Derive one item value from 2 other supplied values

I have a form that has 3 fields. One is a renewal_date (date) field, one is a maintenance_term (number - in months) field, and the third is an expiration_date (date) field which I would like to use the add_months functionality to derive this value based on the renewal and maintenance_term. What is the easiest way to accomplish this task?

You need to add some javascript to your page and call this either in the onchange or onblur events of both items. The script should be something like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function calc()
var d = document.getElementById("P50_RENEWAL_DATE").value;
var m = document.getElementById("P50_MAINT_TERM").value;
if (d != '' && m != '')
   var t = document.getElementById("P50_MAINT_EXPIRY_DATE");
   var tmp = new Date(d);
   var tmp2 = new Date(tmp.getFullYear(), tmp.getMonth() + parseInt(m), tmp.getDate());
   var dd = tmp2.getDate();
   var mm = tmp2.getMonth() + 1;
   var yy = tmp2.getFullYear();
   var out = lpad(mm) + '/' + lpad(dd) + '/' + yy;
   t.value = out;
function lpad(n)
var s = "00" + n;
var l = s.length;
return s.substring(l - 2);
</script>Update your items and add the following in the HTML Form Element Attributes for each:
onblur="javascript:calc();"You'll have to see which version works for your page.
Be warned that this javascript assumes that the date is entered in American date format (mm/dd/yyyy) - if it is in any other format, the function will not work.

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  • Obtaining values from other programs

    I seen where you can use Spy ++ to get values from other running programs, how do you do it? I found the values un Spy ++ from the window, so where from I go from here?
    Regards, Carter Humphreys

    Here's some more.
    Option Strict On
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Imports System.Text
    Public Class Form1
    <DllImport("User32.dll")> _
    Private Shared Function FindWindow(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Integer
    End Function
    Private Declare Auto Function IsIconic Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As Boolean
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ListView1.AllowColumnReorder = True
    ListView1.GridLines = True
    ListView1.View = View.Details
    ListView1.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending
    ListView1.Columns.Add("Main Window Title", 150, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    ListView1.Columns.Add("Child Class Name", 300, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    ListView1.Columns.Add("Child hWnd", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    ListView1.Columns.Add("Child Main Window Title", 300, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    ListView1.Columns.Add("Is Application Minimized", 300, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    Timer1.Interval = 5000
    End Sub
    Private Sub ListView1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListView1.Click
    TextBox1.Text = ""
    TextBox1.Text = "Main Window Title = " & ListView1.FocusedItem.SubItems.Item(0).Text.ToString & vbCrLf & _
    "Child Class Name = " & ListView1.FocusedItem.SubItems.Item(1).Text.ToString & vbCrLf & _
    "Child hWnd = " & ListView1.FocusedItem.SubItems.Item(2).Text.ToString & vbCrLf & _
    "Child Main Window Title = " & ListView1.FocusedItem.SubItems.Item(3).Text.ToString & vbCrLf & _
    "Is Application Minimized = " & ListView1.FocusedItem.SubItems.Item(4).Text.ToString
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim enumerator As New WindowsEnumerator()
    For Each top As ApiWindow In enumerator.GetTopLevelWindows()
    For Each child As ApiWindow In enumerator.GetChildWindows(top.hWnd)
    Dim item1 As New ListViewItem(top.MainWindowTitle)
    If top.MainWindowTitle.Length > 0 Then
    Dim ICONIC As IntPtr = CType(CInt(FindWindow(Nothing, top.MainWindowTitle).ToString), IntPtr)
    End If
    ListView1.Items.AddRange(New ListViewItem() {item1})
    Next child
    Next top
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    Using OFD As New OpenFileDialog
    If OFD.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
    End If
    End Using
    End Sub
    Dim InfoToWrite As New List(Of String)
    Dim CountIt As Integer = 1
    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
    Dim enumerator As New WindowsEnumerator()
    For Each top As ApiWindow In enumerator.GetTopLevelWindows()
    For Each child As ApiWindow In enumerator.GetChildWindows(top.hWnd)
    InfoToWrite.Add(top.MainWindowTitle & " - " & child.ClassName & " - " & child.hWnd.ToString & " - " & child.MainWindowTitle)
    Dim item1 As New ListViewItem(top.MainWindowTitle)
    If top.MainWindowTitle.Length > 0 Then
    Dim ICONIC As IntPtr = CType(CInt(FindWindow(Nothing, top.MainWindowTitle).ToString), IntPtr)
    End If
    ListView1.Items.AddRange(New ListViewItem() {item1})
    Next child
    Next top
    IO.File.WriteAllLines("C:\Users\John\Desktop\Some Info " & CountIt.ToString & ".Txt", InfoToWrite.ToArray)
    CountIt += 1
    End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class ApiWindow
    Public MainWindowTitle As String = ""
    Public ClassName As String = ""
    Public hWnd As Int32
    End Class
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Enumerate top-level and child windows
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <example>
    ''' Dim enumerator As New WindowsEnumerator()
    ''' For Each top As ApiWindow in enumerator.GetTopLevelWindows()
    ''' Console.WriteLine(top.MainWindowTitle)
    ''' For Each child As ApiWindow child in enumerator.GetChildWindows(top.hWnd)
    ''' Console.WriteLine(" " + child.MainWindowTitle)
    ''' Next child
    ''' Next top
    ''' </example>
    Public Class WindowsEnumerator
    Private Delegate Function EnumCallBackDelegate(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Integer
    ' Top-level windows.
    Private Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal lpEnumFunc As EnumCallBackDelegate, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Integer
    ' Child windows.
    Private Declare Function EnumChildWindows Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal hWndParent As Integer, ByVal lpEnumFunc As EnumCallBackDelegate, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Integer
    ' Get the window class.
    Private Declare Function GetClassName _
    Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" _
    (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal lpClassName As StringBuilder, ByVal nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer
    ' Test if the window is visible--only get visible ones.
    Private Declare Function IsWindowVisible Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal hwnd As Integer) As Integer
    ' Test if the window's parent--only get the one's without parents.
    Private Declare Function GetParent Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal hwnd As Integer) As Integer
    ' Get window text length signature.
    Private Declare Function SendMessage _
    Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
    (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal wMsg As Int32, ByVal wParam As Int32, ByVal lParam As Int32) As Int32
    ' Get window text signature.
    Private Declare Function SendMessage _
    Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
    (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal wMsg As Int32, ByVal wParam As Int32, ByVal lParam As StringBuilder) As Int32
    Private _listChildren As New List(Of ApiWindow)
    Private _listTopLevel As New List(Of ApiWindow)
    Private _topLevelClass As String = ""
    Private _childClass As String = ""
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Get all top-level window information
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>List of window information objects</returns>
    Public Overloads Function GetTopLevelWindows() As List(Of ApiWindow)
    EnumWindows(AddressOf EnumWindowProc, &H0)
    Return _listTopLevel
    End Function
    Public Overloads Function GetTopLevelWindows(ByVal className As String) As List(Of ApiWindow)
    _topLevelClass = className
    Return Me.GetTopLevelWindows()
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Get all child windows for the specific windows handle (hwnd).
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>List of child windows for parent window</returns>
    Public Overloads Function GetChildWindows(ByVal hwnd As Int32) As List(Of ApiWindow)
    ' Clear the window list.
    _listChildren = New List(Of ApiWindow)
    ' Start the enumeration process.
    EnumChildWindows(hwnd, AddressOf EnumChildWindowProc, &H0)
    ' Return the children list when the process is completed.
    Return _listChildren
    End Function
    Public Overloads Function GetChildWindows(ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal childClass As String) As List(Of ApiWindow)
    ' Set the search
    _childClass = childClass
    Return Me.GetChildWindows(hwnd)
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Callback function that does the work of enumerating top-level windows.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="hwnd">Discovered Window handle</param>
    ''' <returns>1=keep going, 0=stop</returns>
    Private Function EnumWindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal lParam As Int32) As Int32
    ' Eliminate windows that are not top-level.
    If GetParent(hwnd) = 0 AndAlso CBool(IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) Then
    ' Get the window title / class name.
    Dim window As ApiWindow = GetWindowIdentification(hwnd)
    ' Match the class name if searching for a specific window class.
    If _topLevelClass.Length = 0 OrElse window.ClassName.ToLower() = _topLevelClass.ToLower() Then
    End If
    End If
    ' To continue enumeration, return True (1), and to stop enumeration
    ' return False (0).
    ' When 1 is returned, enumeration continues until there are no
    ' more windows left.
    Return 1
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Callback function that does the work of enumerating child windows.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="hwnd">Discovered Window handle</param>
    ''' <returns>1=keep going, 0=stop</returns>
    Private Function EnumChildWindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal lParam As Int32) As Int32
    Dim window As ApiWindow = GetWindowIdentification(hwnd)
    ' Attempt to match the child class, if one was specified, otherwise
    ' enumerate all the child windows.
    If _childClass.Length = 0 OrElse window.ClassName.ToLower() = _childClass.ToLower() Then
    End If
    Return 1
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Build the ApiWindow object to hold information about the Window object.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Function GetWindowIdentification(ByVal hwnd As Integer) As ApiWindow
    Const WM_GETTEXT As Int32 = &HD
    Const WM_GETTEXTLENGTH As Int32 = &HE
    Dim window As New ApiWindow()
    Dim title As New StringBuilder()
    ' Get the size of the string required to hold the window title.
    Dim size As Int32 = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0)
    ' If the return is 0, there is no title.
    If size > 0 Then
    title = New StringBuilder(size + 1)
    SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, title.Capacity, title)
    End If
    ' Get the class name for the window.
    Dim classBuilder As New StringBuilder(64)
    GetClassName(hwnd, classBuilder, 64)
    ' Set the properties for the ApiWindow object.
    window.ClassName = classBuilder.ToString()
    window.MainWindowTitle = title.ToString()
    window.hWnd = hwnd
    Return window
    End Function
    End Class
    La vida loca

  • [Forum FAQ] SharePoint 2013: Extracting values from a multi-value enabled lookup column and merge values to a multi-value enabled column

    For some business requirements, users want to extract values from a multi-value enabled lookup column
    and add items to another list based on each separate value. In contrast, others want to find duplicate values in the list and merge associated values to a multi-value enabled column and then
    add items to another list based on the merged value. All of these can be achieved using SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow.
    How to extract values from a multi-value enabled lookup column and add items to another list based
    on each separate value using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    Important actions: Loop Shape; Utility Actions
    Three scenarios
    Things to note
    Steps to create Workflow
    How to merge values to a multi-value enabled column and add item to another list based on the
    merged value using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    Important actions: Call HTTP Web Service; Build Dictionary
    Things to note
    Steps to create Workflow
    How to
    extract values from a multi-value enabled lookup column and
    add items to another list based on each separate value using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    For example, they have three lists as below. They want to
    extract values from the Destinations column
    in Lookup2 and add items to Lookup3 based on each country and set Title to current item: ID.
    Title (Single line of text)
    Title (Single line of text), Destinations (Lookup; Get information from: Lookup1 in Title column).\
    Title (Single line of text), Country (Single line of text).
    Important action
    1. Loop Shape: SharePoint Designer 2013 support two types of loops: loop n times and loop with condition.
    Loops must also conform to the following rules:
    Loops must be within a stage, and stages cannot be within a loop.
    Steps may be within a loop.
    Loops may have only one entry and one exit point.
    2. Utility Actions: It contains many actions, such as ‘Extract Substring from Index of String’ and ‘Find substring in String’.
    Three scenarios
    We need to loop through the string returned from the look up column and look for commas. There are three
    1.  No comma but string is non-empty so there is only one country.
    2.  At least one comma so there is at least two or more countries to loop.
    3.  In the loop we have consumed all the commas so we have found the last country. 
    Things to note
    There are two things to note:
    1. "Find string in string (output to Variable:index)"  will return -1 if doesn't find
    the searched for string.
    2. In the opening statement "Set Variable: Countries to Current Item:Destinations" set the return
    field as  "Lookup Values, Comma Delimited".
    Steps to create Workflow
    Create a custom list named Lookup1.
    Create a custom list named Lookup2, add column: Destinations (Lookup; Get information from: Lookup1 in Title column).
    Create a custom list named Lookup3, add column: Country (Single line of text).
    Create a workflow associated to Lookup2.
    Add conditions and actions:
    Start the workflow automatically when an item is created.
    Add item to Lookup2, then workflow will be started automatically and create multiple items to lookup3.
    See the below in workflow History List:
    How to merge values to a multi-value enabled column and add item to another list based on the
    merged value using SharePoint Designer 2013
    For example, they have three lists as below. They want to find duplicate values in the Title column in
    Lookup3 and merge country column to a multi-value enabled column and then add item to lookup2 and set the Title to Current Item: Title.
    Title (Single line of text)
    Title (Single line of text), Country (Single line of text).
    Title (Single line of text), Test (Single line of text).
    Important actions
    "Call HTTP Web Service"
    action: In SharePoint 2013 workflows, we can call a web service using a new action introduced in SharePoint 2013 named Call HTTP Web Service. This action
    is flexible and allows you to make simple calls to a web service easily, or, if needed, you can create more complex calls using HTTP verbs as well as allowing you to add HTTP headers.
    “Build Dictionary"
    The Dictionary variable type is a new variable type in the SharePoint 2013 Workflow.
    The following are the three actions specifically designed for the Dictionary variable type: Build Dictionary, Count Items in a Dictionary and Get an Item from a Dictionary.
    The "Call HTTP Web Service" workflow action would be useless without the new "Dictionary" workflow action.
    Things to note
    HTTP URI is set to https://sitename/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('listname')/items?$orderby=Id%20desc and the HTTP method is set to “GET”. Then the list will be sort by Id in descending order.
    Use Get
    d/results(0)/Id form
    Variable: ResponseContent (Output to
    Variable: maxid) to get the Max ID.
    Use Set
    Variable: minid to Current List:ID to get the Min ID.
    Use Copy from
    Variable: destianation , starting at
    1 (Output to
    Variable: destianation) to remove the space.
    Steps to create Workflow
    Create a custom list named Lookup1.
    Create a custom list named Lookup2, add column: Test (Single line of text).
    Create a custom list named Lookup3, add column: Country (Single line of text).
    Create a workflow associated to Lookup3.
    Add a new "Build Dictionary" action
    to define the http request header:
    Add a Call HTTP Web Serviceaction, click on
    this and paste your http request.
    To associate the
    RequestHeader variable, select the Call action property,
    set the
    RequestHeaders property to
    In the Call action, click on
    response and associate the response to a new
    variable: ResponseContent (of type Dictionary).
    After the Call action add Get item from Dictionary action to get the Max ID.
    Add Set Workflow Variable action to get the Min ID.
    Add Loop Shape (Loop with Condition) to get all the duplicate titles and integrate them to a string.
    Create item in Lookup2.
    The final Stage should look like this:
    Start the workflow automatically when an item is created.
    Add item to Lookup3, then workflow will be started automatically and create item to lookup2.
    See the below in workflow History List:
    SharePoint Designer 2013 - Extracting values from a multi-value enabled lookup column into a dictionary as separate items:
    Workflow actions quick reference (SharePoint 2013 Workflow platform):
    Understanding Dictionary actions in SharePoint Designer 2013:
    Working with Web Services in SharePoint 2013 Workflows using SharePoint Designer 2013:
    Calling the SharePoint 2013 Rest API from a SharePoint Designer Workflow:

    GREAT info, but it may be helpful to note that when replacing a portion of the variable "Countries" with a whitespace character, you may cause the workflow to fail in a few specific cases (certain lookup fields will not accept this and will automatically
    cancel).  I only found this out when recreating your workflow on a similar, but much more complex list set.  
    To resolve this issue, I used another utility action (Extract Substring from Index of List) to clear out the whitespace.  I configured it as "Copy from
    Variable: Countries, starting at
    1 (Output to Variable: Countries), which takes care of this issue in those few cases.
    Otherwise, WOW!  AWESOME JOB!  Thanks!  :)

  • Get column values from list of values programmatically

    hi all
    how i get column values from list of values programmatically in the
    returnPopupDataListener method

    If this answers your question , please close this thread by marking it as answered.

  • Report Builder Wizard and Parameter Creation with values from other data source e.g. data set or views for non-IT users or Business Analysts

    "Report Builder is a report authoring environment for business users who prefer to work in the Microsoft Office environment.
    You work with one report at a time. You can modify a published report directly from a report server. You can quickly build a report by adding items from the Report Part Gallery provided by report designers from your organization." - As mentioned
    on TechNet. 
    I wonder how a non-technical business analyst can use Report Builder 3 to create ad-hoc reports/analysis with list of parameters based on other data sets.
    Do they need to learn TSQL or how to add and link parameter in Report Builder? then How they can add parameter into a report. Not sure what i am missing from whole idea behind Report builder then?
    I have SQL Server 2012 STD and Report Builder 3.0  and want to train non-technical users to create reports as per their need without asking to IT department.
    Everything seems simple and working except parameters with list of values e.g. Sales year List, Sales Month List, Gender etc. etc.
    So how they can configure parameters based on Other data sets?
    Workaround in my mind is to create a report with most of columns and add most frequent parameters based on other data sets and then non-technical user modify that report according to their needs but that way its still restricting users to
    a set of defined reports?
    I want functionality like "Excel Power view parameters" into report builder which is driven from source data and which is only available Excel 2013 onward which most of people don't have yet.
    So how to use Report Builder. Any other thoughts or workaround or guide me the purpose of Report Builder, please let me know. 
    Many thanks and Kind Regards,
    For quick review of new features, try virtual labs:

    Hi Asam,
    If we want to create a parameter depend on another dataset, we can additional create or add the dataset, embedded or shared, that has a query that contains query variables. Then use the option that “Get values from a
    query” to get available values. For more details, please see:
    As to the Report Builder features, we can refer to the following articles:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Deleting rows from table based on value from other table

    Hello Members,
    I am struck to solve the issue said below using query. Would appreciate any suggestions...
    I have two tables having same structures. I want to delete the rows from TableA ( master table ) with the values from TableB ( subset of TableA). The idea is to remove the duplicate values from tableA. The data to be removed are present in TableB. Catch here is TableB holds one row less than TableA, for example
    Table A
    Name Value
    Test 1
    Test 1
    Test 1
    Hello 2
    Good 3
    Name Value
    Test 1
    Test 1
    The goal here is to remove the two entries from TableB ('Test') from TableA, finally leaving TableA as
    Table A
    Name Value
    Test 1
    Hello 2
    Good 3
    I tried below queries
    1. delete from TestA a where rowid = any (select rowid from TESTA b where b.Name = a.Name and a.Name in ( select Name from TestB ));
    Any suggestions..
    We need TableB. The problem I mentioned above is part of process. TableB contains the duplicate values which should be deleted from TableA. So that we know what all values we have deleted from TableA. On deleted TableA if I later insert the value from TableB I should be getting the original TableA...
    Thanks in advance

    drop table table_a;
    drop table table_b;
    create table  table_b as
    select 'Test' name, 1 value from dual union all
    select 'Test' ,1 from dual;
    create table table_a as
    select 'Test' name, 1 value from dual union all
    select 'Test' ,1 from dual union all
    select 'Test' ,1 from dual union all
    select 'Hello' ,2 from dual union all
    select 'Good', 3 from dual;
    /* Formatted on 11/23/2011 1:53:12 PM (QP5 v5.149.1003.31008) */
    DELETE FROM table_a
          WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT rid
                            FROM (SELECT ROWID rid,
                                         ROW_NUMBER ()
                                         OVER (PARTITION BY name, VALUE
                                               ORDER BY NULL)
                                    FROM table_a a
                                   WHERE EXISTS
                                            (SELECT 1
                                               FROM table_b b
                                              WHERE =
                                                    AND a.VALUE = b.VALUE))
                           WHERE rn > 1);
    select * from table_a
    NAME     VALUE
    Test     1
    Hello     2
    Good     3Edited by: pollywog on Nov 23, 2011 1:55 PM

  • Automatic Row Processing - Preset a value with value from other page

    Hi everybody,
    I have created a form on a table with report. I added a dropdown field to a sidebar region on the first page the groups and selects only a couple of these entries. (Think: only people for the department selected in the drop down field). Now when I click on the normal create button the id field for the department should be filled automatically with the value from the page before, where something was already selected in the drop down field. The id field is a hidden field on the actual create page. Maybe it is not working because the field is linked to the database column to make the automatic row processing work or something. I tried computions on both pages and setting the values. Nothing seems to do the trick.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    these are the values I currently see:
    108 14 P14_SELECTEDSS Display as Text (escape special characters, does not save state) No
    108 14 P14_CHARACTERISTIC_ID Hidden and Protected Reset to Null No
    108 14 P14_SHAREDSERVICE_ID Text Field 30 Inserted No
    108 14 P14_CAPTION Text Field No
    108 14 P14_CATEGORY_ID Select List No
    108 14 P14_WEIGHING Text Field No
    108 14 P14_DESCRIPTION Textarea No
    I also have to say that I deleted the computations I created earlier again cause they did not work and I had the same values for these variables. I am trying to (pre)set P14_SHAREDSEVICE_ID to P13_SELSS when I click the create button on page 13.
    Thanks again,

  • How to read the value from other cubes ??

    Dear All,
    I have requirement to do some calculation where part of number there must be got from other info-cube.
    Cube 1
    Has: Ch1, Ch2, Kf1, Kf2, Kf3
    Cube 2
    Has: Ch3, Ch4, Kf4, Kf5
    Then the requirement need to compute:
    KF1 =  KF4 * KF3
    Let say that our planning area use Cube 1.
    Means, to get the value for KF1 we need to read data from cube 2.
    I've tried to use this function: RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ
    But it can't fetch the data. It caused when we go "manage" to
    cube 1, the status for the corresponding request is yellow.
    If we change the status into green, then we can get the record by that function.
    My Questions is
    Is there other way that can fetch data from other cube ??
    Do you have any suggestions ??
    Or ..
    In my explanation above, is there some thing missing ?

    Hi Olivier,
    Really thanks for your response... 
    But i still have distraction regarding your preceding posting ..
    in a query, yellow requests from a trans cube can be read with the variable 0S_RQTRA (most current data) on 0REQUID.
    I had a look into the corresponding exit ( FM = RSVAREXIT_0S_RQTRA ) and can see that SAP is filling 0REQUID with VALUE 'REQ_TRANS'
    You mean, that we can check what status happening in corresponding info-provider by using this function: RSVAREXIT_0S_RQTRA . Am i right ?
    Could you clear me up what the objective is for ?
    I've tried your suggested function:
    And yes it can take it .. But why it couldn't fetch all data ?
    And also in RSSEM FG, i saw this function:
    Do you know what the objective is for ??
    Still need your guidance.

  • Calculating One Value from Three Possible Values

    I want to generate a list of customer phone numbers to call from a database. A customer may have a primary phone number, a business phone number, and a cell phone number. I only want one to call one phone number from each customer. If the primary phone number is available, then it should be on the list. If the primary number is blank or 999-999-9999, then list the business phone number instead. If the business phone number is blank or 999-999-9999, then call the cell number instead. If the cell number is blank or 999-999-9999, then don't list the customer at all.
    Also, only list distinct phone numbers so that the same phone number isn't called more than once.
    I've tried various approaches, but can't get this work. Any ideas on how I should attack this?

    For the 1st question... A formula like this should do the trick:
    IF NOT IsNull({TableName.PrimaryPhone})
    AND {TableName.PrimaryPhone} &lt;&gt; ""
    AND {TableName.PrimaryPhone} &lt;&gt; "999-999-9999"
    THEN {TableName.PrimaryPhone} ELSE
    IF NOT IsNull({TableName.BusinessPhone})
    AND {TableName.BusinessPhone} &lt;&gt; ""
    AND {TableName.BusinessPhone} &lt;&gt; "999-999-9999"
    THEN {TableName.BusinessPhone} ELSE
    IF NOT IsNull({TableName.CellPhone})
    AND {TableName.CellPhone} &lt;&gt; ""
    AND {TableName.CellPhone} &lt;&gt; "999-999-9999"
    THEN {TableName.CellPhone} ELSE
    "No Phone Number Available"
    As for your 2nd question...
    Also, only list distinct phone numbers so that the same phone number isn't called more than once.
    This is a function of your data. If you have multiple customers that share the same phone number, then it stands to reason that this 1 phone number would legitimately apply to multiple customers. I could see not wanting to call the same home number multiple times for different customers who live under the same roof but what about different customers who work for the same company?
    You need determine exactly what you want to happen in the event there are matched numbers, including which customer takes priority in terms of which one keeps the numbers and which ones get eliminated.

  • How to access a value from "List of Values" by giving a name?

    I have a "List Of Values" defined in my BI Report. It comprises list of label-value pairs.
    I have defined a parameter :p_Value for the above "List Of Values" defnition. this parameter is used in datasource sql defnition to filter the query results. I configured a template which has a table that shows all the parameters used for filtering query results. If I give <?$p_Value?> in the template then the parameter value is rendered on it. But I want the "name" of the parameter and not the value. Can anybody tell me how to access name of the parameter which refers to one of value in "List of Value" defnition?

    option 1:
    Can you get the value from the DB in the report sql ?
    You have the code, inside the report query, if you can get the decoded value form that
    create another paramater, LOV and query, and make it as hidden, and use the first :param_1_value in the lov query in the second param and decode the value.
    Now , you can refer the :PARAM_2_value in template which will have decoded value.

  • Show Field Values if other Field Value Different

    I am using TOAD for Oracle 10.5. There is a select statement that is not populating requested results.
    JOB                    SAL
    PRESIDENT             5000
    MANAGER               2850
    MANAGER               2450
    MANAGER               2975
    ANALYST               3000
    ANALYST               3000
    CLERK                 800
    CLERK                 1100
    CLERK                 950
    CLERK                 1300
    SALESMAN             1600
    SALESMAN             1250
    SALESMAN             1250
    SALESMAN             1500Select Statement
       FROM  EMP
       WHERE JOB IN (
                   SELECT JOB
                    FROM EMP
                    GROUP BY JOB
                    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
                    ORDER BY JOB;Once select statement executed only JOB = PRESIDENT record is removed, not results needed.
    JOB                    SAL
    MANAGER               2850
    MANAGER               2450
    MANAGER               2975
    ANALYST               3000
    ANALYST               3000
    CLERK                 800
    CLERK                 1100
    CLERK                 950
    CLERK                 1300
    SALESMAN             1600
    SALESMAN             1250
    SALESMAN             1250
    SALESMAN             1500Correct Data, JOB values PRESIDENT and ANALYST records should not appear.
    PRESIDENT does not appear but the ANALYST value shows because the statement
    is producing duplicate JOB values. I would like to show records only if the JOB values have
    different SAL values, not duplicate JOB values. Only if the SAL value is different based on JOB.
    JOB                    SAL
    MANAGER               2850
    MANAGER               2450
    MANAGER               2975
    CLERK                 800
    CLERK                 1100
    CLERK                 950
    CLERK                 1300
    SALESMAN             1600
    SALESMAN             1250
    SALESMAN             1250
    SALESMAN             1500I hope someone can help me out on this one.

    COUNT (*) tells how many rows are in a group. It has nothing to do with any values in any columns.
    I think you want COUNT (DISTINCT sal) in this case. It will tell you how many different values of sal are in the group.
       FROM  EMP
       WHERE JOB IN (
                    SELECT JOB
                    FROM EMP
                    GROUP BY JOB
                    HAVING COUNT (DISTINCT sal) > 1          -- Changed
       ORDER BY JOB;Edited by: Frank Kulash on Dec 9, 2010 10:34 AM
    Added example.

  • Please Help! I need a report: Total Items sold from each Supplier.

    Dear experts
    I would like to build a Query\Report that will show the TOTAL amount of items sold (in invoices) from each supplier.
    This is not possible in the reports section, because it is not your regular Salles per cards\items report.
    I want the report to show a sum per line. meaning:
    I have totally sold from Supplier:'XYZ'  5,123 items (no matter which ones) at a total of 75,540$
    I would like the report to show ALL suppliers , thus the reason i want it to show 1 supplier-per line.
    I couldnt figure out how to write this Query and if its even possible to make a 'sum per line' report. (like the ones that you output with default report section).
    Personally , I found it really odd that it is not in the default reports option, It is higly common for organization to check Who is its Top supplier (in sales) in order to decied how to continue doing buisness with him.
    Could any of you experts assist me in writing this Supplier-Sales-Report?
    Thank you in advanced,

    Hi Medalion,
    Have you tried using sales analysis reports. Yyou can view items sold to particular customer in that report too. You need to click on items-->tick individual display and tick group by customers. This would give your desired format. Is there anyrhing else that you are looking for ??
    You may also check these to get an idea;
    Re: Query for top 5 items/customers
    Query for top 5 items
    This would require s user id and pass word
    Edited by: Joseph Antony on Aug 6, 2010 11:19 AM

  • How to find first non zero value from the numeric value or string?

    Hiii, Every body
              I have one numeric indicator in which some valuse is coming with the decimal value, lets say 0.00013, now i want to find the first non-zero value from this numeric indicator, then what should i do to do so? i have converted it in the string, but i could not find any method to find first non-zero value from that string or either from the numeric indicator????
          Can you please help me, how to do it? i have attached the vi and write all the description inside.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Find first ‏20 KB

    Just convert it to an exponential string and take the first character .
    Message Edited by altenbach on 05-10-2006 08:00 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    FisrstNonzeroChar.png ‏3 KB ‏20 KB

  • MDM Import Manager - remove multiple values from a multi valued fiedl

    We have this multi-valued field and we would like to clean the values from it.
    How can we do this using MDM Import Manager?
    Article A
    Field XPTO has values Z, T and P.
    We want this field XPTO with no values. How can we do a mass actualization to clean the field for some articles?
    Thanks and regards,

    *We have this multi-valued field and we would like to clean the values from it.
    How can we do this using MDM Import Manager?
    Article A
    Field XPTO has values Z, T and P.
    We want this field XPTO with no values. How can we do a mass actualization to clean the field for some articles?*
    Hi Maria,
    There can be multiple ways to achieve this -
    1.After doing field mapping for XPTO you can set conversion filter for each of the values.
    2.Value map with NULL.
    3.Trigger a Workflow on import/record add,run assignment and make that field NULL.
    4.Run mass update for conditional assignment based on that value of XPTO.
    There can be more ways,whichever suits you best you can go ahead with that.
    Hope it helped

  • Ordering prints from other suppliers

    Yesterday I uploaded some photos from my iFoto library to a supplier I've been using for ages ( All seemed to go well until I got to the ordering prints page; then a warning sign appeared saying that the quality of the photos uploaded was not enough to print 6"x4" prints from. Yet when I ordered them through the Apple print service, there was no problem. I don't particularly want to be tied in to one supplier of prints (especially as photobox is cheaper!) - so how do I make sure that photos I upload are of the correct size?

    How did you upload those files? Did you use the files in the Data folder inside the iPhoto Library folder? Those are thumbnail files and are very small. You need to crop them in iPhoto and then export to the Desktop via the File->Export->File Export menu option. Then upload to the other site.
    Although some sites might not require you to crop to the size desired first you may get them cropped in a way you don't want. Most digital camera photos are in a size ratio of 4:3. The 4 x 6 inch print has a different ratio and the printers often will automatically scale the 6 inch size to fill the paper and cut off some of the 4 inch dimension one each side.

Maybe you are looking for

  • 32-bit iFilter with Reader 11.0.10 cannot be found by SQL 2012 Fulltext Indexing on Windows 7 32 bit. How can I fix this?

    I have verified that a record shows up in the fulltext system components (EXEC sys.sp_help_fulltext_system_components 'filter'). componenttype    componentname    clsid    fullpath    version    manufacturer filter    .pdf    E8978DA6-047F-4E3D-9C78-

  • Premiere Pro CS5.5 Won't Play Timeline or Any Media W/ Dual Monitors

    Hello , I've recently ran into a Problem with Adobe Premiere CS5.5 , I decided to resort to the Support Forums to see if someone has an idea. I've been using Premiere for around a year , i've never had an issue like this before. Its a great editing t

  • Connection string fails in CS3

    Please tell me how to correct the following connection string to my database found at The sting I'm using is "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data

  • CS6 suite - cannot open acrobat to activate it.

    I have the CS5.5 suite and the CS6 Suite. I upgraded from CS5.5 learning edition to CS6 Pro. Now I am trying to print things to a pdf but although everything else is registered - Acrobat keeps saying it is not activated. I went into the AAcrobat fold

  • This dummy can't erase?!

    OK, so I recently upgraded to Windows 7, so I had to get rid of my Photoshop 7 (full version) due to compatibility.  I purchased Photoshop Elements 8 to replace it.  I use Photoshop to color cartoons and drawings I have scanned in.  So I scan in my f