Deleted contents

any luck with retrieving the delted iPhone backup file?
I've mistakenly created a new phone account with a new name and the original backup has been automatically deleted. I need to restore with the original backup but it's no longer in iTunes. Please advise if you had any luck in retrieving or restoring the deleted backup file. Thanks!

I don't understand. wrote:
A while back I deleted all the contents of my Automator folder
Automator folder?? what was it exactly that you deleted? if you deleted you can reinstall it using Pacifist
because I was having issues with my computer making new folders by itself... I fixed the problem, but it wasn't Automator causing it.
So, now I would like to be able to create custom workflows again, by recording movements and such, however, I can't because I most likely got rid of it.
I would prefer to just be able to make custom workflows again, but if that requires me to reinstall Automator, how would I do that?
Thanks a mill.

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    Thanks for the reply.
    I checked it. If the script is run multiple times, the add and delete content type will throw error.
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    $docLibrary = $web.Lists[$lookForList]
    if ($docLibrary -ne $null)
    $docLibrary.ContentTypesEnabled = $true
    #get the content Type
    Write-host "Getting content type $lookForCT in site $web"
    #Confirm that the content type exists.
    $contentType = $web.ContentTypes | where {$web.ContentTypes.Name -eq $lookForCT}
    ##Abort if not found.
    if ($contentType -eq $null)
    Write-host "$lookForCT not found in site collection."
    if ($web.ContentTypes.Name -eq $lookForCT)
    Write-host $docLibrary.ContentTypes.Name
    if($docLibrary.ContentTypes.Name -eq $lookForCT)
    write-host "Content type $lookForCT is already added to list" $docLibrary.Title
    write-host "No content type exists with the name" $lookForCT "on list" $docLibrary.Title
    write-host "Adding Content Type"
    $ctToAdd = $web.ContentTypes[$lookForCT]
    $ct = $docLibrary.ContentTypes.Add($ctToAdd)
    write-host "Content type" $ct.Name "added to list" $docLibrary.Title
    #get the content Type
    Write-host "Getting content type $lookForRemoveCT in site $web"
    #Confirm that the content type exists.
    $contentType = $web.ContentTypes | where {$web.ContentTypes.Name -eq $lookForRemoveCT}
    ##Abort if not found.
    if ($contentType -eq $null)
    Write-host "$lookForRemoveCT not found in site collection."
    if ($web.ContentTypes.Name -eq $lookForRemoveCT)
    Write-host $docLibrary.ContentTypes.Name
    if($docLibrary.ContentTypes.Name -eq $lookForRemoveCT)
    write-host "Content type $lookForRemoveCT is added to list" $docLibrary.Title.
    write-host "Removing Content type $lookForRemoveCT"
    $ctToRemove = $web.ContentTypes[$lookForRemoveCT]
    write-host "No content type exists with the name" $lookForRemoveCT "on list" $docLibrary.Title
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    Parameter name: id"

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    Well, I am not very experienced in this area, but if I were in your place I would see whether I could use Automator (or Applescript, for that matter) to perform this task. It sure seems like Automator should be able to do this without too much trouble. Of course, depending upon your experience, it may take longer to figure out how to make the workflow in Automator (or write the Applescript) than to do the whole thing manually. It is possible, I guess, that someone has already constructed such a thing and you could find it with an internet search.

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    This bug still affects the Address Book v5.0.3 which is updated with the Mac OS X 10.6.5 update which has just been released.
    Apple have been notified of this bug as far back as November 2009.
    There are at least 3 separate RADAR bug reports about this issue.
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    The bug does not affect Address Book v5.0
    It does affect Address Book v5.0.1
    It does affect Address Book v5.0.2
    It does affect Address Book v5.0.3
    Apple were notified in November 2009 after Address Book v5.0.1 was released that this problem existed. We also told Apple customer support. We told the Apple Store Regent Street Geniuses. We emailed Apple Developer Bug Reporting and were initial told they were aware of it, then we received no more replies.
    The original thread in the forums detailing this issue is now archived even though the bug remains. So we cannot reply and update that thread.
    We suggest you try and make as many people at Apple aware of this issue as we think it is very poor that they are aware of a serious data loss bug for 12 months and havent rectified it in many software and Address Book app updates.
    Equinox News Pictures Ltd.

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