Deleting Java SE Runtime Environ Updates

I have a laptop quickly running out of disk space, can you tell me if I can delete any of these huge updates through WIndows Add or Delete Programs?
Java SE RUntime Environment 6 Update 1
Java 2 RUntime Environment, SE v 1.4.2_03
Java SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 6
Java SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 3
Java SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 10
Each is over 100MB and I'm wondering if only the Highest version and highest update number are necessary

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    Hello all. I'm trying to clean up some files on my computer and I've noticed while running the Add or Remove Programs feature of Windows XP that there are several Java Runtime Environment Update modules, numbered 4, 6, 9, and 10. I've also noticed that they are very large, generally over 100MB. Would I cause any major problems if I uninstalled everything exept 10, the most recent? Do I need to have all of them on my machine?
    Neal Thompson

    You should be fine if you uninstall everything except the latest update (10 in your case). The updates are independent, so you don't need all of them.

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    The security enhancements are documented at
    Changes in 1.5.0_06
    Prior to this update [1.5.0_06], an applet or [Java Web Start] application could specify the version of the JRE on which it would run. This has changed. All applets are executed with the latest JRE version. Unsigned Java Web Start applications that specify a version other than the latest trigger a warning, requiring explicit user permission before the application will run. Signed Java Web start applications are not affected.
    In other words, only Applets and unsigned Java Web Start applications are affected by the security enhancements. Standalone applications can select any JRE they want, even if it is the outdated 1.4.2_13.

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    the error:
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    Edited by: Cap.George on Mar 7, 2008 8:46 AM
    Edited by: Cap.George on Mar 7, 2008 8:47 AM

    Consider going to a Windows forum
    (or better yet, to Microsoft's web site or to a local book store)
    and learning about Vista's "User Account Control".
    At least do a Google search on it.

  • J2SE Runtime Environment Updates

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    Thanks. I also have a question about two other packages. I have the Java 2 SDK , SE 1.4.2_06, and the Java 2 Runtime Environment SE 1.4.2_06. I should leave the SDK alone, but uninstall the Java 2 Runtime Environment SE 1.4.2_06? These are in addition to the J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0, Update 7. Since I develop programs, I suppose I should leave the SDK untouched.
    EDIT: Oh, I forgot, I have a fourth package (J2SE Development KIt 5.0 Update 5)
    Message was edited by:

  • "Error while registering the Java 2 Runtime Environment registry keys"

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    Thanks for your help

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    Many thanks,

    Well, its been 10 days and no replies.
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    I've installed 1.3.1_01 on both W2K Workstation and Server, no problem. There's a bug report, but no workaround or solution.
    and it's supposedly 'fixed' in 1.4.0 beta.
    You might try installing the beta version

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    Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion'
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    Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.
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    I know this is a relatively old post, but some people can stumble on this page when doing a search for this problem.
    Anyway, I ran into this on my PC after I installed Sybase which had an older jre.
    1. Run regedit
    2. Look for Java Runtime Environment
    You may have to do multiple searches. Eventually you'll find one with the version number.
    3. Modify the value and change it to the correct version number. (in your case, you would have changed it from 1.4 to 1.6).
    This is much quicker than reinstalling Java every time installing something that uses an older version of Java hoses up the registry value.

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    Has any one else experienced this ?

    Most likely, you have either the Facebook video calling plugin or the "NexDef" plugin for watching baseball streams. Both depend on the Java runtime distributed by Apple. If you no longer need the plugin, remove it. Otherwise, install Java.

  • "Setup was unable to detect a usable Java 2 Runtime Environment"

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    [email protected]

    BTW, same thing happened here.... 1.3.1 FCS installed on WinNT prior to installing JWS 1.0.1 and Web Start failed to detect the JRE. I just cancelled the 1.3.0_02 install & Web Start apps worked fine with the 1.3.1 installed...
    Somewhere in Web Start's config is a pointer/field to the JRE it uses...
    Good luck,

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    so, what's the problem?
    Edited by: jdash007 on Jul 30, 2009 4:10 AM
    Edited by: jdash007 on Jul 30, 2009 4:11 AM

    Sounds like a Windows problem, in light of this statement from sun about Java 6u14.
    This release is Windows 7 support-ready and includes support for Internet Explorer 8, Windows Server 2008 SP2, and Windows Vista SP2
    The Java Control Panel lives in the Windows world, not Java. It is a .cpl Windows program. Windows 7 is still pre-release.

  • Java Runtime Environment Update

    The 'Vulnerability Scanner' keeps trying to install this update on my desktop PC. It runs for hours without completing and eventually I have to stop it so I can turn off the PC.
    Meanwhile I am having problems using a specific website and I am wondering if there could be a connection between these issues?
    Can anyone please advise what I can do to get this JRE update to install correctly?
    Go to Solution.

    Scrap that, the installation has just completed successfully! It must have been listening...

  • Can't Install Java 2 Runtime Environment on Netscape 6.1 (Windows NT) ....

    Dear Colleagues:
    I would like to help to solve the captioned problem:
    I was prompted to install Java 2 when I visited a webpage,
    but the installation/setup went with error and I restart my PC...
    I can't open my Netscape 6.1 anymoree as Error Message (whenever I click my Netscape icon):
    "Close the Program and let the Installation attempt to Complete..and Restart Windows."
    I close my Windows and Restart but it doesn't work.
    Please advise.
    Many thanks!

    There might be some connection or transfer error during the J2 installion but it shouldn't require a reboot. I'm a N6.1 user with Win2k Pro. Try reinstall the n6.1 and download the JVM pack at netscape update center.

  • J2SE Runtime Environment Update 2

    This broke my connection to the 5.0 sensors. I experienced crashes of the browser itself. I know this Java version isn't officially supported by Cisco along with the IDS sensors, but for anyone else experiencing this problem, uninstall the update from "add/remove programs" and you should be back to normal.

    Just an FYI: the 5.0(1.1) version is a test version for a 5.0(2) Service Pack, and is not available for customer download.
    The 5.0(2) Service Pack is still under development and test, but should be made available fairly soon.
    In the meantime you will need to downgrade back to 1.5.0_01 to use IDM with version 5.0(1).
    Once 5.0(2) Service Pack is released then you will be able to use IDM with the newer 1.5.0_02 Java.

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