Desktop Radio Application Isn't Completely Remembering "Thumbs Ups/Liked".

New to Spotify and I've been auditioning the desktop application (v0.9.8.296) to see if I liked it.  I've installed it on an XPsp3 box (Dell Optiplex GX620), 4GB memory and 250GB HDD.  More than enough firepower for my daily usage including "remote desktoping".
I've created just (1) artist radio station so far and what I've noticed over a months time is when I choose the "thumbs up" icon, the application will go thru the "improving radio station" bit and the "thumbs down" icon becomes greyed-out.  But over time I'll hear the same album/same song and both thumbs are there as if it didn't remember I'd given that song a "thumbs up".  This is verified by also looking in the "Liked From Radio" menu choice and multiple songs have multiple listings because I've been consistently "thumbs-up'd" them repeatedly.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.  As it sits now Spotify won't go much further for me if it's not performing basic functionality.
Many thanks,
(Mod edit - removed email address)

Hey jkd_ba!
Welcome to the Community. 
Could you send us an email at We'll be able to help you out from there.

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    Post relates to: Palm Z22
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Have you tried just running it "normally"?  How about disabling your AntiVirus software temporarily during the installation?
    At this point you may need to do a "Clean Uninstall" and some registry edits before trying again:
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

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    Fix for Sign-Out Hotmail
    = Completely
    Vista-Ultimate32-SP2 (x86) [U.S.Version]
    No - MSN messenger √
    Firefox 11.0 [Windows] √
    The Fix: = Firefox must block “All” pop-ups from plug-ins / Flash / ..!!!!!
    Updated Search Engine to “ixquick”.
    • Ixquick…..!!!!...
    • As of January 28, 2009, Ixquick no longer records users' IP addresses at all. “_” .
    • Believe me when I say once you have gotten ixquick “ set properly” you will kick yourself for putting up with Micro$oft’s ..&&.. Google’s piracy and privacy abuse…!!!
    Important…Note***“Completely”…!!!... Delete and removed all references and options of Google/Bing Search engines…
    ”they are the most radical and intrusive search Plug-ins and softwares to Firefox users and web surfing privacy” …!!!!!!
    When you log-in to hotmail the following harmful cookies (Beacon cookies / Candy cookies), are Automatically created:::
    …. If you decide not to follow this Important…Note***… advice and do not care about exposing your Browsing habits and privacy…User Preference…
    This fix was done under the Î above Î mention conditions of removing search engines -plug-ins….
    With-out the above conditions….?...
    This fix is untested and may or may not work to resolve the “sign-out” issue of…?
    Step ::
    1. Silverlight Plug-In [version; 3.0.50106.0] =Install
    • * This is the best M$_compatible version for Firefox {All}
    • **Remember to “Prevent” Window’s update {Silverlight}..!!
    • *** After Installing > In Firefox/goto ..>>... Addons..>>Plugins/ Silverlight..>>.. =Disable
    • Current version is : Silverlight 5 (5.0.61118.0)
    2. Open Firefox / Install FlashKiller [1.3]
    • This is the easiest “least radical and least intrusive” flash blocker available for Firefox
    3. Set Pref (about:config):
    privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins = 3
    This pref {Integer} can actually take four values:
    • {Integer} 0: Allow ”all” popups from plugins.
    • {Integer} 1: Allow popups, “but limit” them to dom.popup_maximum.
     You Must type in: dom.p = dom.popup_maximum
     * Default 20 will sign-out to (homepage)
     ** Change to 1 will sign-out = You have successfully signed out of Hotmail (Sign-out page)….
     This is a “ user” preference…
    o {Integer} 2: Block popups from plugins.
    o {Integer} 3: Block popups from plugins, even on whitelisted sites
    Step :::
    4. Set Pref. (about:config):
    image.animation_mode [string] = none [Default_Normal]
    Resart Firefox
    Step :::
    5. In Firefox.
    . Goto ..>>..options..>>Content {Tab}…>>>
    Enable JavaScript (√/check)..
    Click /Advance (button) …>>..uncheck All… >>>.. click OK…
    Step :::
    6. Restart Firefox
    Step :::
    7. Manually Type: {Address bar}
     Uncheck (Clear)…. “Keep me signed in” [box].
     Bookmark this Link: This is a “ user” preference…
    Step ::::
    8. Log-In (do your thing)
    • Note .. Tab activity will look very busy and intermittent for a few seconds = normal
    Step :::
    9. Sign-out = Complete …”..???..”
    • Note: Sign out will redirect you to
    • Confirm sign out complete and successful…
    i. Close tab (
    ii. Do not close Firefox
    iii. Launch (Bookmark or address bar) again.
    iv. If log in windows appears: and ask for:: address and password = This is Confirmation that log out procedure was successful..…..!!!
    Again://// These harmful cookies (Beacon cookies / Candy cookies), are still Automatically created:::
    These cookies will “still” be automatically created,,,, “but” ,,, “NOW” have no affect on Firefox browser..!!
    …. “Do Not”….
    Do not …add these cookies to your exceptions list..
    This is no longer a necessary procedure…..!!!!!....
    And these cookies can be cleaned out = “still” be automatically created and does not have any affect to your daily / log-in and sign-out of hotmail…!!!!
    Use Ccleaner for “maintenance” of Firefox & M$ windows.. remove OS junk and to eliminate these harmful cookies…
    Or clear your firefox history (periodically)…
    If Neceessary..>>>
    Step :::
    10. Disable web site ad banners…:
    Use Firefox Add-on / Stylish 1.2.6
    or manually create or /edit userstyle (.css) file in “your” Profile Folder:
    ..>>>.. Create with Stylish (add-on) = Best option for “ all “ userstyle configurations..!!!
    (found by ixquick search and _ created_ with Stylish ):
    @namespace url(;
    /* Block Flash, using a placeholder you can click to unblock a desired Flash animation. */
    /* Doesn't work for embed tags, which are less common than object tags - bug 190970 */
    object[codebase*=""] {
    -moz-binding: url(""); }

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    The behavior to show the first app in the folder (and, actually, the 2nd and 3rd app behind it) is by design. This is normal and expected behavior.
    Whether you (lo, whether many people) actually like or prefer this behavior to the Tiger behavior is a separate matter completely, one which has been debated here both hotly and frequently. No need for another thread on THAT

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    Hi Joseph,
    the HTMLB link object misses the support for onClientClick through the tag lib, see hbj:link without onClientClick ? and OnClientClick Event for Link HTMLB Component for similiar problems and workarounds.
    With this workaround, you can call for example an AbstractPortalComponent, implement doOnNodeReady (with an empty doContent method) and return the PDF, settings the content type on the http before etc.
    Hope it helps
    PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

  • Since upgrade to Windows 8, cannot save .rdp files under the Remote Desktop Connection application on the Desktop

    Since I upgraded to Windows 8, I am no longer able to save individual Remote Desktop Connection files as .rdp files. I am talking about the traditional Remote Desktop Connection application on the Desktop that was in previous Windows versions, not the
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    .rdp file.
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    I know this is an old post but others might still be having the problem. Here's what I did.
    Create a new text file and open it in notepad. Copy the below into it and edit for your environment. (IP, screen size).
    screen mode id:i:2
    session bpp:i:24
    auto connect:i:0
    full address:s:192.168.x.x
    alternate shell:s:
    shell working directory:s:
    disable wallpaper:i:1
    disable full window drag:i:1
    disable menu anims:i:1
    disable themes:i:1
    use multimon:i:0
    connection type:i:7
    allow font smoothing:i:0
    allow desktop com:0
    disable cursor setting:i:0
    autoreconnection enabled:i:1
    authentication level:i:2
    prompt for credentials:i:0
    negotiate security layer:i:1
    use redirection server name:i:0
    You don't need to worry too much about what's in here. Save the text file as
    filename.rdp then rightclick on the file and select edit. The familiar GUI rdp session editor will open. You can make changes in the GUI and
    save or save as a different session.
     Hope this helps.

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    It's been a long time since I last answered an FM radio question so I might be forgetting some details but basically...
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    It's incredible, but that is what I learned.  I installed Blackberry Desktop for Mac.  It  wanted to initiate an OS upgrade first thing.  I allowed it to do so and it wiped out the OS on my Blackberry.  Leaving me with a 507 error.  I called Verizon.  They switched me to Blackberry.  Blackberry said I could only get clear of the 507 error by finding a PC - somewhere - and installing Blackberry Desktop for PC on that PC.  
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    I refused to pay $50+ for a new phone necessitated by the failure of Blackberry Desktop for Mac to be able to deal with a 507 error.  I spoke to Blackberry Support, again (this was about a 6 hour process), and they admitted that the provider - Verizon - did not support some sort of feature in the OS initialization process, meaning that Blackberry Dektop for Mac could not be used, one has to use Blackberry Desktop for PC no matter what in some circumstances (such as a 507 error upon OS upgrade).
    Blackberry switched me back to Verizon.  This time, Verizon stated that the local Verizon store could upload a new OS.  So I shlepped off to the local Verizon store and, another hour later, they installed the new OS.
    Once the new OS was installed, Blackberry Desktop for Mac was able to synch and works just fine (much better than PocketMac).  However, my fear is that when the next OS update comes out, if the same thing happens again (i.e., if the OS update freezes again), I will be left having to either look for a PC somewhere to run Blackberry Desktop for PC, or go to the Verizon store.
    So, word to the wise.  Blackberry Desktop for Mac is not complete vis-a-vis Verizon.  It cannot be complete if they tell you that you have to use Blackberry Desktop for PC in certain circumstances.

    This is often the problem with the new features that Apple implement more and more for each functionalities and moving them to "the cloud" (iCloud).
    Thus physically removing the files from the Mac makes the BBDM (logically) unable to sync with no-more existing files on the computer...
    This is the case currently for the address book and iCal. I guess that new functionalities in iTunes might have the same effect. Haven't you enabled new features recently in iTunes?
    Like "iTunes match" for example?...
    Please don't forget to mark as "solved" if your question is replied and to "like" a useful reply to your post ;-)

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    Just changed Network provider on my iPhone and since my streaming radio app isn't working in background anymore.
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    Before could do both without any issues.
    I only use the radio app once connected on wifi.
    Does anyone have any idea what happened?
    Thank you in advance for any answer.

    It went well again by itself...
    Thank you for those how had a thought about it.

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    I can't answer your question directly, but I've had similar interests.
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    Hey, its nothing wrong. You've added shortcut to radio on the swipe screen. That's why it shows you the radio screen
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