Designing webpages on a mac

Hey guys,
I run a radio show out of St. John's, NL, and we're trying to get our digital presense stronger. Does anyone know any good, usable software that will make creating a webpage simple for a mac?
The site is ... We're really interested in making it a strong site, but it's a long, painful designing process.
-- Kenny

Sorry I haven't been able to get back to this one sooner. RapidWeaver is theme based. No HTML coding is needed unless you wish to do so. The themes can be modified easily, CSS and javascript can be used to modify the themes or content even further. There are many themes to choose from beyond the included themes, some free. Beyond themes there is a wide assortment of page types to be used within a theme and a web site can use one or more themes, external sites can be called. Going a step further, there's additional plugins that will allow you to create complex sites. A blank template is available with instructons to create your own themes. There are also 3rd party apps that support RapidWeaver. It can become quite a system unto itself.
I've used a few programs but this one allows me to toss together a complex, large site fast, the code is clean and managing the sites is effortless. Try a demo, you might be surprised.
Personally, I'd like to see how iWeb developes. There's some fine things in that program.

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    Don't get the idea that iWeb works only for small sites. I have two sites, each encompassing over 100 pages of text plus graphics. it works fine for them, so long as no webpage is too long -- in which case, only part of the page shows when it is published to .Mac. I solved that problem by ending each page before the point where it quits publishing, and then add a "NEXT >>>" link, which carries the reader to the next webpage where the information continues.

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    No. Standalone licenses use a platform-specific serial number. Only Creative Cloud is avialable on both platforms with the same license.

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    I do however, suggest you do the following if you want speed.
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    Hi There,
    We would like to inform you that if you in order to use Design Standard 6 on MAC, you would need to purchase a MAC serial number.
    Buy CS6 : Creative Suite 6
    Alternative is to purchase Creative Cloud which you can use on both mac and win without paying additional cost after enrolling in a subscription.
    Buy Creative Cloud: Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud
    Atul Saini


    Anyone a sollution? I Can't find how I have to do this.

    Thank you for the quick response.
    What I forgot to tell is that I have already an official version on my MacBook and now I want to install it on my desktop to.
    Could you help me further?
    Op 11-jul.-2013, om 16:09 heeft Ned Murphy <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven:
    created by Ned Murphy in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.
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    Hi Seetybaby,
    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    Yes, you can use it on 2 machines. You have to download the file on the new system or use the disc if you have.
    Then use the same serial number. If you require the setup file please use the below link.

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    Hi ntimaasbl,
    Please redownload CS6 and try installing again.
    Romit Sinha

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    With the stalled global economy, our IT budget is frozen here at my company, probably for at least a year. So, what better time to ressurect my case for Macs at work to replace our Dells? If you can help, please read on...
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    My Dell Precision 690 is a good machine, actually. What I don't care for is the "long arm of the law" our IT group has put in place in terms of how it piecemeals out applications.
    For example, I cannot open Illustrator documents out of Bridge, as one would expect. I must view the file in Bridge to know what I want, go back to Illustrator and manually search by filename. This is due to the odd installation process they've put in place here. Illustrator should be installed along with the rest of CS(2, in our case) in order to function properly, something we're unable to do with our setup. Also, I have been having major file-renaming issues with Illustrator that our IT department is both unable and unwilling to solve, as well as what appears to be an expired support contract with Adobe.
    It seems that we overpay IT for every last piece of hardware & software, with very little benefit in terms of warranty or service. One example is when we paid $1000 for a (then, now cheaper) $500 Wacom tablet. I figured that "double-the-price" setup ensured us some sort of replacement warranty, but when I did have technical problems, we paid for both the service call AND the replacement hardware. Gadzooks! Despite the perception of Macs as being more expensive than Window-boxes, not only was this Dell box I'm using pretty pricey, but all the IT charges, I'd like to think we could offer a cost improvement by "breaking out" of the system.
    So, my motivation is political. But it is also that I have a preference for OSX when it comes to networking, using Adobe applications & overall appearance (both the interface and also of my physical workspace!)...
    Anyone here ever had to make an IT case to "break away" a creative department from the parent? Any hints in terms of business case of maintenance costs of Macs vs PCs? Service contracts with Mac people? Any helpful links or books you could recommend? I've been Googling some terms with no luck.
    I think my ultimate proposal would be to keep on "company" Dells over in the (shaded, depressing) corner of the room for email & CAD work, but to use Mac Pro (or MacBook Pros) for our 2D work. Until Autodesk lists Macs as "approved hardware" on their site, we'll never convince to company to go the bootcamp route (even though I know a colleague who's been using AutoStudio on Windows on a Mac Pro 17". Says it works flawlessly).
    Anyway, any help or words of wisdom would be appreciated. Also, please feel free to share your own experiences with proposing a "switch." Things to watch out for, etc. Also, if there is another place (either here at Apple or elsewhere) you'd suggest I post, please let me know that, too. It's a bold new world, baby.
    Thanks & apologies for the length.
    -Chris H.
    ps/ Below it says I use a PowerBook G4. This is my personal computer. At work, I'm using a 2-year old...
    Dell Precision 690
    Intel Xeon CPU
    5160 @3.00 Ghz
    3 GB RAM
    Windows XP Professional, 2002 , SP2
    We have networked (floating) profiles using a locked-down flavor of XP (nothing but bright blue task bars, all day long. When it comes to Windows, I'm a "classic" man. No such luck here...).

    Hey Chris,
    I'm also an industrial designer but switched over to exhibit design from product design years ago. I was lucky to develop the dept. when the need for computers was new. (12 years ago) I went Mac all the way and we still maintain a strong Mac presence in the design dept. We have detailers still on ACAD on there PC's. Our outside IT guys are difficult to work with and high priced. The Macs never need the amount of attention the PC's get from the IT guys. We use FormZ as our 3d modeler and it exports and imports dwgs nicely. I've heard of Solidworks and Vellum for the Mac for more detailed work. Lightwave, Modo, Formz, Cinema 4D and Maxwell for renderings. (the pretty pictures that sell)
    Are you guys able to switch apps? After a few new hires to our dept, they came in w/ 3DS experience and pushed that. It was easy to say it would be a lateral move and all the money to invest in that direction would only give us the same results at the end of the day. BUT, our IT bills would have been more if we did move to the PC side. Maybe if windows7 is ok, i may load it, but have no reason too.
    I found it interesting that if you get a virus on the windows side, while using a mac, you can use TimeMachine to go back before the virus; what I was told from someone at an Apple store. I thought that was big and shocked APPLE doesn't sell that more.
    Anyway, keep us posted on your progress.
    Good luck.

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    Please post this in the Acrobat support area, you'll get a better answer!

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    Yes its called a Cross-Grade. You need to call Sales dept at Adobe There may or may not be some fee involved. Most software companies allow it. You may be asked to Destroy your PC Disk. Or
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    I would prefer to FTP my site into my dotmac account
    .Mac doesn't use FTP, so you can't do that. You need to use webdav or just drag and drop into your mounted iDisk.
    A site you publish to a folder may be lacking some features included in a site you publish directly, since it is designed to be used on a different server.

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    You are welcome, Priscilla.
    If you have upgraded to Yosemite without reinstalling CS3, you may uninstall in the same way as you normally uninstall, then install again in the same way as when you first installed it. You may rn the Cleanar Tool in between, to be on the safe side with regard to strange things lingering, but it should be unnecessary if everything has worked before the Yosemite upgrade.
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    Concerning drivers I have no clue, I am afraid, being too silly to use a Mac.

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