Dice Stimulation using an array

Hey guys,
I am having great difficulty just getting started trying to create an array for dice(2) that has 36,000 rolls. I am suppose to keep track of the total amount of rolls and the total points. Help!!!!1

I am suppose to keep track of the total amount of rolls and the total points.You are supposed to keep track of the number of rolls and the total point count? In that case just use two ints: one for each of the values.
If you are supposed to keep track of all 36000 rolls, make an array that big and use a for loop to populate it with the value of each roll.

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    You can declare a variable of type integer which will server as your index. Figure out based on some condition in your process which index of array to update. Assign to your integer variable you created.
    And have Assign copy operation like this -
    <from variable="Var_Output_FetchDueDate"
    <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"
    I have been using this in my processes.

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    public class arraycalc
    int[] dog;
    public void arraycalc()
    dog = new int[2];
    public void setSize(int size)
    dog[1] = size;
    public int getSize()
    return dog[1];
    This gives me a null pointer exception...
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    You have to make the array static. :)
    Although I must admit, this is rather bad usage. What you want to do is use an object constructor to make this class an object type, and then create the array in your main class using this type, and then call the methods from this class to modify your array. Creating the array inside the other method leads to a whole bunch of other stuff that's ... well, bad. :)
    Another thing: Because you're creating your array inside this class and you want to call your array from another class, you need to make the array static; to make it static, you must make your methods static. And according to my most ingenious computer science teacher, STATIC METHODS SUCK. :D
    So, if you want to stick with your layout, it would look like:
    public class arraycalc
         static int[] dog;
         public static void arraycalc()
              dog = new int[2];
         public static void setSize(int size)
              dog[1] = size;
         public static int getSize()
              return dog[1];
    }But I must warn you, that is absolutely horrible code, and you shouldn't use it. In fact, I don't even know why I posted it.
    You should definitely read up on OOP, as this problem would be better solved by creating a new object type.

  • How to change the frequency of pulse train on the fly using an array of values?

    Hi all!
    First I want to thank U for the great job you are doing for this forum.
    Iam still busy trying to control a stepper motor, by sending pulses from my E-series 6024 to a compumotor s6- stepper Driver. I've managed to get it working. I desperately need to control the motor using the values from an array. I believe we can use two approaches for that:
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    Can someone please built a good example for me? Your help will be appreciated.
    number_of_steps.txt ‏17 KB
    frequency.txt ‏15 KB

    I will try to better explain the paragraph on LabVIEW. The original paragraph reads ...
    "While in a loop for continuous pulse train generation, make two calls to Counter Set Attribute.vi to set the values for "pulse spec 1" (constant 14) and "pulse spec 2" (constant 15). Following these calls you would make a call to Counter Control.vi with the control code set to "switch cycle" (constant 7). The attached LabVIEW programs demonstrate this flow."
    You can make two calls to Counter Set Attribute or you can make a call to Set Pulse Specs which, if you open this VI, you will see that it is just making two calls to Counter Set Attribute. What you are doing with the Counter Set Attribute VIs is setting two registers called "pulse s
    pec 1" and "pulse spec 2". These two registers are used to configure the frequency and duty cycle of your output frequency.
    The example program which is attached to this Knowledge Base demonstrates how to change the frequency of a continuous generation on the fly. Why continuous? Because changing the frequency of a finite train would be easy. When the train completes it's finite generation you would just change the frequency and run a finite train again. You would not care about the time delay due to reconfiguration of the counter.
    If you would like to change the frequency of the pulse train using a knob, this functionality will have to be added in the while loop. The while loop will be continuously checking for the new value of the knob and using the knob value to set the pulse specs.
    LabVIEW is a language, and as with learning all new languages (spoken or programatic) there is a lot of learning to be accomplished. The great thing is that LabVIEW is much easier than mo
    st languages and the learning curve should be much smaller. Don't fret, you'll be an expert before you know it. Especially since you're tackling a challenging first project.
    Justin Britten

  • Using Variables/Arrays from one class in another

    Hello all,
    First, to explain what I am attempting to create, is a program that will accept input of employee names and hours worked into an array. The first class will accept a command line argument when invoked. If the argument is correct, it will call another class that will gather information from the user via an input box. After all names and hours have been input for employees, this class will calculate the salary based upon the first letter of each employee name and print the total hours, salary, etc. for each employee.
    What I need to do now is to split the second class into two: one that will gather the data and another that will calculate and print the data. Yes, this is an assignment. However, I am trying to learn and I have gotten this far, but I am stuck on how to get a class to be able to use an array/variables from another class.
    I realize the below code isn't exactly cleaned up...yet.
    Code for AverageSalaryGather class:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // uses class JOptionPane
    import java.lang.reflect.Array;     
    import java.math.*;
    public class AverageSalaryGather {
         public static void gatherData() {     
              char[] alphaArray = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','x','y','z'};
              String[][] empInfoArray = new String[100][4];
              String[] empNameArray = new String[100];
              String finalOutput = "Name - Rate - Hours - Total Pay\n";
              String averageHoursOutput = "Average Hours Worked:\n";
              String averageSalaryOutput = "Average Hourly Salary:\n";
              String averageGroupSalaryOutput = "Average Group Salary:\n";
                        String[] rateArray = new String[26];
                        char empNameChar = 'a';
              int empRate = 0;
              int payRate = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
                   payRate = i + 5;
                   rateArray[i] = Integer.toString(payRate);
                        int countJoo = 0;
              while (true) {
                   String namePrompt = "Please enter the employee name: ";
                   String empName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(namePrompt);
                                  if (empName == null | empName.equals("")) {
                   else {
                        empInfoArray[countJoo][0] = empName;
                        for (int i = 0; i < alphaArray.length; i++) {
                             empNameChar = empName.toLowerCase().charAt(0);
                                                      if (alphaArray[i] == empNameChar) {
                                  empInfoArray[countJoo][1] = rateArray;
              // DecimalFormat dollarFormat = new DecimalFormat("$#0.00");
              for (int i = 0; i < empInfoArray.length; i++) {
                   if (!(empInfoArray[i][0] == null)) {
                        String hourPrompt = "Please enter hours for " + empInfoArray[i][0] + ": ";
                        String empHours = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(hourPrompt);
                        int test = 0;
                        empInfoArray[i][2] = empHours;
                        // convert type String to double
                        //double tmpPayRate = Double.parseDouble(empInfoArray[i][1]);
                        //double tmpHours = Double.parseDouble(empInfoArray[i][2]);
                        //double tmpTotalPay = tmpPayRate * tmpHours;
                        // create via a string in empInfoArray
                             BigDecimal bdRate = new BigDecimal(empInfoArray[i][1]);
                             BigDecimal bdHours = new BigDecimal(empInfoArray[i][2]);
                             BigDecimal bdTotal = bdRate.multiply(bdHours);
                             bdTotal = bdTotal.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
                             String strTotal = bdTotal.toString();
                             empInfoArray[i][3] = strTotal;
                        //String strTotalPay = Double.toString(tmpTotalPay);
                        //empInfoArray[i][3] = dollarFormat.format(tmpTotalPay);
                        else {
              AverageSalaryCalcAndPrint averageSalaryCalcAndPrint = new AverageSalaryCalcAndPrint();
    Code for AverageSalaryCalcAndPrint class (upon compiling, there are more than a few complie errors, and that is due to me cutting/pasting the code from the other class into the new class and the compiler does not know how to access the array/variables from the gatherData class):
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // uses class JOptionPane
    import java.lang.reflect.Array;
    import java.math.*;
    public class AverageSalaryCalcAndPrint
         public static void calcAndPrint() {     
              AverageSalaryGather averageSalaryGather = new AverageSalaryGather();
              double totalHours = 0;
              double averageHours = 0;
              double averageSalary = 0;
              double totalSalary = 0;
              double averageGroupSalary = 0;
              double totalGroupSalary = 0;
              int countOfArray = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < empInfoArray.length; i++) {
                   if (!(empInfoArray[0] == null)) {
                        totalSalary = totalSalary + Double.parseDouble(empInfoArray[i][1]);
                        totalHours = totalHours + Double.parseDouble(empInfoArray[i][2]);
                        totalGroupSalary = totalGroupSalary + Double.parseDouble(empInfoArray[i][3]);
                        countOfArray = i;
              averageHours = totalHours / (countOfArray + 1);
              averageSalary = totalSalary / (countOfArray + 1);
              averageGroupSalary = totalGroupSalary / (countOfArray + 1);
              String strAverageHourlySalary = Double.toString(averageSalary);
              String strAverageHours = Double.toString(averageHours);
              String strAverageGroupSalary = Double.toString(averageGroupSalary);
              for (int i = 0; i < empInfoArray.length; i++) {
                   if (!(empInfoArray[i][0] == null)) {
                        finalOutput = finalOutput + empInfoArray[i][0] + " - " + "$" + empInfoArray[i][1] + "/hr" + " - " + empInfoArray[i][2] + " - " + "$" + empInfoArray[i][3] + "\n";
              averageHoursOutput = averageHoursOutput + strAverageHours + "\n";
              averageSalaryOutput = averageSalaryOutput + strAverageHourlySalary + "\n";
              averageGroupSalaryOutput = averageGroupSalaryOutput + strAverageGroupSalary + "\n";
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, finalOutput + averageHoursOutput + averageSalaryOutput + averageGroupSalaryOutput, "Totals", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );

    Call the other class's methods. (In general, you
    shouldn't even try to access fields from the other
    class.) Also you should be looking at an
    instance of the other class, and not the class
    itself, generally.Would I not call the other classes method's by someting similar as below?:
    AverageSalaryCalcAndPrint averageSalaryCalcAndPrint = new AverageSalaryCalcAndPrint();
              averageSalaryCalcAndprint.calcAndPrint(); Well... don't break down classes based on broad steps
    of the program. Break them down by the information
    being managed. I'm not expressing this well...Could you give an example of this? I'm not sure I'm following well.
    Anyway, you want one or more objects that represent
    the data, and operations on that data. Those
    operations include calculations on the data. Other
    classes might represent the user interface, and
    different output types (say, a file versus the
    console).Yes, the requirements is to have a separate class to gather the data, and then another class to calculate and print the data. Is this what you mean in the above?

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    Then how to create and use mutable array of UInt8 pointers?
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    I try
    - (void) scheduleRequest:(UInt8 *)request {
    if (!scheduledRequests) scheduledRequests = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
    [scheduledRequests addObject:request];
    But get warning:"passing argument 1 of 'addObject:' from incompatible pointer type"

  • How to use an array in a SQL Query

    I need to use an array of numbers such as a VARRAY or Associated Index Array so that I can do the following SQL:
    select *
    from *
    where array is null or id is in array
    So that if the array is empty it will return all the records, and if the array is not empty then it will return only the rows associated with the ids in the array.
    Is this possible?
    Néstor Boscán

    Actually, solution I posted returns all rows when VARRAY is empty, not when it is null. To return all rows when VARRAY is null, use:
    SQL> select  ename
      2    from  emp
      3    where deptno in (select * from table(cast(sys.OdciNumberList(10,30) as sys.OdciNumberList)))
      4       or sys.OdciNumberList(10,30) is null
      5  /
    9 rows selected.
    SQL> select  ename
      2    from  emp
      3    where deptno in (select * from table(cast(null as sys.OdciNumberList)))
      4       or null is null
      5  /
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

  • Error in the pl/sql block using associative arrays

    I tried the following block of code using associative arrays.
       CURSOR c1 IS SELECT empno FROM emp;
       empnos NumTab;
       rows   NATURAL := 10;
       OPEN c1;
       FOR i in empnos.first..empnos.last LOOP
          /* The following statement fetches 10 rows (or less). */
          FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO empnos LIMIT rows;
          EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( empnos.next(i));
       END LOOP;
       CLOSE c1;
    END;and the error is
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at line 8could you please let me know where i'm wrong
    and please guide me where we use these associative arrays.

    Something like this. Do minor modification in your code.
       CURSOR c1 IS SELECT empno FROM emp;
       empnos NumTab;
       rows   NATURAL := 5;
       OPEN c1;
        /* The following statement fetches 5 rows (or less). */
          FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO empnos LIMIT rows;
          EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( empnos.count);
       END LOOP;
       CLOSE c1;

  • Error when using byte array in web service model interface

    Hello everybody,
    I'm using a web service model in my web dynpro application. The web service requires a byte array as import parameter.
    When starting the web dynpro application the following error occurs:
    com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.exceptions.WDTypeNotFoundException: type java:byte not found
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.datatypes.core.DataTypeBroker.getDataType(DataTypeBroker.java:216)
    I'm using byte arrays several times in my application --> no problem. So why does the error say "byte not found" when using the web service?
    Thanks for your help!

    maybe this is the problem. The type is byte and not binary.
    But I have the same problem as mentioned in the other thread: I can't change the type.
    The type in the WSDL of my web service is "base64binary". Is there maybe a possibility to import a jar-file for this type?

  • Using Parameterized Arrays in Stored Procedure

    I tried following code to pass array value to stored procedure but its giving error, as I am new to this procedure, please advise what am I missing ?
    Best Regards,
    My code is as below.
    CREATE TYPE num_array AS table of number;
    create or replace procedure give_me_an_array
    ( p_array in num_array )
    for i in 1 .. p_array.count
    dbms_output.put_line( p_array(i) );
    end loop;
    end give_me_an_array;
    mdata num_array;
    mdata(1) := 1234;
    mdata(2) := 10;

    Hi Satya,
    Now I got it, thanks,
    Can you please advise, if I use the same stored procedure for EMP Table and use my array values to retrieve the selected EMPNo
    I tried following but I could not succeed.
    When I compile the stored procedure, error occurs:
    "inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got NUM_ARRAY"
    for example:
    Create or Replace Package TB_Data
    Is Type CV_Type Is REF CURSOR;
    Create or Replace Stored Procedure give_me_an_array
    MEmpNo In Num_Array)
    Open CV for
    Select * from EMP
    Where Empno in MEmpNo;
    End myProc;
    mdata num_array:=num_array(7839,7844);
    Best Regards,

  • Using an array in another class to set text of a button

    I am trying to use an array from one class in another to set the text of a button.
    This is the code in the class where i have made the array.
    public class EnterHomeTeam
         public int NumberOfPlayers = 11;
         public String[] PlayerName = new String [NumberOfPlayers];
    private void button1_Click (Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
              PlayerName [0] = this.HGoalKeeper.toString();
              PlayerName [1] = this.HDef1.toString();
              PlayerName [2] = this.HDef2.toString();
              PlayerName [3] = this.HDef3.toString();
              PlayerName [4] = this.HDef4.toString();
              PlayerName [5] = this.HMid1.toString();
              PlayerName [6] = this.HMid2.toString();
              PlayerName [7] = this.HMid3.toString();
              PlayerName [8] = this.HMid4.toString();
              PlayerName [9] = this.HAtt1.toString();
              PlayerName [10] = this.HAtt2.toString();     
              Players IM = new Players();
    }Then in the class where i want to use the variables (ie. PlayerName[0]) I have got
    public class Players
    EnterHomeTeam HT = new EnterHomeTeam();
    //and included in the button code
    this.button1.set_Text(HT.PlayerName[0]);I hope i have explained this well enough and hope someone can help me solve this problem! Im not a very competent programmer so i apologise if I havent explained this well enough!

    .NET automatically generates quite a bit of code.... this is button1:
    private void InitializeComponent()
              this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    // button1
              this.button1.set_Location(new System.Drawing.Point(88, 32));
              this.button1.set_Size(new System.Drawing.Size(72, 56));
              this.button1.add_Click( new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click) );
         private void button1_Click (Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
              GKAction GK = new GKAction();
         }Hope that helps - im pretty sure that's all the button1 code

  • Trying to understand and use an Array

    I would like to have a game where the player has three tries before the game stops or moves on to another level.
    In this game an object jumps up with a mouseClick and if it doesn't hit it's target it falls where it crashes into a floor that uses hitTestObject.
    This leads to a  restartBtn. but I want that movieClip to remain on the stage, which has an animation that splatters. A new MovieClip is put on to the stage and the cycle starts over.
    Before this stage of the game s over I want the various movieClip splatters to be visible on the stage.
    I thought an Array would help me achieve this result but I'm not familiar with using them dynamically.
    I'm hoping someone can give me some tips as to what might work.
    I have temporarily separated this problem from the rest of the code as I'm hoping it will be clearer.
    This is where I left off and when I click the button it seems to eliminate the previous movieClip and introduce the next one.
    But it seems like I'm missing someting so I thought I would post it as it is probably a problem that comes up a lot in games. Thanks
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var movieArray:Array = new Array();
    movieArray = ["Egg_A","Egg_B","Egg_C"];
    movieArray[0] = new Egg;
    movieArray[1] = new Egg_B;
    movieArray[2] = new Egg_C;
    var myMovieClip:MovieClip;
    function init()
              for (var i:int = 0; i < movieArray.length; i++)
    function changeEgg(evt:MouseEvent):void
              for (var i:int = 0; i < movieArray.length; i++)

    I don't see where an array is going to make anything remain.  Just having an instance created without removing it until you want it to go away is all you need.
    I don't see much reason with what you are doing with that array either.  First you assign a set of strings to it, then you replace those strings with instances of some Egg objects.  Then you add all the eggs to the display at once in your init() function (not one at a time), or you remove them all from the array with your change Egg function... calling the init() function after emptying the array isn't going to yield much since the init() function uses the array.

  • Use byte array of PDF to display PDF in IE browser

    I get byte array of PDF as input argument. I need to use byte array to display PDF in IE browser. I am writing code in doGet method of Servlet to accomplish this. However, PDF never gets displayed. I see Acrobat starting, but original PDF never gets displayed in browser.
    I am using code below in doGet of Servlet:
    resp.setHeader("Expires", "0");
    resp.setHeader("Cache-Control","must-revalidate, post-check=0,
    resp.setHeader("Pragma", "public");
    resp.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0
    resp.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); //prevents caching at the proxy
    resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); //HTTP 1.1
    resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0");
    resp.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline; filename=stuff.pdf");
    byte[] inBytes = getBytesOfPDF(...);
    ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    if(inBytes !=null){
    I added dummy name of PDF (stuff.pdf) for display, as I heard IE requires a file name with .pdf extension for display.
    But I had no luck with the code above.
    Any help with code will be appreciated.
    [email protected]

    Am using the same code and i am able to get the PDF out.
              /* Finally writing it into a PDF */
                   /* filename could be any thing */
                             "attachment; filename=Report.pdf");
    But this also throws a error in the server :
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.Response.getWriter(Response.java:606)
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade.getWriter(ResponseFacade.java:195)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerView.processTemplate(FreeMarkerView.java:344)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerView.doRender(FreeMarkerView.java:280)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerView.renderMergedTemplateModel(FreeMarkerView.java:225)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractTemplateView.renderMergedOutputModel(AbstractTemplateView.java:174)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView.render(AbstractView.java:239)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.render(DispatcherServlet.java:1142)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:879)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:792)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:476)
         at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(FrameworkServlet.java:441)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:709)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(ApplicationDispatcher.java:672)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.processRequest(ApplicationDispatcher.java:463)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:398)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:301)
         at org.ca.ielts.presentationtier.servlet.AuthorisationAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:202)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:213)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:178)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:126)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:105)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:107)
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:148)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:868)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11BaseProtocol.java:663)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:527)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.runIt(LeaderFollowerWorkerThread.java:80)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:684)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Any Clues how this has to be fixed.????

  • How to use Javascript array in the JSP

    hELLO Friends,
    I am creating an String array using the values
    in the list of a jsp page using Java script..
    How can I use this array in the same jsp
    file for processing...
    any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
    thanks in Advance...

    you cannot pass values from javascript to JSP without having to form-post to another JSP page.

  • Use of array in multiple formulas

    I need to set up a array that I will use in multiple formulas.
    Can I create it as a global or shared value in one formula, set the values of the array and then use that array in another formula.  I don't want to have to reset all the values in the array each time I need to use it.
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    Hi Russell,
    We can use array to create an ordered list and we can use it in other formulas. We can create them global or shared to use in the same report or in the sub report. You can use "WhilePrintingRecordsu2019 only if you want to push the execution of the formula in the last pass of execution otherwise it is not necessay.
    To get details about its use open crystal reports help under help menu and type in array in index tab.
    Hope this helps,
    Aditya Joshi

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