Dictionary export

Hi all,
I woudl like to export all dictionary tables/views and import them to some local schema.
Is it possible to do it somehow ?
Aanother question is where to find what grants are made to procedures, functions, packages ?
Thanks a lot

concerning dictionary, of course I don't want to import it to local database as dictionary, I just need to search it off-line. So I just need dictionary data and import them to my local database.
Concerning grants, certainly you can grant execute on procedure:
GRANT execute ON any_proc TO any_user (role)
I want to know what such grants are made to those objects.

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    Sound like, your sentence has been weighted as your wording poses problem, specially 'existing' and 'new' which restrict the context. For my answer, I will suppose that the proposed data to replicate does not exists at target site.
    You would like to know how far back in time you could go to replicate source tables. In theory there is no limit. You could even instantiated the new target table to SCN 1 and load all the archives that ever existed on your DB, prepare this table with SCN=0, create empty structure on target and the new capture will mine all your archived logs.
    Alas this is false. If you do this you will see on the target site alert log 'MULTI VERSION DATA DICTIONARY' nick named MTVD. For there is another player: the dictionary export into archived logs. Streams needs to validate any LCR against a 'fixed in time' version of data dictionary to guarantee past consistency (meantime, did you add a column?). This export is made by DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.build export the current data dict into an archive logs ( done automatically when you set up a new capture with DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_(TABLE/SCHEMA)_RULES ).
    So the real restriction to your request is the presence of a copy of past point in time data dictionary into an archived log. And this is also the answer to your request : the lowest SCN where v$archived_log.dictionary_begin='YES'
    The export itself, which install a set of old data into the target, could be resolved by restoring a copy of the source DB at this time in past you want to start the replication and creating an export from this restored back-in-time DB.
    But you can't do anything to enforce the presence of a data dictionary into a past archive log.
    So once you have re-created a back in time export and spotted an old SCN in v$archived_log where dictionary_begin='YES' then you may load all, the archives starting of this archive, create your NEW capture, instantiate source and apply site to your export SCN (whose SCN is also comprised between FIRSTCHANGE# and LAST_CHANGE# of this archive with dictionary_begin='YES'.
    But all this is true if it is a NEW capture, for if you want to reuse an existing capture, then it is a bit more complicate to inject old data of not-yet-ever-replicated-table you want to add.

  • Export very big database.

    I have 9i database on Linux. This database is very big in tera bytes.I want to shift the database to other server.
    export backup is taking too much time. Can you please suggest me how can i shift my database in few hours?
    Thanks in advance.

    Tricky. Especially since you don't say if the new server is running Linux, too. And you also don't say (which makes a big difference) if the new server will be running 10g.
    But you might be able to do a transportable tablespace migration. That involves exporting only the contents of your existing data dictionary (a matter of a few minutes at most, usually); copying the DBF files to the new server; and then plugging them in by importing your data dictionary export. The major time factor in that lot is the physical act of copying the datafiles between servers. But at least you're not extracting terabytes of data and then trying to re-insert the same terabytes!
    If your new server is not running Linux, forget it, basically, because cross-platform tablespaces are only do-able in 10g and with lots of restrictions and caveats (but you might get lucky... you'd have to read tahiti.oracle.com to find out if you could get away with it).
    If your new server is running 10g, you're also going to be in for tricky times, though it's not impossible to transport between 9i and 10g. Easiest thing, if possible, is to create your 10g database with COMPATIBLE set to 9.x.x, do the transport and then increase your compatible parameter afterwards.

  • Export Dictionary structure definitions to WSDL or XSD

    Hi all,
    I need to export some structure definitions from CRM 2007 to a XI instance. I have been told by the XI responsible that the ideal mechanism is that I provide him some WSDL or XSD files so he can import them.
    The point is: how do I export my ABAP Dictionary definitions to a WSDL?.
    I have tryed to do it already in an indirect way creating an ABAP Proxy, but I always get plenty of errors there and I am sure that has to be a faster and more elegant way to do it.
    Thanks in advance, lot of points for the one who solve it ;-).
    Best Regards,
    Luis V. de P.

    Hi Gonzalo,
    I dont think even if you convert into xsd it will go. The best would be to use XMLAnonymizerBean in your sender communication channel. Please see stefans blog for this:

  • Create custom dictionary viewer

    Hello there!
    I've got a digital version of a very old but very good German-Latin dictionary (maybe German users know Digitale Bibliothek), however the GUI which I have to wrap in wine is absolutely not KISS and it doesn't fit into my workflow in a tiling wm. I just discovered that I can export the whole dictionary into different formats notably XHTML, which should make it possible to create a more user friendly interface.
    The situation is as follows:
    A file which contains all the German and latin lemmata alphabetically sorted (Latin and German mixed); sample:
    A file which contains all the data; sample:
    <p><a id="p0000139" /><strong>ab-hinc</strong>, Adv. I) <em>räumlich =</em> <em><strong>von hier,</strong></em> aufer abhinc lacrimas, Lucr. 3, 953 (954): toto abhinc orbe, Apul. flor. 16. – II) <em>in der Zeit:</em> 1) <em>von der gegenwärtigen Zeit rückwärts gerechnet,</em> a) <em>absol. =</em> <em><strong>von jetzt an,</strong></em> dies abhinc quintus an sextus est, cum etc., Apul.: centesimo usque abhinc saeculo, Fronto: anno abhinc tertio, Gell. – b) <em>mit</em> Acc. = <em><strong>seit nun, vor,</strong></em> abhinc annos sedecim, Caes.: abhinc annos prope viginti, Cic.: abhinc triennium, Cic., <em>Komik. u.</em> Apul. – c) <em>mit</em> Abl. = <em><strong>vor, vor ungefähr,</strong></em> qui abhinc sexaginta annis occisus foret, Plaut.: comitiis iam abhinc diebus triginta factis, Cic. <em>Vgl. (über</em> no. a <em>u.</em> b) <em>Madvig Bemerkgg. S. 65 f. Lorenz zu</em> Plaut. most. 479. – 2)<em> selten von der gegenwärtigen Zeit vorwärts gerechnet, absol. =</em> <em><strong>von jetzt an, von hier</strong></em> <em>od.</em> <em><strong>da ab,</strong></em> Pallad. 4, 13, 9. Symm. ep. 4, 59: <em>verb.</em> inde abhinc, Pacuv. 21.</p>
    <div class="db5PageBreak"> </div>
    <p> </p>
    <p><a id="p0000140" /><strong>ab-horreo</strong>, uī, ēre, I) <em>vor etwas</em> <em><strong>zurückschaudern,</strong></em><em> etwas</em> <em><strong>verabscheuen,</strong></em> <em>gegen etwas</em> <em><strong>eine starke Abneigung haben,</strong></em> <em>von etwas</em> <em><strong>aus Abscheu oder Abneigung fernbleiben, -nichts wissen wollen,</strong></em> <em>jmdm. od. einer Sache</em> <em><strong>abhold sein,</strong></em> <em>gegen jmd. od. etwas</em><em><strong> eingenommen sein,</strong></em> <em>m.</em> ab <em>u. Abl.,</em> ab hac domo, Titin.: a pace, Caes.: ab re uxoria, Ter.: a ducenda uxore, Cic.: a Berenice, Tac.: <em>mit bl.</em> Abl. <em>(s. Nipperd. zu</em> Tac. ann. 14, 21), tanto facinore procul animo, Curt.: non abh. spectaculorum oblectamentis, Tac. – <em>nachaug. m.</em> Acc., cadaverum tabem, Suet.: pumilos, Suet.: exemplum huius modi, Dict.: <em>m.</em> Infinit., Augustin. serm. 184, 3. Porphyr. Hor. carm. 1, 1, 16. – <em>absol.,</em> sin plane abhorrebit et absurdus erit,<em> sollte er aber dazu gar keine Neigung u. Fähigkeit haben,</em> Cic. de or. 2, 85: omnes aspernabantur, omnes abhorrebant, Cic. Clu. 41: ut aut cupiant (sc. reo) aut abhorreant, Cic. de or. 2, 185: postquam abhorrere eos videt, Auct. b. Afr. 73, 5. – II) <em>übtr., gleichs. von Natur mit etwas</em> <em><strong>nicht im Einklang-, im Widerspruch stehen, unverträglich-,</strong></em> <em>ihm</em> <em><strong>zuwider sein, nicht zusagen, zuwiderlaufen,</strong></em> <em>zu etwas</em> <em><strong>nicht passen,</strong></em> <em>von etw.</em> <em><strong>abweichen,</strong></em> <em>von etw.</em> <em><strong>verschieden-, fern-,</strong></em> <em>ihm</em> <em><strong>fremd sein,</strong></em> ab oculorum auriumque approbatione, <em>den Augen und Ohren anstößig sein,</em> Cic.: oratio abhorret a persona hominis gravissimi, Cic.: abh. a fide, <em>unglaublich sein,</em> Liv.: consilium abhorret a tuo scelere, Cic.: spes ab effectu haud abhorrens, <em>Hoffnung der Ausführbarkeit,</em> Liv.: temeritas tanta, ut non procul abhorreat ab insania, Cic.: longe ab ista suspicione abhorrere debet, Cic.: a quo (vitae statu) mea longissime ratio voluntasque abhorret, Cic.: orationes abhorrent inter se, <em>widersprechen einander,</em> Liv.: <em>m. bl.</em> Abl. <em>(s. Nipperd. zu</em> Tac. ann. 14, 21), abhorrens peregrinis auribus carmen, Curt.: neque abhorret vero, Tac.: nec abhorrebat moribus uxor, Flor.: <em>u.m. bl.</em> Dat., huic tam pacatae profectioni abhorrens mos, Liv.: nec abhorret a veritate <em>m.</em> folg. Acc. <em>u.</em> Infin., Suet. Cal. 12, 3. – <em>Dah.</em> abhorrens, <em><strong>unpassend, unstatthaft,</strong></em> carmen nunc abhorrens, Liv.: vestrae istae absurdae atque abhorrentes lacrimae, Liv. – ☞ Abl. abhorrenti, Gell. 10, 12, 10.</p>
    <div class="db5PageBreak"> </div>
    <p> </p>
    <p><a id="p0000142" /><strong>ab-horrēsco</strong>, ere, <em><strong>einen Abscheu bekommen,</strong></em> Eccl.<em> u.</em> Gloss.</p>
    <div class="db5PageBreak"> </div>
    Note how the id of the anchor tags correspond to the lemmata (the uppercase letter after the # may be ignored, it indicates the language or section of the lemma in the original binary file).
    In a quick-n-dirty approach I hacked a bash script (I am a bloody beginner) making use of dmenu and lynx:
    # display dmenu with all the lemmata, strip the id's (lemmatas in the file "data/lemmata")
    lemma="$(cat data/lemmata | sed -e 's/#[A-Z][0-9]*$//g' | dmenu)"
    # search for the selected lemmata to get the whole string with the id
    str="$(grep "^${lemma}[ .0-9()]*#[A-Z][0-9]*$" "data/lemmata")"
    # finally take the definition from the xml and pipe output to lynx
    awk "/<a id=\"p0*${id}\" \/>/,/<div class=\"db5PageBreak\">/{if (!/<div class=\"db5PageBreak\">/)print}" < data/dictionary.xml | lynx -stdin
    The script fires up dmenu which displays all the lemmata with all the identifiers (#<number>) stripped, then it searches the selected lemma in the lemmata file again to find the identifier and finally then the corresponding paragraph(s) is (are) taken and piped to lynx. (Using the tee program I could bind the script to a keybinding and open/close a terminal window displaying lynx)
    However this is not robust -  there are identical Latin and German lemmata:
    So the approach above must fail because I don't pipe the identifiers to dmenu. I could alter the list which gets piped to dmenu to
    ab [de]
    ab [lat]
    and could then get back to the identifier...
    But the longterm goal would be a more suitable custom console interface: I am thinking of
    a terminal window which is divided into two parts, the left showing the lemmata, the right showing the definition of the lemma currently selected (think of something like a console music player, e.g. moc)
    possibility of an on the fly dmenu-like search of the lemmata while typing
    for the viewer part: automatical wrapping of the lines, colored text for <strong> and <em> tags, stripping of the HTML, scrolling (a lemma definition/translation may be very long) and display of UTF-8
    I tend to hack this in C as I lack the knowledge of any other language (as an emacs user I also thought of using emacs and displaying the definitions in w3m but I don't know any lisp other then setting variables...).
    So my questions are:
    Is this doable? If yes, which libraries should I consider? (ncurses, libhtml....)
    Does anyone know a program which does something similar?
    So far this would be my first program which makes use of menues, so any suggestions are very welcome! Any other ideas how to access lemmata and their definitions in a simple manner?
    Last edited by ball (2013-06-19 09:44:33)

    As you may have seen from the lack of replies, this is a bit hard to advise on.  Things that occur to me:
    Rather than a library, you could use regular expressions for parsing, as you already did with awk.  They are available in C via POSIX functions, see the regex (3) manual page.
    If all input you need is a decision between a small number of duplicate words, curses seems overkill.  Why not print all of them?  If you want more interaction, using curses is probably the right thing.
    Personally I would probably use Perl for this task, which is the most productive programming language I know and is especially suited for text processing.  Seeing the rather advanced shell script you wrote (definitely more than beginner level), you may like it, as it was inspired by the shell scripts using sed, awk and the like.

  • Can I use applescript to export PDF search results from "preview"?

    My question is about "Preview". I have a very large PDF document that I am using preview to view. After doing a search for a specific word, preview has returned 1200 results. The results panel shows the page number the result is found on and the line of text on which the searched-for-word is found.
    My question is this: Is there a way to export this information from preview to something like an excel file? The end result would look like a table with two columns. One with the page numbers and one with the line of text in which the word appears.
    Is this something that can be done with applescript? I don't know if the system even stores that kind of information... /sigh. Any help is appreciated.

    Using Preview.app, I have done a search for the word “AppleScript” in the PDF version of the AppleScript Language Guide. Then, I have used the following script to retrieve the information displayed in the results panel.
    tell application "Preview" to activate
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Preview"
    return value of text field 1 of rows of outline 1 of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of window 1
    end tell
    --> {missing value, "AppleScript Language Guide (Page 1)", "AppleScript Language Guide (Page 1)", "Contents (Page 4)", "Contents (Page 4)", "Contents (Page 9)", "Figures, Tables, and Listings (Page 11)", "Figures, Tables, and Listings (Page 11)", "Introduction (Page 14)", "Introduction (Page 14)", "Introduction (Page 15)", "Introduction (Page 16)", "AppleScript Lexical Conventions", "Identifiers", "Keywords", "Literals and Constants", "Record", "Variables", "Statements", "Raw Codes", "AppleScript Fundamentals", "Script Editor Application", "What Is in a Script Object", "Properties", "What Is in an Object Specifier", "Absolute and Relative Object Specifiers", "Object Specifiers in Reference Objects", "Coercion (Object Conversion) (Page 32)", "Coercion (Object Conversion) (Page 32)", "Scripting Additions", "Types of Commands", "Parameters That Specify Locations", "AppleScript Constant", "text item delimiters", "version", "true, false Constants", "The it and me Keywords", "Specifying Paths", "Working With Files", "eppc-Style Specifiers", "Debugging AppleScript Scripts", "Third Party Debuggers", "Defining Properties", "Local Variables", "Using the copy and set Commands", "Scope of Variables and Properties", "Scope of Properties and Variables Declared in a Script Object (Page 54)", "Scope of Properties and Variables Declared in a Script Object (Page 54)", "Scope of Properties and Variables Declared in a Script Object (Page 55)", "Scope of Variables Declared in a Handler", "Script Objects", "Defining Script Objects", "Initializing Script Objects", "Inheritance in Script Objects", "Defining Inheritance Through the parent Property", "Using the continue Statement in Script Objects (Page 63)", "Using the continue Statement in Script Objects (Page 63)", "Defining a Simple Handler", "Handlers with Labeled Parameters", "Handlers with Patterned Positional Parameters", "Recursive Handlers", "Calling Handlers in a tell Statement", "Saving and Loading Libraries of Handlers", "idle Handlers", "Calling a Script Application From a Script", "alias", "application (Page 80)", "application (Page 80)", "boolean (Page 83)", "boolean (Page 83)", "class", "constant", "date (Page 87)", "date (Page 88)", "integer", "list (Page 91)", "list (Page 91)", "real", "record (Page 95)", "record (Page 95)", "script", "text (Page 98)", "text (Page 99)", "text (Page 100)", "text (Page 101)", "text (Page 102)", "unit types", "Commands Reference (Page 107)", "Commands Reference (Page 107)", "activate", "ASCII number", "copy", "count", "display dialog (Page 127)", "display dialog (Page 127)", "do shell script", "get", "get eof", "launch", "open for access", "path to (application)", "run", "run script", "say", "set (Page 155)", "set (Page 155)", "summarize", "system info", "write", "Arbitrary", "Filter (Page 169)", "Filter (Page 169)", "ID", "Index", "Middle", "Operators Reference (Page 179)", "Operators Reference (Page 181)", "Operators Reference (Page 181)", "Operators Reference (Page 182)", "Operators Reference (Page 183)", "Operators Reference (Page 184)", "Operators Reference (Page 185)", "Operators Reference (Page 186)", "text (Page 102)", "Examples", "date (Page 87)", "considering / ignoring (text comparison) (Page 194)", "considering / ignoring (text comparison) (Page 194)", "considering / ignoring (application responses)", "error Statements", "error", "if (compound)", "exit", "repeat (forever)", "repeat until", "repeat while", "repeat with loopVariable (from startValue to stopValue)", "repeat with loopVariable (in list)", "tell Statements", "tell (compound)", "try (Page 208)", "try (Page 208)", "using terms from Statements", "with timeout", "with transaction", "continue", "return", "Handler Syntax (Labeled Parameters)", "Calling a Handler with Labeled Parameters (Page 217)", "Calling a Handler with Labeled Parameters (Page 217)", "Handler Syntax (Positional Parameters)", "Folder Actions Reference", "adding folder items to", "closing folder window for", "opening folder", "removing folder items from", "Appendix A: AppleScript Keywords (Page 227)", "Appendix A: AppleScript Keywords (Page 228)", "Appendix A: AppleScript Keywords (Page 229)", "Appendix A: AppleScript Keywords (Page 231)", "Appendix A: AppleScript Keywords (Page 231)", "Appendix A: AppleScript Keywords (Page 232)", "AppleScript Errors", "Operating System Errors", "Catching Errors in a Handler (Page 238)", "Catching Errors in a Handler (Page 238)", "Simplified Error Checking", "When a Dictionary Is Not Available", "Entering Script Information in Raw Format", "List of Unsupported Terms", "Glossary (Page 245)", "Glossary (Page 246)", "Glossary (Page 247)", "Glossary (Page 249)", "Glossary (Page 249)", "Glossary (Page 250)", "Revision History", "Symbols", "B (Page 254)", "B (Page 254)", "G", "I", "M", "R", "S"}
    Many items don't have any page number. Is that what you are asking for?

  • How can I determine which word triggered a dictionary list in attachment?

    We have IronPort C160 and an outgoing message was blocked due to our language filters.  The logs indicate that an attached word document matches
    dictionary-match("sexual_content_txt", 1).
    Since the dictionary match is not in the actual body of the e-mail, the triggered phrase is not highlighted in our policy view in the web gui.  I can download the attachment and after reading it, I find no issues with it at all (its a legitimate policy from a VP to an Auditor).  I am going to release the email as was requested.  However I am just curious as to what in carnation is triggering the dictionary match.  Is there any way to find this out?  Sometimes there are some nonsense words that we do find from time to time and we remove them from the dictionaries.

    I wrote a Perl script to solve this problem. It loads the patterns from an exported content dictionary, then reads stdin and attempts to match each line against the patterns, and prints the matches it finds. AsyncOS uses Python's "re" module under the hood, so Perl's regex interpreter isn't the best match, but it gets the job done. This script would be better written in Python, but I don't know Python.
    There are a few caveats to using a script like this. First, IronPort doesn't document exactly what regex patterns underly their Smart Identifiers, so you won't be able to interpret these. Second, the "match whole words" and "case senstive" settings are not exported with a dictionary. If you want to respect them then you'll need to use something like command line options on your script to signal them. For me, it was sufficient to ignore the "match whole words" setting and to make all matches case insenstive.

  • Database export stops with the following warnings.

    I am doing a Database Export/Import Activity. My DB is MS SQL server 2000 and SAP R/3 (4.6C SR2 , 4.6D kernel).
    When i try to do a DB export with option split STR and EXT files, my export stops abruptly without giving any erorrs but with a whole list of warnings.
    My splitting procedure is using SPLITSTR.PL perl script. I am not using the latest java based split.
    For your reference i am pasting the whole DBEXPORT.log file.
    (sorry its bit large,,, i hope you dont mind ) )
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:21 CommandFileController SyFileVersionSave:736
        Saving original content of file
        C:\Users\prdadm\Install\DBEXPORT.R3S ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:21 CommandFileController SyFileCopy:676
        Copying source file C:\Users\prdadm\Install\DBEXPORT.R3S to
        target file C:\Users\prdadm\Install\DBEXPORT.R3S.1 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:21 CommandFileController SyPermissionSet:2207
        Changing permission for file C:\Users\prdadm\Install\DBEXPORT.R3S
        from 777 to 666.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:21 Main
        Preparation successfully completed.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:23 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND DefValForKey_OS:0
        R3Setup found the share 'SAPLOC' on drive E:.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'ELESAPTMP1'
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'ELESAPTMP1' is 'ELESAPTMP1.lntebg.com'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'ELESAPTMP1' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'ELESAPTMP1'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'ELESAPTMP1'
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'ELESAPTMP1' is 'ELESAPTMP1.lntebg.com'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'ELESAPTMP1' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'ELESAPTMP1'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'ELESAPTMP1'
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'ELESAPTMP1' is 'ELESAPTMP1.lntebg.com'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'ELESAPTMP1' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'ELESAPTMP1'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'ELESAPTMP1'
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'ELESAPTMP1' is 'ELESAPTMP1.lntebg.com'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'ELESAPTMP1' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:36:37 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'ELESAPTMP1'.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:17 DBEXPSERVER_NT_IND InternalColdKeyCheck:0
        The CD CDEXPORT1 will not be copied.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:36 DBEXPORTINSTANCE_NT_IND CheckValueForKey:0
        The installation phase is starting now. Please look in the log
        file for further information about current actions.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:36
        Requesting Export Details
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:36
        Requesting Export Details
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:36 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS SyCoprocessCreate:931
        Creating coprocess osql.exe ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:36 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS SyCoprocessExecute:171
        The process osql.exe puts out:
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS GetDbVersion:0
        Version String read from MS SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server
        2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)       May  3 2005 23:18:38       Copyright
        (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation      Enterprise Edition on
        Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS GetDbVersion:0
        Major Version read from MS SQL Server: 800
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS GetDbVersion:0
        Minor Version read from MS SQL Server: 2039
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS SyCoprocessCreate:931
        Creating coprocess osql.exe ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS SyCoprocessExecute:171
        The process osql.exe puts out:
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS InternalInstallationDo:0
        You have a correctly configured MS SQL Server with charset cp850
        and sortorder bin_cp850!
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPCOMMONDBENV_NT_MSS InternalInstallationDo:0
    ooo MSGERR Wrong type of Parameter: area:74, id:1, typeofParam:4, char:d
    ooo MSGERR Dump of parameter with valid type:
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 1, Typ:4
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 2, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 3, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 4, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 5, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 6, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 7, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 8, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 9, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr:10, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR Wrong type of Parameter: area:74, id:1, typeofParam:4, char:d
    ooo MSGERR Dump of parameter with valid type:
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 1, Typ:4
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 2, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 3, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 4, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 5, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 6, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 7, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 8, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr: 9, Typ:1, long=0
    ooo MSGERR --- SYLOGDATA:ParaNr:10, Typ:1, long=0    Your actual major version of MS SQL Server is
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37
        Requesting Export-Specific Parameters
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37
        Testing the Database Connect
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBDBSLTESTCONNECT_NT_IND InternalInstallationDo:0
        See logfile dev_dbsl for further information.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPSERVER_NT_IND InternalWarmKeyCheck:0
        The CD CDEXPORT1 will not be copied.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37
        Requesting Information on CD-ROMs
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37
        Creating the Export Directories
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB. If it does not
        exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER and
        permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\ORA. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\ORA from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\INF. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\INF from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\ADA. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\ADA from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\MSS. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\MSS from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\DB2. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\DB2 from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\DB4. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\DB4 from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DB\DB6. If it does
        not exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER
        and permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DB\DB6 from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:353
        Checking existence of directory F:\EXPORT~2\DATA. If it does not
        exist creating it with user NULL_POINTER, group NULL_POINTER and
        permission 7 ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 DBEXPDIRECTORIES_NT_IND SyDirCreate:2207
        Changing permission for file F:\EXPORT~2\DATA from 777 to 7.
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37
        Creating the R3load Control Files
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 R3LDCTL_NT_IND R3ldctlDo:0
        C:\Users\prdadm\Install\R3LDCTL.EXE -p C:\Users\prdadm\Install
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:37 R3LDCTL_NT_IND SyCoprocessCreate:931
        Creating coprocess C:\Users\prdadm\Install\R3LDCTL.EXE ...
    INFO 2008-03-29 14:37:38 R3LDCTL_NT_IND R3ldctlDo:0
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "A055" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "A056" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "A064" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "A065" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "AABLG" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "AANK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "AANL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ALQRFCMON" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ALQRFCMONA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ALQRFCMONO" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ALQRFCMONQ" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANAR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANEV" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANGA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLH" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLV" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLW" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLX" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "APQD" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "APQI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ATAB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "B015" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "B060" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BGPROT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BKORA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BKORR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BPHIER" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BSIW" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCEVTJOB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCJSTAT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCOPTIONS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCSED" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCSEV" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCUEV" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BUXPRA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "BVOR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATCU" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATDB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATM" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CBPL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CCCFINI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0BAS4VI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0BAS5VI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0MC5" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0T200TAB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0T210TAB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0TBSH001" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CDCLS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE1S001" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE2S001" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE3S001" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE4S_CP_FLAG" in SAP
        data dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CF003" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CF005" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CFIS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CHGRP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKHT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKKS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKKT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKPP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKPS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKPT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CLRK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CLU4" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CNTLREM" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "COKAA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "COOI_PI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "COSPP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRHH" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRID" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRS_BLOCKS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRVP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CSLT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CSSK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVEP1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVEP2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER4" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DD02ALL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DEBI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DELM" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DLIX" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKALTLANG" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKCL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKID" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKSH" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKSI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOSSH" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOSSI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYCR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYLI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYLT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYO1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYO2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYO3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYSX" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DVERS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DVPOOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "DVPOOLTEXT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "E070N" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EANQ" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EBSEG" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EBUB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDFIL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDI30C" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDI40" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDIDOC" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDIE5" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDMAP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EIPA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EKAN" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EKPB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EKUB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EPIDXB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EPIDXC" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EREF" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EREN" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "ERET" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EST07" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EST0B" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EST0D" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EST0F" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EWUCUSA2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "EWUCUSAK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FEBKEY" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINPL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINV" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FLAPP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FLEMP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FMCFSI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FMCOPI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FMGEBER" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FOH01" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "FREF" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GCLIENTS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLOO1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLOO2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLPO1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLPO2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLPO3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLS2CLUS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSO1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSO2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSO3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLT0" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTO1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTO2" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTO3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTPC" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GSBLCA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "GWFEODE" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "HLPNA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRARCENQ" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRMS_BIW_PPDELTA" in
        SAP data dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRPMPROT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRPMSIM" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRPY_RGDIR_TEMP" in SAP
        data dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "IMPREDOC" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "INDX" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "INETX" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "INHB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "IXDIT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "IXTYP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "IXTYT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "JVT1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_1AWITNR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_1BCBTAXPROC" in SAP
        data dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_1BITEMTYPES" in SAP
        data dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "K002" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KALK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KAPE" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KAPOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KBPOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KCPOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KDPOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KEPOOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KGPOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNAS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNB5" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNC1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNC3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNMTK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNOB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVD" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOCLU" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KONAIND" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOND" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KONR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTD001" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTE001" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTE002" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTE003" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTE004" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTE005" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTG002" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTG003" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "KRED" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LDAN" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LDKO" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFAS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFB5" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFC1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFC3" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LISA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "LISPLF" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MASE" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MAT1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBAN" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBMP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBPR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBRK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCEKS" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCLIB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCLIO" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCLIP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCLIT" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCVSRFP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCY1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEIK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEIN" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEKK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEOR" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MHNDO" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MHNKA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MKLK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MKUB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MLIB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MODSAP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MOFF" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MPRP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSAK" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSEGO1" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSET" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSOA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSPOOL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSTA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ADMC" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ADRC" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ADRP" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_AKTE" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_CF01" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_CKKA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_CLFN" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_DARL" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_DGMI" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_HORD" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IBEW" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IFLM" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IIMA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IRLM" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1BA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1IA" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used
        WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1IB" in SAP data
        dictionary - defaults used

    The version of perl is correct.
    Anayways i have solved the problem!
    there was problem with the DBEXPORT.R3S file. i referred a SAP note for the same.(Installation of 4.6c on windows). In this check the section for post installation activity.
    I hope this can be a input for other experts who may face such problem!!!

  • Is it possible to export all information (metadata, list of pictures within each album or project) about ALL pictures in Aperture to text files, in a single operation?

    I have downloaded a trial version of Aperture because I would like to switch from using Picasa and gimp to using Aperture.  I already know that I want to use Aperture, and that I cannot learn how in 30 days.  I want to use the 30 days to see if I can solve a different problem: bulk export of all information except edits and versions from Aperture.
    I want to avoid locking information (other than than the edits and version information that Aperture maintains) about my photos into any one piece of software.
    Picasa stores a copy of almost all its information in text filies (mostly XML or .ini format) that are scattered through its picture library.  These files can be scanned and found by use of Mac OS X tools that are availabe in Terminal (at the bash command line).  All of the information about albums, faces, etc can be exported by a single command (after wtiting the progams that the command will initiate.  I have not yest found any similar files in Aperture.
    Aperture supports the export of EXIF and IPTC metadata, but only for selected photos, and does not appear to support the export of other information at all.
    What I would like to do with a single operation, from either Aperture or Terminal, is to export the entire arrangement of phost ins albums and projects, lists of albums, projects and phots with all metadata (including added keywords) attached to each, and for referenced photos, the external file name.  I do not care if would be in one file or many different text files, because Mac OS X provides all the tools I would need to extract the information I would want from any number of text files.
    This would allow me to reconstruct all of the information about my photos (except for edits and versions) outside Aperture, and to use that info in a database outside Aperture.  I would then be able to use Aperture while still being able to do everything that I could do with Picasa.
    The most helpful form of an answer to this question might be a list of places to look in the Apple support and Apple developer documentation.  It is difficult to teach me anything complicated, but I am fairly good at figuring out things from documentation.

    The following script recursively lists the content of an Aperture library.  The output is simple, for demonstration puposes, but could be modified to XML.  If the XML were that of a PLIST, the Apple Property List viewer oculd be used to diaplsy the output.
    A simlar script produces all of the keywords and tags for all of the images in Aperture.
    The scripts run much faster in the shell than in the AppleScript Editor bcause the shwll produces no debugging or monitoring information.
    #!/usr/bin/env osascript
    (*    Demo: list the containment hierarchy in Aperture, starting from libraries.
        Runs from AppleScript Editor, or as a shell command
            Aperture 3 AppleScript Reference Manual,
                particularly the Containment Diagram in Appendix A
                from the link on "Aperture Resources" web page at http://images.apple.com/aperture/resources/
            Aperture AppleScript Dictionary, accessed from AppleScript Editor
        Ian E. Gorman
    global outputFile
    set outputFilePath to "/Users/ian/prj/sw/AppleScript/ApertureContainment.txt"
    global lineEnd
    set lineEnd to "
    global tabChar
    set tabChar to "    "
    on writeText(str)
        write str to outputFile
    end writeText
    # Open the file, guarantee closure after any error, and list the contents of Aperture libraries
        set outputFile to open for access POSIX file outputFilePath with write permission
        set eof outputFile to 0 # truncate the file, if it already exists
        my listAll()
        close access outputFile
    on error errorMsg number errNum from offendingObj partial result resutList to expectedType
            display alert "Operation failed, attempting to close output file" & lineEnd & "Error number " & errNum & ": " & errorMsg
            close access outputFile
            display alert "Operation failed, but output file has been closed"
        on error
            display alert "Operation failed, also failed to close output file"
        end try
    end try
    # top-level in Aperture
    on listAll()
        tell application "Aperture"
            repeat with eachLibrary in libraries
                my listLibrary(0, eachLibrary)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end listAll
    on listLibrary(level, thisLibrary)
        local newLevel
        set newLevel to 1 + (level as integer)
        tell application "Aperture"
            my writeText((newLevel as rich text) & tabChar & "library" & tabChar & (name of thisLibrary) & lineEnd)
            repeat with eachAlbum in albums of thisLibrary
                my listAlbum(newLevel, eachAlbum)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachFolder in folders of thisLibrary
                my listFolder(newLevel, eachFolder)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachProject in projects of thisLibrary
                my listProject(newLevel, eachProject)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachImageVersion in image versions of thisLibrary
                my listImageVersion(newLevel, eachImageVersion)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end listLibrary
    on listAlbum(level, thisAlbum)
        local newLevel
        set newLevel to 1 + (level as integer)
        tell application "Aperture"
            my writeText((newLevel as rich text) & tabChar & "album" & tabChar & (name of thisAlbum) & lineEnd)
            repeat with eachImageVersion in image versions of thisAlbum
                my listImageVersion(newLevel, eachImageVersion)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end listAlbum
    on listFolder(level, thisFolder)
        local newLevel
        set newLevel to 1 + (level as integer)
        tell application "Aperture"
            my writeText((newLevel as rich text) & tabChar & "folder" & tabChar & (name of thisFolder) & lineEnd)
            repeat with eachAlbum in albums of thisFolder
                my listAlbum(newLevel, eachAlbum)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachFolder in folders of thisFolder
                my listFolder(newLevel, eachFolder)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachProject in projects of thisFolder
                my listProject(newLevel, eachProject)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachImageVersion in image versions of thisFolder
                my listImageVersion(newLevel, eachImageVersion)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end listFolder
    on listProject(level, thisProject)
        local newLevel
        set newLevel to 1 + (level as integer)
        tell application "Aperture"
            my writeText((newLevel as rich text) & tabChar & "project" & tabChar & (name of thisProject) & lineEnd)
            repeat with eachAlbum in albums of thisProject
                my listAlbum(newLevel, eachAlbum)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachSubfolder in subfolders of thisProject
                my listSubfolder(newLevel, eachSubfolder)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachImageVersion in image versions of thisProject
                my listImageVersion(newLevel, eachImageVersion)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end listProject
    on listSubfolder(level, thisSubfolder)
        local newLevel
        set newLevel to 1 + (level as integer)
        tell application "Aperture"
            my writeText((newLevel as rich text) & tabChar & "subfolder" & tabChar & (name of thisSubfolder) & lineEnd)
            repeat with eachAlbum in albums of thisSubfolder
                my listAlbum(newLevel, eachAlbum)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachSubfolder in subfolders of thisSubfolder
                my listSubfolder(newLevel, eachSubfolder)
            end repeat
            repeat with eachImageVersion in image versions of thisSubfolder
                my listImageVersion(newLevel, eachImageVersion)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end listSubfolder
    on listImageVersion(level, thisImageVersion)
        local newLevel
        set newLevel to 1 + (level as integer)
        tell application "Aperture"
            my writeText((newLevel as rich text) & tabChar & "image version" & tabChar & (name of thisImageVersion) & lineEnd)
        end tell
    end listImageVersion

  • Play from an Export plugin?

    From a complete novice at Photoshop plugins...
    I am wondering if there is any underlying reason why I can't call sPSActionControl->Play() from an Import or Export plugin.
    I have a very simple import and export plugin pair to port from Windows to Mac, and both call a third Listener plugin to keep track of open images. The Windows code creates a hidden window (HWND) in the Listener and messages that from Import and Export. I was thinking that I could replace this by calling Play to send a custom event to the Listener, but can't get it to work.
    In fact any call to sPSActionControl fails. [The actual failure is sSPBasic->AcquireSuite in PIUSuites.h returns error 'Parm' when called for the sPSActionControl suite. sSPBasic has been set up, looks ok and sSPBasic->AcquireSuite works when called for sPSActionDescriptor suite].
    As a test (to remove other sources of error), I pasted the following lines into the PluginMain function of the History plugin in the SDK sample code and this fails in the same way:
    // TEMP code to test use of SPActionControl.
    SPErr error = kSPNoError;
    DescriptorTypeID typeID;
    error = sPSActionControl->StringIDToTypeID("Save Prestige Image dictionary", &typeID);
    So I'm wondering (a) is there some underlying reason why this doesn't work, or (b) is there some extra bit of initialisation or setup I need to do before calling sPSActionControl functions?
    Tearing out what little hair I have left!! Any help or suggestions most welcome.
    Terry Smyth
    PS Is there another way (apart from Play) to communicate from one plugin to another?

    Yes, there are many reasons.
    But the biggest reason is that it's an export plugin, and not an automation plugin.

  • Script to Export Pervious Day Events Logs to CSV

    I am trying to export all the previous day's application event logs to a CSV file. I found the following script on net. But for this script to work I need to enter in the Event ID's I wont to export. Does anyone have any idea how I can change thsi script
    to export all event ID's or have another script that can?
    'Description : This script queries the event log for...whatever you want it to! Just set the event 'log name and event ID's!
    'Initialization  Section
    Option Explicit
    Const ForReading   = 1
    Const ForWriting   = 2
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Dim objDictionary, objFSO, wshShell, wshNetwork
    Dim scriptBaseName, scriptPath, scriptLogPath
    Dim ipAddress, macAddress, item, messageType, message
    On Error Resume Next
       Set objDictionary = NewDictionary
       Set objFSO        = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       Set wshShell      = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
       Set wshNetwork    = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
       scriptBaseName    = objFSO.GetBaseName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
       scriptPath        = objFSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.Path
       scriptLogPath     = scriptPath & "\" & IsoDateString(Now)
       If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Main Processing Section
    On Error Resume Next
       If Err.Number <> 0 Then
          MsgBox BuildError("Processing Script"), vbCritical, scriptBaseName
       End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Functions Processing Section
    'Name       : ProcessScript -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
    'Parameters : None          ->
    'Return     : None          ->
    Function ProcessScript
       Dim hostName, logName, startDateTime, endDateTime
       Dim events, eventNumbers, i
       hostName      = wshNetwork.ComputerName
       logName       = "application"
       eventNumbers  = Array("1001","1")
       startDateTime = DateAdd("n", -21600, Now)
       'Query the event log for the eventID's within the specified event log name and date range.
       If Not QueryEventLog(events, hostName, logName, eventNumbers, startDateTime) Then
          Exit Function
       End If
       'Log the scripts results to the scripts
       For i = 0 To UBound(events)
          LogMessage events(i)
    End Function
    'Name       : QueryEventLog -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
    'Parameters : results       -> Input/Output : Variable assigned to an array of results from querying the event log.
    '           : hostName      -> String containing the hostName of the system to query the event log on.
    '           : logName       -> String containing the name of the Event Log to query on the system.
    '           : eventNumbers  -> Array containing the EventID's (eventCode) to search for within the event log.
    '           : startDateTime -> Date\Time containing the date to finish searching at.
    '           : minutes       -> Integer containing the number of minutes to subtract from the startDate to begin the search.
    'Return     : QueryEventLog -> Returns True if the event log was successfully queried otherwise returns False.
    Function QueryEventLog(results, hostName, logName, eventNumbers, startDateTime)
       Dim wmiDateTime, wmi, query, eventItems, eventItem
       Dim timeWritten, eventDate, eventTime, description
       Dim eventsDict, eventInfo, errorCount, i
       QueryEventLog = False
       errorCount    = 0
       If Not IsArray(eventNumbers) Then
          eventNumbers = Array(eventNumbers)
       End If
       'Construct part of the WMI Query to account for searching multiple eventID's
       query = "Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = " & SQ(logName) & " And (EventCode = "
       For i = 0 To UBound(eventNumbers)
          query = query & SQ(eventNumbers(i)) & " Or EventCode = "
       On Error Resume Next
          Set eventsDict = NewDictionary
          If Err.Number <> 0 Then
             LogError "Creating Dictionary Object"
             Exit Function
          End If
          Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!\\" & hostName & "\root\cimv2")
          If Err.Number <> 0 Then
             LogError "Creating WMI Object to connect to " & DQ(hostName)
             Exit Function
          End If
          'Create the "SWbemDateTime" Object for converting WMI Date formats. Supported in Windows Server 2003 & Windows XP.
          Set wmiDateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
          If Err.Number <> 0 Then
             LogError "Creating " & DQ("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime") & " object"
             Exit Function
          End If
          'Build the WQL query and execute it.
          wmiDateTime.SetVarDate startDateTime, True
          query          = Left(query, InStrRev(query, "'")) & ") And (TimeWritten >= " & SQ(wmiDateTime.Value) & ")"
          Set eventItems = wmi.ExecQuery(query)
          If Err.Number <> 0 Then
             LogError "Executing WMI Query " & DQ(query)
             Exit Function
          End If
          'Convert the property values of Each event found to a comma seperated string and add it to the dictionary.
          For Each eventItem In eventItems
                timeWritten = ""
                eventDate   = ""
                eventTime   = ""
                eventInfo   = ""
                timeWritten = ConvertWMIDateTime(eventItem.TimeWritten)
                eventDate   = FormatDateTime(timeWritten, vbShortDate)
                eventTime   = FormatDateTime(timeWritten, vbLongTime)
                eventInfo   = eventDate                          &
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventTime              & ","
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.SourceName   & ","
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.Type         & ","
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.Category     & ","
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.EventCode    & ","
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.User         & ","
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.ComputerName & ","
                description = eventItem.Message
                'Ensure the event description is not blank.
                If IsNull(description) Then
                   description = "The event description cannot be found."
                End If
                description = Replace(description, vbCrLf, " ")
                eventInfo   = eventInfo & description
                'Check if any errors occurred enumerating the event Information
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                   LogError "Enumerating Event Properties from the " & DQ(logName) & " event log on " & DQ(hostName)
                   errorCount = errorCount + 1
                   Exit Do
                End If
                'Remove all Tabs and spaces.
                eventInfo = Trim(Replace(eventInfo, vbTab, " "))
                Do While InStr(1, eventInfo, "  ", vbTextCompare) <> 0
                   eventInfo = Replace(eventInfo, "  ", " ")
                'Add the Event Information to the Dictionary object if it doesn't exist.
                If Not eventsDict.Exists(eventInfo) Then
                   eventsDict(eventsDict.Count) = eventInfo
                End If
             Loop Until True
       On Error Goto 0
       If errorCount <> 0 Then
          Exit Function
       End If
       results       = eventsDict.Items
       QueryEventLog = True
    End Function
    'Name       : ConvertWMIDateTime -> Converts a WMI Date Time String into a String that can be formatted as a valid Date Time.
    'Parameters : wmiDateTimeString  -> String containing a WMI Date Time String.
    'Return     : ConvertWMIDateTime -> Returns a valid Date Time String otherwise returns a Blank String.
    Function ConvertWMIDateTime(wmiDateTimeString)
       Dim integerValues, i
       'Ensure the wmiDateTimeString contains a "+" or "-" character. If it doesn't it is not a valid WMI date time so exit.
       If InStr(1, wmiDateTimeString, "+", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
          InStr(1, wmiDateTimeString, "-", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
          ConvertWMIDateTime = ""
          Exit Function
       End If
       'Replace any "." or "+" or "-" characters in the wmiDateTimeString and check each character is a valid integer.
       integerValues = Replace(Replace(Replace(wmiDateTimeString, ".", ""), "+", ""), "-", "")
       For i = 1 To Len(integerValues)
          If Not IsNumeric(Mid(integerValues, i, 1)) Then
             ConvertWMIDateTime = ""
             Exit Function
          End If
       'Convert the WMI Date Time string to a String that can be formatted as a valid Date Time value.
       ConvertWMIDateTime = CDate(Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 5, 2)  & "/" & _
                                  Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 7, 2)  & "/" & Left(wmiDateTimeString,
    4) & " " & _
                                  Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 9, 2)  & ":" & _
                                  Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 11, 2) & ":" & _
                                  Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 13, 2))
    End Function
    'Name       : NewDictionary -> Creates a new dictionary object.
    'Parameters : None          ->
    'Return     : NewDictionary -> Returns a dictionary object.
    Function NewDictionary
       Dim dict
       Set dict          = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
       dict.CompareMode  = vbTextCompare
       Set NewDictionary = dict
    End Function
    'Name       : SQ          -> Places single quotes around a string
    'Parameters : stringValue -> String containing the value to place single quotes around
    'Return     : SQ          -> Returns a single quoted string
    Function SQ(ByVal stringValue)
       If VarType(stringValue) = vbString Then
          SQ = "'" & stringValue & "'"
       End If
    End Function
    'Name       : DQ          -> Place double quotes around a string and replace double quotes
    '           :             -> within the string with pairs of double quotes.
    'Parameters : stringValue -> String value to be double quoted
    'Return     : DQ          -> Double quoted string.
    Function DQ (ByVal stringValue)
       If stringValue <> "" Then
          DQ = """" & Replace (stringValue, """", """""") & """"
          DQ = """"""
       End If
    End Function
    'Name       : IsoDateTimeString -> Generate an ISO date and time string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue         -> Input date/time value.
    'Return     : IsoDateTimeString -> Date and time parts of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format.
    Function IsoDateTimeString(dateValue)
       IsoDateTimeString = IsoDateString (dateValue) & " " & IsoTimeString (dateValue)
    End Function
    'Name       : IsoDateString -> Generate an ISO date string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue     -> Input date/time value.
    'Return     : IsoDateString -> Date part of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd" format.
    Function IsoDateString(dateValue)
       If IsDate(dateValue) Then
          IsoDateString = Right ("000" &  Year (dateValue), 4) & "-" & _
                          Right (  "0" & Month (dateValue), 2) & "-" & _
                          Right (  "0" &   Day (dateValue), 2)
          IsoDateString = "0000-00-00"
       End If
    End Function
    'Name       : IsoTimeString -> Generate an ISO time string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue     -> Input date/time value.
    'Return     : IsoTimeString -> Time part of the input value in "hh:mm:ss" format.
    Function IsoTimeString(dateValue)
       If IsDate(dateValue) Then
          IsoTimeString = Right ("0" &   Hour (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
                          Right ("0" & Minute (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
                          Right ("0" & Second (dateValue), 2)
          IsoTimeString = "00:00:00"
       End If
    End Function
    'Name       : LogMessage -> Writes a message to a log file.
    'Parameters : logPath    -> String containing the full folder path and file name of the Log file without with file extension.
    '           : message    -> String containing the message to include in the log message.
    'Return     : None       ->
    Function LogMessage(message)
       If Not LogToCentralFile(scriptLogPath & ".csv", IsoDateTimeString(Now) & "," & message) Then
          Exit Function
       End If
    End Function
    'Name       : LogError -> Writes an error message to a log file.
    'Parameters : logPath  -> String containing the full folder path and file name of the Log file without with file extension.
    '           : message  -> String containing a description of the event that caused the error to occur.
    'Return     : None       ->
    Function LogError(message)
       If Not LogToCentralFile(scriptLogPath & ".err", IsoDateTimeString(Now) & "," & BuildError(message)) Then
          Exit Function
       End If
    End Function
    'Name      : BuildError -> Builds a string of information relating to the error object.
    'Parameters: message    -> String containnig the message that relates to the process that caused the error.
    'Return    : BuildError -> Returns a string relating to error object.  
    Function BuildError(message)
       BuildError = "Error " & Err.Number & " (Hex " & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " & message & ". " & Err.Description
    End Function
    'Name       : LogToCentralFile -> Attempts to Appends information to a central file.
    'Parameters : logSpec          -> Folder path, file name and extension of the central log file to append to.
    '           : message          -> String to include in the central log file
    'Return     : LogToCentralFile -> Returns True if Successfull otherwise False.
    Function LogToCentralFile(logSpec, message)
       Dim attempts, objLogFile
       LogToCentralFile = False
       'Attempt to append to the central log file up to 10 times, as it may be locked by some other system.
       attempts = 0
          On Error Resume Next
             Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logSpec, ForAppending, True)
             If Err.Number = 0 Then
                objLogFile.WriteLine message
                LogToCentralFile = True
                Exit Function
             End If
          On Error Goto 0
          Wscript.sleep 1000 + Rnd * 100
          attempts = attempts + 1
       Loop Until attempts >= 10
    End Function
    'Name       : PromptScriptStart -> Prompt when script starts.
    'Parameters : None
    'Return     : None
    Function PromptScriptStart
       MsgBox "Now processing the " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
    End Function
    'Name       : PromptScriptEnd -> Prompt when script has completed.
    'Parameters : None
    'Return     : None
    Function PromptScriptEnd
       MsgBox "The " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script has completed successfully.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
    End Function

    Here is a script that will copy the previous days events and save them to "C:\". The file name be yesterdays date ex "04-18-2010-Events.csv"
    Const strComputer = "."
    Dim objFSO, objWMIService, colEvents, objEvent, outFile
    Dim dtmStartDate, dtmEndDate, DateToCheck, fileDate
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set dtmStartDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
    Set dtmEndDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
    'change the date form "/" to "-" so it can be used in the file name
    fileDate = Replace(Date - 1,"/","-")
    Set outFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\" & fileDate & "-Events.csv",True)
    DateToCheck = Date - 1
    dtmEndDate.SetVarDate Date, True
    dtmStartDate.SetVarDate DateToCheck, True
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set colEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where TimeWritten >= '" _
    & dtmStartDate & "' and TimeWritten < '" & dtmEndDate & "'")
    For each objEvent in colEvents
    outFile.WriteLine String(100,"-")
    outFile.WriteLine "Category = " & objEvent.Category
    outFile.WriteLine "ComputerName = " & objEvent.ComputerName
    outFile.WriteLine "EventCode = " & objEvent.EventCode
    outFile.WriteLine "Message = " & objEvent.Message
    outFile.WriteLine "RecordNumber = " & objEvent.RecordNumber
    outFile.WriteLine "SourceName = " & objEvent.SourceName
    outFile.WriteLine "TimeWritten = " & objEvent.TimeWritten
    outFile.WriteLine "Type = " & objEvent.Type
    outFile.WriteLine "User = " & objEvent.User
    outFile.WriteLine String(100,"-")
    MsgBox "Finished!"
    v/r LikeToCode....Mark the best replies as answers.

  • SSIS SharePointListAdapter error while exporting a SharePoint List from SharePoint 2007

    I'm trying to export List from SharePoint 2007 into SQL Server table, using SSIS  SharePointListSource component (installed from https://sqlsrvintegrationsrv.codeplex.com/releases/view/17652)
    But in component editor I'm getting this error :
    Error at Data Flow Task [SharePoint List Source [13]]: Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.SharePointUnhandledException: Unspecified SharePoint Error.  A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch
    size) ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.
    Server stack trace: 
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc rpc)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
    Exception rethrown at [0]: 
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData msgData, Int32 type)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ViewsService.ViewsSoap.GetViewCollection(GetViewCollectionRequest request)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ViewsService.ViewsSoapClient.ViewsService_ViewsSoap_GetViewCollection(GetViewCollectionRequest request)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ViewsService.ViewsSoapClient.GetViewCollection(String listName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ViewsAdapter.GetSharePointListViews(String listName)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ViewsAdapter.GetSharePointListViews(String listName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ViewsAdapter.GetViewList(String listName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ListsAdapter.LookupViewName(String listName, String viewName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ListServiceUtility.GetFields(Uri sharepointUri, NetworkCredential credentials, String listName, String viewName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.GetAccessibleSharePointColumns(String sharepointUrl, String listName, String viewName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.CreateExternalMetaDataColumns(IDTSOutput100 output, String sharepointUrl, String listName, String viewName, Dictionary`2 existingColumnData)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.LoadDataSourceInformation(IDTSOutput100 output, Dictionary`2 existingColumnData)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.ReinitializeMetaData()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostReinitializeMetaData(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper)
    Increased Batch Size from default 1000 to 32000, still that error.
    Thought, this was List size problem, but small lists still do not export.
    Also, the same lists perfectly export from SharePoint 2010 using the very same component.
    Any solutions for this error ?
    Thanks in advance

    I think you need a lower version of the adapter that targets SP 2007
    Arthur My Blog

  • Using SSRS local mode, receive invalid token error when trying to export the report when running in worker thread

    We're using ASP.net with .Net 4, developing with Visual Studio 2012.  We use SSRS 2012sp1 with local reports, so exporting the report ourselves instead of using a reportviewer control (and not using the SQL Reporting service).  The reports are
    executing fine when we export the report in the main thread, but if we spawn a worker thread and run a report there we receive the following error when calling Render():
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated.
    We only receive this when running a report that uses expressions on a separate thread.  I've tried running the application pool under all the default built-in accounts (NetworkService, etc), and under admin user accounts to no avail.
    This didn't occur with the previous version of our application which used .net 3.5.

    As mentioned, we are not using the Reportviewer control, we are rendering locally.  Not certain if that would make a difference.
    Also, I had tried using all the built-in accounts.  Just for kicks I changed it to LocalSystem again, then reset IIS (see image below).  I then tried to export the report in a worker thread and received the same error.
    Here is the text from the exception:
    Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalProcessingException: An error occurred during local report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated.
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlExpressions.ReportRuntime.ProcessLoadingExprHostException(ObjectType assemblyHolderObjectType, Exception e, ProcessingErrorCode errorCode)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlExpressions.ReportRuntime.LoadCompiledCode(IExpressionHostAssemblyHolder expressionHostAssemblyHolder, Boolean includeParameters, Boolean parametersOnly, ObjectModelImpl reportObjectModel, ReportRuntimeSetup runtimeSetup)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.Merge.Init(Boolean includeParameters, Boolean parametersOnly)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.Merge.Init(ParameterInfoCollection parameters)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.Execution.ProcessReportOdp.CreateReportInstance(OnDemandProcessingContext odpContext, OnDemandMetadata odpMetadata, ReportSnapshot reportSnapshot, Merge& odpMerge)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.Execution.ProcessReportOdp.Execute(OnDemandProcessingContext& odpContext)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.Execution.RenderReportOdpInitial.ProcessReport(ProcessingErrorContext errorContext, ExecutionLogContext executionLogContext, UserProfileState& userProfileState)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.Execution.RenderReport.Execute(IRenderingExtension newRenderer)
    at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.RenderReport(IRenderingExtension newRenderer, DateTime executionTimeStamp, ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc, IChunkFactory yukonCompiledDefinition)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.LocalService.CreateSnapshotAndRender(ReportProcessing repProc, IRenderingExtension renderer, ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc, SubreportCallbackHandler subreportHandler, ParameterInfoCollection parameters, DatasourceCredentialsCollection credentials)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.LocalService.Render(String format, String deviceInfo, String paginationMode, Boolean allowInternalRenderers, IEnumerable dataSources, CreateAndRegisterStream createStreamCallback)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport.InternalRender(String format, Boolean allowInternalRenderers, String deviceInfo, PageCountMode pageCountMode, CreateAndRegisterStream createStreamCallback, Warning[]& warnings)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport.InternalRender(String format, Boolean allowInternalRenderers, String deviceInfo, PageCountMode pageCountMode, CreateAndRegisterStream createStreamCallback, Warning[]& warnings)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport.InternalRender(String format, Boolean allowInternalRenderers, String deviceInfo, PageCountMode pageCountMode, String& mimeType, String& encoding, String& fileNameExtension, String[]& streams, Warning[]& warnings)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport.Render(String format, String deviceInfo, PageCountMode pageCountMode, String& mimeType, String& encoding, String& fileNameExtension, String[]& streams, Warning[]& warnings)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Report.Render(String format, String deviceInfo, String& mimeType, String& encoding, String& fileNameExtension, String[]& streams, Warning[]& warnings)
    at IxSS.Infolinx.Report.MicrosoftInfolinxReport.ExportReport(String strFileFullyQualifiedPath, String strExportType, String strFilterDesc, Dictionary`2 extraParams, String area)
    at IxSS.Infolinx.Report.MicrosoftInfolinxReport.ExportReport(String strFileFullyQualifiedPath, String strExportType, String strFilterDesc, Dictionary`2 extraParams)

  • Error while doing the repository export

    I am getting error while doing the export repository,Message: GEN-13, Additional Message: Dictionary is not available on this database, can anyone help me how to resolve this issue.
    Sundar M

    Hi Sundar,
    Please provide the export repository command, what you used and the log file to review.
    The error "Dictionary is not available on this database" will pop up when Siebel Repository is not present in DB.
    For export process you have to give repository name as "Siebel Repository" and it will export schema in to *.dat file.
    NOTE: Do not change Siebel Repository name for export process.

  • SSIS SharePointListAdapter fails while exporting a SharePoint List from SharePoint 2007

    I'm trying to export List from SharePoint 2007 into SQL Server table, using SSIS  SharePointListSource component (installed from https://sqlsrvintegrationsrv.codeplex.com/releases/view/17652)
    But in component editor I'm getting this error :
    Error at Data Flow Task [SharePoint List Source [13]]: Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.SharePointUnhandledException: Unspecified SharePoint Error.  A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch
    size) ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.
    Server stack trace: 
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc rpc)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
       at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
    Exception rethrown at [0]: 
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData msgData, Int32 type)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ViewsService.ViewsSoap.GetViewCollection(GetViewCollectionRequest request)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ViewsService.ViewsSoapClient.ViewsService_ViewsSoap_GetViewCollection(GetViewCollectionRequest request)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ViewsService.ViewsSoapClient.GetViewCollection(String listName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ViewsAdapter.GetSharePointListViews(String listName)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ViewsAdapter.GetSharePointListViews(String listName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ViewsAdapter.GetViewList(String listName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.Adapter.ListsAdapter.LookupViewName(String listName, String viewName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.ListServiceUtility.GetFields(Uri sharepointUri, NetworkCredential credentials, String listName, String viewName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.GetAccessibleSharePointColumns(String sharepointUrl, String listName, String viewName)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.CreateExternalMetaDataColumns(IDTSOutput100 output, String sharepointUrl, String listName, String viewName, Dictionary`2 existingColumnData)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.LoadDataSourceInformation(IDTSOutput100 output, Dictionary`2 existingColumnData)
       at Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointListAdapters.SharePointListSource.ReinitializeMetaData()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostReinitializeMetaData(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper)
    Increased Batch Size from default 1000 to 32000, still that error.
    Thought, this was List size problem, but small lists still do not export.
    Also, the same lists perfectly export from SharePoint 2010 using the very same component.
    Any solutions for this error ?
    Thanks in advance

    The reason was the  difference in List's names on web portal and the name of list itself.

Maybe you are looking for