Deleting "Recently contacted" and deleting my curr...

Does anybody know how i can delete someone i recently contacted. He always appear in the list.
In addition, how can i deactivate my account and create another one?

     This problem is considered to be a glitch in the software. YOur best option, if you still need advice or if it ever happens again, is to plug the iPhone into your computer, sync it with iTunes, and then restore the device. Hopefully you can save all the correct contacts that are left. Then, redownload all of your information to your iPhone and the problem shouldnt transpire again!
Mark H.
Apple Assistance
[email protected]

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    or try
    1. Press Menu
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    Here is some information on the applecare +:
    It appears that you have to buy the applecare within 30 days of buying your phone - you said that your phone warranty is almost over, so when did you buy it??? That could be the explanation for the error.

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    This is what is backed up
    iTunes will back up the following information
    Contacts* and Contact Favorites (regularly sync contacts to a computer or cloud service such as iCloud to back them up).
    App Store Application data including in-app purchases (except the Application itself, its tmp and Caches folder).
    Application settings, preferences, and data, including documents.
    Autofill for webpages.
    CalDAV and subscribed calendar accounts.
    Calendar accounts.
    Calendar events.
    Call history.
    Camera Roll (Photos, screenshots, images saved, and videos taken. Videos greater than 2 GB are backed up with iOS 4.0 and later.)
    Note: For devices without a camera, Camera Roll is called Saved Photos.
    Game Center account.
    Home screen arrangement.
    In-app purchases.
    Keychain (this includes email account passwords, Wi-Fi passwords, and passwords you enter into websites and some other applications. If you encrypt the backup with iOS 4 and later, you can transfer the keychain information to the new device. With an unencrypted backup, you can restore the keychain only to the same iOS device. If you are restoring to a new device with an unencrypted backup, you will need to enter these passwords again.)
    List of External Sync Sources (MobileMe, Exchange ActiveSync).
    Location service preferences for apps and websites you have allowed to use your location.
    Mail accounts (mail messages are not backed up).
    Installed Profiles. When restoring a backup to a different device, installed configuration profiles are not restored (such as accounts, restrictions, or anything which can be specified through an installed profile.) Any accounts or settings that are not associated with an installed profile will still be restored.
    Map bookmarks, recent searches, and the current location displayed in Maps.
    Microsoft Exchange account configurations.
    Network settings (saved Wi-Fi hotspots, VPN settings, network preferences).
    Nike + iPod saved workouts and settings.
    Offline web application cache/database.
    Paired Bluetooth devices (which can only be used if restored to the same phone that did the backup).
    Safari bookmarks, cookies, history, offline data, and currently open pages.
    Saved suggestion corrections (these are saved automatically as you reject suggested corrections).
    Messages (iMessage and carrier SMS or MMS pictures and videos).
    Trusted hosts that have certificates that cannot be verified.
    Voice memos.
    Voicemail token. (This is not the voicemail password, but is used for validation when connecting. This is only restored to a phone with the same phone number on the SIM card).
    Web clips.
    YouTube bookmarks and history.
    * Your contacts are part of the backup to preserve recent calls and favorites lists. Back up your contacts to a supported personal information manager (PIM), iCloud, or another cloud-based service to avoid any potential contact data loss.
    You will see that contacts are backed up

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    Have you recently added your Facebook credentials? If you haven't synced with your PC recently, this is likely the reason.

  • Deleting Contacts and Clearing iPhone Space

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    Also, is there any way to free up space on my phone in general? I have deleted most of my images, music, etc, but yet it still almost always says my memory is full (and this is speaking of before downloading this app.)
    Thank you,

    What is taking up the space on the iphone.
    Look at the capacity bar in itunes.

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    What is the precise wording of the message that is occurring?
    Are  you attempting to update via iTunes on a computer or over the air on the device?
    How much free space is actually on the device?
    If updating via iTunes on the computer, how much free space on the computer?

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    sophieguichard wrote:
    oh ok    and then i need to create another id for her? would we lose all our stuff?
    thank you so much!!!!
    Well, yeah.  You want to create separate accounts for each of you, using individual Apple IDs.  I know mothers and daughters like to share clothes, shoes, handbags, etc. but don't share Apple IDs. 

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