Delete pre/post-exits

is it possible to delete needless pre exits? I used this exit to enhance a standard web dynpro component method.
I placed one exit at the wrong method and it contains now no coding but its still there and I see no icon or context menu to remove it...

have a look at the third screenshot in this blog...
Webdynpro ABAP Enhancement Techniques :Creating Post/Pre  Exit
In the toolbar above the methods list, there are button for deleting pre and post exits - next to the "Find" and "Find Next" buttons.
hope that solves your problem...

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    As I mentioned there, the PL/SQL handler approach works for me as long as I have no or only little data to send back to the client (e.g. put/post/delete succeeded or an error message why the call failed).
    If I need to return a lot of data from the PL/SQL handler I would need to, as far as I understand, to marshal the data to JSON and write it to the response body in the PL/SQL handler.
    I don't want to do the marshaling, because ORDS does it better.
    However, this works for me:
    I write a pipelined stored procedure that takes as input the attributes I need to set in the session context. I then can reference it in the SQL handler:
    select * from table(my_pipelined_function(:USER, ....)
    Now the JSON/HTTP response is created by ORDS again.
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    With the hooks it would be perfect because I would not have to write any code (apart from the procedure to set the session context attributes), just configure the REST services in ORDS.

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    Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(args, ValidateArg));
    public static bool ValidateArg(string arg)
    return arg != null;

    Hi Lev,
    To your question to clear the track
    You can delete your track as described in the below link, and then recreate the track and reimport.
    Link: [Deleting Track|]
    Do not forget to delete DTR workspace.
    Do reward points if you find the link useful.

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    Thank you in advance,
    With Kind Regards,

    Hi Kannan,
    One of our experts answered for the same earlier,
    If your datasource is already in production, and you want to data only from today onwards for enhanced fields, i.e. historical data is not required for enhanced fields..
    1. Fix ECC down time for 20 to 30 munities
    2. Keep all objects on Qty system in ECC and BW.
    3. Run Delta laods in BW for 2 to 3 times.So with this step you can clear SMQ1 and RSA7. Check the entries in RSA7, if it is ZERO then it is fine.
    4. Move DS from ECC Qty to ECC PROD .
    5. Replicate in BW.
    6. Move all BW objects from BW Qty to BW Prod.
    7. Delete Init load in InfoPackage level (Not in ODS/Cube).
    8. Load Init without DataTransfer.
    9. Then Run Delta.
    10.Next day on wards deltas will come as usual.
    If you need Historical data also.
    1. Delete data in Cube.
    2. Fix Down Time and load Init then Delta.

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    If you could go to the actual post, and use the option to flag to a moderator, explaining the reason why you want the post deleted, they should be able to help.
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    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    .NetFramework 3.5
    C:\Users\xxxxxx>Winmgmt /verifyrepository
    WMI repository is consistent.
    PC is win 7 pro 64bit 

    Hi ghw123,
    Welcome to Lightswitch forum.
    According to the error message above, this issue is related to verification. For this issue, you need make sure that you download VSLS2011_ENU.iso from Microsoft official site, see: 
    In addition, if you want to learn LightSwitch, I'd like to suggest you to download VS2012 or VS2013, many new features are added to them. see:
    You need select the Lightswitch option when you install VS2012/VS2013.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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    These are some of the links with broken dot mac URLs..
    Maybe search the thread for dot mac addresses.. It seems like Apple should know that dot mac is invalid and be able to remove those posts with a script.

  • Delete a post

    Hi all
    I know that this page has nothing to do with my question , but i need some of you to guide me please . 
    How can i delete a post i made in this forum . 
    Thank you guys
    Bill David

    You can't.
    Is there a good reason that it needs to be deleted, such as you posted some proprietary information?  If so, you can go to the options menu to the upper right of your message and pick Notify Moderator.  Give a good reason as to why it needs to be deleted.
    I know you realize the LabVIEW forum was unrelated to your question. Feedback on NI Discussion Forums is the forum for questions and issues about the forums.

  • Pre/post processing

    Hello group!
    Oracle 8.1.7
    We use XSQL Servlet scripts (great framework!). We tried to provide single entry point into our webapp. We want to replace XSQLServlet class, and gain control of our servlet environment (transactions, thread synchronization, logs...).
    Problem is, if we replace XSQLServlet class with our own class (which extends HttpServlet), we can't use XSQLPageProcesor directly because it is declared private for XSQLServlet package.
    So, we try to use XSQLRequest class and construct an instance with XSQLServletPageRequest as parameter and then call XSQLRequest.process().
    It works ,but ...
    When we attach object with setRequestObject (), requestProcessed is never called.
    Why? We mist something?
    If we use XSQLRequest (URL url), must we handle sessions, request parameters, cookies ...?
    Where is the best place to put pre/post processing of request?
    Thanks in advance

    We found just XSQLPageRequest.setRequestObject(), that we already try to use (first post in thread).
    We associate *.xsql with our HttpServlet because we want to transparently add controller object(s), and we want to turn this feature off in servlet engine config whenever we want. If we forward it (getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher().forward()), with same name and extension ...
    Some code:
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException
    XSQLServletPageRequest req = new XSQLServletPageRequest(request, response, myContext);
    //TransactionController implements the XSQLRequestObjectListener
    req.setRequestObject("transaction",new TransactionController(req));
    XSQLRequest xsqlrequest = new XSQLRequest(request.getRequestURI(), req);
    xsqlrequest.process(response.getOutputStream() ,new PrintWriter(System.err));
    catch(Exception ex)
    }When we call XSQLRequest.process, servlet response just fine (except we lost default encoding windows-1250?).
    TransactionController is properly attached, but requestProcessed is never called.
    We found why. Maybe?
    XSQLRequest.process call createNestedRequest from XSQLServletPageRequest, and then setIncludingRequest.
    This seems like little overhead :)
    We just want to keep our XSQL Scripts clean from including controllers via custom actions in every page.
    Can we do that?
    Anybody tried something similar?
    Thanks for your time

  • How do I delete my post?

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    I can't seem to find a button to delete my post that has appeared to have duplicated itself. There used to a button in Options which isn't there anymore  
    Maliha (I don't work for lenovo)
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    Go to Solution.

    looks like bananaman saw it and deleted it already.
    we'll look into why this option disappeared.   it could be a problem with the 'guru' role.   we've noticed glitches like this in the software so i'm not surprised.
    thanks for pointing it out!
    ThinkStation C20
    ThinkPad X1C · X220 · X60T · s30 · 600

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    We noticed that there are rich set of event callback provided by TopLink, including "pre/post-Refresh/Build/Clone/Merge". However, we cannot found any callback method for "pre/post-register/unregister" events. They will be very useful, if we to manage the internal status of register/unregister to indicate whether it is still under the control of TopLink.
    Thanks and regards,

    Those specific events do not exist. The postClone event is called after an object is registered. This is frequently used to copy non-persistent values from the cached original into the working copy.
    There is also the ability to customize the clone/copy policy used by TopLink in creating the working copies in the UnitOfWork.

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    could any of You, please confirm, if possible to create pre-posted / parked document for outgoing payment?
    We use F-53 / FBZ2 for this action, but sometimes takes a long time to select all items related to a bank payment note. The user want to have  only one final document, no partial bookings.
    Is there any possibility to create parked / dummy version here, to pause the administrational process and continue later, without loosing the data?
    Answers will be appreciated

    Please try recurring entries using transaction code F.14.
    I think there is no account assignment model or sample document where we can create for outgoing payments.

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                       b) Will Pre-posted document remain same by updating status with "approved", there by User again needs to post actual budget document with Version "0" by using "FMBB"
    Please help me

    CA Sam,
    The Pre-posted document will remain the same i.e.approved version 1. In order to create version 0 you can copy from version to version.

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    I enhanced this WD 'DPR_PROJECTS_VIEW' View'VI_PROJECTS_VIEW'.
    created a post-exit in method 'MODIFY_BREADCRUMB', but it is not working.
    the post-exit is not run.
    May I know the reason? What should I do?

    Hi Duan,
    just to take care of the simple things first - Have you activated the enhancement? (I'm sure you have!) have you put in a breakpoint in the modify_breadcrumb method to see that it is being called at all?
    Is it possible that the method is returning/exiting before your enhancement gets processed?

Maybe you are looking for

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    My slideshow has 4 iTunes songs playing in the background. It works fine when I view it in iPhoto, but when I export it to a .mov file, the music is missing. It only seems to work when there is only 1 song. Anybody know how to fix this?


    Hello, I am planning to execute one system copy of one system ERP6.0 (ECC 6.0) ABAP. The question is: The program SMIGR_CREATE_DDL  apply to source system ECC 6.0 or only aplied when the source system is BW ? Thanks a lot for your help,, Winsor

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