Deleted Iphoto libary

I accidently deleted my libary and was wondering how to get it back if possible? I see the files names in the libary folder but they all have zero kb for there size and when i click to open i get a message like the file might be corrupted or missing. In iphoto same thing the siloette with name is showing but no actual image and same message when i select through iphoto. what to do any help would be greatly appreciative. ruben v
mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

I am afraid that you might need some recovery software. If I were you I would stop using the computer and download and run the recovery software.
Data Rescue ll might do the trick

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    Do not delete iPhoto!
    Remember, we now live in the world of downloaded software. Programs can get removed or changed and you have no ability to reinstall later. In fact this has already happened with iPhoto.  You can still buy older versions of iPhoto sold on disk but not the current (download only) versions.

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    First, try the new password.  If you didn't sign out of iCloud prior to changing the primary email address of your Apple ID, this is what can cause this problem.
    Also, read this: If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud - Apple Support

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    How can I access my old iphoto libary on my newer laptop?
    I have a new iphoto folder on my laptop so I don't want to lose my current photos. I just want to add more.

    Do the following:
    rename the old library to something other that iPhoto Library.
    copy the library to the Pictures folder on your new laptop.
    launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and select the old library to open it and convert it to the newer version.
    Note:  if the older version of iPhoto was iPhoto 7 (08) or earlier you'll need to download and run the iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1 on it before opening with iPhoto on your new laptop.
    If you want to merge the two libraries into one library and keep the edited versions, keywords, titles, etc. you'll need to use the paid version of  iPhoto Library Manager to do the merging.

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    depening on what OS you're running you should be able to reinstall it without charge since it's part of the operating system. if running 10.6.8 or earlier you will need to use the applications install disc if there is one or if you only have one disc you can put it in and do a reinstall of the OS which will put the iphoto back on. if running 10.7 or 10.8 can sign into the app store w/ the same apple id that is associated w/ the mac and it should show in your purchases for you to reinstall it. you may need to click on the accept button if it appears next to the iphoto in your purchase listing.

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    Did you install it yourself are somebody else for you?
    If you installed them yourself, but do not remember which AppleID you used, try all AppleIDs you might have used in turn.
    If somene else set up your Mac for you, ask the person to reinstall it. If you bought the mac second hand, the previous owner needs to contact Apple to transfer the iLife apps. If that is not possible, delete the apps that you cannot update and buy them using your AppleID.

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    It's probably the library that's the prolem and not the application. Try this:  launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and create a new, test library.  Import some photos and check to see if the same problem persists. If you can create and open a new library then your existing library is damaged.
    If that's the case, Make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Select the options identified in the screenshot. 
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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    Hi Kerry,
    From what you wrote it seems like you deleted photos from the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder. When you opened iPhoto, the thumbnails were still there because you did not delete the photos from within iPhoto (the proper way to do it) When you click on the thumbnails of deleted photos to delete the thumbnails, iPhoto cannot find the photo to delete (thus the spinning ball)
    Is this your situation? If it is, then you will have to deal with the spinning ball each time you want to delete the thumbnail of a photo that you already deleted from the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder.
    You do need to get the version 5 library working well before upgrading to version 6. I suggest you follow the next directions for creating a new library.
    Close iPhoto
    Rename your messed up iPhoto Library to "iPhoto Library_old"
    Drag this library to your desktop
    Hold down the Option key and launch iPhoto
    This is the window you will get
    Create a new library or choose a library to open
    Choose to create a new library
    Once this new empty library is open it is time to import the images from your old library
    Go to File>add to library
    Navigate to the old library on your desktop and highlight it in the window, then click the "open" button.
    iPhoto will start importing the images from your old library
    This is what to expect:
    Your images will be imported in nice dated rolls. (make sure your view is set to sort by rolls to see it) There are a couple of caveats to this. You will get rolls named "Originals" These rolls will contain your video clips and your original images that you had edited. If you had RAW files they would be in those rolls too (I don't do RAW, so I don't know for sure) Delete what you don't want from those rolls. You will also get the jpeg pointer files to your video clips imported. They will just be jpegs and will not point to the video clips anymore as iPhoto made new ones when the clips were imported again. You can delete those. they should be in a roll right next to the newly imported video clips so they are not hard to find. The thumbnail files don't get imported as iPhoto makes new ones when the images are imported.
    Once all you images have been imported, check through the library and make sure everything looks ok.
    You can now start making your Albums, and do your keywords or any other organizational steps.
    You can also delete the old library on the desktop.
    It is also a good time to backup this new library to CD/DVD by burning the iPhoto LIbrary folder in the Finder, or copying the iPhoto Library folder to an external drive formatted for Macs, or copying the iPhoto LIbrary folder to an iPod.
    Good luck!

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    Hi giunta,
    Have you checked your Trash? Is iPhoto in there? If so, just move it back out.

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    If you have deleted iPhoto, you have to reinstall it. If your Mac came with DVDs, insert the Applications DVD or the Mac OS X Install Disc 2, and install iPhoto. After installing it, open  > Software Update to install the most recent version. If you haven't got the DVDs, call Apple to get replacement DVDs >
    If your Mac didn't come with DVDs or you purchased iPhoto from the App Store, open App Store > Purchases, and download iPhoto for free

  • I accidentally deleted iPhoto. How do I get it back?

    I accidentally deleted iPhoto. How do I get it back?

    reinstall from the original source
    Could be
    1 - the restore disks that came with the computer
    2 - the iLife DVD that you purchased
    3 - the app store - log in under the Apple id used to purchase the software or to set up the computer - look under purchases - you might have to unhide or accept the Application first

  • I accidently deleted iphoto; how do I get it back for free?

    I accidently deleted iphoto; how do I get it back for free?

    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2a: On 10.5:  Go to HD/Library/Receipts and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
    2b: On 10.6: Those receipts may be found as follows:  In the Finder use the Go menu and select Go To Folder. In the resulting window type
    2c: on 10.7 they're at
    A Finder Window will open at that location and you can remove the iPhoto pkg files.
    3. Re-install.
    If you purchased an iLife Disk, then iPhoto is on it.
    If iPhoto was installed on your Mac when you go it then it’s on the System Restore disks that came with your Mac. Insert the first one and opt to ‘Install Bundled Applications Only.
    If you purchased it on the App Store or have a Recent Mac you can find it in your Purchases List.

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    I accidentally deleted iphoto of my 2009 macbook pro and I don't havet the startup disc anymore. Is there a way to get it back on my computer without paying th $14.99 in the app store?

    Depends - did your computer come with restore disks? If so then you either have to pruchase form the App store or call Apple and purchase new restore didks
    If it did not come with resotre disks and you accepted the Apps form the App store tehn you can reinstall form teh purchased list in the App store
    If you have purchased an iLife upgrade DVD then you must hav eit or pruchase a new one

  • My IPhoto Library is unreadable Tried everything recommended even deleted IPhoto and I still get the error message

    I keep getting the error message  (photo library is either in use by another application or has become unreadable ) I've tried everything that has been suggested, I've even deleted Iphoto and reinstalled it ,but this doesn't work, I even reinstalled Lion, without success. I've checked for virus s and that is ok. Any ideas as to what the problem is and how can I solve it.

    Try this solution:
    Start over from scratch with new library
    Start over with a new library and import the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from your original library as follows:
    1.  Move the existing library folder to the desktop.
    2. Open the library package like this.
    Click to view full size
    3. Launch iPhoto and, when asked, select the option to create a new library.
    4. Drag the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from the iPhoto Library on the desktop into the open iPhoto window.
    Click to view full size
    This will create a new library with the same Events as the original library but will not keep the metadata, albums, books slideshows and other projects. Your original libraruy will not be affected. It will still exist in case you want to try other fixes on it.

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    iPhoto was been replaced by Photo after iOS8 installation, so my question is:
    can i delete iPhoto?
    Make a backup to save it.
    Open "Photos" to migrated your photos to Photos, otherwise your photos will be deleted
    Right now, iPhoto is unsupported on iOS 8 and does not run.
    Unfortunately, Photos is not a full replacement for iPhoto. Many features are missing, as you will discover - no Journals, no books, no brushed adjustments, no tags, no Info panel.

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