Did I lose my purchased music?

My hard drive crashed completely .... I had not transfered all of my purchased music onto it - did I lose it? My account lists all of my purchases so Apple knows what I have bought....
any advice?

It depends on what you mean by " had not transfered all of my purchased music onto it ". If by that you mean that you had not completed downloading all the tracks from the iTunes Music Store, you can go to the Check for Purchased Music command under the iTunes Advanced menu and see if the remaining tracks are still there for download.
As to any tracks you already downloaded to your computer prior to the crash, sorry, but officially Apple does not allow redownloads of purchased tracks. It's your responsibility to make backup copies in case something goes wrong with your system, as unfortunately it apparently did in your case, and you lose all the information on your hard drive. If you haven't made a backup, you're probably out of luck and will need to repurchase your tracks.
If you indeed do not have a backup of previously purchased tracks somewhere - on CDs, on an iPod, on another hard drive, or whatever - you can try contacting iTunes Music Store Customer Service and explaining what happened. Reportedly in some cases Apple has allowed redownloading on a one-time basis, but don't count on it.
Good luck.

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