Design time support

Swing has good design time support and standardization how to build visual designers (and an example Bean Builder application), what is the situation for JSF ?

Will the design time support will be for the standard components of JSF or it will be for custom components too?? and by what time the next release of JSF will be available??

Similar Messages

  • Ver 4: Still no support for Includes or Design Time Stylesheets?

    Wow...well, without either of these I can't make use of this
    product. I guess I'm confused at what types of users this product
    may be marketed toward, although with the amount of focus put on
    Blogs and Blogging and lack of focus on requests already made in
    this forum for some time I'm getting a better idea. Hey, if they
    want to "dumb this down" and make it a price point product that
    purposely sits lower on the totem pole than Dreamweaver, then I
    think that ought to be made more clear in the marketing materials.
    I guess what's frustrating is that it's touted that it "uses the
    Dreamweaver HTML Engine" but can't implement a feature like Design
    Time Stylesheets? Would this put it too close to Dreamweaver in the
    product line? I certainly don't think so but if it did implement
    such a feature it would increase the demographic that could make
    use of such a great product as many users are not going to rewrite
    Includes OUT of their existing sites just to be able to use it.
    Most intermediate to advanced designers will almost always,
    and have been taught, to use includes to minimize page changes in
    multiple's such a common thing to do. But unless an
    included page can be edited inline I have no way to turn my users
    loose with this app. It seems reasonable to implement Design Time
    Stylesheets like Dreamweaver does in which case, the users could
    edit the included page directly and at least see it like it should
    look with formatting which they can't do now because of the lack of
    an applied stylesheet when opening the include file directly.
    Do they expect that once we've written a site using includes
    we should have our content providers use Dreamweaver? I don't know
    about the rest of you but that's asking for a heck of a lot of
    trouble turning non-designer/developers loose with
    Dreamweaver...even using Templates.
    Sorry for the rant, I'm just a bit frustrated as I really
    need an app that can let me make use of "Content Providers" in our
    company. And don't get me wrong, I'm a long time Macromedia/Adobe
    supporter...just hoped something would happen with v4 that didn't
    and was pretty sure it would based on user input on this and other
    If anyone has ideas on workarounds for this problem I'd love
    to hear!

    Hi. I'm going to reopen this thread instead of starting a new
    one. Maybe someone here can help me figure out how Contribute can
    solve my client's editing woes.
    His site is built in ColdFusion, with template information
    that's stored in the database for each page. Currently this is what
    happens, simplified.
    1. User requests /foo.cfm
    2. Database looks up header, footer, and template to use for
    /foo.cfm, or the page can use "no template" in which case
    whatever's in the page gets put between the header and footer.
    3. The template or the page will contain one or more
    "editable regions", to use a Dreamweaver term. These blocks of HTML
    are pulled out of the database, and can currently be edited within
    the CMS by a browser-based WYSWYG editor.
    The problem is, the WYSIWYG editor in question isn't up to
    the task. Contribute seems to be, but I can't figure out how to fit
    it into a workflow compatible with this site!
    We don't use Dreamweaver and from what I've seen Dreamweaver
    templates aren't going to work in this application. It seems that
    if you make a change to the template, Dreamweaver has to go and
    update all 800 pages that use the template ... ??!? ... if so,
    I don't mind pulling out all the HTML content snippets from
    the database and making a "database" on the filesystem of files
    that can be edited in Contribute. No problem. One of these snippets
    may be a "contact us" box or something that's used on 100 pages
    throughout the site, so I'm not going to put stuff like that
    separately on every page.
    If I do this, though, my snippets when I open them to edit
    them in Contribute are missing their CSS. This is because the CSS
    is set up in the header file, which is not included in the snippet
    HTML, obviously. The snippets also won't have the header and footer
    navigation and stuff, but I can live with that.
    How can I get the CSS to show up for my client when he edits
    the HTML snippets?
    The only solution I can think of is to put a stylesheet
    include into every snippet, and then pull that out with a regular
    expression from EVERY include at runtime whenever I display that
    HTML to the end user. Talk about a gross, ugly, non-extensible
    hack. Please tell me there's a better way...
    Thanks for reading,
    - Andrew.

  • Report does not print exactly same as it appears at design time

    I am using SAP Crystal report with VS 2010.
    I designed a report. At design time every thing appears fine. Margins are set to 0, printer is selected and page size is custom.(right click on report, design>pagesetup)
    When I use <reportname>.printtoprinter(), it dramatically changes the text size and margins of the report in hard copy. I tried literally everything for this. Especially It adds nearly 2 inches extra margin at top.Also , at run time it changes the font size to 8 or 9 points if i have set it to 12 at design time.
    I get the same problem if I do following:
      crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptRcAbh;
    When I do this:
      crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptRcAbh;
    AND when I manually click the print button of crystal report viewer, i get EXACTLY SAME result as design time. This is what I am expecting from printoprinter() method. But Its changing result dramatically.
    Why is this happening? Am I forgetting any setting?
    I must use reprot.printtoprinter() method here. Because I am printing the bill receipt. I dont want the user to go to printpreview then click print. AND I must get same result as design on printed page.
    Please help me. I am in urgent need.

    Hi Don,
    Firstly I am very very thankful to you for replying me.
    I know I must have irritated you a bit cuz I was expecting everything ready which I should have :P
    but I was in urgent need and there was no time for me to read everything. I must say a thing that I did not get good search results on printcontroller when I used search box of this website.
    Well Thanks again for helping me in deed.
    I am sure this must be the problem for many people across the globe, hence I am posting the exact code that helped me to print the document Accurately:
       rptReceiptAbhishek rptRcAbh = new rptReceiptAbhishek();
            //        rptRcAbh.Load("rptReceiptAbhishek.rpt", OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy); i did't need this line
    //////// Directly Entering data to the fields of the report.
                    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject txtname;
                    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject txtaddress;
                    txtname = (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rptRcAbh.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtRptName"];
                    txtname.Text = cboInitials.Text + " " + cboDonarName.Text;
                    txtaddress = (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rptRcAbh.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtRptAdd"];
                    txtaddress.Text = txtAddess.Text;
                    rptRcAbh.PrintOptions.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterName;
                    System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument pDoc = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
                    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.PrintReportOptions rasPROpts = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.PrintReportOptions();
                    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.PrintOptions newOpts = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.PrintOptions();
                    pDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterName;
                    //if (pDoc.PrinterSettings.SupportsColor)
                    //    MessageBox.Show("Printer Supports Color", pDoc.PrinterSettings.SupportsColor.ToString());
                    rasPROpts.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterName;
                    //   rasPROpts.PaperSize = (CrPaperSizeEnum)pDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes[cboCurrentPaperSizes.SelectedIndex].Kind;
                    //rasPROpts.PaperSource = (CrPaperSourceEnum) pDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSources[cboDefaultPaperTrays.SelectedIndex].Kind;
          //          rptReceiptAbhishek rpt = new rptReceiptAbhishek();
                    var rptClientDoc = rptRcAbh.ReportClientDocument;
                    MessageBox.Show("Printing in progress. Make sure that printer is not turned off.", "RAS", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

  • Does changing report connection at runtime require the same user/pwd used at design time?

    I've recently integrated Crystal 13 into a web service to provide HTML reports served up within our web application.  Sometimes reports would work and other times they would fail when attempting to connect to the database.  The ConnectionInfo associated with the tables referenced in the reports bore the account info used at design time (in the Crystal IDE), what ever connection was set as the Datasource Location, this would include the server name, database name, and other attributes of the connection.
    I found that any changes I make to table, sub-report connection info have no affect unless the UserID and Password match the UserID and Password saved with the report during design time.  While generally searching online, I came across several references to this being and issue or suggestion when database connection problems dynamically running reports.
    If this is by design?
    How would I support customers who want to use my reports, but also require that they manage the db access accounts?

    Hi Brian, thanks for the response. 
    It does make sense that subreports would not necessarily be constrained to the same connection as the container report, and the designer would not persist a password for any stored connection.
    I'm on Windows 7 and up, Crystal 13 runtime, C# web service, sql 2008 r2 and up (native client).
    After loading the report source, I call ReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon to set userId, password, serverName, and databaseName pulled from web.config.  I then pass the connection info and the ReportDocument to a recursive call that applies the connection info to each table in the report and each table in any subreport.
    Based on your description, it sounds like I may be missing, and require, the SetDatabaseLogon call on each subreport (ReportDocument).
    This seems to ring true and I think coincides with your description.  Would you agree?

  • Valid Time Support - filling in gaps between non-contiguous records

    Is there an easy (or recommended) way to fill in gaps in records stored in a table with Valid Time Support?
    Here's my scenario. Suppose there are two "valid time" records for Adams in the table, one that's valid from 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2001 and the other that is valid from 1/1/2002 to 1/1/2003. In other words, there's a one year gap between the two records. The user wants to make a single edit to Adams that covers a broader period of time, e.g. 1/1/1999 to 1/1/2005, which should include the gap between these two records (and the gaps before the first record, from 1/1999 to 1/2000, and the gap after the last record, from 1/2003 to 1/2005).
    What's the best way to do this?
    I've tried setting the session time using DBMS_WM.SetValidTime() from 1/1/1999 to 1/1/2005, and then updating the database. But the update only changes the updated column (e.g. salary) without altering the VM_VALID timestamps.
    Initial values:
    Adams     30000     (1/1/2000 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2001 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    Adams     31000     (1/1/2002 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2003 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    DBMS_WM.SetValidTime(TO_DATE('01-01-1999', 'MM-DD-YYYY'), TO_DATE('01-01-2005', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
    UPDATE tester_timevalues SET salary = 45000 WHERE name = 'Adams';
    Updated values:
    Adams     45000     (1/1/2000 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2001 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    Adams     45000     (1/1/2002 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00, 1/1/2003 12:00:00.000000 AM -04:00)
    I know this is "works as designed". But is there a relatively painless way to fill in the gaps in the records?

    Thanks, Ben. I will give that approach a try.
    BTW, I have an even better example where detecting and filling "gaps" in the effective dated periods is necessary.
    Suppose I have a link table (GroupMembership) with foreign key links to an Employee and a Group table. Say that there's currently a record in the GroupMembership table indicating that Bob was a member of the Steering Committee group from 1/2002 to 1/2004. The information now needs to be amended to indicate that Bob was really a member from 1/2000 to 1/2006. Even if the GroupMembership table has a column that allows us to UPDATE it, the UPDATE will only affect the 2002 to 2004 range, even though we've called SetValidTime() for the range of 2000 to 2006.
    We'll have to cook up some SQL to handle this case. But this seems like a case where Oracle's Valid Time Support could make this make this type of scenario easier to handle.
    As it works now, Valid Time Support will indicate that there is a record for the requested time period (2000 to 2006), but doesn't indicate that the record's valid time period is different than the requested time period (at least not without some additional work on the developer's part).
    Just a thought...

  • Iconic buttons in design time ... Is there any way to take their icons from the jar or at least from gif files?

    I've put my button icons in a signed gif, and they work fine at runtime.
    The problem is at design time, I can't get to see their icons properly.
    I have to convert the gifs to ico and place them in a folder referenced by the old UI_ICON registry variable.
    Also, as the gifs are 16x16, they are cropped in design time, because I see them as if they where stretched to 32x32 size.
    At least it would be enough if I could place the gifs directly somewhere, without converting to ico.
    It seems as if oracle had not put any development work in the builder, which is like a direct port from the 6i c/s version.

    Since you didn't mention exactly which Forms version you are using, I will guess and assume it is one of the many versions after 6.0.8.  The Forms Builder 9.x+ supports ico, jpg, and gif files.  It will not however read them from a jar.  Therefore, you will need to extract them into a directory as defined by UI_ICON.  Also, the files will need to be of the same type (gif, jpg, ico).  Mixing formats is not recommended or supported.  The format you choose can be defined in UI_ICON_EXTENSION
    So for example in your Registry you might have something like this:
    UI_ICON = C:\myImagesDirectory
    Since "gif" is the default, you do not need to set this if using "gif" files.

  • Design Time and Dynamicall​y Created Controls

    I have a project written in VC6 as an MFC Dialog Box project. In a particular box, I dynamically create several (exact number depends on user entry) CNiGraphs. There are also a two CNiButtons that were created at design time using the resource editor. The problem I'm having is that when this dialog box is opened, a message pops up saying it's an eval version and the control will go inactive after 5 minutes. After waiting 5 minutes, the 2 CNiButtons go inactive (turn black), but the CNiGraphs continue to run. I have a valid licensed version of MStudio 8.1.6, but it appears that these 2 buttons don't recognize the license. There are also other design-time buttons in the project but those one's don't have a problem at all. When creating the dynamically creating the CNiGraphs I give them a valid license string, and I was wondering if there is a problem with having design time created and dynamically created controls in the same dialog box. Does anyone know?
    I can't remember, but I may have created those 2 CNiButtons when I was only using an eval license. (All the other were definitely create when I had a full license) Could that be affecting them? I seem to have a vague recollection of reading somewhere that design-time create controls check the license when they are created in the designer and store that license info in them. If that's the case does anyone know an easy way to update the license stored in the control? I'd rather not just delete it and re-add it as I'd like to avoid having to redo the tab order (unless someone knows how to easily insert something in the middle of the tab order instead of having to click through all the controls in the correct order?)
    Also, I'm not sure if this would affect anything, but the project was originally built with ComponentWorks 1.0, but we were forced to move to MStudio when we encountered some bugs in CW, so all the controls were originally CW Controls that have been converted to CNi Controls. I doubt this is it though as everywhere else we changed over the controls don't have a problem, but I'm willing to try suggestions.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi JC,
    I hope you had a good weekend!  I am glad to hear you are back up and running.  Adding the extra button was, in fact, what caused the updating of the license information for the other buttons, as you suspected.  After doing further research, I have found that the license information is stored wtihin the form for the control, and unless that control changes in any way (or in your case adding a new one to the project), it does not see any reason upon compiling to relink the license.  However, after changing the control and recompiling, it updates the linking of the license information, which resolved this issue in your case.  
    I hope this helps, JC.  Have a great day!
    Taylor G.
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Syncing design time and run time view in WPC

         We use WPC to develop web content. Especially when we use the table control provided in the Htmleditadvanced(advanced paragraph) component for creating web content the size of the font that is displayed in design time is very big. We do control the font size at run time by altering the font style available in the /etc/wpceditor/runtime/styles folder. But a the same time we are unable to alter the font style at designtime so that we can have the design time in sync with run time when the page is previewed. We did try exploring the css files available in /etc/wpceditor/designtime/styles folder, but was not of any use.
    Any pointers will be appreciated.

    Hi ulahoti,
    Welcome to our forum, I have downloaded your "Basic Project", I think it looks well after change
    CornerRadius="20" Background="Black"
    CornerRadius="20" Background="White"
    Header="Fading Mode" Background="White">
    Height="Auto" />
    CornerRadius="20" Background="Black"
    CornerRadius="20" Background="White"
    Header="Fading Mode" Background="White">
    Height="Auto" />
    If your issue persists, or I have misunderstood your concern, please let me know, and share your
    main concern
    with me, then I will do my best to resolve your issue.
    Best regards,
    Sheldon _Xiao [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • What is the use of Design Time Repository?

    Hi Gurus,
    What is Track?
    What is DTR? and what it offers ?
    what is CBS? and what it offers?
    What is CMS ?and what it offers?
    Please Give me some idea about this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    SAP NWDI is also known as SAP JDI (Java Development Infrastructure). The latter term is considered to be obsolete.
    NWDI consists of
    - Design Time Repository (DTR)
    - Component Build Service (CBS)
    - Change Management Service (CMS)
    The concept of the NWDI starts with a product and a software component (SC). The normal case is to have a one to one relationship between product and software component, one product is being developed and the relations between the components comprising the product are kept within a software component.
    A software component comprises one or more development components (DC). A development component consists of a normal project created with the Netweaver Developer Studio, i.e. a Web Dynpro application. The software component can also have dependencies to other SCs.
    All relations are defined in a SLD.
    Since all DCs that makes a product is kept inside a software component, the relations between the DCs are intact and versions of the different DCs are always consistent in the SC.
    To be able to develop a DC inside a SC, a Track has to be set up in the NWDI to support that development.
    Details about the components:
    Design Time Repository (DTR)
    The DTR resemblance a filesystem and can be accessed via WebDAV. File and folder permissions can be configured for users or groups.
    Each file is version controlled and it's possible to branch or merge files.
    The main repository folder (ws) contains folders representing tracks in the NWDI. The files checked into the NWDI are files with no local dependencies. For instance, the classpath file in a project refers to local jar files and are of no use for the Component Build Service when the project is build on the server.
    Component Build Service (CBS)
    When a file is changed in the Netweaver Developer Studio, an Activity is created together with a Request. When the changes are done, the request is checked in to the DTR, the activity is then activated which trigger the CBS to build the DC on the NWDI. Usually an ear or war file is created. When the activity is released from the Netweaver Developer Studio, the ear or war file is deployed to a development system via the CMS.
    When the CBS finds dependencies between DCs inside the Track, all dependent DCs are rebuild automatically.
    It's possible to use the CBS to rebuild a DC or even a full SC.
    Change Management Service (CMS)
    Change Management Service is used to maintain tracks and keep track of what version is deployed on different servers in the landscape. CMS can also transfer code between tracks. This is often used when creating tracks supporting development of general components, development of main components and finally maintaining deployment of full solutions.
    Transferring code between tracks in order to achieve merge and joins between deployed production versions.
    The CMS consists of layers on each track.
    Check-In - where initial source is loaded to the track.
    Development - represents the deployment to a development system. Changes are deployed on a DC level.
    Consolidation - represents the deployment to a consolidation system.
    Assembly - Stage to accept a change. Combines all DCs to a full SC. Version number labels are possible to set here.
    Test - represents the deployment to a test system. Changes are deployed on a SC level.
    Confirm - Confirmation stage before moving the change to production.
    Production - represent the deployment to a production system.
    System State - Gives an overview of the different versions deployed on different systems.
    Each layer have a history and the possibility to go back to an earlier state.
    Surender Dahiya

  • How to create a drop down box values on design time?

    I have a drop down box that I would like to edit on design time to have the valus 1 to 10.
    Is it possible to doo it on design it or do I have to create a loop in the code to do that?

    See go to LocalDictionary->Data Type-> SimpleType Right Click and create a Simple Type giving some Package Name
    Once u have created
    There u will see Enumeration Tab and give Key Value Pairs by pressing New Button
    Now Create a Context Attr and at Type property select that three dots
    Then go to Dictionary Simple Type and select the Package u have given
    then select the Simple type u have created
    Then assign the context Attr to the UI Element
    Message was edited by: krish kanth

  • Design Time for Processes and Forms

    Hi experts,
    When trying to open  "Design Time for Processes and Forms" in order to create a process, I get a dump.
    Could you let me know what could be wrong ? config? etc..
    Hereunder is a sample of what I found in T.code ST22
    The following checkpoint group was used: "No checkpoint group specified"
    If in the ASSERT statement the addition FIELDS was used, you can find
    the content of the first 8 specified fields in the following overview:
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
    " (not used) "
        referenced node must exist
          READ TABLE object_hierarchy_nodes TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS
                     WITH KEY node_id = object_hierarchy_node_wa-ref_node_id
    >>>      ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.
      provider has to be specified (except in case of recursion)
        IF object_hierarchy_node_wa-ref_node_id IS INITIAL.
          ASSERT object_hierarchy_node_wa-provider_id IS NOT INITIAL.
    Thanks in advance,

    note: Note 1075650
    Re: Assertion_Failed dump when accessing Design Time for Processes & Forms EP3

  • How to load a file at design time?

    I have a custom component which has a property that takes a path to an xml file.
    I have a file chooser property editor associated with the property which returns a relative path. The component correctly resolves this path at runtime using the application context etc.. but I'm at loss on how to do this at design time.
    The image component in JSC does this correctly as the image is loaded at design time using the url. I'm not sure how this is done but I'm looking for exactly the same functionality.
    The only way I figured to correctly resolve the physical path of the file at design time was through the DesignBean.
    In order to resolve the path and pass the resolved path to the component property I need to intercept property changed event and change the property value. However doing this in PropertyChanged(..) method of DesignInfo bean for my component doesn't do it as this is called 'after' the property value is set and changing the property value at this point results in a circular loop.
    Is there any way to accomplish this? Any help is appreciated.

    Is this still unresolved? I'm sure you've read everything at "Building Custom Components"
    by now. I don't have the answer, but if it's still a problem, I'll work with you to figure it out.

  • Is there a way to have autogenerated columns in SSRS Report without declaring the column defination at design time.

    I just have a procedure in which i do have a dynamic query.It has certain parameter on the basis of which different set of columns will be returned in the result set. Now I want a SSRS report which can automatically pick up the columns from the Procedure
    result.without declaring column Names at Design Time(As i don't know which columns will come in the result set)
    PS:- I can't make separate matrix/table with their respective column names and show/hide them as I don't know which columns will come from procedure.

    Can you please give a reference.I want a matrix or table to display the result set as is returned from the procedure.(Lets just say you keep the columns fixed).How without writing the column Names in table/matrix it automatically generates
    the columns similar to resultset.
    A bit of background for Understanding scenario:
    We want to give users the column names, arithmetic operators,etc.(From UI) and then send the query to SSRS. This query will be sent to SQL procedure(which is being used in RDL).What after that ??? . SSRS is not changing the result set dynamically.So as the
    result set is not definite i want table/matrix to populate the data returned from procedure automatically (without defining columns at design - time).

  • Dump while Executing Hrast_dT (Design time of HCM Process and Forms)

    Hi All,
    I am getting Syntax Error Dump while Executing Hrast_dT tcode (Design time of HCM Process and Forms) and here with i have mentioned the source code also ist contained in standard class.
    *METHOD constructor.
        badi_context          TYPE REF TO lcl_badi_context.
      CALL METHOD super->constructor
          form_scenario         = form_scenario
          form_scenario_service = form_scenario_service.
        t5asrfscnsrv_wa TYPE t5asrfscnsrv.
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM t5asrfscnsrv INTO t5asrfscnsrv_wa WHERE form_scen_srv EQ form_scenari
      ASSERT sy-subrc EQ 0.
      ASSERT t5asrfscnsrv_wa-service_type = 'GENSRV'.
      fill_table_metadata( ).*
    i followed this link also..its not working for me..
    [Re: Assertion_Failed dump when accessing Design Time for Processes & Forms EP3]

    Hello Parthasarathi,
    Please, try to implement the note 1075650.

  • JSF Design Time View Not working correctly for ADF/JSF components

    My project is not using any external tag libraries. It is based purely on ADF core/html and JSF core/html components. The design time view does not show the appropriate presentation, everything is shown as nexted frame containers (I suppose how you would show a component that does not have a visual representation).
    If I create a new project and copy my jsp (jsf) pages over they show perfectly. I did this activity and all was going well in the new project and then I lost the design time view again. I cannot tell you what I did to cause the issue, maybe it was a modification to the web.xml as has been suggested in some other threads. Can anyone tell me what I should be looking for that causes this problem, what corrective actions I might take to eliminate the issues

    Ok I have isolated this issue. In my phase listener I had this line of code:
    private static final Logger _logger =  Logger.getLogger(EigRequest.class.getPackage().getName());
    and I changed it to
    private static final Logger _logger =
    and design mode started to work. I guess either of the above works for me although I do not understand why the line works when you run the application but not in design mode.
    Moral to the story is if something fails in any one of these types of decorators you will drop into a raw view mode. The question I have is if errors are occuring how do I figure out where they may be. There is no indication that anything is wrong with the exception that you lose most of the design mode functionality.
    This was not a compile issue, this was not a runtime issue. It took me quite a few hours of writing a test program to validate that it was not just writing a phase-listener issue; then launching, editing, relaunching the application to find the problem. I will say that a good portion of the code came from a Eclipse project. If you add the offending lines of code while using JDeveloper you do not loose design mode immediately. You only see the problem the next time you start JDeveloper which complicates finding the problem.

Maybe you are looking for