Diff b/w concurrent workflow

Hi Guys, Can you please explain the below two properties with an example because I am littel bit confused Reg these concurrent workflow properties... Allow concurrent run only with unique instance name Allow concurrent run with the same instance name Here I know little bit about Allow concurrent run with the same instance name Here There will be only one workflow where we can configure multiple times to run different files using with parameter files.. Thanks in advance... Regards,Sudhir

We are supposed to read/parse from an xml with the below sample data structure-<ns5:benefitComponent desc="A" level="1" name="a">                  <ns5:childBenefits>                     <ns5:benefitComponent desc="B" level="2" name="b"> As shown above while parsing the xml , only two tags namely “desc” and “name” are  present under benefitComponent(an XML object – as shown above). But when connected to the target ,only one record is coming through with the value ->desc='A', name='a'  from Level =1 and not the other one (<ns5:benefitComponent desc="B" level="2" name="b">) from Level =2. This shouldn’t be the outcome ideally as the XSD properly defines the hierarchy .Bobj1 Contains à ChildBobjà Bobj1(again called from Child Bobj) How to get both the two records  from level 1 as well as level 2 in same target table.

Similar Messages

  • Error while creating concurrent workflow instances with dynamic participant

    Hi All,
    I have a workflow which has 3 interactive activites. The second interactive activity has requires approval of atleast 3 users to proceed. The participants are also not known in advance and are created dynamically by creating the directory session. The workflow is instantiated using an external trigger. The approval for interactive activities is also provided by an external trigger (API call).
    Now, there is a scenario where i have 1000 requests coming in to ALBPM and workflow instance should be created for each of them. But only one instance is created and for the rest i get the following exception. This also happens with just 2 requests. I also tried calling the API in a synchronized way but didnt help.
    Is anybody aware why is this error encountered anf how it can be resolved?
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set the directory Connector Service while connector service is started
    at fuego.connector.CompositeConnectorService.setDirectoryConnectorService(CompositeConnectorService.java:97)
    at fuego.connector.CompositeConnectorService.restartDirectoryConnectorService(CompositeConnectorService.java:52)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryConfigurationManager.loadDirectoryConfiguration(DirectoryConfigurationManager.java:265)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryConfigurationManager.getDirectoryConfiguration(DirectoryConfigurationManager.java:217)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryConfigurationManager.getDirectoryConfigType(DirectoryConfigurationManager.java:199)
    at fuego.directory.provider.Factory.getDirectoryFactory(Factory.java:214)
    at fuego.directory.Directory.fillPassport(Directory.java:122)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryPassport.fillPassport(DirectoryPassport.java:274)

    Hi Dan,
    Thanks for replying and giving attention. I have the following scenario :-
    1. I am getting a list of identifiers(some number) from a third party application along with the users/participants who are liable to approve the workflow instance.
    2. I create a workflow instance using this identifier through PAPI using process service session and also create the user/participant through PAPI by using the following code. Please note that i dont create participant in ALBPM instead i do it programatically in java using the PAPI :-
    DirectorySession directorysession = null;
    if (userVO != null && userVO.getUserId() != null && !userVO.getUserId().trim().equals(""))
    +     directorysession = this.createFDISession();+
    +     List<RoleAssignment> roleAssignmentList = new ArrayList<RoleAssignment>();+
    +     try {+
    DirOrganizationalRole[] dirOrganizationalRoleArray = DirOrganizationalRole.fetchAll(directorysession);
    for(int i=0; dirOrganizationalRoleArray!=null && i<dirOrganizationalRoleArray.length; i+) {+
    +DirOrganizationalRole role = dirOrganizationalRoleArray;+
    int permissions = -1;
    += 0 |+
    DirHumanParticipant.getPermissionValue("X") |
    DirHumanParticipant.getPermissionValue("R") |
    DirHumanParticipant.getPermissionValue("S") |
    DirHumanParticipant.getPermissionValue("A") |
    DirHumanParticipant.getPermissionValue("D") |
    DirHumanParticipant.getPermissionValue("E") |
    +String[] whichRoles = new String[]{+
    +DirHumanParticipant.RoleAssignment[] roleAssignments = new DirHumanParticipant.RoleAssignment[whichRoles.length];+
    for(int i=0; i<whichRoles.length; i+) {+
    +roleAssignments[i] = new DirHumanParticipant.RoleAssignment(whichRoles[i], permissions, DirOrganizationalRole.fetch(directorysession, whichRoles[i]).getIn());+
    +     String organizationUnit = configuration.getProperty("ORGANIZATION_UNIT");//fuegoFileProperties.getProperty(BVIDConstants.FUEGO_CONNECTIVITY_KEY_ORGANIZATION_UNIT);+
    +     String newUserPwd = configuration.getProperty("FUEGO_FDI_NEW_USER_PASSWORD");//fuegoFileProperties.getProperty(BVIDConstants.FUEGO_CONNECTIVITY_KEY_FDI_PWD);+
    +     DirOrganizationalUnit orgUnit = DirOrganizationalUnit.fetch(directorysession,organizationUnit);+
    +     DirHumanParticipant user = DirHumanParticipant.create(directorysession, userVO.getUserId(), userVO.getFirstName(), userVO.getLastName(),+
    +                              userVO.getFirstName(), userVO.getEmail(), userVO.getPhone(), "",+
    +                              newUserPwd, orgUnit,roleAssignments, true);+
    +     user.update();+
    +     }+
    +     finally+
    +     {+
    +               log.info("diconnecting the directory session created for creating participant");+
    +               directorysession.disconnect();+
    +     }+
    3. The workflow instance then waits at interactive activity to get the next trigger with the same identifier to move the workflow ahead.
    4. Now the case is that i can get 1000 such identifiers at a time in a file which i ll read for which i need to create 1000 workflow instances parallely. During this process i get the following exception : -
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set the directory Connector Service while connector service is started
    at fuego.connector.CompositeConnectorService.setDirectoryConnectorService(CompositeConnectorService.java:97)
    at fuego.connector.CompositeConnectorService.restartDirectoryConnectorService(CompositeConnectorService.java:52)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryConfigurationManager.loadDirectoryConfiguration(DirectoryConfigurationManager.java:265)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryConfigurationManager.getDirectoryConfiguration(DirectoryConfigurationManager.java:217)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryConfigurationManager.getDirectoryConfigType(DirectoryConfigurationManager.java:199)
    at fuego.directory.provider.Factory.getDirectoryFactory(Factory.java:214)
    at fuego.directory.Directory.fillPassport(Directory.java:122)
    at fuego.directory.DirectoryPassport.fillPassport(DirectoryPassport.java:274)
    Please let me know if you need any more information. awaiting your help

  • Diff between a concurrent mgr and a transaction mgr

    1)may i know what is tthe difference between a conn.mgr and a transaction.mgr?
    (i came to know that in tran.mgr, the request won't go to database) if the request is not going to database then how the request is going to be processed by transaction mgr? and in which cases we will go for transaction manager(give me some eg's)
    2)internal manager and internal concurrent mgr are they same?
    Thanks and Regards

    1) As you have said, requests for a transaction manager don't go through the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table as they do for a normal concurrent manager. My understanding is that requests are sent to the transaction manager through database pipes (ie the DBMS_PIPE package). Each transaction manager process listens on a pipe for work requests. Processing requiring a transaction manager pings the related pipes, to find one that is ready to process the action.
    We haven't written any custom transaction managers, but the standard ones seem to be used where you might want effectively real-time processing that isn't expected to take much time by the manager (ie PO/Requisition Approvals) without having to wait for the concurrent manager to poll for pending requests.
    2) As far as I know, the internal manager and internal concurrent manager are the same.

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    Hi Guys, Can you please explain the below two properties with an example because I am littel bit confused Reg these concurrent workflow properties... Allow concurrent run only with unique instance name Allow concurrent run with the same instance name Here I know little bit about Allow concurrent run with the same instance name Here There will be only one workflow where we can configure multiple times to run different files using with parameter files.. Thanks in advance... Regards,Sudhir

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    … and if you don't have a 2nd display, you can do your own 'arrangements' by grabbing&dragging the 'dividers' or grey bars btw each area, or using several keyboard-shortcuts as ctrl-cmd-1 etc:
    for diff. steps in my workflow, I have diff. screen-'settings' *
    for editing, my timeline and preview are larger, for tagging, the Event-browser is in list-mode, color-correction needs just 'bars' in the timeline but the scopes etc etc etc
    * unfortunately, FCPX in its actual incarnation does NOT support to save those screen-estate-arrangements!
    Don't be shy to tell Apple an Enhancement request:
    (OMG, what am I editing here!!? some birthday-presents are just … weird!! )

  • Getting Error While Attaching Concurrent Program Output PDF file for POAPPRV Workflow

    Hi All,
    I am getting the below error when I am trying to attach concurrent program output to the PO Approval Notification.
    An Error occurred in the following Workflow.
    Item Type = POAPPRV
    Item Key = 1040589-528378
    User Key =945871
    Error Name = WF_ERROR
    Error Message = [WF_ERROR] ERROR_MESSAGE=3835: Error '-20002 - ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event 'oracle.apps.wf.notification.send'. ERROR_STACK=
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrblob(3604701, ZZ_PREVIOUS_PO_COMPARE, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachment(3604701, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachments(3604701, http://oraerp.am.corp.xxxx.com:8099/pls/DEV, 11283)
    WF_XML.GenerateDoc(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701)
    WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701)
    WF_XML.Generate(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701)
    Wf_Event.setMessage(oracle.apps.wf.notification.send, 3604701, WF_XML.Generate)
    Error Stack =
    Activity ID = 190844
    Result Code = #MAIL
    Notification ID = 3604701
    There are several threads for this error however I cannot find any specific solution to the problem.
    Please find the code below -
                                      itemkey=> itemkey,
                                      documentid =>'PLSQLBLOB:zz_po_reqapproval_init1.xx_notif_attachments/' || to_char(l_request_id_prev_po)||':'||to_char(l_document_num));
    -- here l_request_id_q_and_s is the request id of the program and l_document_num is the PO document number
    PROCEDURE xx_notif_attachments(p_request_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_document_num  IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_document      IN OUT BLOB,
                                   p_document_type IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS
      v_lob_id          NUMBER;
      v_document_num    VARCHAR2(15);
      v_document_prefix VARCHAR2(100);
      v_file_name       VARCHAR2(500);
      v_file_on_os      BFILE;
      v_temp_lob        BLOB;
      v_dest_offset     NUMBER := 1;
      v_src_offset      NUMBER := 1;
      v_out_file_name   VARCHAR2(2000);
      v_conc_prog_name  VARCHAR2(500);
      v_conc_req_id     NUMBER;
      CURSOR get_output_file(p_concurrent_request_id NUMBER) IS
        SELECT cr.outfile_name, cp.concurrent_program_name
          FROM fnd_concurrent_requests cr, fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp
         WHERE request_id = p_concurrent_request_id
           AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id;
      --    set_debug_context('xx_notif_attach_procedure');
      v_conc_req_id  := to_number(substr(p_request_id,
                                         instr(p_request_id, ':') - 1));
      v_document_num := substr(p_request_id,
                               instr(p_request_id, ':') + 1,
                               length(p_request_id) - 2);
      OPEN get_output_file(v_conc_req_id);
      FETCH get_output_file
        INTO v_out_file_name, v_conc_prog_name;
      CLOSE get_output_file;
      v_out_file_name := substr(v_out_file_name,
                                instr(v_out_file_name, '/', -1) + 1);
      v_file_name     := to_char(v_document_num) || '-Previous_PO_Rev.pdf';
      utl_file.fcopy(src_location  => 'APPS_OUT_DIR',
                     src_filename  => v_out_file_name,
                     dest_location => 'PO_DATA_DIR',
                     dest_filename => v_file_name);
      --  v_lob_id := to_number(v_document_id);
      v_file_on_os := bfilename('PO_DATA_DIR', v_file_name);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_temp_lob, cache => FALSE);
      dbms_lob.fileopen(v_file_on_os, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
      dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile(dest_lob    => v_temp_lob,
                                src_bfile   => v_file_on_os,
                                amount      => dbms_lob.getlength(v_file_on_os),
                                dest_offset => v_dest_offset,
                                src_offset  => v_src_offset);
      p_document_type := 'application/pdf;name=' || v_file_name;
      dbms_lob.copy(p_document, v_temp_lob, dbms_lob.getlength(v_temp_lob));
    END xx_notif_attachments;
    Please help me find a to the above mentioned error.

    There are two ways to look at what error the PLSQLBLOB API is throwing.
    1) Call your PLSQLBLOB API GNE_PO_CREATE_FILE_ATTACHMENT.Gne_Create_File_Attachment directly from a PLSQL block and verify that it returns the BLOB data successfully.
    You could also call another WF API that in turn executes the PLSQLBLOB API internally. For example,
    l_document blob;
    l_doctype varchar2(240);
    l_aname varchar2(90);
    dbms_lob.CreateTemporary(l_document, true, dbms_lob.Session);
    -- 207046 - This is the notification id of your failed workflow
    -- PO_REPORT - Document type attribute
    -- 'text/html' - Content Type being generated for
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrBLOB(207046, 'PO_REPORT', 'text/html', l_document, l_doctype, l_aname);
    -- Print the size of the document here to verify it was fetched correctly
    2) Turn on log for SYSADMIN user with following attributes.
    Log Enabled = TRUE
    Log Level = ERROR
    Log Module = wf.plsql%
    Restart the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener and Workflow Notification Deferred Agent Listener and run your workflow process. Search for log messages written for above context and you can identify the error at wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment module with message starting as "Error when getting BLOB attachment ->"
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting error while uploading workflow defination using concurrent program

    I have created a custom workflow. I am trying the upload in the testing instance using the concurrent program Workflow Definitions Loader in update mode.
    I am getting the following error log:
    Application Object Library: Version : 11.5.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    FNDWFLOAD module: Workflow Definitions Loader
    Current system time is 20-JAN-2010 09:42:06
    - 1602: Could not save.
    - 1400: Could not save to database. MODE=UPLOAD EFFDATE=<null>
    - 1406: Workflow definition contains unsupported feature, cannot be uploaded to this database.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Output is not being printed because:
    The print option has been disabled for this report.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 20-JAN-2010 09:42:07
    Oracle Workflow Definition Loader
    Access level: 100, Mode: UPLOAD
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XXOWWIRC/EVENT_MESSAGE
    Unsupported type EVENT in activity XXOWWIRC/CANDIDATE_REGISTRATION
    Unsupported type EVENT in activity XXOWWIRC/CREATE_APPLICATION
    Unsupported type EVENT in activity XXOWWIRC/CREATE_IRC_ASG_STATUS
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute IRC_GET_XML_VALUE/EVENT
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute COMPAREEVENTPROPERTY/EVENT
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute GETEVENTPROPERTY/EVENT
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute SETEVENTPROPERTY/EVENT
    Unsupported type EXTJAVA in function WFSTD/XMLCOMPAREDATE
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XMLCOMPAREDATE/EVENT
    Unsupported type EXTJAVA in function WFSTD/XMLCOMPARENUMBER
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XMLCOMPARENUMBER/EVENT
    Unsupported type EXTJAVA in function WFSTD/XMLCOMPARETEXT
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XMLCOMPARETEXT/EVENT
    Unsupported type EXTJAVA in function WFSTD/XMLGETTAGVALUE
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XMLGETTAGVALUE/EVENT
    Unsupported type EXTJAVA in function WFSTD/XMLTRANSFORM
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XMLTRANSFORM/EVENT
    Unsupported type EVENT in attribute XMLTRANSFORM/NEWDOCUMENT
    Note : The same concurrent program is uploading this work flow without any error in the Development instance.
    Access level information is following:
    Acess Level : 100
    Check box Allow modification of customized object is not checked.
    For all the workflow entities access tab information is following:
    customization level : 100
    Access Level : 100
    Protection Level : 100
    Option Preserve customization is checked
    Option lock at this access level is checked.
    Please suggest
    Devender Yadav

    Well - it shouldn't, but that doesn't mean that it won't make any difference :)
    If only one method doesn't work (and I must admit that I never use the concurrent program if I can avoid it), then the problem lies with the concurrent program. If none of the methods work, then there is a different problem.
    If you can deploy to one environment but not to another then I would also look at the differences between environments - patches, init.ora settings, profile options etc. to see where the difference lies.
    WorkflowFAQ.com - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website http://www.workflowfaq.com
    Have you read the blog at http://www.workflowfaq.com/blog ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum: http://forum.workflowfaq.com

  • Summary : WF: PO - Emailing PO's from concurrent program using new workflow

    Hi Consultants,
    We have requirement to send PO - Emailing PO's from concurrent program using new workflow
    Request details>
    develop a way to email a PO as a PDF from the reports menu. Currently the PO can only be emailed from the PO approval screen.
    The business would like a way to email the PO anytime after the PO is approved. Reference IT Request ticket #87341.
    Ticket#87341: Details
    Details: If a purchase order has been sent to the supplier by email, and it needs to be resent for some reason (lost, recipient out on vacation, etc.)
    we have to print off a hard copy, then scan it and email it out.
    We cannot just send a new email copy directly. We would like to have the ability to re-send an email copy of the PO directly.
    Business Justification: If a purchase order has been sent to the supplier by email, and it needs to be re-sent for some reason (lost, recipient out on vacation, etc.) we have to print off a hard copy, then scan it and email it out. We cannot just send a new email copy directly.
    This takes extra time and is inefficient.
    Please advice me how can i achive this one

    Pl post details of OS, database and EBS versions.
    Pl see if MOS Doc 387949.1 (How Can a User Email a Purchase Order To an Email Address Without Modifying and Reapproving the PO?) can help

  • How to pass concurrent request_id dynamically into workflow Business event subscription.

    Hi All,
    I created a workflow to send notification to user with the details in the message body of the workflow.
    Attached the same workflow to the subscription created under the seeded Business event 'oracle.apps.fnd.concurrent.request.completed'.
    Enabled the Business event for the concurrent program 'XXTEST' for 'request completed.'
    Workflow flow is:  Event>FUNCTION>Notification>END.
    In my workflow there are 4 attributes, 1 attribute is input (request id) for the function(procedure) attached in the workflow, based on that 1 input attribute (request id) the rest of 3 attributes are derived.
    Presently I have given constant value for the Attribute (request id) under its properties. I need to pass it dynamically as soon as the conc request is submitted.
    As I said its working perfectly, i.e., user (EG_AFZAL) receives notification after conc request is completed.
    Kindly suggest how to pass request id in the workflow.

    Hi SamK,
    I applied as u suggested above in the procedure, but it is giving compilation errors.
    Below is my procedure which is attached to function in the workflow.
      V_USER_NAME VARCHAR2(240);
        --  V_REQUEST_ID := getvalueforparameter('REQUEST_ID') ;
    select pap.payroll_name, fu.user_name, paa.creation_date
    pay_payroll_actions paa,
    pay_all_payrolls_f pap,
    fnd_user fu
    and paa.payroll_id = pap.payroll_id
    and fu.user_id = paa.created_by;
      END IF;
    Kindly suggest.

  • How do full and incremental Informatica workflow differ?

    I've read that a custom Informatica workflow should have full and incremental versions. I've compared the incremental and full versions of several seeded OBIA workflows, but I cannot find how they differ. For example, when I look at the session objects for each workflow they both have a source filter that limits a date field by LAST_EXTRACT_DATE.
    Can someone shed some light on this?

    To answer your question, they differ in various ways for various mappings. For most FACT tables which hold high volume transactional data, there may be a SQL override in the FULL session that uses INITIALEXTRACT_DATE and a different override in the INCREMENTAL (does not have Full Suffix) that uses LASTEXTRACT_DATE. For dimension tables, its not always required that you have a different logic for FULL versus incremental.
    Also, all FULL sessions (even if they have the same SQL) will have a BULK option turned on in the Session properties that allow a faster load since the table is usually truncated on FULL versus Incremental. As a best practice, for FACTS, it is best to have a FULL versus INCREMENTAL session. For Dimensions, depending on the volume of transactions or the change capture date field available, you may or may not have different logic. If you do a FULL load, however, it is better to use BULK to speed up the load.
    if this is helpful, please mark as correct or helpful.

  • OAM alerts setup for Concurrent services down using workflow mailer

    We have ORacle Ebiz 12.0.6 with database.
    Can some one please provide details how to end notification email for Concurrent services down using OAM in R12 with workflow.
    I have done the setup in clone with workflow up and running... and have also setup the alerts for example say:
    Service manager ---Down,Up in OAM through sysadmin user but when i bring down the Service manager form
    Concurrent manager administer form ...No email notifications are fired.
    Please share knowledge on this issue...
    Help is appreciated

    Can some one please provide details how to end notification email for Concurrent services down using OAM in R12 with workflow.
    I have done the setup in clone with workflow up and running... and have also setup the alerts for example say:
    Service manager ---Down,Up in OAM through sysadmin user but when i bring down the Service manager form
    Concurrent manager administer form ...No email notifications are fired.Have you verified your Workflow setup before trying to troubleshoot the alert issue about the CM?
    How to Perform a Meaningful SMTP Telnet Test to Troubleshoot Java Mailer For Sending Email Notifications [ID 753845.1]
    Example Of Configuring Workflow Java Notification Mailer With Oracle Applications [ID 249957.1]
    Oracle Workflow Release 12 Diagnostics [ID 469822.1]
    Oracle Workflow ATG Support: R12 Java Mailer Setup Diagnostic Test [ID 748421.]

  • Workflow-Attaching pdf from Custom Concurrent Request to email notification

    I was wondering if anyone has done something similar before and maybe have any suggestions?
    I am trying to attach a .pdf file that is generated by a custom concurrent request report to an email notification.
    The .pdf is generated correctly and I can access the file but I’m having problems trying to attach it to the email notification
    I have tried to use Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText and Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrDocument but are unable to get it to attach the file.
    Does anyone know where I can find an example how to use either of the above API's? and a detailed explanation of them?
    Should the attachment always be in FND_LOBS to be picked up or can it be picked up from the file system?
    What should the Workflow - Notification - Performer Value be set to, that is referencing the message with the Document Attribute?
    I'm unable to find a detailed explanation of how this can be done in the Oracle Workflow Developers Guide Release 2.6.4.
    Any reference material or guidance as to where an example can be found will be greatly appreciated

    The PLSQL procedure that generates the PL/SQL BLOB documents must follow standard API formats and a sample is shown below.
    procedure GENERATE_PDF(document_id in varchar2,
    content_type in varchar2,
    document in out nocopy blob,
    document_type in out nocopy varchar2)
    l_docid pls_integer;
    l_filename varchar2(100);
    l_errmsg varchar2(100) := 'The Document is not found in the Database';
    l_bdoc blob;
    l_data_type varchar2(100);
    l_docid := to_number(document_id);
    dbms_lob.CreateTemporary(l_bdoc, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.Session);
    SELECT file_data
    into l_bdoc
    FROM fnd_lobs
    WHERE file_id= l_docid;
    dbms_lob.Copy(document, l_bdoc, dbms_lob.getLength(l_bdoc));
    when others then
    dbms_lob.WriteAppend(document, length(l_errmsg), l_errmsg);
    You can use FND_LOBS or any other table to get the content. The content must be stored into the corresponding table before using it.
    The following is the PLSQL script for generating BINARY data for a file
    l_bfile BFILE;
    l_temp_blob blob;
    l_docid number :='1000';
    l_ctype varchar2(300) :='application/pdf';
    l_filename varchar2(50) :='testfile.pdf';
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_temp_blob, true, dbms_lob.session);
    l_bfile := BFILENAME('OEX_INPATH',l_filename);
    dbms_lob.fileopen(l_bfile, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
    dbms_lob.loadfromfile(l_temp_blob, l_bfile, dbms_lob.getlength(l_bfile));
    INSERT INTO fnd_lobs(file_id, file_name, file_content_type,file_data,file_format)
    VALUES( l_docid,l_filename,l_ctype,l_temp_blob,'binary');
    OEX_INPATH - this is a database directory, you need to copy the pdf file which you want to convert to BINARY to the location which this directory points
    l_filename - name of the file which need to be converted to BINARY format


    Hi All,
    how to create workflow and submit it in concurrent request in workflow background process?
    Edited by: Alex Cross on Mar 12, 2013 12:50 AM

       Is this related to your other thread ? Run Request Workflow Background Process
    The Workflow Background Process only acts on workflows that are deferred, timed-out or stuck. Does your workflow meet these requirements ?Nope
    If you are simply wanting to launch a workflow (from a concurrent program) that completes asynchronously, pl see Re: How to start a workflow?Yes, we did this through trigger.
    Thanks much, now we know that Workflow Background Process only acts on workflows that are deferred, timed-out or stuck.

  • How OPP concurrent manager actual & target values differ?

    How come OPP concurrent manager actual (6) & target (3) values differ? What causes this to change? Where as work shifts>parameter values also did not change (oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=10).
    Any tip.

    Please see whether the following docs applies to you:
    - Number Of Output Post Processing (OPP) Processes Started Are Higher Than The Target [ID 1515086.1]
    - Output Post Processor Actual Process Is 3 And Target Process Is 4 [ID 1378575.1]
    And also see the following links as it is discussed before:
    differnce in actual and target process-concurrent
    Concurrent managers are not starting & Actual/Target count is not same
    concurrent manager actual and target different
    Hope this helps

  • Diff: Version on workflow builder and Maintain Active Plan version on SWU3

    Can any one help me to understand the Version on workflow builder and Maintain Active Plan version on SWU3
    Thanks in advance !
    Richard A

    Dear Richard Antony,
    The Versioning in the Workflow is very important its some what simmilar to the version on any SAP Objets like Tables, Program etc.
    Here Suppose any change comes in working workflow, then in stead of directly change them you can create a version of them and them modify it. So that you can reverst back to that version if required.
    Like wise there is lots of importance of versioning Workflow.
    The Active Plan version is also important to establish at SWU3. As all the Workflow is using Organization management which is very depended on the Active Plan version. so based on which Plan version you want to use you can Provide in SWU3 to tell Workflow system to use this.
    Hope this will give you a clear picture.

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