Design pattern / data loading solution

Hello all!
I have been working on a few projects which involve loading data, sometimes remotely, sometimes local, sometimes JSON, sometimes XML. The problem I am having is that due to the speed of development and the changing minds of various clients I am finding my designs are too rigid and I would like them to be more flexable. I have been trying to think of a reusable solution to data loading, and would like some advice as I imagine many of you out there have had the same problem.
What I would like to do is to create a generic LoadingOperation abstract class, which has member variables of type Parser and Loader, which have parse() and loadData() methods respectivly. The Parser and Loader classed are interfaces and classes that implement these could be XMLParser and JSONParser, LocalLoader and RemoteLoader etc. With something like this i would like to have a new class which extends LoadingOperation for each thing to be loaded, weather thats a local XML file, or remote JSON, or whatever.
The problem is is that specific Parser implementation cannot return custom data types without breaking the polymorphic behavior of the LoadingOperation class. I have been messing around with generics and declaring subclasses of LoadingOperation like
class SpecificLoader extends LoadingOperation<CustomDataType>
and doing similar things with Parser classes, but this seems a bit weird.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what im doing wrong / could be doing better. I want to be able to react quickly to changing specifications (ignoring the fact that they shouldnt be changing that much!) and have a logical seperation of code etc...
thanks for any help!
psi have also asked this question here []

rackham wrote:
Hello all!
I have been working on a few projects which involve loading data, sometimes remotely, sometimes local, sometimes JSON, sometimes XML. The problem I am having is that due to the speed of development and the changing minds of various clients I am finding my designs are too rigid and I would like them to be more flexable. I have been trying to think of a reusable solution to data loading, and would like some advice as I imagine many of you out there have had the same problem.
What I would like to do is to create a generic LoadingOperation abstract class, which has member variables of type Parser and Loader, which have parse() and loadData() methods respectivly. The Parser and Loader classed are interfaces and classes that implement these could be XMLParser and JSONParser, LocalLoader and RemoteLoader etc. With something like this i would like to have a new class which extends LoadingOperation for each thing to be loaded, weather thats a local XML file, or remote JSON, or whatever.
The problem is is that specific Parser implementation cannot return custom data types without breaking the polymorphic behavior of the LoadingOperation class. I have been messing around with generics and declaring subclasses of LoadingOperation like
class SpecificLoader extends LoadingOperation<CustomDataType>
and doing similar things with Parser classes, but this seems a bit weird.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what im doing wrong / could be doing better. I want to be able to react quickly to changing specifications (ignoring the fact that they shouldnt be changing that much!) and have a logical seperation of code etc...That depends on the specifics.
The fact that it seems like processes are similar doesn't mean that they are in fact the same. My code editor and Word both seem to be basically the same but I am rather sure that generalizing between the two would be a big mistake.
And I speak from experience (parsing customer data and attempting to generalize the process.)
The problem with attempting to generalize is if you generalize functionality that is not in fact the same. And then you end up with conditional logic all over the place to deal with differences dependent on the users. Rather than saving time that actually costs time because the code becomes more fragile.
Doesn't mean it isn't possible but just rather that you should insure that it is in fact common behavior before implementing anything.

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    The proxy pattern could help here, but isn't the simplest solution. You just want to define an interface that has those updateXXX methods declared on it, and have several classes implement those methods, such as one which executes some code in the same process, or one that does so over RMI, that sort of thing. Write your calling code against that interface, and configure at runtime which class they'll be calling
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           // code to do work here
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    Hi Steve.
    The good point to start with design patterns is to read book "Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. It gives strong, consistent understanding of patterns basis with real life examples.
    Short introduction extract:
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    The consequences are the results and trade-offs of applying the pattern. Though consequences are often unvoiced when we describe design decisions, they are critical for evaluating design alternatives and for understanding the costs and benefits of applying the pattern. The consequences for software often concern space and time trade-offs. They may address language and implementation issues as well. Since reuse is often a factor in object-oriented design, the consequences of a pattern include its impact on a system's flexibility, extensibility, or portability. Listing these consequences explicitly helps you understand and evaluate them."

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    best regards 
    Veli BAYAR
    Embedded Systems Software and Hardware Engineer 
    "You live in a graphical world. Why not program in one?"
    Go to Solution.

    johnsold wrote:
    I recommend the Producer/Consumer model with some modifications.
    You might need three loops.  I cannot tell for sure from your brief description.
    The User Interface loop responds to the user inputs for configuration and start/stop of acquisition.  The parameters and commands are passed to the Data Acquisition loop via a queue. In this loop is a state machine which has Idle, Configuration, Acquisition, and Shutdown states (and perhaps others). The data is sent to the Processing loop via a different queue. The Processing loop performs any data processing, displays the data to the user, and saves it to file. A notifier can be used to send the Stop or shutdown command from the User Interface loop to the other loops.  If the amount of processing is minimal and the file write times are not too long, the Processing loop functions might be able to occur in the Timeout case of the UI loop Event structure.  This simplifies things somewhat but is not as flexible when changes need to be made.
    I am not sure that a Design Pattern for this exact setup exists but it is basically a combination of the Producer/Consumer (Events) and Producer/Consumer (Data) Design Patterns.
    Check out this thread:
    There are discussions there about a 3-loop architecture that may help you.
    Jeffrey Zola

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    Thanks a lot to all.
    - Eduardo

    What you need to do is use Cursors in TopLink.Scrollable cursors enable you to scroll through a result set from the database without reading the whole result set in a single database read. The ScrollableCursor class implements the Java ListIterator interface to allow for direct and relative access within the stream. Scrollable cursors also enable you to scroll forward and backward through the stream.
    Here is an example:
    ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery();
    ScrollableCursor cursor = (ScrollableCursor) session.executeQuery(query);
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    I hope this answers your question.

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    I think that we can do per packet load balancing by using CEF.
    Please go to the following URL:
    Also, you may need local director or distributed director. What resource/application is availalbe in the data centre? (e.g. http server, ftp server, TN3270 server, and so on)

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    I do not understand what you mean.
    A dto is just an object which you populate in one layer and use in another layer.
    you do not need any jndi look for DTO , instead you lookup for ejbs , datasources ,....
    for example you lookup for some CMP , search and find some CMPs , populate DTO with those CMP and send the DTO to front layer.
    if it is not the answer , can you explain more about your requirements(S)

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    is available. Otherwise, I can present the user an incomplete view
    (e.g. some combo boxes are empty until the corresponding service
    call to get the data completes).
    The solution I like best so far is to dispatch a single event
    (I am using Cairngorm) handled by a single command which acts as
    the caller and responder for all of the services. This command then
    remembers which responses it has received and dispatches another
    event to navigate to the view once all the results have returned.
    If the services being called are used in different
    combinations on different screens, this results in proliferation of
    events and commands. An event and command for each service and
    additional events and commands to bundle the services and the
    handling of their responses in the right combinations for each of
    the views.
    Another approach is to have some helper class listen for all
    of the model changes and only display the view when the model
    enters some state that is acceptable. It is sometimes difficult to
    determine just by looking at the model whether it is in the right
    state (e.g. how can I tell that a collection is the new collection
    that should just have been requested versus an old one lingering
    from a previous call). The logic required can get kind of
    convoluted and brittle.
    Basically, all of the solutions I've come up with so far seem
    less than ideal and a little hackish. I keep thinking there is some
    elegant solution out there that I am just missing ... but so far,
    no luck finding it. Thoughts?

    i think a service class is right - to coordinate your calls.
    i would have 1 event per call (so you could listen to individual
    responses if you wanted to).
    then i would use a flag. if you want to check for staleness,
    you would probably want two objects to map your service flag to
    lastRequested and lastCompleted. when you check, check if it's
    completed, and if it's not stale and that your lastRequested is
    less than lastCompleted (meaning that you're not currently waiting,
    i.e. you've returned since making a request). then make the request
    and update your lastRequested.
    here's a snippet of what i mean.
    public static const SVC1_LOADED:int = 1;
    public static const SVC2_LOADED:int = 2;
    public static const SVC3_LOADED:int = 4;
    public static const SVCALL_LOADED:int = 7;
    private var completedFlag:int = 0;
    then each call would have it's own callback.
    private function onSvc1Complete( evt:Event):void {
    completedFlag |= SVC1_LOADED;
    lastCompleted[ SVC1_LOADED ] = getTimer();
    dispatchEvent( new Event("svc1complete") );
    private function checkDone():void{
    if( completedFlag == SVCALL_LOADED )
    dispatchEvent(new Event( "allLoaded" ));

  • JDBC Design Patterns

    Hi All,
    I am new to patterns and have started understanding them using the Head First Series.
    I would like to know what all design patterns are there in JDBC?
    Can i say that JDBC uses a Facade design patterns as it hides the database specific details and provides us a interface which helps us to connect to a database. What other design patterns exist as part of the JDBC?
    Request you to clarify my doubts.
    Many thanks in advance

    I would really appreciate a good discussion on it
    rather than any spoon feeding.
    A typical JDBC code will appear as follows:
    /* Load the jdbc-odbc driver
    // Open a connection to data source
    // Get a statement from the connection
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement() ;
    // Execute the query
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "select * from
    table_name" ) ;
    1. Is it ok to look into each statement of the above
    code snippet in terms of Design's ok, yes. not necessarily appropriate or worthwhile, though
    2. How can one dissect each line of the code in terms
    of various design patterns?you can't. design patterns exist at a higher level of abstraction than code. 'in terms of' is also disconcertingly vague.
    3. Is it correct to conclude that java.sql package
    overall uses Abstract Factory Pattern.
    As it uses lot of interfaces and implemetation is
    provided by the Vendors. yep. that sounds fair enough. not very useful, though
    4. Consider a particular package like
    etc. is is correct to conclude that
    its an example of a Factory Method Pattern as any
    client would instantiate. Here the client would be
    Statement object,
    Creator is Connection Interface and createStatement()
    is the factory method.possibly. there's little value in trying to define everything as a "design pattern", though. rather than thinking "oh, they must be using PATTERN X here", think "if I were writing this code, I think PATTERN X would be appropriate". or, more usefully, "is there a pattern that solves this problem?". there isn't, necessarily
    5. I am not able to understand if a statement like
    Class.forName() should be viewed only in terms of a
    programming instruction or
    any design patternit's a line of code, nothing more. stop trying to make everything into a pattern. until you realise where patterns are and aren't applicable, you'll never understand them
    6. Can "stmt.executeQuery()" can be viewed as A
    Strategy Pattern? nope. what makes you think that?
    I would really welcome a good discussion on the above
    questions.does the discussion have to involve design patterns? you know, of course, that design patterns aren't magic beans, right? I know you've just discovered patterns, and are all excited by them, but seriously, they're only ideas, not Infallible Solutions To All Software Problems &#8482;. the most common mistake people make using design patterns is to see them everywhere, and try to bend every problem to fit a particular pattern
    for the record, nobody really views JDBC in terms of patterns. there's little value in viewing existing technologies in those terms, since the most you can "gain" is to have guessed what some other developer did, before.

  • Is there a design pattern for splitting up files into smaller files?

    I am developing a project where I have to load very large files (upto 50 MB). Currently I am loading these files completely into (consecutive) memory. This has the advantage that I can very easily change bytes at certain locations, because I do not know the
    structure of all bytes.
    However, my intention is to also change the structure, e.g. removing/adding 'chunks'. Now I have the idea to remove the 'known' parts out of it, store them in classes with a data chunk only containing those parts and make a sort of reference list to those chunks.
    Original file:
    ChunkA 1
    ChunkA 2
    ChunkB 1
    The result will be:
    ChunkA 1 and ChunkA 2 instance. ChunkB 1 instance
    'File' instance and a reference with base offsets + reference to all chunks.
    At the end I have to 'recreate' or write the original file (with changes) back.
    Is this in general a good idea or is there some design pattern helping me in this?

    50MB is not much in the modern era of 6GB+ machines. If you want to optimize memory then consider using a
    memory mapped file.
    But you mentioned making data structure changes. This is generally dangerous as you have to be concerned about things like disaster recovery. What happens if you are in the middle of saving the modified structure when the program dies? You just corrupted
    your file. A better solution is to stream the existing file using BinaryReader to read in the existing file in parts based upon the structure.  Write out the data to a new, temporary file using BinaryWriter. This may be the original data or your modifications
    depending upon need.  Once you've generated the new file replace the old file (with optional backup). So even if something catastrophic happens during saving you don't lose the original file.
    Michael Taylor

  • Data load from variable file names

    I have multiple files that I want to load into a cube, each starting with the same 5 characters but ending differently. EG GM1010104 GM1010204 What's the best option for MAXL script to automate this data load ? Can you use a wildcard name in the script to pick up anything starting with GM101**** ?

    No - you need to specify the file name as it appears properly (I've never tried it but I am pretty sure it wouldn't work). One solution to this problem though is to have a shell script (or DOS commands) auto-generate an ESSCMD/MaxL script based on the files that exist in a directory.Most scripting environments should allow you to loop through a list of files that match some pattern - you can then create a script with the results and execute it.Another option is to build a MaxL script that accepts a parameter (file name) and have a shell script call it as it loops through the file list.Hope that helps.Regards,Jade----------------------------------Jade ColeSenior BI ConsultantClarity [email protected]

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