Deleting  rows with missing values in field in start routine of update rule

Hello experts,
how can I delet rows with missing values in a specific field in the start routine of update rules?
I think ABAP code should look something like this:
delete ...  from DATA_PACKAGE where Z_NO = ''.
thanks in advance for any suggestions!

delete data_package where field = value.
Hope it helps.

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    Hi Experts,
    after posting in SD (debit memo rebilling) a CO-PA document is created, but with missing value for value field 'interest'. In transaction KE4I, there is correct assignment of SD condition to value field
    'interest'. We use cost based CO-PA.
    We have tried to Check Value Flow in Billing Document Transfer - transaction KEAT and also to Simulate billing document transfer with KE4ST, but in these transactions everything seems correct.
    Can you please write any other reconcilliation reports I can try for this?
    Which customizing do I have to check?
    Are there any OSS notes for this problem?
    Thank you very much for your help,

    The problem was solved using OSS note 20254.
    Best regards,

  • Deadlock when delete rows with blob.

    I have the following issue. I try to clean a table that contains a BLOB column.
    To do this I use SQLDBC I create a statement that contains the LOB column, I fetch the line, load the Blob. and before fetching the next line, I send a delete request. and I fall in the deadlock.
    If I fetch the next line before sending the delete request there is no deadlock, there is also no deadlock if i do not request le LOB column in the select.
    In fact when I made select with LOB, there is the follwing line in DOMAIN.LOCKS
    295513;                4290;438;ESKDBADM;2010-06-17;12:05:46;ly-delorme-u..1674;?;tab_share;?;5748;LY-DELORME.esker.corp;?;?;?;0000800000046919;0;?;?
    when i send the delete request the following lock appears in DOMAIN.LOCKS. A exclusif lock on the column I want to delete. It's ok
    295521;                4287;167;ESKDBADM;2010-06-17;12:05:49;ly-delorme-u..1674;         5;row_exclusive;write;5748;LY-DELORME.esker.corp;ESKDBADM;ESKDBADM;DBM350_AUTOTESTXML;0000000000000934;5;00C51133800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
    BUT there is a dead lock , I think because of the following entry in DOMAIN.LOCK_WAITS
    ?;0000800000046919;ly-delorme-u..1674;438;5748;LY-DELORME.esker.corp;?;?;tab_share;2010-06-17;12:05:46;?;ly-delorme-u..1674;167;5748;LY-DELORME.esker.corp;?;?;tab_exclusive;2010-06-17;12:05:49;      3585
    The database request a tab_exclusive lock on tableid 0000800000046918 but there is already a tab_share lock on this.
    Do you why there is a lock on the table :  tableid 0000800000046918 ?
    How to avoid this lock using SQLDBC ?
    Thanks for you help.

    this is the same reply as previous reply, this carriage return. I hope.
    Here is code that explain my issue.
    I create a table like this :
    create table "ESKDBADM"."DBM350_AUTOTESTXML"( "MSN" INTEGER not null, "DIST_FILE" BLOB, constraint SYSPRIMARYKEY primary key ("MSN"))
    And then I try to delete row with the following program. I do not understand why the request SELECT Msn, DIST_FILE FROM DBM350_AUTOTESTXML set a share lock on the tableid : 000080000004691D.
    I do not find this tableid in the "SYSINFO"."FILES" table.
    295697; 5220;172;ESKDBADM;2010-06-21;11:01:40;ly-delorme-u..1CDC;?;tab_share;?;7388;LY-DELORME.esker.corp;?;?;?;000080000004691D;0;?;?
    // SQLDBC.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <comdef.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include "SQLDBC.h"
    using namespace SQLDBC;
    static void parseArgs(int argc, wchar_t **argv);
    static SQLDBC_Connection *connectDB(SQLDBC_Environment * env = NULL);
    static char* convertToUCS2(char *src);
    static void usage();
    SQLDBC_Environment *g_env;
    typedef struct ConnectArgsT {
      bstrt username;
      bstrt password;
      bstrt dbname;  
      bstrt host;    
      bstrt request;    
    } ConnectArgsT;
    ConnectArgsT connectArgs;
    void exitOnError(SQLDBC_ErrorHndl &err);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
       parseArgs(argc, argv);
       SQLDBC_Connection *conn = connectDB();
       //* Create a new statment object and execute it.
       SQLDBC_PreparedStatement *stmt = conn->createPreparedStatement();
       // FREEZE
       if (connectArgs.request.length() == 0)
               connectArgs.request = "SELECT Msn, DIST_FILE FROM DBM350_AUTOTESTXML";     
       /* NO FREEZE
       if (connectArgs.request.length() == 0)
               connectArgs.request = "SELECT Msn FROM DBM350_AUTOTESTXML";
       char command = (char)((LPCWSTR)(connectArgs.request));
        //* Executes the UNICODE encoded SQL command.
       SQLDBC_Retcode ret = stmt->prepare((const char*)command, SQLDBC_StringEncodingType::UCS2Swapped);
       // * Get the resultset.  
       SQLDBC_ResultSet *result;
       result = stmt->getResultSet();
       // * Fetch the row from the resultset.     
            SQLDBC::SQLDBC_RowSet* pRowset =  result->getRowSet();
         ret = pRowset->fetch();          
       wchar_t szString[30];
       SQLDBC_Length ind;
    Get a string value from the column.
       result->getObject(1, SQLDBC_HOSTTYPE_UCS2_SWAPPED, szString, &ind, sizeof(szString)); // Retreive MSN.
       // Delete de line.
       // Create a new connection for delete
       SQLDBC_Connection *conn2 = connectDB(g_env);
       //* Create a new statment object and execute it.
       SQLDBC_PreparedStatement *stmt2 = conn2->createPreparedStatement();
         std::wstring st = L"DELETE FROM DBM350_AUTOTESTXML WHERE MSN=";
         st +=  szString;
         stmt2->prepare((char*)st.c_str(), SQLDBC_StringEncodingType::UCS2Swapped);
        //* Executes the UNICODE encoded SQL command.
         ret = stmt2->execute();
       printf("%s\n", szString);
       return 0;
    static char *convertToUCS2(char *src)
      int len = strlen(src);
      wchar_t w=(wchar_t)calloc(len, sizeof(wchar_t));
      int nc = mbstowcs(w, src, len);
      if ((size_t)-1 == nc) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Conversion to UCS2 failed. Execution stopped.\n");
      short s=(SQLDBC_Int2)calloc(nc+1, sizeof(SQLDBC_Int2));
      int i;
      for(i=0; i<nc; i++) {
        s<i> = w<i>;
      return (char*)s;
    static char* strupper(char *str)
        char *p=str;
        while(*p) {
        return str;
    static wchar_t *argv0;      
    #ifdef WIN32
    #define STRICMP _stricmp
    #define STRICMP strcasecmp
    SQLDBC_Connection *connectDB(SQLDBC_Environment * env)
      char errorText[200];
      SQLDBC_Retcode rc;
      if (g_env == NULL)
    Every application has to initialize the SQLDBC library by getting a
    reference to the ClientRuntime and calling the SQLDBC_Environment constructor.
           SQLDBC_IRuntime *runtime;
           runtime = SQLDBC::GetClientRuntime(errorText, sizeof(errorText));
           if (!runtime) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Getting instance of the ClientRuntime failed %s\n", errorText);
           env = new SQLDBC_Environment(runtime);
           g_env = env;
    Create a new connection object and open a session to the database.
      SQLDBC_Connection *conn = env->createConnection();
      printf("Connecting to '%s' on '%s' as user '%s'\n",
             (char)connectArgs.dbname, (char), (char*)connectArgs.username);
      rc = conn->connect(, connectArgs.dbname,
                         connectArgs.username, connectArgs.password);
      if(SQLDBC_OK != rc) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to '%s'.\nERROR: %d:'%s'\n",
                connectArgs.dbname, conn->error().getErrorCode(), conn->error().getErrorText());
      return conn;
    static void parseArgs (int argc, wchar_t **argv)
      argv0 = wcsdup(argv[0]);
    setting defaults for demo database
      connectArgs.username = "ESKDBADM";
      connectArgs.password = "DELORME";
      connectArgs.dbname = "EDP350"; = "ly-delorme";
    use values from command line
      if (argc > 5) {
        connectArgs.request = argv [5];
      if (argc > 4) { = argv [4];
      if (argc > 3) {
        connectArgs.dbname = argv [3];
      if (argc > 2) {
        connectArgs.password = argv [2];
      if (argc > 1) {
        if (!wcsicmp(argv [1], L"-h"))
        else {
          connectArgs.username = argv [1];
    void exitOnError(SQLDBC_ErrorHndl &err)
      if(err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Execution stopped %d:'%s'", err.getErrorCode(), err.getErrorText());
    static void usage()
      wchar_t *s = wcsrchr(argv0, L'/');
      if (!s)
        s = wcsrchr(argv0, L'
      if (s)
        *s = '\0';
      printf("Syntax: %s [-h] | [<connect_options>]\n"
             "\tconnect_options :: \n"
             "\t\t[ <username> \n"
             "\t\t[ <password>\n"
             "\t\t[ <database_name>\n"
             "\t\t[ <database_server> ]]]]\n"
               "\t\t[ <request> ]]]]\n"
             "\tCalling %s without any arguments will use user '%s','%s'\n"
             "\t\ton database '%s' at server '%s'\n",
             argv0, argv0,
             connectArgs.username, connectArgs.password,

  • Updating multiple rows with different values

    I have a problem. I need to update more then 1000 rows with different values. How can I do it?
    For exsample i have table:
    id; color, date,
    1 red
    2 green
    3 white
    I need to update date field.
    Update table
    set date='01.02.03'
    where id=1
    Update table
    set date='01.03.03'
    where id=2
    Maybe there is way how to update multiple rows at one query?
    Sorry for my bad english.

    You can try this
                        WHEN ID = 1 THEN TO_DATE('01-02-03','DD-MM-RR')
                        WHEN ID = 2 THEN TO_DATE('01-03-03','DD-MM-RR')

  • Query to delete row where column value contains alphabets

    Could anyone please help me to get this query work.
    Query to delete row where column value contains alphabets.
    DELETE  FROM BIN_ITEM WHERE order_nmb LIKE '%[A-Z]%' || LIKE '%[a-z]%'
    Thanks and Regards,

    RaminHashimzadeh wrote:
    SELECT order_nmb FROM BIN_ITEM WHERE regexp_count(order_nmb,'[0-9]') = 0
    Ramin Hashimzade
    But that won't reject strings like 'gfgG%dgh' which aren't pure alphabetic.
    with test_data as (
    select 'ghTYJYEhdfe' str from dual
    select 'dfF5ssd' from dual
    select 'rgth*dgheh' from dual
    select 'ggf{' from dual
    select 'rwhrhrh' from dual
    select  *
    from test_data
    where regexp_instr(str,'[^[:alpha:]]')=0;

  • Returning 250 rows with 1000 Values in "IN" Clause Oracle 10g On IBM AIX !!

    Recently we have done the OS migration of Oracle 10g Server from Windows Server to IBM AIX. Everything is fine, But today we came across one crucial bug in the code, i.e In the Select Query, though we're expecting 1000 rows with 1000 values in "IN" Clause , It's returning Only 250 rows. Where as it's returning 1000 rows in Windows Environment with 1000 values in "IN" Clause. I have browsed throgh Google for the resolution but failed to get that.
    This is something like,
    In Oracle 10g On windows :-
    select * from emp
    where dept_id in (1,2,3,...................1000);
    Assuming there  are the dept_id values in Emp table from 1 ... 1000, It's returning 1000 rows.
    In Oracle 10g On IBM AIX ,
    select * from emp
    where dept_id in (1,2,3,...................1000);
    Assuming there  are the dept_id values in Emp table from 1 ... 1000, It's returning 250 rows. Pls help me, what could be the reason for this. and what needs to be checked to fix this.
    Pls suggest !!!

    mmmh. Did you compared the select count(*) from your_table; in the two cases.
    If the result is not good and nobody has deleted rows between migration and your test, you migration need to be replayed.
    Which migration did you select, Transportable database or exp/imp...?
    Edited by: Dba Z on 16 août 2009 08:56

  • How to merge rows with similar values in alv grid display in webdynpro

    Hi experts,
                   i want to know about how to merge rows with similar values in alv grid display of webdynpro.grouping rows is possible in table display in webdynpro but i am not able to do row grouping in the alv grid display in webdynpro.
    kindly suggest.
    thanks ,

    Hi Anita,
    did you find a solution for this? I have opened a Thread, if you know the answer maybe you could help me out:
    Is there an ALV function similar to the TABLE Row grouping?
    Thanx in advanced!!!
    Kind Regards,
    Gerardo J

  • Show rows with empty values

    We are creating a cross tab report, with products as the columns, and relationship managers with direct and shared revenue displayed across the rows.
    For Eg
    Relationship Manager    Coverage         Product1   Product2   Product3   Product4
    Bob                                Direct                 100,           0,               35,            50
                                          Shared                0,              0,               15,            0
    Alex                               Direct                  15,            25,             40,            10
                                          Shared                5,              0,               5,               0
    George                          Direct                  0,               0,              0,               30
                                          Shared                0,               0,              0,               5
    The problem lies when either one of the products has no values, or one of the relationship managers has no direct or shared revenues. If one of the products has no revenues, it disappears, and also when one of the RMs has no direct or shared revenues, the Direct or Shared row disappears.
    I have tried to create a second query just included the Coverage variable, and using this variable in Query 2 with the RM variable from query 1, along with checking the "Show Rows with Empty Measure values", "Show Rows with Empty Dimension Values" and "Show when empty", but it still does not appear to work.
    It only shows rows with values in them, and shows the rows with empty values at the end with no RM.
    I have not tried to solve for empty columns yet.
    Help with this would be much appreciated!!!!!!!!
    Thank you

    Hi ,
    I think you can resolve this issue following ways ,
    you need create another query  ( Ex :Qauery2 ) add Product object and RM (Direct,shared) object only without  conation. So now query2 result wil have all product and RM(Direct,shared).
    Merge the Product object and RM  between query1 and query2
    Now create table using Product and RM from query2 and measure value from query1.  Now you will get row even there is no data.
    If you want try this sample report using efasion unvierse.
    1) Add year ,state and Discount objects  and apply condition Year Not in list "2004"  and state Not in list "California "
    2) run this query and create the cross tab table . Now you will not get 2004 column  and California row in table.
    3) Create query2 add Year and State only without any condition , run the query. Now query 2 will display all state and year .
    4) Merge the column Year and State between query1 and query2
    4) Create the cross table ussing Year and state from query2 and Discount from Query1
    Now cross table will show 2004 and California ,even there is not in query 1.
    I hope this will help you.
    Edited by: ponnarasuk on Dec 7, 2011 12:48 PM

  • Start routine to update some fields of a ODS based on the another ODS

    Hi I know i have to do abap coding at the start routine to update a ODS based on another ODS. I have tried doing the code for quite some time now and i have not been successful. I think I havenu2019t followed the definition required for this routine.
    I have 2 ODS, ODS1 has 3 key fields and ODS2 has 1 key field
    I have to map the ODS based on a 1:3 relation.
    I am writing this start routine for the update rules from ODS2 to ODS1.
    The logic is if the key field of ODS2 is equal to either Key field 1 or Key field 2 or Key field 3 of ODS1 then that record from ODS2 has to be updated to the corresponding matching record of ODS1, else no update. The 3 key fields of ODS1 have different character length and character types and the key field of ODS2 has a different character length and type when compared to the any of the key fields of ODS2 can match any of those.
    Like key field 1 of ODS1 has length 10. Key field 2 of ODS1 has length 10 and key field 3 of ODS1 has length 20 and all these fields are not alpha converted, but the key field of ODS2 has length 60 and it is alpha converted.
    Can anyone please help me in this code.
    My Code is as below.
    ***********NISTEVO SELECT******************************
                  WHERE /BIC/ZLBOL = ITAB1-T_BOL .
    **************R/3 SELECT*******************************
                  FROM /BIC/AWLOR3O0400
                  /BIC/ZLRDELNU = ITAB1-T_BOL OR
                   /BIC/ZLRSHIPNU = ITAB1-T_BOL OR
                   /BIC/ZLREXTID = ITAB1-T_BOL .
            IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
            IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
            IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    Points will be awarded.
    Edited by: satish rajaram on Nov 6, 2008 4:51 PM
    Edited by: satish rajaram on Nov 7, 2008 11:40 AM
    Edited by: satish rajaram on Nov 7, 2008 11:43 AM

    The logic is if the key field of ODS2 is equal to either Key field 1 or Key field 2 or Key field 3 of ODS1 then that record from ODS2 has to be updated to the corresponding matching record of ODS1, else no update. The 3 key fields of ODS1 have different character length and character types and the key field of ODS2 has a different character length and type when compared to the any of the key fields of ODS2 can match any of those.
    Can you try below logic :
    Below is not code it needs to be manipulated as per requirement.
    ODS2 ---> ODS1
    SELECT <key fields of ODS1>
    FROM /BIC/A<ODS1>00
    keyfield1 = data_package-key1
    keyfield2 = data_package-key2
    keyfield3 = data_package-key3
    **Now itab has all entries which neednot be deleted from data_package.****
    if sy-subrc=0.
    ***Check Itab and delete only those records not present in itab from data_package****
    Hope this helps.

  • Start Routine Logic Updating Field in Target ODS

    I am creating a  Start Routine to Update Field (date) from one ODS to another based on the Key Structure: Document Number, Line Item Number.
    I am encountering a situation as follows:
    Doc Num 1 Line Item 10 Date 1/1/1
    Doc Num 1 Line Item 10 Date 1/1/1
    DocNum 1 Line Item 20
    DocNum 1 Line Item 30
    DocNum 1 Line Item 40
    The Routine I have now correctly updates line item 10 with the date 1/1/1.
    I am trying to modify the code to only update the target ods if all of the line items are in the source.  In this example Line Item 10 would not get updated since Line Items 20,30,40 are not in the Source ODS. 
    Has anyone encountered something like this.
    Thanks for any help.

    If you have all the line items in target for which you want to do updates  you can do this in transformation start routine.
    Try this first hand logic :
    1. Create a internal tables(say SOURCE_INTERNAL_TABLE and TARGET_INTERNAL_TABLE)
        with fields document number and another field integer say COUNTER
    2. Read active table of source for all the document numbers in source package.
    3. Update the SOURCE_INTERNAL_TABLE for all the document number with appropriate counts
        (All the records of same document number should be in same data package)
    4. Update the TARGET_INTERNAL_TABLE by reading the target ODS as done for source.
         then delete the record from source package itself
       END LOOP
    6. Your next code
        (Please take care that you are not referring the deleted records otherwise it will through a dump)
    If you don't have all the line items in target then you need to bring them somewhere in BI (document number and item number only sufficient with both as a key fields) so as to refer them in your start routine.
    Please update me if anything is wrong or if any corrections in logic.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Prashant Vankudre.

  • Composite invoking Spring Context errors with Missing class indicator field

    Hi. I’m working on a composite with a Spring Context component that is referenced in a BPMN process and have run into some issues and I was hoping you may have some insight.
    I’m able to deploy the composite successfully, however when I try testing it on the SOA Server, it fails with the exception below:
    <auditQueryPayload auditId="17008" ciKey="12">
    <dataObject name="FaultMessage" isBusinessIndicator="false">
    <value> faultName: {{}remoteFault} messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage} parts: {{ summary=<summary>Exception [EclipseLink-44] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.1.v20111018-r10243): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException Exception Description: Missing class indicator field from database row [UnmarshalRecord()]. Descriptor: XMLDescriptor( --> [DatabaseTable(ns2:ExtendedData)])</summary> ,detail=<detail> Exception Description: Missing class indicator field from database row [UnmarshalRecord()]. Descriptor: XMLDescriptor( --> [DatabaseTable(ns2:ExtendedData)])</detail>} </value>
    The class referenced in the error, ExtendedData, is a very simple, abstract class. Here it is:
    @XmlSeeAlso( { AssetUnregistered.class, ExtractionReassign.class,
    RelatedAssetRegister.class, ExtractionSubsequentNotify.class,
    ExtractionIntialNotify.class, AssetSubmission.class,
    ExtractionStatusChanged.class, MultiUse.class,
    ALERExtendedData.class })
    public abstract class ExtendedData {
    Do you have any thoughts or would know someone who could help?

    I've tried adding the jar to the classpath, installing the jar on the weblogic server, adding all the dependencies, and adding the jar to the project sourcepath. None of these worked either. Any Help would be appreciated.

  • Delete row from internal table using field symbol.

    Hi friends,
      I created dynamic internal table using field symbol. I want to delete some data using where clause.
    for example. i want to use like,
    Like the above statment it won't work. How i can use delete with where clause in field symbols.
    Hope any one can help me.
    Thanks and regards
    Srikanth. S

    hi Srikanth,
    I think you have to LOOP through the whole internal table and check each line and decide to delete or not:
    LOOP at <itab> INTO <wa>.
    CHECK <field> IS ASSIGNED.
    IF <field> EQ WA_KNA1-KUNNR.
    DELETE ...
    UNASSIGN <field>.
    hope this helps

  • Report Painter - how to insert sub header rows with no values

    In a report painter, I am designing a report with several rows with formulas. I need to insert a sub-header row in the middle of the rows. That will not have a value. It shall contain no value, but I am given only options of either insert a row of characteristics or a formula. I need neither of them. Can we have something excel  like feature in report painter (4.6c) just to insert a sub header row? If so how do we get that.
    ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (how to insert this row?)
    Account 1 - 10

    try to add a formular row containing a formular like = +x -x.
    Maybe you can use "formatting / row" and use overscores / underscores to get a blank row (underscore one line, overscore the line thats following).
    No other idea...
    best regards, Christian

  • Deleting rows with child records

    I want to delete some records from master table based on where condition. But I want all the corresponding child record should also delete from the respective child tables..
    Can anyone tell me how to go about it with example( eg emp & dept table of scotts)

    I have been to slow for posting...
    Please note that I hate doing this
    SCOTT@LSC01> select count(*) from emp;
    SCOTT@LSC01> delete dept where deptno=10;
    <font color=red>1 row deleted.</font>
    SCOTT@LSC01> select count(*) from emp;
            11the risk is that someone is not aware of deleting rows, and instead of getting
    SCOTT@LSC01> delete dept where deptno=10;
    delete dept where deptno=10
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-02292: integrity constraint (SCOTT.FK_DEPTNO) violated - child record foundhe is deleting rows in other tables and will never be aware of that deletion ...

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      :detail.item := '...' ;
      Exit when :system.last_Record = 'TRUE' ;
    End loop;
    First_Record ;Francois

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