
    . exporting roles
    . exporting resource costs
    . exporting rollback segment definitions
    . exporting database links
    . exporting sequence numbers
    . exporting directory aliases
    . exporting context namespaces
    . exporting foreign function library names
    . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
    . exporting private type synonyms
    . exporting object type definitions
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."ValidateTravelBookingRS102_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    "q17alsn.log" 622 lines, 32848 characters
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."ErrorType100_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."TravelSegmentType99_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."Address98_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."ValidateTravelBookingRQ96_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."TravelSegmentType95_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."Address94_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."ValidateTravelPlanRS92_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."ErrorType90_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."TravelSegmentType89_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."TravelSegmentType87_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."MemberInfoRS85_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."ErrorType83_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    EXP-00097: Object type "SYSTEM"."MemberInfoRQ81_T" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
    . exporting system procedural objects and actions
    . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
    . exporting cluster definitions
    . about to export SYSTEM's tables via Direct Path ...
    . . exporting table AQ$_INTERNET_AGENTS

    The object type"s status is invalid which may be caused by a dependant type"s modification without cascading the change. You must have the type recompiled using ALTER TYPE COMPILE prior to performing the export operation.
    ~ Madrid

  • DATA Export not success

    Below is the script I am using to export...the problem is that it is generating the log file but not generating the txt file in the same path.
    I tried with the database->Rightclick->export-> is showing succeeded but not generating file.
    What I am missing here? Please help.
    spool on to '\\Meta\CubeRef\data_EXPORT.log'
    LOGIN testuser ****** ON testmach;
    export database 'TEST_AP'.'TEST_CU' level0 data to data_file '\\Meta\CubeRef\data_EXP.txt';
    Thanks in advance

    You might want to try the following per the tech ref:
    A file name or an absolute path to a file. If the string contains special characters, it must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Double quotation marks allows variable expansion; single quotation marks does not. If the file path contains a backslash ( \ ), it must be preceded with another backslash ( \\ ) to be interpreted correctly by the MaxL Shell.
    "$ARBORPATH\\app\\sample\\basic\\calcdat.txt" (double quotation marks to expand the variable)
    '/homes/fiona/scriptfile.msh' (UNIX file path)
    Double back slashes....
    You may find the export file "\\Meta\CubeRef\data_EXP.txt'" has been created in the app folder.

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