Deleted user in existing GOA Responsible Employee

This is to inquiry about a new behavior seen after SP15 and need your
help to confirm if it's  because of SP15.
Before SP15:
When Buyer tried to Change GOA, (where Responsible Employee field has a
user who was Deleted in the System), the system will give a hard error
that "User is Deleted". Buyer didn't have the ability to Change the GOA
Responsible Employee  field as the system didn't allow it. Therefore,
we had to Re-instate the Responsible Employee user back live and change
the GOA along with the Responsible Employee field value.
When Responsible Employee  is now deleted, Buyer will be able to Change
the Responsible Employee field value for an existing GOA and Release it.
Please let me know if you see any SAP note that solved this issue.

It might heppen , if reconsilation jobs are not set in your SAP sytem which does not update user data.
there are some housekeeping jobs need to set for authorization updates as per SAP recommndations to avoid such situations.
Link :[]
It is not possible to transport single user via transport request in SAP , read more about transporting user master records via below link

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    Hi Marina,
    It seems that your print program calls/accesses information for the user who created the purchase order. I am assuming that your PO contains purchaser specific information such as his name, contact numbers, etc. Now, since you mentioned that the user id has already been deleted, then whenever the print program is called and tries to check the PO creator, it will see no data.
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    Best regards,

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    Users who are marked tp_deleted will always remain where referenced elsewhere (e.g. Created By fields). This is to preserve referential integrity. This is standard behavior.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    SharePoint does not remove users from SharePoint permissions just because they were deleted/disabled in AD. This is to maintain referential integrity. In fact, when you delete a user from SharePoint, that user remains in the SharePoint content database,
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    They do not have access to SharePoint given their account is deleted/disabled. But as far as automatically managing this, I'm not aware of a tool. On-prem there is Metalogix ControlPoint which does a great job of this, I haven't explored the O365 options.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    If you want to re-create a deleted user with the same user id then you need to set the re-use id property to true and also drop the unique key contraint from the USR table.
    Ref: Re: Steps for re-using the same user id of a deleted user in OIM 11g ?

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    Assigning a task to a user that is not in the directory will likely result in the BPM flow going into suspended state. To avoid this, assign the task to a pre-created group, you should not get an error even if the group is empty. You can then add and remove the users to that group to control access to the task.

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    As well as the authorizations already mentioned, you also need another authorization in the central system for object S_USER_SYS. You can only assign new systems to a new user with this authorization. ( No Problem with this )
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    What does mean: deletion is confirmed? 
    Best Regards,
    Erick Ilarraza

    Hi, thanks a lot for your reply.
    We used the SAP Transaction SCUG to solve CUA Problem.
    It is something about the refresh of the user in the Parent / Child systems, you need to Re-Refresh users and delete it again.
    Best Regrads,
    Erick Ilarraza

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    Command to locate the hidden User Profile:
    dscl . list /users
    Command to delete the now found hidden User Profile:
    sudo dscl . delete /users/<userID>

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    - Delete this user : OK
    - Query this user to read his properties : the user does not exist : OK
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    What is the problem and what can I do ?
    Thanks in advance.

    I am able to successfully add and remove the same user using the Azure Portal and via code.
    Are you sure the user is actually being deleted?
    Have you verified if you are able to see the deleted user in the Azure Portal after you delete it?
    I used the code within the Graph API Console Application ( AzureADSamples/ConsoleApp-GraphAPI-DotNet
    - "create a new user" region and "Delete User" region).  I was able to create the same user and
    delete the user multiple times without any errors. 
    Here is another thing you could verify.  Is you application a member of the "User Account Administrator" role?  You can utilize the MSOL cmdlets ( Manage Azure AD using Windows PowerShell - )
    to add your application to this role (add-msolrolemember -RoleName "User Account Administrator" -RoleMemberType ServicePrincipal -Rolememberobjectid <object GUID for application> )
    If your application is under  the correct "User Account Administrator" role, it should not have any problems doing this task.  I would verify.
     If you are still having a problem.  You might need to open a support case via the Azure Portal.  I hope this resolves your issue.
    ~ Michael

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    Does anyone know how to resolve this, I don't want to empty the cache each time we delete a user?

    It seems the guided procedure throws the same exception, which makes sense. I don't have a WAS up and running here, so I can't test, but I guess it's the exception the UME throws if you try to access an non existing user, and it just gets propagated both by the Navigation Cache and Guided Procedures.
    But there has to be a fix for it, somewhere...

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    Last edited by piotr (2009-10-01 23:01:10)

    piotr wrote:It does not work. I get the message that the home directory already exists.
    pass the -M option to useradd to avoid creating user home directory
    pass the -u option to specify the user ID to use, look at this with ls -alln /home/ then you should see the uid number side to your old home dir

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    Your profile says Leopard. If so, wrong forums. If not, update your info. As for Deleted Users, if created it exists at: "name of boot volume"/Users/Deleted Users/.

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    In process
    Partially Delivered
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    Does anyone know how to ensure that the second status gets deleted so that the next status can be set for the line item?
    Thanks for any pointers.
    Edited by: Jaya Nigam on May 29, 2009 10:29 AM

    Please look into this thread.
    deleted user status

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    Have you checked OSS note 1280891?

Maybe you are looking for

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