Design Prototype

Hi Experts,
Can some explain me the concept of design prototypes for the Customer Acquisitions/withdrawal  scenarios and also the processing scenarios for customer billing?

hi ,
You may see the IS-Utilities modules in this link

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    Dear All
    I want to design a new application for MAC versions, like iMAC, MAC book pro, Mack book Air, and there is is various screen sizes, like
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    please help me.

    Hi @BDAqua, thanks for the answer, but I am not sure how I can conclude for 1920*1080, for various screens the resoultion changes. I want to know which is the best suitable screen size I need to take while designing my application, am asking purely in perspective of User Interface Design prototype perspective...
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  • ID CS5 for designing websites?

    Hi there all you helpful people!
    I have asked this question before - but it was a while ago and I wondered if things had changed for anyone.
    Is anyone using IDCS5 for designing/prototyping websites?
    I am a print and web designer and use ID for all my print work and FW for all my web work.
    Increasingly I am getting more and more frustrated with FW - so many simple things that it does sooooooo badly compared to ID.
    Now that IDCS5 has the ability to design in pixels there is the option to design websites in ID, however, it will not export to png format and I know that will make it hard for our coders to use.
    Does anybody have any experiences of using it to design websites and if you do, what workflow do you use?
    Thanks in advance.

    tpstom-ggDek1 wrote:
    Bob - to clarify - I don't produce the websites, just design/prototype them.
    I get them to a stage where they look good and the content is right and then they go to a professional coder to be created.
    In my experience, you will have great difficulty exporting everything your coder/developer requires from InDesign. Once designed, typically your developer will need individual images for each section and hex color codes - both of which are not easy to get from InDesign alone.
    I have used InDesign for 'Prototyping' a website but more for the functionality and to show several pages but the design was 100% done in Photoshop. Basically I exported a JPEG from PS of every page in the website that is different and then imported that into InD - one JPEG per page. I then overlayed buttons on top to show the menu working and when clicked, navigated to those pages via InD buttons "Go to Page" function. The buttons themselves can have a gradient overlay so it looks like they are being hovered over. It gave a rather simple example of how the website would finally function and was saved as a PDF so all reviewers could see it.
    InDesign was also used for the style guide which was then sent to the developer, which included all hex codes, text styles and dimensions.
    Hope this helps you.

  • My feedback thread

    I started working on my personal portfolio website today with Reflow, so this thread is dedicated to everything that I find unintuitive in Reflow or feature requests I would like to see implemented.
    Font Aliasing is really bad.
    I miss a zoom tool!
    Shortcuts to change leading, tracking, etc. just like in InDesign would be much appreciated!
    Being able to scale elements by dragging with the selection tool would be nice - maybe use a dedicated scale tool.
    Re-Arranging the DOM in the inspector would be great. Currently there is no way to re-arrange it?
    Elements align differently if you have images embedded. I tried positioning menu buttons with a pixel margin-left. But with images included they had the marging always aligned relative to the image(s) - why? This made the menu scale totally wrong on a rescale of the viewport, because some of the menu button margins are aligned relative to some image, that doesn't relate to the menu at all.
    Ability to choose all fonts on your system.
    Ability to choose all fonts from Typekit (you are allowed to use with your Adobe account).
    Select multiple elements and change their units from % to px or any other unit. Currently you have to select each element seperately - takes a lot of time just for four elements.
    Guidelines and Smart Guides.
    Dragging with shift should lock horizontally and vertically.
    Enable copy & paste.
    Automatically switch to styling (Tab) when selecting text (not the box itself). Obviously I want to edit text properties when I select it.
    Selecting multiple elements and dragging them only moves one element. Should drag all of them. Only workaround at the moment is by grouping them together.
    Grouping has no visual indicator that elements are grouped.
    Double-click on a group to get the seperate elements like in InDesign would be nice.
    In the media query bar show the exact pixel width. You can't be 100% sure if you are at 950 or 952 or 951. Also, a numerical input field would be appreciated. I know you can drag around the corresponding media query, but you have to be very precise to match the right width.
    Ctrl drag over a input to use a slider, just like in Photoshop. Changing values takes too much time for fast design prototyping.
    Ability to insert media query dependent line breaks. That is very important, because Reflow is intended to design the responsive web. Although not everyone takes the effort for every project to assign different line breaks for every media query, some do for very important projects - like in my case the portfolio, which just has very few text, which is why optimization with line breaks is possible.
    Match height/width always takes the biggest width. It should take either the first selected one's, the last selected one's, or an active one like in Illustrator.
    The ability to scale elements proportionally would be nice. For example, I have a row of four navigation buttons. As soon as I reach a too small media query I want to scale them proportionally. I assign a percent width so they scale to fit as much as possible, but their height stays the same. Having an option to scale the height in proportion would be nice. I know you can almost 100% simulate this with paddings on your text and setting your outer element to height:auto; but it's not a 100% match of proportional scaling.
    Scaling with the alt key should scale around the center point.

    Thank you very much for your feedback. Will comment inline.
    Font Aliasing is really bad. We leverage Chrome itself for the application design surface so all fonts should identical to Chrome on your desktop.
    I miss a zoom tool!  Bottom right corner (canvas zoom) not sufficient?
    Shortcuts to change leading, tracking, etc. just like in InDesign would be much appreciated! (Backlog item pending).
    Being able to scale elements by dragging with the selection tool would be nice - maybe use a dedicated scale tool.  (Will consider the idea thanks.).
    Re-Arranging the DOM in the inspector would be great. Currently there is no way to re-arrange it? (Backlog item pending but for in-flow items dragging will re-order dom siblings).
    Elements align differently if you have images embedded. I tried positioning menu buttons with a pixel margin-left. But with images included they had the marging always aligned relative to the image(s) - why? This made the menu scale totally wrong on a rescale of the viewport, because some of the menu button margins are aligned relative to some image, that doesn't relate to the menu at all. (Possibly dom order issue?  Can you file an issue on Edge Reflow github?)
    Ability to choose all fonts on your system. (Conscious decision, as we only allow fonts compatible with web).
    Ability to choose all fonts from Typekit (you are allowed to use with your Adobe account). (Backlog item pending).
    Select multiple elements and change their units from % to px or any other unit. Currently you have to select each element seperately - takes a lot of time just for four elements. (Will file a bug.).
    Guidelines and Smart Guides. (Backlog item pending).
    Dragging with shift should lock horizontally and vertically. (Backlog item pending).
    Enable copy & paste. (Backlog item pending).
    Automatically switch to styling (Tab) when selecting text (not the box itself). Obviously I want to edit text properties when I select it.
    Selecting multiple elements and dragging them only moves one element. Should drag all of them. Only workaround at the moment is by grouping them together. (Backlog item pending).
    Grouping has no visual indicator that elements are grouped. (Backlog item pending).
    Double-click on a group to get the seperate elements like in InDesign would be nice. (Backlog item pending).
    In the media query bar show the exact pixel width. You can't be 100% sure if you are at 950 or 952 or 951. Also, a numerical input field would be appreciated. I know you can drag around the corresponding media query, but you have to be very precise to match the right width. (Bug already filed).
    Ctrl drag over a input to use a slider, just like in Photoshop. Changing values takes too much time for fast design prototyping. (Backlog item pending).
    Ability to insert media query dependent line breaks. That is very important, because Reflow is intended to design the responsive web. Although not everyone takes the effort for every project to assign different line breaks for every media query, some do for very important projects - like in my case the portfolio, which just has very few text, which is why optimization with line breaks is possible. (Can you be more specific, this something that can be done with pure CSS)?
    Match height/width always takes the biggest width. It should take either the first selected one's, the last selected one's, or an active one like in Illustrator. (Will open issue though I believe we followed Illustrator here, possibly not).
    The ability to scale elements proportionally would be nice. For example, I have a row of four navigation buttons. As soon as I reach a too small media query I want to scale them proportionally. I assign a percent width so they scale to fit as much as possible, but their height stays the same. Having an option to scale the height in proportion would be nice. I know you can almost 100% simulate this with paddings on your text and setting your outer element to height:auto; but it's not a 100% match of proportional scaling.  (Backlog item pending)
    Scaling with the alt key should scale around the center point. (Backlog item pending)

  • Approve/Reject button not appearing in Email , but present in the notificat

    Hello Friends,
    I am using Po requisition Approval workflow in iProcurement for PR approval.
    One strange thing is happening , that in approval emails Approve/Reject button are not appearing but the same are present in the notification.
    Moreover , some people are getting emails, others are not.
    We have just started setting up the instance for the design prototype , so might be we are missing some setup/steps.
    Please suggest , what steps i am missing. Thanks !!!

    Verify that the email preference for the users is not "disabled"
    Have the user login and go to the preferences link at the top.
    SELECT *
      FROM apps.fnd_user_preferences
    WHERE preference_name = 'MAILTYPE' AND user_name = '&user' Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Independent Techno-functional Consultant

  • Link to one keynote document from another

    Hi there,
    like many designers, I use Keynote for doing mobile/web design & prototyping. While never meant for this, it's actually one of the fastest tools out there. One of the things that is limiting though, is that you for sane reasons only can have one slide size per presentation.
    But in some cases I need to "zoom in" on design details, and make a bunch of slides with smaller resolution. Is there a way to link to another keynote file from a slide? I still have 5.x and obviously 6.2.x and I'm happy to put the linked file anywhere locally. I get that I can e.g. link to a dropbox file but that doesn't quite do it.
    Thank you!

    It is awful that Apple has dropped this functionality from Keynote. For me as university teacher this is quite painful and requires major revisions for nothing and without any real satisfying solution, not even with AppleScript. All my courses and lectures are made with Keynote and since complex, made from many files, which I could easily swap as needed, a system that made good use of this wonderful file linking feature as available in previous versions.
    I find it appalling that Apple has started to neglect power users like me in recent years!

  • Textslices over slices

    I've made a websitedesign in fireworks. Right now the design is ready, but something is messing up a part of my
    design as I export it to dreamweaver.
    The menubar on top is made of a rounded rectangle with shadow. I sliced this rectangle and shadow so Fireworks knows it's a image
    that needs to stay in place after exporting it.
    Now my problem is that on that menubar(rounded rectangle) I've placed text/ hyperlinks of course with slices. I can't seem to export it right, no matter
    what I do, with the different slices. Even if I change the place or priority in layers, after exporting it it's in some cases just an image
    and then I can't use the links or in other cases it are really links, but because of the slices over the text, the whole design is shifted,
    ruined and not as I want to.
    I tried to use roll over images, but nothing seems to do the trick. I tried making the rounded rectangle to a background image(this makes it even worse after exporting).
    I'm out of options at the moment, and I do believe this is a very simple trick. Right now, I made the design with alle my pages in just 4 hours.. I'm trying to
    get this thing going for over 5 days now.
    Can someone please help??

    Sure. Lots of ideas. It really comes down to what you are trying to accomplish with Fireworks.
    Let's be clear here that you are not trying to build your final website from Fireworks. At this time you are only creating a prototype, yes? If that assumption is correct, I'll try to show you what I mean.
    If you are planning/hoping to use Fireworks as your web page creation tool, it can be done with simple designs, using the CSS and Images export,  but I don't recommend it. I'll be happy to point you to tutorials which cover this topic in depth, but I honestly find it faster to build my production web pages in Dreamweaver, and use Fireworks for what it's great at; page design, prototyping and image optimization.
    As I said, overlapping slices causes issues, further breaking up your graphics into smaller pieces. and making a very fragile, complicated table based layout when you choose to export as HTML and Images. This export workflow is really only suitable for a prototype export, because it converts your design entirely into a graphical layout, where each slice is placed in a table cell. There is no true text exported in this workflow.
    If you slice "text" in Fireworks, it is automatically converted to an image. That's what slices do. For that matter, if you export as HTML and images, this export workflow will even create images of non-sliced areas, based on your choices in the Export dialog box. That's just the nature of the beast.
    You either add hotspots (making sure they are above the slice web object in the Web layer) so that you can create an image map, OR if you want to show interactivity like rollover effects, delete the banner slice and add the slices to the text areas and let FW export our those text elements as sliced graphics, allowing it to cut up the rest of the design as it sees fit. FW will even generate the JavaScript to create the rollover effects in the html prototype.
    Again we are just talking graphical prototype here, not finished HTML and CSS web page.
    If your goal is to build out the final web page, well, that's where the duplicate page can come in handy. The first page shows your mock up design, the duplicate strips out all the elements that should not be part of the slices (like text). You can then export out the graphics cleanly and use Dreamweaver to build the final page design. Alternatively, you could just hide the text objects on the original page and export from there. It's just a matter of preference, more than anything else.
    Here is a link to your page, exported as HTML and Images from Fireworks with hotspots set into the banner area for your navigation. I don't have any extra pages, so I've just set them all as null links, with the exception of the logo, which links to the PNG file. The point I'm making is that the hotspots do work on top of a slice.
    You can click on your logo to view and download my first version of your testpage.
    If you scroll to the bottom of the page, there is another link that will take you to another version of your PNG file, where I used a duplicate page.
    As I said, if you're interested in trying to make FW export out a final web page, the export workflow to use is CSS and Images, but it will take planning on your part and solid knowledge of HTML and CSS to tweak the final layout. FW's CSS export is rarely a 1-click solution. Let me know if you want links to tutorials about this process.

  • I don't understand your logic adobe!!

    So Mr Adobe, which of your applications should we be using for web design / prototyping / wireframing whatever you want to call it?
    InDesign is firmly geared towards Print and Digital Publishing
    Photoshop is a Image editing package, why try and crowbar layout design into an editing package? ( I know many people do use it, but its not optimised to use as a layout tool)
    Illustrator is a vector package, again can be used but not optimised for web design.
    Why didn't you incorporated Fireworks into InDesign so that was the goto app for all design layout work and stop bloating photoshop!

    I just find it crazy. With the events of the past week it seems Adobe have just lost the plot with certain things. I use Fireworks CS6 every day for big projects like armin_s99 (though get far less crashes for some reason) and agree it's just irreplaceable. For what it does, it's just leagues ahead of anything similar. I would gladly give money to someone else if they would take it of Adobe's hands and continue development.
    I don't agree with merging Fireworks and InDesign they are aimed at two totally different processes. It's kind of like merging Photoshop and Illustrator. Look at what happened with QuarkXpress it used to be the go-to application for print layout because it did that and only that it was faster than any other application out there. Then they tried adding image editing features (didn't work, just so painful to use) then they added web design features followed by mobile applications. It just got worse with every new version and people started moving towards InDesign because it did what it was designed to do.
    Adobe have such a strong selection of applications that are good at what they were created for. Photoshop (Image Editing), Illustrator (Vector Illustration), InDesign (Print Layout), Fireworks (Digital Layout), Premier (Video Editing)
    Photoshop certainly can't replace Fireworks with it's current feature set. That said, I don't want to see Photoshop replace it, it should be kept for photo editing. I really struggle to see why so many favor it for web design when the simplist of tasks are just impossible. For example creating a rectangle then later deciding it might look nicer with rounded corners and then deciding the rounded corners need to be more rounded. Doing this in Photoshop would just drive me nuts, hell, it drives me nuts just seeing people trying to do it.
    It just makes me so angry that such a great application is going to be scrapped with no viable alternative. Sad days.

  • Button Problems

    While creating a button for use in a navigation bar, if I
    apply a style to the button, I get strange behaviour that I can't
    figure out. And it doesn't happen if I do not apply a style to the
    1) Create a new FW document - size 955px x 28px
    2) Using rectangle tool, create rectangle and through
    properties adjust size to 119px x 28px - set both x and y to 0
    3) Hit F8, convert to symbol, name it btn_test and make it a
    type button
    4) Using pointer tool, double-click to bring up the button
    5) Change style to the second style in the palette... (or any
    style it seems)
    6) You don't need to do anything more to see the "problem"
    7) Click done
    Back in the document, the button appears (in green) at the
    left of the canvas, but a lighter shade of green extends to the
    right (more than the width of another button) and there is a blue
    vertical line at the end of the green.
    What is this, why does it happen, and what am I doing wrong?
    If I don't apply any style to the button, but leave it as a
    colored rectangle, this does not happen.
    Thanks for any help.
    (I'm really struggling with this program - it's a 30-day
    trial version - and I'm frustrated with the lack of books and the
    fact that the help file has so little illustration... mostly text -
    it makes it very hard for a newbie with the program to figure
    things out.)

    EldorG wrote:
    > My 30-day trial of FW is almost over, and right now I'm
    leaning towards not
    > making the purchase...
    > My main use of this would be to make navigation buttons,
    and it's frustrating
    > that what I think should be very simple doesn't appear
    to work. And my request
    > for help on this has also gone unanswered.
    > Is this only a user-to-user support area or does anyone
    from Adobe
    > monitor/contribute?
    This is primarily a user to user forum. If you want Adobe
    you're better off using the support options on the adobe web
    If you're only planning to make buttons in FW, then I agree,
    don't spend
    the money. There's probably some freeware or shareware app
    out there
    that can do that at a much more affordable price.
    If you're planning to use it as a design tool for mocking up
    web pages
    and making design prototypes quickly and easily, export
    editable files
    to Flash, work more easily with both vectors and bitmaps,
    spend the
    money. Fireworks integrates well with DW, FL, PS and Bridge
    and handles
    incoming files from AI CS3 in a pretty decent manner. It can
    become a
    very useful part of your workflow and creative process.
    As for your problem, any style you apply to an object is made
    up of
    multiple Live filters. Chances are you are choosing a style
    that makes
    use of (in however a subtle fashion) drop shadows, glows or
    Layer Styles. This forces the active area (slice)to extend
    beyond the
    size/shape of the button, in order to avoid clipping a style
    effect on
    Apply the style and then experiment with the Live filters
    used to create
    the style to see if you can reduce the size of the slice.
    For additional support and tutorials, you can check out the
    Adobe web
    Further, in the user forums, be as specific as possible.
    Regardless of
    whether you see this problem in multiple styles or not, GIVE
    us more
    detail to work with. What style are you using that gives you
    problem? Each style is different, so the solution may also be
    If you are a PS/IR user, understand that the FW workflow is
    and be prepared to change some of your old workflow habits.
    Chances are
    good things will speed up when you get past the basic
    learning curve.
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    Adobe Community Expert
    See my work on Flickr

  • Is MultiSim a fraudulent product?

    I'm thinking it is.  I'm thinking that way back when there was Electronics Workbench (EWB), a simple simulator that worked, but too simple for it to catch on any where but in schools, as students could afford it, but engineers couldn't use it.  Then, losing money, as graduating students can't use EWB for real engineering, so minimal return customers, the management of EWB decided to revamp things, via MultiSim, grab the schools' guaranteed cash flow on the coattails of EWB, but the original designers were no longer available to do it again as MultiSim.  But, going in the hole on the MultiSim planning, the product was released anyway, knowing it didn't work and was wall to wall bugs.  Now, years and years later, National Instruments has bought into the money pit that is the MultiSim design, once again seeing dollar signs through schools and the potential for persons such as myself to take MultiSim into engineering.  The problem is it still doesn't work enough to do that.  True, it's easier to use, but it doesn't work, so it can't be used.  The real testing and troubleshooting to fix it has not happened, even as of today.  The turnover rate over the years with EWB-MultiSim is high.  Few remain.  Anyone I've worked with is no longer there; I've gone through many names as I've been turning up these MultiSim bugs for all these years.  I look at it all and the "f" word looks more and more appropriate when it comes to MultiSim (and you pick the version, any version.)  They've jacked up the price fourfold on a product that has never worked enough to take it out of a school classroom.  Likewise, this is also why, as I've cruised around this forum, I've found loads of unanswered questions, students asking for help and getting little.  MultiSim works enough for unknowing students to buy what the teacher is selling, but in reality it's just smoke and mirrors full of industry-supplied parts fudged into somewhat working within the MultiSim kluge.  The bugs will keep coming up until MultiSim is actually troubleshot by knowledgeable people and fixed, but they won't remain with the company long enough.  Why?  Because MultiSim Inc can't pay enough for knowledgeable people to remain AND deal with the, no doubt, tons of bureaucracy that must develop from selling a bad product for this long.
    But I started this thread to more hear your thoughts.  I'm so disgusted with MultiSim that I thought I'd just actually say what I've been thinking about the product, partially as a catalyst to hear people who know this product defend it.  However, that's not to say that if you tend to agree with my take above that you can't say something also.  As I see it, the worst that could happen is NI (the latest MultiSim owners) will kick me/us out and delete the thread.  But that won't hurt me a bit.  This forum has done me zero good, and, from the looks of it, NI doesn't even know what's said here.  (They may after my last correspondence with them though, but I doubt it.)   So, though it may be forum suicide, I don't fear such a death.  However, I do see some potential good coming in doing this.  Maybe, just maybe, I am right, that there is still a slight bit of hope for MultiSim.    

    Hello Euler’s Identity: 
    I’d like to address some of the frustrations you present in your above post (in addition to the email responses you’ve received from our AEs and myself).  I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve had a negative experience with the software.  As always, our Applications Engineers would be very happy to assist you with any specific technical issues you might be having (I didn’t see any in the original post, and I believe the issue with the LM311 was addressed earlier today.):  
    I’d like to provide some of the recent history of the Electronics Workbench line of software (Multisim, Ultiboard, Multisim MCU Module).  Electronics Workbench was acquired by National Instruments (NI) in February of 2005 for two primary reasons:
    1.)     Provide a World-Class Software and Hardware Solution for Teaching Electronics Education
    With NI graphical system design tools such as NI Multisim (industry-standard SPICE simulation) and NI LabVIEW and prototyping environments such as NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS), it is now possible to design, prototype, and compare the characteristics of simulated circuits with real-world measurements in a single electronics education platform.  This complete integration across the design cycle gives students a deeper understanding of the circuit theory they are studying, and ultimately prepares them for more productive careers as design professionals
    2.)     Enhance Professional Electronics Design with Tight Integration of Measurement and Analysis Technology
    The Multisim SPICE simulation environment integrates tightly with NI measurement technology such as LabVIEW to provide a seamless transfer of simulation and real-world test data.  Professional engineers can now more easily validate designs using simulation data as a benchmark and even create more accurate simulations using real-world data as stimuli.  
    Additionally, as part of the acquisition, NI committed to develop Multisim and Ultiboard with the same strict focus on quality as the balance of the NI platform – it is one of the key focus areas for new releases.  Version 10, released in January 2007, was the first edition of the software released fully under NI standard software development practices (post-acquisition) and has received very positive feedback from existing users.  Of course, there is always room for improvement and innovation, and you can expect to see continued quality enhancements with each new release of Multisim and Ultiboard.
    The NI Electronics Workbench Group team is passionate about making world-class capture, simulation, and layout products both for education and for professional design.  As always, we welcome your constructive feedback to continue to improve these products over time, and we will do everything we can to ensure that you have a good experience with the product.
    Best regards,
    Nicole McGarry
    Director of Sales & Marketing
    NI Electronics Workbench Group

  • MySQL broken - any ideas?

    I run the apache webserver with PHP and a MySQL server to test websites that I build. At some point, the MySQL server appears to have broken. I get the following message:
    "Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /Volumes/work/websites/bikinmotion_osc/includes/functions/database.php on line 19
    Unable to connect to database server!"
    I have the lastest updates for OSX, and I've tried reinstalling the MySQL server, which is the official one from the MySQL site..... any other bright ideas?

    Are you sure it's MySQL that's causing the problems? I have a similar setup on my Powerbook: Apache 2.0.54, MySQL 5 and PHP 5.0.4, all compiled manually. I use it to design & prototype Drupal sites. Everything worked without a hitch until this past weekend. Code failed repeatedly. I re-installed Drupal and MySQL, but to no avail. I started looking at the logs and realized that Apache was throwing a ton of thread errors when certain PHP-based modules were used.
    I double-checked my update logs and noticed a correlation between my updating the laptop to 10.4.5 and the appearance of the thread errors in the logs.
    Looks like one of the changes in the upgrade had an impact on PHP or on Apache. I'm going to try recompiling them to see if that fixes it.
    -- Mark

  • Image drag drop not working in scaffholding. Does it require soem setting?

    image drag drop not working in scaffholding. Does it require soem setting?

    Hello Manoj,
    The scaffolding teamplate which you use to create scaffolding page is actually a design prototype which helps you to create similar types of pages instances very quickly without authoring each page separately (for example news, aticle types of pages) and that is the concept of scaffolding only.
    For example - When you go to location http://localhost:4502/miscadmin#/etc/scaffolding/geometrixx you will see a "News" page which is an example of scaffolding (this is a similar page which you can create using scaffolding template).
    Now if you open this page you will be accessing http://localhost:4502/cf#/etc/scaffolding/geometrixx/news.html and here you will see already design page.
         1. if you access page properties from side kick you will see how this page is configured using target template and target path
         2. if you go to design mode using side kick you will see how the component has been design (which is similar to what appears on page when you came first time)
         3. Now come back to normal view of that page (http://localhost:4502/cf#/etc/scaffolding/geometrixx/news.html) and author this page with some dummy property and click on "create" button. I know here you can not author the image as it comes as disabled empty box.
         4. once you author the content and click on create button it will create an instance of scaffolding page on the same page you can see the link on the top of same page.
         5. Now access that page, when you access that page the page will take reference of target template you configured using pare preoperties to display the page.
         6. On this page you will see the same component you configured and when you will edit it you can author the image from there directly.
    Now question is why to configure same component two times half data from scaffolding and half data from page but answer is the design is correct because the page design which you have created (for example http://localhost:4502/cf#/etc/scaffolding/geometrixx/news.html) is just proto type to create actual page instances and prototype can not holds values for page instance (specially image until it doesnt configured correctly for page instance in this case) which exist only when you create pages using the scaffolding page prototype. Otherwise you have to do more customization by extending scaffolding "/libs/wcm/scaffolding" changing the code and design OR you have to design it according to your target page strtucture which you have configured in page properties (specially image node).
    If you want to create your own page prototype using scaffolding template and want image to associate just copy paste "/etc/scaffolding/geometrixx/news/jcr:content/dialog/items/items/tab2" node to your newly created scaffolding page prototype.
    for more information on scaffolding just refer -
    I hope it clarifies your question and help you to proceed. Let me know if you need more information or help.

  • Reasons for using B1DE ?

    I have developed several applications for SAP using vb6 and have just coded one large one using the di api using
    I need to start a small application which will use the ui api. I have played around at the moment by modifying one of the example ui .net programs and all seems ok.
    Reference the B1DE what are the main advantages to using it please ? will applications started by this be faster, more reliable, better in some way ?
    Any comments warmly received
    Regards Andy

    Some time ago this was discussed in this forum ....
    Reason for Using the B1DE and the Screenpainter?
    Let me give you a short view on B1DE and all the other tools. On SDN you can
    find now a set of tools that covers the whole development and support lifecycle:
    - B1DE (Development Environment) for design, prototyping and coding
    - B1TE (Test Environment) for profiling and ensuring adherence to dev guidelines
    - B1TC (Test Composer) for test automation and support
    All of these tools have been developed ON TOP of SDK so generally speaking
    every developers could have developed them. But they contain best practices
    known in development and they are ready to use. So using them will accelerate
    your solution development cycle - making you able to concentrate on the business
    logic rather than on the SDK mechanisms. It contains also some very useful
    rapid prototyping capability - as the possibility to generate automatically forms
    starting from an UDO or to generate automatically a setup program for your addon.
    We decided to concentrate on the .NET and Visual Studio environments because
    they are by far the most used environments by our partners. You can decide to
    use C# or VB.NET. If you come from VB6 world, I believe VB.NET will be your
    Some facts here:
    - all the tools are delivered under the SDN license scheme and you can get also
      the source code together with all the user documentation to use them
    - in 2006 more than 5,000 people developed at one setup release of B1DE but also
      the source code have been downloaded - more than 2000 times
    - B1TE is used by SAP Integration and Certification Center for solution certification
      but beyond this has been downloaded more than 2,700 times
    - B1TC has been delivered only a couple of months ago. It can be used in several
      cases and has already downloaded almost 1,000 times

  • Edge v. Adobe Muse

    1. What is the essential difference between Adobe Muse and the various Edge products like Edge Reflow?
    2. Other than Dreamweaver (which I have tried), what is Adobe's leading product for templated-based (no code required) Web design? (Please assume content which is mainly textual, with still images and hyperlinks to other Web sites. That is, there is minimum, in any, need, at initially, for video and animations.)

    Hi Seth,
    I think one of the challenges is which audience are you designing for. For example, Muse has some nice features and pretty good integration to Business Catalyst, bot no ability to modify the code at that level, so for me (and I have spent a few days using it) its too restricted and yet, also limited as  design tool.
    Currenly I am tetsing both Macaw and Reflow. There is a lot to like about both products, but the question is when does it stop being a productive web design tool with ability to display responsive web designs and when does it become a coding tool.
    Now, with the release of the Open Developers Platforms we are using Business Catalyst. We are also using Foundation5 framework, so for us, I cannot see us using much of the CSS or HTML generated from either of these products right now, we see that code for presentation only until such times you fully support frameworks, SASS, JQuery etc. 
    Right now I, and I am sure many others, need a superb and efficient web and layout tool to build fully designed prototypes and demonstrate how the overall design should look in browsers and get sign-off, Photoshop is not it, muse is not it either, but gets closer on many fronts. But Reflow and Macaw are really exciting to me and have great possibilities. But I worry, because I see lots of people wanting more code, development and integration features, (and I understand why i really do) before the regular needs of the designer have even been fully addresses.
    So for me( and I know I am being really selfish), first I would like Reflow to be better software at meeting the needs for visual web designers (who also understand HTMl/CSS), re-usable assets, layout elements, master templates that can be applied to pages,  (muse is good here and its sitemap pages are nice) swatches, text styles (h1, H2, P, small etc) all that I can globally update per project. 
    What Photoshop is for bitmap image editing, I hope Reflow needs to be for visual web designers. Efficient, fast, productive and allows us to show the customer and web development teams, how this website should look and behave.

  • Relationship of Fireworks and CSS?

    In using Fireworks to design web pages for a site can the common elements for text and layout be converted to a CSS external sheet in Fireworks?

    Fireworks is a Web graphics - layout/design - prototyping application. It is not a code authoring application. (Dreamweaver, on the other hand, is a very good code authoring application.)
    So, yes, you can export CSS from Fireworks, but it's very ugly and you will probably have to put in more time and effort figuring out which style is which, renaming styles reasonably, and sorting into an external sheet than you'd put in if you just wrote the external sheet from scratch in an application that is better suited to the task.

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