Demo showroom iphone 4

what is differance in demo showroom iphone 4 and normal iphone 4 ?????

A demo one is for demonstration purposes only, has demo versions of apps installed which can't be deleted, has some features disabled and cannot be restored in iTunes normally.
Don't buy one if you've been offered one.

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    Yes to each technique. Each is used where appropriate or necessary to pull off the illusion of clarity and performance. Those are illusions and simulations designed to sell iPhones and iPads, they do not represent real world conditions or response or display.
    So you get to do whatever you want. But for the most part, the screen image is placed into the shot of the device. Affecting a seamless chromakey into the screen reuires careful planning, tests, and superior acquisition tools. You wont' be able to do the same work using DV or a GoPro.
    I've seen this question asked many times on forums for effects software like After Effects. The answer usually comes down to this: Are you selling your app or are you selling iPhones? If you're selling the app, figure out how to spend as little time as possible trying to make it look good on the phone. If making it look good on the phone is crucial to your sales effort, hire the necessary equipment and technical talent to do it properly and, if you are a good study, let them teach you how to do it next time.

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    Hello iamamacandhiamapc,
    This is actually an iPhone User's forum, and probably not the best place to seek information regarding developing iPhone APPs.
    You'll get more useful information in the Developer's Forum or on the iPhone Developer's Source pages:
    As far as age limits? I don't know if there are any as long as you can earn an income and pay taxes, but I could be wrong. If you can write a program good enough that people will want it, I doubt age is really a factor, and if the APP is good enough that your beta testers believe they'd be willing to pay for it, it's up to you, the developer to decide whether it's released as a paid APP instead of a free one.
    As far as how long it takes to develop an APP, I guess that depends on how good a programmer is at coding and testing, and re-coding and re-testing, and re-coding and re-testing, and re-coding and re-testing, and on and on...
    Good Luck,
    Charles H.

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    Thanks for any help/ideas.

    Hello Gustavo,
    If you resolve this please assist me :
    1)  Is it possible to customise the NFR version of ISE?
    2)  would we be able to get an extended evaluation license, both base and advanced, to apply to our lab ISE node.?
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    Thanks so much.

    I have seen two suggestions on these discussions, holding your hand at a flatter angle so that the pads at the end of the finger touch.
    Another user posted they use the side of their fingers.
    Here are some threads that discuss what others have done:
    Medium length fingers mentioned in the second post:
    Suggestion to use thumbs:
    Using knuckles is mentioned in this thread:
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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    Thank you

    Hi Dusanjh,
    Actually SAP CAL covers the SAP Private Partner Demo Showroom scenario. Hope that this is what you are looking for.
    You can find all the relevant materials here:
    Also I would recommend to get in contact with your PSA. Please let me know if you'd like to be approched via a private mail.
    Best regards,

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    Yea thats a game called "Cut the Rope" and it can be found in the App Store for $0.99 or you can buy the Lite version for free.

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    What specific apps?
    Just what were you doing when they got deleted?

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    Apple doesn't sell "demo units".
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    i am an iphon 4 phone is demo version..plz tell me how to unlock it to use it as like normal iphone 4
    <Edited by Host>

    What do you mean by demo version? 
    In order to provide assistance, we need clear and precise details of the issue/problem you are experiencing.

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    Please advise.
    Thanks and regards

    904559 wrote:
    Our client would like to access workflows of WebCenter in Mobile devices like IPhone, Android devices, Blackberry, Nokia etc. Is there any generic way we can develop workflows for all devices or should we develop it specific for each devices.
    An immediate response would be higly appreciated
    RafiqueMobile development is a bit more involved than simple WebCenter. :-)
    In short, the best approach at present to have mobile access is to create a "mobile" site based on HTML5. You will likely need to re-design your application to be mobile-accessible, either creating a simplified WebCenter app/skin for mobile applications (e.g. the 320 px screen, etc.) targeted at the smartphone-type screen. This does not solve the feature-phone problem. (Nokia?)
    The other approach is to use RESTful services that you can either use or create in order to serve mobile clients that are either native apps or HTML5/JS apps that are created with a tool like PhoneGap. (This would allow for non-web-browsing access.)
    There are also some inklings that a new "ADF Mobile" is coming that will allow for a more ADF-like mobile development approach.

Maybe you are looking for

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