Detecting movie rollover without cursor changing

Hi there,
I want my flash movie to initiate a sequence of events when
the mouse strays inside a certain area. One way I've found to do
this is create a movie with a completely transparent rectangle
enclosing the 'sensitive' area (which I've given an instance name
of ActiveArea), and attaching a rollover behaviour like this:
ActiveArea.onRollOver = function () {
This is fine, except that when the mouse moves over
ActiveArea the cursor changes to a hyperlink style cursor, which I
do NOT want!
Is there either a way I can stop the cursor changing, or
alternatively a completely different approach which solves this
Any help is gratefully received!

I just found another way of doing it(before seeing the
incredibly simple solution above) which seems to work... Is there
any advantage to either approach?
Here's my way:

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    Hi Krist, <br />Sorry you are having problems.
    It is a while mow since I used XP, I do not remember a 4 pointed star option for the cursor.
    *Is this only on Firefox?
    If other programs are affected it is something to do with Windows XP or software installed on that.
    If it is only on Firefox then as an initial step try in Firefox's safe mode with all plugins disabled. You may start safemode by using
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    LICAP Webmaster wrote:
    Can anyone tell me how to prevent that from happening?
    Sorry, but without a link to your online page, it's a time-wasting, error-prone guessing game.
    If you put your test page and all dependent files online, and post a link here, we will gladly check that:
        Your server is working
        That all required HTML code is correct
        That your folder hierarchy is correct
        That all required dependent files  (HTML, CSS, JS, Images etc.) are uploaded to proper folders
        That Javascript Versions are correct
        That link paths are all correct and case sensitive
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    No, unfortunately there is not.
    To code around this limitation, I typically use the timeout event in a more complex way as follows:
    The timeout is wired to a shift register that is initialized with "-1" (no timeout). The value from the shift register then crosses the event structure and feeds to the shift register on the right in almost all event cases.
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    (2) "graph-mouse up" puts again a -1 in the right timeout shift register
    (x) All other event cases (incl. timeout) wire the current timeout straight across to the right shift register.
    The timeout event contains the logic to read the graph cursors and associated actions.
    This way there is normally infinite timeout. Once the mouse goes down on the graph, the timeout executes at relatively rapid succession until the mouse is raised again. At which point everything quiets down.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Excel has no direct feature or option to achieve your goal. We'd better try the macro via VBA code to test. Please see the thread:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    If you have further question about code, I recommend you follow with thread which you posted in MSDN forum:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    maybe edit:
    have it read:
    [Icon Theme]
    Same to local icons as well:
    I think what is happening is that the system reverts to default and doesn't know what the default is... if you specify maybe it will work.
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    Good Morning Gentlemen,
    I tried placing the cursor script into the code without success. Either I'm not applying it correctly or it could be that the code in use is a combination of html and Java scripting.
    Right now, I converted all of the image maps to the behaviors technique because I need the specific window sizes for the application that is being created. Steve, I am using DW CS4, and a sample of the code is provided below:
    map name="Map"
    area shape="rect" coords="19,466,56,503" alt="Stage Hydrograph - North Fork Licking River at Mt. Olivet, KY" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('StageHydrograph/MtOlivet.html','','width=915,height=665')"
    Note that there is no href reference, because I haven't found a suitable way of having an href reference with target=_blank to where I can define the new window size.
    I really appreciate the advice and time that is being taken to help solve this problem.

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    You can move the iTunes folder to a separate drive on your pc an then configure each account to use this drive / folder as iTunes library ... The problem is, that iTunes by default stores everything in your personal music folder which is separate for each user account in windows (and by default is on "C" drive).
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    Dear friend,
    some theory:
    You always have 2 options - delete or process your COGI record.
    Before to make a decision you need to analyse/find a reason why this error has happened.
    run COGI;
    tick your eror;
    hit F6 (display errors) - bell icon
    now you are able to see the reason.
    depends on a reason (information you see now) you do your next steps
    say, for instance, you did something to fix the reason,...
    if you want to process, tick your error and Save
    if everything is okay - system will POST it (cogi record will go away)
    or , say, you do not care about the error -
    tick your error and Delete
    some practice:
    please have a look at your material - probably someone changed it very recently - look at last changes using MM04 or MM03
    good luck

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