
Iam trying to export the report output to csv using delimteddata format. I would like to pass parameter value as the name of Xml tag dynamically. Can I dynamically change the name in Xml Tag of any column?
Thanks in advance.

delimiteddata is creating its output off the datamodel rather than the layout.
you might want to look into running the report in character mode to produce the output you want.

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  • Report delimiteddata option. How to hide summary fields.

    I have a report which has Summary Items
    Department: Production
    Name Salary
    John 1000
    Jack 2000
    Total 3000
    Department: Quality
    Name Salary
    Harry 1200
    Sally 800
    Total 2000
    This is how it comes in PDF format.
    Now I want to show the same report in Excel format also. Here I want it to be plain data without any formatting and Summary Items (Total field) as below
    Department Name Salary
    Production John 1000
    Production Jack 2000
    Quality Harry 1200
    Quality Sally 800
    I tried delimiteddata option. However the report comes as below
    Department Total Name Salary
    Production 3000 John 1000
    Production 3000 Jack 2000
    Quality 2000 Harry 1200
    Quality 2000 Sally 800
    How can I remove the column Total ??
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Sajan,
    Go to the property inspector of the summary field.
    Under XML settings, exclude from XML tag set it to Yes
    Best Regards

  • Report in delimiteddata format.

    Hello , my report is generated in "delimiteddata" format . I use the following code in oracle form builder :
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(v_report_id,REPORT_DESFORMAT,'DelimitedData'); to call the report .
    However the column name of each field in my report is the name of the field in the database . I would like to have a user-defined column name to be displayed . Is that possible ? What changes do I need to make in my report query if any ? I tried adding an alias in my report query :
    But that didn't work . Any help please ? Thanks.

    I would like to have a user-defined column name to be displayed . Is that possible ?yes. Catch the user-defined names in Forms and pass them as parameters to Reports and replace what wanted to be replaces.

  • Very Urgent - DELIMITEDDATA question for MS Excel reports

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    I am using Oracle Reports 6i ( or patch 13, I believe.
    Thanks in advance.

    The DELIMITEDDATA desformat is a primarily data-driven format, and thus allows only limited control over the layout of the data in the output.
    Another option you can try is to generate to Excel directly using web reporting and Excel templates in Reports 9i, as explained in the 'Output to Excel with Oracle9i Reports' on OTN at Using this technique, you can use the Reports JSP tags and HTML to customize your report's Excel output.
    The Oracle Reports Team.

  • Tab Delimited report using DelimitedData

    Hi All,
    While I try to generate a tab delimited report using DelimitedData, the first line appears as blank line. I can understand thats because I have removed the heading from XML Tag attribute for all the columns.
    But how to stop this blank line from appearing?
    Any help/idea will be highly appreciated.

    Can you give more detail about what you are trying to achieve?
    How have you determined that the tabs are not working?
    Are you saving to a file and then opening the file and there are spaces instead of tabs? Or are there no spaces at all?
    I created a simple report with the following SQL
    select 'xxx'||chr(9)||'yyy'||chr(9)||'zzz' as tabbed_column
    from dual
    and get the output
    xxx yyy zzz
    What DESFORMAT are you using?

  • DELIMITEDDATA with Scheduled report problem

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    Does anyone know if there is a way to get the "cached" report results to be returned and displayed in Excel?
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    Generated to cache, but is displayed in browser as plain text when viewing results from SHOWJOBS:
    Generated to cache, but is correctly displayed in Excel as delimited data:

    I have the impression that when you use the showjobs option you view the data from the reports server whilst when you use the cache option it gets pushed to you,. That might explain why the mimetype option is not working.

  • Delimiteddata and number format mask

    I need to export data from my report to a csv format in reports 6i.
    I installed patch 12 so I can use the delimiteddata format.
    This works but I do have problems with the number format.
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    I learned that you can use the number format, date format and cell wrapper variables for delimited and delimiteddata formats.
    These parameters do work with delimited output but they don't when generating delimiteddata.
    Only when I start the reports builder with numberformatmask=something on the command line then the number format given on the command line will be used. but then you cannot change it (even not in the dialog when generating a delimited format) anymore once reports builder is open.
    Is there a solution for this problem or is it fixed in a later patch (I haven't seen anything new in then patch 13 notes).

    Hi Pieter,
    This does looks like a Bug. Please contact Oracle Support to assist you in getting the right patch or otherwise.
    Oracle Reports Team.

  • Urgent - DELIMITEDDATA question

    How to eliminate some columns that exist in the data model from the delimited output ?
    How to change the column header names in the delimited output?
    How to eliminate Place holder, Formula, Summary columns in the delimited output?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your reply Sripathy. I found out that we can actually eliminate the columns or any data model elements by simply doing the following:
    Go to Property Pallete for the elment,
    Under the xml settings use XML Tag (for changing names) and Exclude from XML output (Yes - to exclude on the delimiteddata output).
    This works for the XML o/p as well as the delimiteddata o/p.

  • My report not accepting desformat=delimiteddata

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    Hi Neeraj
    Download Reports patch from metalink and try. You can search for Patch number #2842923.

  • Dynamically show/hide columns for DelimitedData output

    My users want to see only dynamic sets of data from the same report query.
    For example, if the query returns:
    Date, Widget1Count, Widget2Count, ..., WidgetZCount
    User1 wants to see Date and counts for widgets 1,2, 5, and 10
    User2 wants to see Date and counts for widgets 2, 3, 4, 5, 10-20.
    Uset3 wants to see Date and widget 99 count.
    I don't want to write a custom report for every single user nor do I want to create Z! number of queries to satisfy every possible request combination.
    I wonder, is there a way to change "Exclude from XML Output" property for a particular query field(s) from a report AfterPForm or BeforeReport trigger?

    I had the same problem, but I saw the Metalink document: 340793.1, which gave the solution I needed.
    In my case, I needed to limit the number of columns being outputted in a DELIMITEDDATA format based on a user parameter.
    I ended up with the following code in my After PForm trigger, which did the job.
    SRW.ADD_DEFINITION('<report DTDVersion="1.0">');
    -- For those columns I want displayed, Set the XMLSuppress property to False
    FOR tmp IN 1 .. 10 LOOP
    SRW.ADD_DEFINITION('<object name="col_'||LPAD(TO_CHAR(tmp), 3, '0')||'_title" type="REP_COL_MAP">');
    SRW.ADD_DEFINITION('<property name="XMLSuppress">False</property>');
    -- For those column I don't want displayed, Set the XMLSuppress property to True
    FOR tmp in 11 .. 100 LOOP
    SRW.ADD_DEFINITION('<object name="col_'||LPAD(TO_CHAR(tmp), 3, '0')||'_title" type="REP_COL_MAP">');
    SRW.ADD_DEFINITION('<property name="XMLSuppress">True</property>');
    I hope this helps with your problem.

  • DelimitedData and Date Format Mask

    I am using desformat=DelimitedData to generate a Report with Version6.
    Although the date Format Mask is DD-MON-RRRR the date in the report is 11-NOV-34. What can I do?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Pieter,
    This does looks like a Bug. Please contact Oracle Support to assist you in getting the right patch or otherwise.
    Oracle Reports Team.

  • DelimitedData and the Chinese language

    When I use the following parameter string in my url, the report opens up nicely in Excel format in the browser.
    The problem is that the column headers do not show up in Chinese.
    If I generate this same report in pdf format, the Chinese words are there.
    The table column names are in English but the alias names used in the query are in Chinese. The headers in the report definition are also expressed in Chinese.
    Anybody out there having experience from this?
    Hakan S

    The master language for a Smartforms is the language used while was creating, so your logon language.
    Now when the smartform is called the system load all texts of the masterlanguage, but in the CONTROL_PARAMETERS parameter of function module generated by sf, you can indicate other languages:
    LANGU       -
    Master Language
    REPLANGU1   -
    Second Language
    REPLANGU2   -
    3°     Language
    REPLANGU3   -
    4°     Language
    If field LANGU is empty (here you can transfer the comunication language), master language is the smartform language.
    The system'll try to print the text for language stored in LANGU, if there isn't it'll try to print the text in language stored in REPLANGU1 and so...
    If the smartform isn't translate it'll always use the master langue of sf.

  • Can you open a report in Excel/Word desktop instead of the web pugin?

    using run_report_object( and web.show_document,
    how or can you get a report to open in the desktop/full version of MS Excel/Word instead of the web plugin versions?
    I can get the browser to open a report in pdf with my desktop adobe reader, but not with an rtf or xml/delimited desformat.
    Currently I don't pass a mimetype when opening as a pdf, but I do pass one in the url when i am destypes of xml, delimited and rtf,
    as this is the only way i have found out how to open the reports in word/excel.
    I'm in the process of upgrading from forms 6 client/server to 10g developer suite, so this is my try with a web based system.
    Does anyone have any suggestions, or where I should look.
    Below I listed my code from a procedure.
    the first part of the procedure is alot of converting, but if you skip down to the part between the 2 sets of double lines this fairly standard.
    PACKAGE BODY pmc_lib IS
    -- Procedure to run the report.
    procedure run_reports(v_report_name in varchar2, -- Report Name with or w/o a path.
    v_commode in number default synchronous, -- commode
    v_execmode in number default runtime, -- execute mode
    v_file_sys in number default filesystem, -- dummy
    v_param_list in paramlist, -- parameter list
    v_show_modes in varchar2 default null) is -- used for testing,
    -- if set to anthing but null, the report properties will display
    -- on the screen through an alert prior to printing.
    v_errorcode number;
    v_errortext varchar2(600);
    v_initialized boolean := false;
    v_prop_reportserver varchar2(200);
    v_report_path varchar2(200);
    v_user varchar2(100);
    v_user_sessionid number;
    v_forms_version varchar2(100);
    v_default_report_server varchar2(200);
    v_default_server_domain_path varchar2(200);
    v_connect_string varchar2(3) := get_application_property(connect_string);
    v_user_name varchar2(35) := get_application_property(username);
    report_id report_object;
    reportserverjob varchar2(100);
    v_jobid varchar2(100);
    rep_status varchar2(100);
    v_url varchar2(500);
    v_url2 varchar2(500);
    v_parameter_value varchar2(100);
    v_destype_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_desformat_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_desname_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_value_n number := 0;
    v_param_type number := text_parameter;
    v_prop_execmode number;
    v_prop_commode number;
    v_prop_destype number;
    v_prop_filename varchar2(200);
    v_prop_source_block varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_query_name varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_desname varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_desformat varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_reportserver varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_other varchar2(200) := null;
    v_mimetype varchar2(200) := null;
    v_selected_mimetype varchar2(200) := null;
    report_not_generated exception;
    report_id_not_found exception;
    v_forms_version := get_application_property(version);
    v_prop_reportserver := get_report_object_property('report1', report_server);
    v_report_path := null;
    v_user := v_user_name || '/' ||
    get_application_property(password) || '@' ||
    if v_connect_string = 'NNN' then
    v_default_server_domain_path := '';
    v_default_report_server := 'rep_pmcoracapp01_frhome1';
    v_default_server_domain_path := '';
    v_default_report_server := 'rep_oradevsrv_frhome1';
    end if;
    v_initialized := true;
    -- Check to see what version of forms is running.
    if substr(v_forms_version, 1, 1) <> '6' then
    -- Check to see if WEB version is running
    -- This may be an unnecessary check.
    if (get_application_property(user_interface) = 'WEB') then
    report_id := find_report_object('report1');
    -- id_null won't work on a report_id in Version 6, may put back in 10g once version 6 is gone completly
    -- if id_null(report_id) then
    -- raise report_id_not_found;
    -- end if;
    -- Because of Convertions from old system the following are needed.
    -- 1) If 'execmode' is runtime, then change it to batch.
    if v_execmode = runtime then
         v_prop_execmode := batch;
         v_prop_execmode := v_execmode;
    end if;
    -- 2) If Report name has an attached path, then remove it.
    v_value_n := instr(lower(v_report_name), 'k:\pmc\new\');
    if v_value_n = 0 then
         v_prop_filename := v_report_name;
         v_prop_filename := substr(v_report_name, v_value_n + 11);
    end if;
    -- From looking at the FORMS, 'destype' parameter is always passed in from the FORM.
    -- It is either 'preview' or 'file'.
    -- This is here for the converstion from Forms 6 to 10g.
    -- If for some reason destype has not been passed in as a parameter, you will get a FORM error,
    -- saying the parameter does not exists.
    -- 3) If 'destype' is one of the following, then change it to cache.
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'destype', v_param_type, v_destype_param_value);
    if lower(nvl(v_destype_param_value, 'null')) in ('preview', 'file', 'null') then
    v_prop_destype := cache;
    -- 3a) If 'destype' was = 'file' then check the 'desformat' and 'desname'.
    if lower(nvl(v_destype_param_value, 'null')) = 'file' then
    -- 3b) Get 'desformat' value
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'desformat', v_param_type, v_desformat_param_value);
    -- 'delimited' was not working, so change all 'delimited' to 'delimiteddata'.
    if lower(nvl(v_desformat_param_value, 'null')) = 'delimited' then
         v_desformat_param_value := 'delimiteddata';
    end if;
    -- 3c) If 'desformat' is NOT one of the following, then change it to pdf.
    if lower(nvl(v_desformat_param_value, 'null')) not in ('pdf', 'xml', 'rtf', 'delimiteddata') then
    v_prop_desformat := 'pdf';
    v_prop_desformat := lower(v_desformat_param_value);
    end if;
    -- 4) Get 'desname' property.
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'desname', v_param_type, v_desname_param_value);
    v_prop_desname := lower(v_desname_param_value);
    end if;
    v_prop_destype := lower(v_destype_param_value);
    end if;
    when others then
    -- If a desformat is rtf, xml, or delimited then get a mimetype to pass to the url
    if lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'rtf' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/msword';
    elsif lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'xml' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/';
    elsif lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'delimiteddata' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/';
    end if;
    -- 6) If the Following are not set within the Report Object then
    -- set them to the following defaults.
    -- These are al required to be set for the Report Object to Function.
    -- These are the defaults for AAPMC.
    v_prop_execmode := nvl(v_prop_execmode, batch);
    v_prop_commode := nvl(v_prop_commode, synchronous);
    v_prop_destype := nvl(v_prop_destype, cache);
    v_prop_desformat := nvl(v_prop_desformat, 'pdf');
    v_prop_reportserver := nvl(v_prop_reportserver, v_default_report_server);
    -- Set All Report_Object Properties
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_execution_mode, v_prop_execmode);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_comm_mode, v_commode);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_destype, v_prop_destype);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_filename, v_prop_filename);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_source_block, v_prop_source_block);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_query_name, v_prop_query_name);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desname, v_prop_desname);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desformat, v_prop_desformat);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_server, v_prop_reportserver);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_other, v_prop_other);
    -- Run Report_Object
    reportserverjob := run_report_object(report_id, v_param_list);
    v_jobid := substr(reportserverjob, length(v_prop_reportserver) + 2, length(reportserverjob));
    -- If Report Status is not 'FINISHED', then loop till it is.
    if reportserverjob is not null then
    rep_status := report_object_status(reportserverjob);
    while rep_status in ('RUNNING', 'OPENING_REPORT', 'ENQUEUED') loop
    rep_status := report_object_status(reportserverjob);
    end loop;
    if rep_status <> 'FINISHED' then
    raise report_not_generated;
    end if;
    -- Create 1st part of url.
    v_url := 'http://' || v_default_server_domain_path || '/getjobid' || v_jobid || '?server=' || v_prop_reportserver;
    -- Check for mimetype.
    if v_mimetype is not null then
    v_url := v_url || v_mimetype;
    end if;
    -- Final part of url.
    v_url2 := '"' || v_url || '", "", "fullscreen=no, titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, status=no, resizable=yes"); self.close()';
    -- This is the built-in that calls a new browser window
    raise report_not_generated;
    end if;
    end if;
    -- Destroy the parameter list.
    -- This section if for Client Server, Version 6 of forms.
    -- It will do the same as before the conversion.
    -- It is only used before the complete conversion.
    if v_report_name is null then
    end if;
    v_value_n := instr(v_report_name, 'k:\pmc\new\');
    if v_value_n = 0 then
         v_prop_filename := 'k:\pmc\new\' || v_report_name;
    v_prop_filename := v_report_name;
    end if;
    end if;      
    -- create history record of the report being run
    insert into pmc_report_history values(
    when report_id_not_found then
    show_user_alert('ERROR: Cannot Find Report Object!', null);
    when report_not_generated then
    show_user_alert('ERROR: Report Not Generated!', null);
    when others then
    v_errorcode := SQLCODE;
    v_errortext := SQLERRM;
    show_user_alert('ERROR : ' || v_errorcode || ' = ' || v_errortext, null);

    What you could try is downloading the report to the client pc using WEBUTIL_FILETRANSFER.URL_TO_CLIENT, then open the locally save file using something like:
    CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "localfilename"');

  • Developer Suite

    Preface.............................. xvii
    Intended Audience... xvii
    Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................. xvii
    Organization ............ xviii
    Related Documents . xviii
    Product Accessibility xix
    Related Documents ... xix
    Conventions ............... xx
    Part I Product Release Notes
    1 What¡¯s New in the Oracle Developer Suite 10g Release Notes?
    1.1 Chapter 4 "Known Issues" ......................................................................................................... 1-1
    1.1.1 New Topics ........................................................................................................................... 1-1
    1.2 Chapter 7 "Oracle Discoverer Administrator" ........................................................................ 1-1
    1.2.1 New Topics ........................................................................................................................... 1-1
    1.3 Chapter 9 "Oracle Forms Developer" ....................................................................................... 1-2
    1.3.1 New Topics ........................................................................................................................... 1-2
    1.3.2 Updated Topics .................................................................................................................... 1-2
    1.4 Chapter 10 "Oracle Reports"...................................................................................................... 1-2
    1.4.1 New Topics ........................................................................................................................... 1-2
    1.4.2 Updated Topics .................................................................................................................... 1-2
    2 Product Naming
    2.1 Windows Components............................................................................................................... 2-1
    2.2 Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Components................................................................................. 2-1
    3 Certification Information
    3.1 Certification Information ........................................................................................................... 3-1
    4 Known Issues
    4.1 Preinstallation Issues .................................................................................................................. 4-1
    4.1.1 Assistive Technologies (Windows only) .......................................................................... 4-1
    4.1.2 Oracle Business Intelligence Beans ................................................................................... 4-2
    4.1.3 Oracle9i Warehouse Builder .............................................................................................. 4-2
    4.2 Installation Issues........................................................................................................................ 4-2
    4.3 Postinstallation Issues ................................................................................................................ 4-3
    4.3.1 Java Versions ........................................................................................................................ 4-3
    4.4 Deinstallation Issues................................................................................................................... 4-3
    4.5 Platform-specific Issues.............................................................................................................. 4-3
    4.5.1 Linux Issues .......................................................................................................................... 4-3 Revised Linux Operating Environment Software Requirements.......................... 4-3 Setting the PATH environment variable in Linux................................................... 4-3
    4.6 Configuration Issues................................................................................................................... 4-3
    4.7 Administration Issues ................................................................................................................ 4-3
    4.8 Documentation Errata ................................................................................................................ 4-4
    4.8.1 Oracle Developer Suite 10g Installation Guide ............................................................... 4-4
    4.8.2 Oracle Developer Suite 10g Quick Installation Guide.................................................... 4-4
    4.8.3 Linux Operating Environment Software Requirements ................................................ 4-4 Red Hat Linux 2.1 Requirements ............................................................................... 4-5 Red Hat Linux 3.0 Requirements ............................................................................... 4-6 UnitedLinux 1.0 Requirements................................................................................... 4-8
    Part II Component Release Notes
    5 Oracle9i JDeveloper
    5.1 General Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................................ 5-1
    5.1.1 Introd 5-1 Support for Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) ........................................................................... 5-2
    5.1.2 Deploying to OC4J............................................................................................................... 5-2 OC4J Version Shipped with Oracle JDeveloper 9.0.4.............................................. 5-2 OC4J Memory Requirements...................................................................................... 5-2
    5.1.3 Deploying to Other Application Servers.......................................................................... 5-3 Problems Running UIX Web Applications (including the BC4J JSP Admin Page)
    Deployed to Non-Oracle Application Servers (2577293) ........................................ 5-3 Deploying Web Applications to Apache Tomcat 4.1 .............................................. 5-4 Problems in JSP Applications Deployed to Tomcat (2615358)............................... 5-4 XSQL Page Processor Cannot Read Pages from Unexpanded Servlet 2.2 WAR File
    (1552039) ........................................................................................................................ 5-4 Type Incompatibilities when Deploying to WebLogic ........................................... 5-4 WebLogic6.1 Fails to Understand Windows-1252 Encoding in XML Files ......... 5-4 CORBA Requires JDK 1.3 at Runtime (2685103)...................................................... 5-5
    5.1.4 Miscellaneous Deployment Issues .................................................................................... 5-5 ejb-ref in web.xml not Updated if the Bean Type is Changed from Remote to Local
    (2589997) ........................................................................................................................ 5-5
    5.1.5 BC4J Is 5-5 Available Tables not Visible Under Java Type Map and SQL92 SQL Flavor
    (2693168) 5-5 902 Projects with VO or Attribute Names Containing $ do not Migrate (2701773)....
    5-5 JDeveloper 9.0.4 *.jpr File Format Not Backward Compatible with 9.0.3 (2682921) ..
    5-6 Migrated Project: Export Interface is Removed but Still Implemented in IMPL
    Class (2676186) .............................................................................................................. 5-6 Bean Name in <EJB-LOCAL-REF> not Updated when Underlying Entity is
    Renamed (2587916) ....................................................................................................... 5-6 Setting Current Database Time Using Entity Facades (2525437) .......................... 5-6 Replace qView with getRowSet in Migration Documentation (2723075) ............ 5-6 Documentation Refers to BC4J "Wizards" ................................................................ 5-6 Unable to Run a BC4J JSP in OC4J in VB Bind Mode (2594776) ............................ 5-6 Problem Running Struts Actions in 9.0.3 Project After Upgrade (2756440) ........ 5-7 Help Sometimes Not Available for Business Component Browser...................... 5-7 jbo.debugoutput Property can Take Value of "file"................................................. 5-7
    5.1.6 EJB Issues .............................................................................................................................. 5-7 Cannot Run EJB in Embedded OC4J Server if Workspace Has Two Projects
    (2096700, 2591173) ........................................................................................................ 5-7
    5.1.7 JClient Issues ........................................................................................................................ 5-7 JTree Binding is not Editable (2061405)..................................................................... 5-8 Cannot Run JClient Applications in EJB Mode Running in Webstart 1.2 (2699458) ..
    5-8 Webstart not Launched in IE 5.5 Due to Mimetype Problems (2573655)............. 5-8 SpinnerNumberModel for JSpinner Control does not Work for
    oracle.jbo.domain.Number (2738858) ........................................................................ 5-8
    5.1.8 Source Control Support Issues........................................................................................... 5-8 Oracle SCM: JDeveloper Does Not Share Folder Mappings with the Oracle SCM
    RON 5-8 Oracle SCM: Using JDeveloper and the Oracle SCM VHV.................................... 5-9 Oracle SCM: Connecting to Oracle Software Configuration Manager 6i Release
    4.1.1 or Above ................................................................................................................ 5-9
    5.1.9 Modeling Issues: General ................................................................................................... 5-9 Performing Source Control Operations On Model Element and Diagram Files
    (2211605) ........................................................................................................................ 5-9 Exceptions on Startup if Install Directory Has a Space in Name (2709528)......... 5-9
    5.1.10 Modeling Issues: Modeling Java Classes, BC4J or EJB Components ........................... 5-9 Deleting Modeled Java Classes (2706800)................................................................. 5-9
    5.1.11 Modeling Issues: Modeling Activities for E-Business Integration ............................... 5-9 E-Business Integration Generator Generates Propagations Using Public Database
    Links (2063917) .............................................................................................................. 5-9 Using HTTP Propagation on a 9.0.1 Database ...................................................... 5-10
    5.1.12 Web Services Issues .......................................................................................................... 5-10 Renaming a Method on a Modeled Web Service Fails to Expose It (2702659) . 5-10 SOAP Web Service Does Not Start New Session (2218102) ................................ 5-10 Using JMS Web Services with OC4J ....................................................................... 5-10 Creating JMS Web Services that Use Both Send and Receive Operations ........ 5-10 Running the PL/SQL Web Service Generator with JDK 1.4............................... 5-11 Runtime Error Calling a Web Service from a Generated Stub (2389203).......... 5-11 Cannot Model Web Services Based on PL/SQL Packages (2466833) ................ 5-11 Creating a Stub with Overloaded Methods to a .NET Web Service (2689939). 5-11 Web Service Stub if Generated from JDeveloper Install Path has Space (3068701) ....
    5-11 Generating Stubs for WSDL Files That Refer to Other WSDL Files (2627242). 5-12
    5.1.13 Using WebDAV Connections in JDeveloper ................................................................ 5-12
    5.1.14 Miscellaneous Issues ........................................................................................................ 5-12 PL/SQL Compilation Errors Not Displayed (2688533) ....................................... 5-12 Allowable Values for Columns Must be Given a Display Sequence (2717508) 5-12 Toystore Demo Contains Obsolete bc4jstruts.jar File........................................... 5-12 Right Mouse Menu "Go to Source" no Longer Working (3146584).................... 5-13 Passivation/Activation of interMedia Domain Objects with Media Content to
    Upload does not Work in 3 Tier Environment (2887647) .................................... 5-13
    5.2 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ......................................................................... 5-13
    5.2.1 Windows Platform Issues and Workarounds .............................................................. 5-13 Updated JDK Required for Windows Preview Oracle9i JDeveloper ................ 5-13
    5.2.2 Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Platform Issues and Workarounds................................. 5-13 General Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Platform Issues and Workarounds........... 5-13 Solaris-specific Issues and Workarounds .............................................................. 5-14 Linux-specific Issues and Workarounds................................................................ 5-14 HP-UX Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 5-14
    5.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds .............................................................................. 5-15
    5.4 Administration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 5-15
    5.5 Documentation Errata ............................................................................................................. 5-15
    5.5.1 Replace qView with getRowSet in Migration Documentation (2723075) ................ 5-15
    5.5.2 Documentation Refers to BC4J "Wizards"..................................................................... 5-15
    6 Oracle Business Intelligence Beans
    6.1 Introduction . 6-1
    6.2 General Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................................ 6-2
    6.2.1 Tutorials and samples ......................................................................................................... 6-2
    6.2.2 QueryBuilder and queries .................................................................................................. 6-2
    6.2.3 Presentations ........................................................................................................................ 6-3
    6.2.4 BI Beans Catalog .................................................................................................................. 6-3
    6.2.5 General deployment issues ................................................................................................ 6-5
    6.2.6 Configuration steps for deploying HTML-client applications ..................................... 6-5 Deploying to OC4J........................................................................................................ 6-5 Migrating Applications Deployed to OC4J .............................................................. 6-6 Deploying to Tomcat.................................................................................................... 6-6 Deploying to JBoss........................................................................................................ 6-7
    6.2.7 Deploying to Java Web Start .............................................................................................. 6-7
    6.2.8 Internationalization issues.................................................................................................. 6-8
    6.2.9 Accessibility limitations...................................................................................................... 6-8
    6.3 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 6-9
    6.4 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ................................................................................. 6-9
    6.4.1 JDBC Drivers ........................................................................................................................ 6-9 Upgrading the drivers automatically ........................................................................ 6-9 Upgrading the drivers manually................................................................................ 6-9 Restoring the original drivers .................................................................................. 6-10
    6.4.2 Changing from the thin to the thick drivers ................................................................. 6-10
    6.4.3 BI Beans configuration diagnostic utility ...................................................................... 6-10
    6.4.4 Connections ....................................................................................................................... 6-11
    6.5 Administration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 6-11
    6.6 Documentation Errata ............................................................................................................. 6-11
    7 Oracle Discoverer Administrator
    7.1 General Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................................ 7-1
    7.1.1 "Cannot find a required file: dcmresus.msb." When Trying to Launch Oracle
    Discoverer 9.0.2 after Installing 9.0.4 ................................................................................ 7-1
    7.1.2 ORA-3113 Errors when Using Heterogeneous Data Services with Oracle Discoverer
    Administrator ....................................................................................................................... 7-2
    7.1.3 JOB_QUEUE_INTERVAL Settings and Oracle Applications Users ............................ 7-2
    7.1.4 Recommended Update for Batch Repository Created with Oracle Discoverer 9.0.2 7-2
    7.2 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 7-3
    7.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ................................................................................. 7-3
    7.4 Administration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................... 7-3
    7.5 Useful I 7-3
    7.5.1 Upgrading from Oracle Discoverer 3.1 ............................................................................ 7-3
    7.5.2 Manually Editing the End User Layer Tables ................................................................. 7-3
    7.5.3 Availability of HWOnline files .......................................................................................... 7-3
    7.5.4 Setting Oracle Discoverer Registry Variables for Use by Oracle Discoverer EUL
    Command Line for Java Commands ................................................................................ 7-4
    7.5.5 Additional Oracle Discoverer Registry Variables........................................................... 7-4
    7.5.6 Required Privileges For the Scheduled Workbook Results Schema ............................ 7-5 How to grant the SELECT privilege on the synonym v$parameter to enable you to
    run scheduled workbooks ........................................................................................... 7-5
    7.5.7 Running the Oracle Discoverer EUL Command Line for Java (Linux, Solaris, and
    HP-UX only) ......................................................................................................................... 7-7
    7.5.8 Oracle Discoverer and Real Application Clusters (RAC)/Transparent Application
    Failover (TAF) ...................................................................................................................... 7-7
    7.5.9 Installing the Lineage workbook for use with Oracle Warehouse Builder................. 7-8
    7.5.10 Using the Discoverer workbook dump utility ................................................................ 7-9
    7.6 Documentation Errata ............................................................................................................. 7-12
    7.6.1 Item Class Wizard: Choose Attributes dialog description ......................................... 7-12
    7.6.2 Correction to /export (EUL Objects) Example............................................................. 7-13
    7.6.3 Missing ¡®-jar¡¯ in Example Syntax given for Running Oracle Discoverer EUL Command
    Line for Java commands .................................................................................................. 7-13
    7.6.4 About Scheduled Workbooks and Compatibility Between the Current Version of
    Oracle Discoverer and Previous Releases 7-13
    7.6.5 <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\util should read <ORACLE_HOME>\discoverer\sql
    8 Oracle Discoverer Desktop
    8.1 General Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................................ 8-1
    8.1.1 "Cannot find a required file : dcmresus.msb." When Trying to Run Oracle Discoverer
    9.0.2 after Installing 9.0.4 .................................................................................................... 8-1
    8.2 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 8-2
    8.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ................................................................................. 8-2
    8.4 Administration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................... 8-2
    8.5 Useful I 8-2
    8.5.1 Manually Editing the End User Layer Tables ................................................................. 8-2
    8.5.2 Refresh Query For Users Only Able to Run Scheduled Workbooks ........................... 8-2
    8.5.3 Availability of HWOnline files .......................................................................................... 8-2
    8.5.4 Additional Oracle Discoverer Registry variables ........................................................... 8-3
    8.5.5 Oracle Discoverer and Real Application Clusters (RAC)/Transparent Application
    Failover (TAF) ...................................................................................................................... 8-3
    8.6 Documentation Errata ................................................................................................................ 8-4
    9 Oracle Forms Developer
    9.1 General Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................................ 9-1
    9.1.1 No Need To Recompile Forms When Upgrading To Oracle Forms 10g (9.0.4) ......... 9-1
    9.1.2 Obtaining Environment Handles and Service Contexts in V8 Mode .......................... 9-1
    9.1.3 Forms Cannot Handle Multibyte CLOB Data Correctly................................................ 9-2
    9.1.4 Embedded Fonts in Forms Developer .............................................................................. 9-2
    9.1.5 Iconic Push Buttons ............................................................................................................. 9-2 Restriction For Data Block Wizard............................................................................. 9-2
    9.2 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 9-3
    9.2.1 Windows Platform Issues and Workarounds ................................................................. 9-3 Oracle Forms Accessibility Information.................................................................... 9-3 Using a Screen Reader and Java Access Bridge with Oracle Forms .............. 9-3 Java Related Dialogs And Windows Are Not Read By Jaws ................................. 9-4 Workaround for Reading Accessibility PL/SQL Error Messages......................... 9-5 Location of JAWS Scripts............................................................................................. 9-5 Graphics Fails Against Database (64bit) .................................................... 9-5 List of Colors in the Default Color Palette ................................................................ 9-5 Changing the Look-and-Feel for the Property Inspector and Navigator............. 9-5 FRM-18113 Error When Clicking On Design Capture................................ 9-5
    9.2.2 UNIX Platform Issues and Workarounds ........................................................................ 9-5 General UNIX Platform Issues and Workarounds .................................................. 9-6 USER_EXIT in UNIX............................................................................................. 9-6 Using TK90_UNKNOWN........................................................................................... 9-7
    9.2.3 HP-UX Issues and Workarounds ..................................................................................... 9-7
    9.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ................................................................................. 9-7
    9.3.1 Forms and Reports Integration.......................................................................................... 9-7 (2228305) Cannot Invoke Reports Builder from Form Builder .............................. 9-7 Restarting OPMN In-process Reports Server Raises Error .................................... 9-8 Forms Migration Assistant: RUN_PRODUCT(Reports) rp2rro Reports Object Is
    Not Created in Object Library .................................................................................... 9-8
    9.4 Documentation Errata ................................................................................................................ 9-8
    9.4.1 Oracle Forms Developer (Builder) Online Help ............................................................. 9-8 About Run Form........................................................................................................... 9-8
    10 Oracle Reports
    10.1 General Issues and Workarounds ......................................................................................... 10-1
    10.1.1 Creating an Express Server Query ................................................................................. 10-1
    10.1.2 Inserting a Graph in the Paper Design View for a Matrix-with-Group Report ...... 10-2
    10.1.3 Running a Report containing non-encoded URL streams in Internet Explorer ...... 10-2
    10.1.4 Running a Simple Matrix Report to the Web ............................................................... 10-2
    10.1.5 Opening / Running an encoded JSP report.................................................................. 10-2
    10.1.6 Dynamically Embedding a Character Set in a JSP file ................................................ 10-3
    10.1.7 Running a Multibyte report containing an embedded Oracle Object....................... 10-4
    10.1.8 Viewing Oracle Enterprise Manager screens in non European languages .............. 10-4
    10.1.9 Specifying the encoding of an XML PDS Report ......................................................... 10-4
    10.1.10 FTP and WebDaV Destinations Not Supported from Reports Builder .................... 10-4
    10.1.11 Oracle9i JDeveloper Integration ..................................................................................... 10-4 Deadlock When Debugging JSP Reports in Oracle9i JDeveloper ...................... 10-5 Graph Not Appearing in Oracle9i JDeveloper...................................................... 10-5 Reports in-process server ......................................................................................... 10-5
    10.2 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ......................................................................... 10-5
    10.2.1 Windows Platform Issues and Workarounds .............................................................. 10-5 Running a Report with an Embedded 6i Graphic on an OPMN-Managed Reports
    Server ........................................................................................................................... 10-5 Starting a Reports Server Registered with Oracle Enterprise Manager as a
    Windows Service ....................................................................................................... 10-6 Using osfind with JDK 1.4........................................................................................ 10-6 Invoking the Getting Started Page From Reports Builder................................... 10-6 Printing Reports Without Hardware-based Left Margins................................... 10-7
    10.2.2 Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Platform Issues and Workarounds................................. 10-7 General Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Platform Issues and Workarounds .......... 10-8 Running a Report to DelimitedData on OracleAS Portal............................. 10-8 Providing the location to a character set-specific Tk2Motif.rgb file ........... 10-8 Implementing removal of DISPLAY and printer dependencies ................. 10-8
    x Solaris Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................. 10-9 Reports Builder stops responding on Solaris 2.9 ........................................... 10-9 Invoking the Graph Wizard in a multibyte environment ............................ 10-9 Linux Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 10-10 Radio box selection using mouse in New Program Unit dialog box does not
    take effect (3209858) ......................................................................................... 10-10 HP-UX Issues and Workarounds .......................................................................... 10-10 Running Oracle Reports in a Japanese Environment on HP-UX .............. 10-10
    10.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 10-10
    10.3.1 Changing the Administrator Login by Using Reports Queue Manager ................ 10-11
    10.3.2 Repairing Fonts Not Appearing Correctly in Web Source View............................. 10-11
    10.3.3 Optimizing the Deployment of Reports ...................................................................... 10-12
    10.3.4 Improving Image Resolution of Graphs Displayed in a PDF File or on a Printer 10-12
    10.3.5 Specifying the Values for Oracle Reports' Java Virtual Machine ............................ 10-13
    10.3.6 Resolving Reports-Portal Integration Error When Attempting OID Create Resource .....
    10.3.7 Running to Web Layout on Reports Builder .............................................................. 10-14
    10.4 Administration Issues and Workarounds .......................................................................... 10-14
    10.4.1 Authenticating Enterprise Manager Access to Reports Server Information.......... 10-15
    10.4.2 Running Reports on OracleAS Portal as an Item Link.............................................. 10-15
    10.5 Documentation Errata ........................................................................................................... 10-16
    10.5.1 REPORTS_CLASSPATH variable in Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX............................ 10-16
    10.5.2 Oracle Reports Documentation Page on Oracle Technology Network .................. 10-16
    10.5.3 Dynamic Environment Switching in Oracle Reports ............................................... 10-17
    10.5.4 Revised Section of Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing
    Reports to the Web ......................................................................................................... 10-17 Deploying an Oracle Reports JSP to an OC4J_BI_FORMS Instance ................ 10-17 To deploy to an existing OC4j_BI_FORMS instance: .................................. 10-17 To deploy to a new OC4j_BI_FORMS instance:........................................... 10-18 To configure the new OC4J instance: ............................................................ 10-18
    10.5.5 Possible Outdated Screenshots in Oracle Reports Server Reports Services Publishing
    Reports to the Web ......................................................................................................... 10-20
    11 Oracle Designer
    11.1 General Issues and Workarounds ......................................................................................... 11-1
    11.1.1 Installation ......................................................................................................................... 11-1 Oracle Designer patchsets to 9.0.4........................................................................... 11-1 Oracle Designer/SCM Patchset immediate installation may be required......
    11-1 Japanese in the multi-language environment ....................................................... 11-2 Setting up the repository for NLS operation ......................................................... 11-2 Enabling repository support for Oracle Designer Objects when the repository only
    supports core objects ................................................................................................. 11-3
    xi Migration from Oracle Designer Web Assistant (ODWA) to Repository Object
    Browser (ROB) ........................................................................................................... 11-3 Installing ROB..................................................................................................... 11-3 ODWA Data ........................................................................................................ 11-3 Migration to ROB ............................................................................................... 11-4 ODWA Preferences ............................................................................................ 11-4
    11.1.2 System Modeling and Design Tools .............................................................................. 11-5
    11.1.3 Database Design Transformer ........................................................................................ 11-8
    11.1.4 Form Generator................................................................................................................. 11-9
    11.1.5 Web PL/SQL Generator ................................................................................................ 11-11
    11.1.6 Report Generator, Design Capture and Application Logic Capture ...................... 11-12
    11.1.7 Server Generator ............................................................................................................. 11-13
    11.1.8 Repository Reports ......................................................................................................... 11-14
    11.1.9 Matrix Diagrammer........................................................................................................ 11-15
    11.1.10 Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... 11-15
    11.1.11 Other problems and restrictions................................................................................... 11-15
    11.2 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ....................................................................... 11-16
    11.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 11-17
    11.4 Administration Issues and Workarounds .......................................................................... 11-17
    11.5 Documentation Errata ........................................................................................................... 11-17
    12 Oracle Software Configuration Manager
    12.1 General Issues and Workarounds ......................................................................................... 12-1
    12.1.1 Patchs 12-1
    12.1.2 Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Reports Developer Users ................................ 12-2
    12.1.3 Certification against Oracle RDBMS.............................................................................. 12-2
    12.1.4 Upgrading from Oracle Designer Release 1.3.2 ........................................................... 12-2
    12.1.5 Multi-Language Environment ........................................................................................ 12-2
    12.1.6 Compatibility of Oracle SCM and Oracle Repository 6i Repositories ...................... 12-2
    12.1.7 Changes from the Previous Release (iDS 9.0.2 maintenance release ........... 12-3
    12.1.8 Fixed Bugs.......................................................................................................................... 12-3
    12.1.9 API and Model Reference Guide.................................................................................... 12-4
    12.2 Known Problems and Restrictions ........................................................................................ 12-4
    12.2.1 Migra 12-4
    12.2.2 SCM Java Tools ................................................................................................................. 12-6
    12.2.3 Repository Administration Utility (RAU)..................................................................... 12-7
    12.2.4 Repository Object Navigator........................................................................................... 12-8
    12.2.5 Compare Utility .............................................................................................................. 12-10
    12.2.6 Merge 12-11
    12.2.7 Version History Viewer ................................................................................................. 12-11
    12.2.8 Version Event Viewer .................................................................................................... 12-12
    12.2.9 Importing and Exporting............................................................................................... 12-12
    12.2.10 Dependency Manager .................................................................................................... 12-14
    12.2.11 Command Line Tool....................................................................................................... 12-14
    12.2.12 Other Known Problems and Restrictions.................................................................... 12-15
    12.3 Known Restrictions to Keyboard Controls ........................................................................ 12-18
    12.3.1 General Keyboard Control Restrictions ...................................................................... 12-18
    12.3.2 Non-Standard Keyboard Controls ............................................................................... 12-18 Dependency Manager............................................................................................. 12-18 Repository Administration Utility ........................................................................ 12-19 Repository Object Navigator ................................................................................. 12-19 General Restrictions for Java Tools ....................................................................... 12-20
    12.3.3 Known Problems and Workarounds ........................................................................... 12-21 Merge Window........................................................................................................ 12-21 Repository Object Navigator ................................................................................. 12-21 Other Known Problems and Restrictions ............................................................ 12-21
    12.3.4 Command Line Tool Accessibility ............................................................................... 12-22
    12.4 Platform-specific Issues and Workarounds ....................................................................... 12-22
    12.4.1 Windows Platform Issues and Workarounds ............................................................ 12-22
    12.4.2 Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Platform Issues and Workarounds............................... 12-22 General Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Platform Issues and Workarounds......... 12-22 Solaris Issues and Workarounds ........................................................................... 12-22 Linux Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 12-22 HP-UX Issues and Workarounds .......................................................................... 12-22
    12.5 Configuration Issues and Workarounds ............................................................................ 12-22
    12.6 Administration Issues and Workarounds .......................................................................... 12-22
    12.7 Documentation Errata ........................................................................................................... 12-22
    Part III Other Release Notes
    13 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
    13.1 Configuration Issues and Workarounds .............................................................................. 13-1
    13.1.1 OPMN Does Not Properly Assign CORBA SSL Client Ports for Default ................ 13-2
    13.1.2 Sharing and Using Libraries ........................................................................................... 13-2
    13.1.3 Invalid or Unneeded Library Elements Degrade Performance ................................. 13-2
    13.1.4 Custom User Managers Deployed Within EJB JAR Files ........................................... 13-2
    13.1.5 Considerations for Startup and Shutdown................................................................... 13-3
    13.1.6 Supported JDK Versions.................................................................................................. 13-3
    13.1.7 Migrating Source Code from JDK 1.4 to JDK 1.3 ......................................................... 13-3
    13.1.8 Migrating Source Code from JDK 1.3 to JDK 1.4 ......................................................... 13-3
    13.1.9 OC4J Demo Downloads................................................................................................... 13-4
    13.2 Release Notes for JSP, Tag Libraries, and Related Demos................................................. 13-4
    13.2.1 Cannot Invoke Classes That Are Not in Packages....................................................... 13-4
    13.2.2 Set the SAX Driver When Starting OC4J ....................................................................... 13-5
    13.2.3 JSP ojspc Issues.................................................................................................................. 13-5 Debug Option Has No Effect on ojspc Output...................................................... 13-5 The /WEB-INF/lib or /WEB-INF/classes Directories Should Not Contain .java
    Files ............................................................................................................................. 13-6
    13.2.4 JESI Tag Release Notes..................................................................................................... 13-6 JESI Tags No Longer Require Conditional Treatment ......................................... 13-6 JESI personalize Tag Now Adds Single Quotes.................................................... 13-6 A fragment Tag Can Be Inside an Included Page................................................. 13-6 Multiple control or template Tags Can Be Used................................................... 13-6 No Response Output Outside the Tags of a template Tag .................................. 13-7 Do Not Use Explicit ESI Markup With JESI Tags ................................................. 13-7
    13.2.5 Tag Library Descriptors Must Be Under WEB-INF..................................................... 13-7
    13.2.6 Adding Tag Library JAR Files to /WEB-INF/lib While OC4J Is Running.............. 13-7
    13.2.7 Search Local Classes First ................................................................................................ 13-7
    13.2.8 java.lang.ClassFormatError: (Truncated Class File) .................................................... 13-8
    13.3 Release Notes for Servlets....................................................................................................... 13-8
    13.3.1 Cannot Invoke Classes Not in Packages ....................................................................... 13-8
    13.3.2 Servlet Invocation by Class Name Is Available During Development..................... 13-8
    13.3.3 Do Not Use Certain <orion-web-app> Attributes ....................................................... 13-9
    13.4 Release Notes for EJB .............................................................................................................. 13-9
    13.4.1 Client Requests Must Include a Port Number.............................................................. 13-9
    13.4.2 MDB Transaction Timeout .............................................................................................. 13-9
    13.4.3 Create and Release JMS Connections for JMS in the MDB onMessage() Method 13-10
    13.4.4 Considerations When Modifying Your orion-ejb-jar.xml File ................................. 13-10
    13.4.5 Static Block in an EJB...................................................................................................... 13-10
    13.4.6 OC4J Instances Terminating Due To ping Timeout .................................................. 13-10
    13.4.7 Miscellaneous EJB Release Notes ................................................................................. 13-11
    13.5 Release Notes for OC4J Services .......................................................................................... 13-12
    13.5.1 Release Notes for Java Object Cache (JOC)................................................................. 13-12 Use javacache.xml for JOC Configuration ........................................................... 13-12
    13.6 Release Notes for DataDirect Connect for JDBC............................................................... 13-12
    13.6.1 Considerations When Using DataDirect Connect for JDBC..................................... 13-12
    13.6.2 Installing DataDirect Connect for JDBC...................................................................... 13-13
    13.7 Documentation Errata ........................................................................................................... 13-15
    13.7.1 Servlet Developer's Guide Errata ................................................................................. 13-15 The OC4J 9.0.4 JSP Container Supports the persistence-path Flag .................. 13-15
    13.7.2 Support for JavaServer Pages Developer¡¯s Guide Errata ......................................... 13-15 mod_oc4j Does Not Restart OC4J Processes........................................................ 13-16
    13.7.3 OC4J User¡¯s Guide Errata .............................................................................................. 13-16 End to End Test Results for Metrics Load Balancing ......................................... 13-16

    I am not quite sure what either of you are after, but if you hit the "Documentation" link on OTN you will find the documentation, such as the above list, for almost all of Oracle products. Most are available online in HTML format or PDF and some have a part number so that they can be ordered.
    The 10g Developer Suite Documentation is here:

  • Report in excel

    I have a report to be designed in pdf and excel and i am using Report Builder 10g.
    when the report is generated in pdf it is absolutely correct but when generated in excel, one of the repeating frame which should be displayed at second position in the report is displayed at the last part.
    How is it decided which frame should come at what position? I use delimiteddata option for my report.

    Ashish, following link is about DelimitedData output. You have to use Delimited output to get benifit of your existing report layout.

Maybe you are looking for