Diferent display of bind variables

When Iook at the statpack, I see a single statement with 2 different bind variables displayed:
Why do I see this diference?
3rd party application in C++, OCI 9 calls on Ora, AIX5.3
Thanks a lot, mj

lots of perf problem whan using these cursor_sharing modesNot only perf problem, but wrong results too...
For test, we have setting cursor_sharing to FORCE value, we have stop quickly after seen incoherence results...
I have to say that was in Oracle 8i, but when I read the 10gR1 doc, I see some problem could exists :
Forcing cursor sharing among similar (but not identical) statements can have unexpected results in some DSS applications, or applications that use stored outlines.
From http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B14117_01/server.101/b10755/initparams033.htm#REFRN10025
My 2 cents : if you decide to use FORCE value, you need to test 100% of your application...
Message was edited by:
N. Gasparotto

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    ${emt} does not work because jsp tags can't accept Expression Language(EL).
    try this:
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    I have a view object with a query that uses a bind variable. I drag the data control onto my .jsf page to create a table. I create a query method on a view scope bean. The query method uses the contents of one of the bean's attributes to set the bind variable for the query:
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    you can drag a method call activity onto the task flow. Then select the new method call activity and open the property inspector. Here you select the method from your bean in the method property. Now you first navigate to this method call activity and then to the page.

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    Hope this is clearer.

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    Ken Rubesh

    ON the Page displayoptions tab, you can select "Show Query Conditions?..
    is that unselected?
    if you are talking about the fields from your select statement showing up in the body of the report, you can set the field type to hidden on the 2nd tab(column formatting).
    hope this helps

  • Report Performance with Bind Variable

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    ,(select rglr_lect lect
    ,sum(tpm) mtr_tpm
    ,sum(enrols) mtr_enrols
    from ops_dash_meetings_report
    where meet_ev_date between to_date(:P35_END_DATE,'DD/MM/YYYY') - 363 and to_date(:P35_END_DATE,'DD/MM/YYYY')
    group by rglr_lect) RPV
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    Really stumped here. Any advice or pointers would be most welcome.

    Don't worry about the Time column, the cost and cardinality are more important to see whther the CBO is making different decisions for whatever reason.
    Remember that the explain plan shows the expected execution plan and a trace shows the actual execution plan. So what you want to do is compare the query with bind variables from an APEX page trace to a trace from TOAD (or sqlplus or whatever). You can do this outside APEX like this...
    ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 1';Enter and run your SQL statement...;
    ALTER SESSION SET sql_trace=FALSE;This will create a a trace file in the directory returned by...
    SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'user_dump_dest' Which you can use tkprof to format.
    I am assuming that your not going over DB links or anything else slightly unusual?

  • VO with bind variable defined in SQL is not updated correctly

    Hi Experts,
    I have one simple question here, could you please help answer? Thanks a lot!
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    Edited by: user774592 on Jul 20, 2011 11:13 PM
    Edited by: user774592 on Jul 20, 2011 11:15 PM
    Edited by: user774592 on Jul 20, 2011 11:15 PM

    Hi Timo,
    Thanks for you response! The JDev version I used is Actually, they are different VOs, the 1st page is EmployeeVO, the second page is ResourceSummaryVO which binds the empId variable in SQL. The ActionListener code is as below.
    public void viewResSummary(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    DCBindingContainer bc = (DCBindingContainer)this.getBindings();
    DCIteratorBinding empIteBinding =
    //Get employee id from the current selected employee record
    Row currentRow = empIteBinding.getRowSetIterator().getCurrentRow();
    Long employeeId = ((DBSequence)currentRow.getAttribute("EmployeeId")).getValue();
    //Set employeeId as a pageFlowScope object which will be used in ResourceSummaryPage
    AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope().put("empId", employeeId);
    empId is defined using Bind Variable Dialog and is referenced in ResourceSummaryVO on the second page. I used the EL expression to defined its value to adf.context.pageFlowScope.empId which will be populated using above code at runtime.
    Again, thanks for your help!

  • Problem with Bind Variable not updatable.

    Hi all,
    I'm using Jdev In my VO, I created a Bind Variable and set it NOT UPDATABLE. Then I created a View Criteria with some other Bind Variables.
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    This is the VO source:
    Is it a ADF bug?
    Thank in advance.

    try selecting the bind variable and open the Property Inspector, under UI Hints, set the "Display Hint" to hide. This should hide it (No bug for this reason)

  • How to use p_mainsearch parameter in basic search for a report with bind variable?

    I'd like to extend the basic-search in content-area elements to extra records in my own tables.
    So I'd like to use the p_mainsearch-urlparameter (which holds the searchtext of a basic search) into a bind variable of my own report. My report will be on an extra tab on the search-page.
    Especially I don't know how to transfer the value of p_mainsearch into the bind variable of the report.
    Has anyone done that so far?
    Thank you,

    I found out the following way:
    select * from <owner>.<tablename> where UPPER(column) like '%'||UPPER(NVL(:searchtext,'abczyx123098'))||'%'
    (Note: bind variable is :searchtext).
    1.2)in "before displaying page"-section in "additional plsql" add the following:
    if length(get_value('p_mainsearch')) >= 3 then
    l_arg_names, l_arg_values, p_reference_path||'.searchtext,
    end if;
    1.3) publish as portlet
    2.) Integrate the report-portlet into a new tab on search page. Run basic search.
    Change to the tab with the portlet.
    For me it is solved.

  • Update before a report shows with bind variable

    I need to update a table before a report shows. This report have bind variable and I need bind variable value for clause where in update, how can I do that?
    I would thank so much any idea

    If I understand correctly your application should display a report when it is called.
    But first, before the report is displayed, you want to update a table, using a bind variable passed into the report when it is called. Do I understand correctly so far?
    So while editing the report, in the last tab option you have (Additional PL/SQL Code), you need to put some pl/sql code into section titled '...before displaying the page.'
    update table_x
    set column_x = somevalue
    where column_y = bind_variable;
    I haven't yet passed bind variables into reports so I'm not quite sure how to retrieve them, but I'm sure there are other postings here about that.
    I'm mostly just trying to clarify if this is what your asking, and maybe somebody else can answer the rest of your questions.
    Good luck.

  • Detail view with bind variable. TreeTable not showing all detail result.

    I’m having trouble with treeTable using detail view with bind variables and where clause defined in VO definition.
    Both, master and detail view objects, base on the same entity and have the same condition in where clause. The view objects also have bind variables, which are set in prepareRowSetForQuery() method.
    Again, these are two different views, that get different result, based on value of one of the bind variable.
    When I show results in two different tables on jsf page, where master table has "RowSelection" set on "single", all results are displayed in detail table.
    But when I use treeTable, only the first result of the detail is shown.

    I tested it in applicationModule and it works, but i think that's the same as two tables on a jsf page.
    This is the order in which overridden methods are called in ADF BC or two tables on jsf page
    when clicking on row in master table.
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;  -> print of the object2[] parameter in executeQueryForCollection
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035313 -> viewLink parameter value
    count: 2
    count: 2 And when i click on "expand node" in tree table:
    count: 2
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035321
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035313
    count: 2
    count: 2
    count: 2
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035313
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035321
    count: 2
    count: 2Values of user parameters are OK. Is there another method that i should override?
    I also noticed, that if detail view doesn't have user bind variables, the tree works fine and is shown even in ADF BC (aplication module).
    I guess we loose a tree, when using bind variables in detail view object.
    Is there a way around it?

  • Report with bind variables

    I apologize in advance for the newbie question.
    I would like to create a report report_b with a "vertical report exclude null values" template which will show only one record. This report will be called from another report with a default template or perhaps an interactive report - report_a.
    The order of actions is:
    A user logs in queries report_a and gets a result of a few rows.
    She presses the link column of a specific record with id 123 in the report and report_b is called displaying the relevant information of id 123.
    I haven't been able to figure out how to use bind variables to achieve this.
    The use case is: I have a table with dozens of columns. Both reports are based on the same table but report_a only displays 3-4 columns to allow the user to figure out which row he wants to see and then she gets to see all its columns in report_b.
    Many thanks,

    At a very high level, this is what needs to happen:
    Let us say report_a is on Page 10 (P10), and report_b is on P11.
    When the user clicks a link on a column in report_a on P10, this should a hidden item on P11 (say P11_ID).
    When P11 is displayed, the SQL would use the value stored in P11_ID. For example, Select col1, col2, col3 from table_a where id = :P11_ID.
    If you need more and specific example, please let us know.

  • Using bind variables in the model view for master detail

    Hi all,
    I have a master-detail views setup on the following two queries.
    In the first query below - I use two bind variables to collect the start and end date.
    you have to add (and :startDate = :startDate and :endDate = :endDate) or you will get errors - bind not defined in sql
    I then use the viewQueryCriteria to collect the data on a search panel - so far so good. (Make the bind variables required) along with the other criteria.
    The bind variables are displayed in the search panel and the data is entered correctly.
    The query executes and all is happy.
    SELECT DepositAccounts.COA_ID,
    ... ChartOfAccounts.ACCOUNT_CODE || ' ' || ChartOfAccounts.ACCOUNT_TITLE as description
    WHERE DepositAccounts.ID = DepositAccountDetails.DEP_ACC_ID
    and ChartOfAccounts.id = DepositAccountDetails.COA_ID
    and :startDate = :startDate and :endDate = :endDate
    Now I add the summation of a value (AMOUNT) to the view object (java - create view impl) to the VOViewRowImpl
    and everything works - the value is shown in the transient attribute formatted and looking nice.
    SELECT PostingBatchAccounts.AMOUNT,
    where PostingBatchAccounts.PB_ID = PostingBatches.ID
    and PostingBatches.SOURCE_DATE between :startDate and :endDate
    Now I need to add the start date and end date to the child query - before the view executes (or the summation is calculated).
    The attributes are in the where clause (PostingBatches.SOURCE_DATE between :startDate and :endDate) in VIEWOBJECT2 which is the child.
    I need the child records and the summation to work with the date restrictions.
    I would assume you could get access to the child view in the VOViewImpl file and set the bind variables there.
    Everything I find is based on the JSF - not the model layer - this should be fairly easy (and common). can anyone give me a hand on this?

    Hi all,
    I have a master-detail views setup on the following two queries.
    In the first query below - I use two bind variables to collect the start and end date.
    you have to add (and :startDate = :startDate and :endDate = :endDate) or you will get errors - bind not defined in sql
    I then use the viewQueryCriteria to collect the data on a search panel - so far so good. (Make the bind variables required) along with the other criteria.
    The bind variables are displayed in the search panel and the data is entered correctly.
    The query executes and all is happy.
    SELECT DepositAccounts.COA_ID,
    ... ChartOfAccounts.ACCOUNT_CODE || ' ' || ChartOfAccounts.ACCOUNT_TITLE as description
    WHERE DepositAccounts.ID = DepositAccountDetails.DEP_ACC_ID
    and ChartOfAccounts.id = DepositAccountDetails.COA_ID
    and :startDate = :startDate and :endDate = :endDate
    Now I add the summation of a value (AMOUNT) to the view object (java - create view impl) to the VOViewRowImpl
    and everything works - the value is shown in the transient attribute formatted and looking nice.
    SELECT PostingBatchAccounts.AMOUNT,
    where PostingBatchAccounts.PB_ID = PostingBatches.ID
    and PostingBatches.SOURCE_DATE between :startDate and :endDate
    Now I need to add the start date and end date to the child query - before the view executes (or the summation is calculated).
    The attributes are in the where clause (PostingBatches.SOURCE_DATE between :startDate and :endDate) in VIEWOBJECT2 which is the child.
    I need the child records and the summation to work with the date restrictions.
    I would assume you could get access to the child view in the VOViewImpl file and set the bind variables there.
    Everything I find is based on the JSF - not the model layer - this should be fairly easy (and common). can anyone give me a hand on this?

  • Csv no data found when using bind variables

    I have created a report, that uses 2 date variables to limit the query and rows display as they should. But clicking the csv link opens csv having one row stating 'No data found...'. If I set static values in place of variables, I get the right result. How could I use bind variables and get the right answer in csv (without coding my own function)?

    I am having the same problem.
    The export link opens a new session without submitting the current page. The page item values are therefor not saved to cache before the export is undertaken.
    Any report using page item bind variables in the where clause will not export correctly as the bind values are either null or those of the previous page submit.
    Any ideas on how to get round this??

  • Setting a bind variable in a Shared Component Report Query

    I have defined a Shared Component Report Query in APEX using a bind variable similar to below
    Select name, id , ....
    from asset
    where id = :id
    I have also created a Report Region that displays a table where one of the columns contains a value I would like to be a link column that can launch the Report Query and pass its value to the bind parameter :id in the report query. This in turn would generate a pdf report for the details associated with that column. I am having problems setting the :id bind parameter. How do I do this?
    Can anyone help?

    The bind values are set from session state. So if try something like this:
    Select name, id , ....
    from asset
    where id = :P1_ID
    With P1_ID being a page item, for which you set the session state / value before generating the PDF file. So assuming you already have a page with a report and a page item, and that page item is already used in your report, then you could just create a button to download the PDF, make sure the button is a submit button, and create a branch pointing to the report query URL (or in 3.1 use the create button wizard, to do this declaratively.)

Maybe you are looking for