Difference between Front Facing and Rear Camera

Hi, I noticed that the pictures i take of myself (with the Front Facing Camera?) are completely different from the ones people take of me(Rear Camera). It's like i'm two different looking people, which made me think how do i really look.
I thought that maybe the Front Facing picutres is how i look to myself/Mirror and the Rear camera pictures is how people actually see me but then it didn't make sense to me because how is it possible that the person i see in the mirror is not what i actually look like to everyone.
hope you understood as english is not my first language.

It's not that, what i mean is that when someone take a picture of me with my phone then it will look very different from a photo i'll take of myself( flipping the camera to Mirror/Front Facing), now obviously there will differences as the angles are different, but in my case the person on the rear camera photos is completely different then the one in the mirror photos.

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    Hello Karen,
    If you are using Final Cut Express, then look for camcorders that are AVCHD camcorders.  Look especially for the AVCHD logo and specific mention of AVCHD in the specs.  Most of the major manufacturers produce good quality camdcorders - Canon, Sony, etc.
    Also, be aware that there are a lot of "not quite AVCHD" camcorders on the market (sometimes they say they record video as MPEG4-H.264/AVC) - buyer beware!
    Most everything you are going to find on the market today is HD, which stands for "high-def".
    Regarding your question about the Panasonic camcorder, it's best if you post that as a separate question, and please identify the specific model camcorder and the Easy Setup you are using in FCE.

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    For one, their form factors are slightly different as the iPhone has a bit more squarish body whereas the iPod Touch has a tapered back to it. 
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    What is an Ipad 3 G?
    The main differences between iPad 4 and iPad 3 are:
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         a. 2X the compute power (like Geekbench score)
         b. 2X the graphics power (more frames per second, fill rate, etc)
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    3. Faster WIFI, plus 5 GHz N coverage
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    2. screen resolution
    3. same storage capacities

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    Bex Browser
    The Business Explorer Browser (BEx Browser) makes it possible for you to access all document types of the Business Information Warehouse that are assigned to your role or that you have stored in your favorites. You can select and open documents assigned to you in the BEx Browser or store and manage new documents in the BEx Browser.
    Document types that you can work with in the BEx Browser are:
    · BW workbooks
    · Documents that are stored in the Business Document Service (BDS)
    · Links (references to file system, shortcuts)
    · Links to internet sites (URLs)
    · SAP transaction calls.
    · Web applications and Web templates
    · Crystal Reports
    Bex Analyser
    The Business Explorer Analyzer (BEx Analyzer) is the analysis and reporting tool of the Business Explorer that is embedded in Microsoft Excel.
    You can call up the BEx Query Designer in the BEx Analyzer, in order to define queries. Subsequently, you can analyze the selected InfoProvider data by navigation to the query created in the Query Designer and create different query views of the data. You can add the different query views for a query or for different queries to a work book and save them there. You can save the workbook in your favorites or in your role on the BW Server. You can also save the workbook locally on your computer.
    Beyond that, you can precalculate the workbook and distribute it by e-mail to recipeients or you can export it to the Enterprise Portal and make it accessible to other employees in the company.
    You can start queries in a standard view (with a Standard Web Template set up in Customizing) in the Web browser and forward the URL or continue to navigate on the Web. Similarly, you can export the Web query to MS Excel 2000.
    Overview of the Functional Area of the BEx Analyzer:
    ·        BEx toolbar
    You access the functions of the BEx Analyzer from the BEx toolbar, which takes you to the BEx Open dialog box where you can open existing queries, or to the BEx Query Designer where you can create new queries or change existing queries.
    ·        Evaluating Query Data
    The BEx Analyzer offers convenient functions for evaluating and presenting InfoProvider data interactively. In the BEx Analyzer, you can add queries to workbooks, navigate within them and refresh the data. You can also process the queries further in Microsoft Excel or display them in the Web browser in a default view.
    Navigation of a query allows you, for example, to filter characteristics on a single value, drilldown on all values for a characteristic, regroup characteristics and key figures in the rows and columns of the results area, or hide key figures. Navigation results in different views of the InfoProvider data. In addition, a range of further functions is available which allow you to edit a query interactively (for example, sorting, cumulated output, among others). In addition, you can use the editing functions in Microsoft Excel in order to set up individual format templates, to print results areas, or to create graphics.
    ·        Queries in Workbooks
    Queries are inserted into workbooks so you can display them. When you insert a query, a link is made between the cell areas of the worksheet and the data of the InfoProvider upon which the query is based. A link therefore exists between the Business Explorer and the Business Information Warehouse Server (BW Server).
    When inserting a query into the workbook, a VBA routine is automatically generated in the workbook. You can also connect the Business Explorer with your own VBA programs (Visual Basic for Applications).
    You can create workbook templates, into which you can insert your queries. Workbook templates can contain pre-determined items for the area of the query, formatting settings, logos, VBA macros, and so on.
    ·        Precalculating workbooks
    You can precalculate and distribute workbooks with the BEx Broadcaster, which is a Web application you get to form the BEx toolbar. The system generates MS Excel workbooks with historical data. You determine the time for precalculation yourself: You can have workbooks precalculated at a predefined time or they can be precalculated whenever data in the underlying InfoProvider changes. You can have the precalculated workbooks sent by e-mail or you can export them into the Enterprise Portal, where you can make them available to employees within your company.
    To start the BEx Analyzer, choose Start ® Programs ® SAP Front-end Business Information Warehouse ® SAP Business Explorer Analyzer.
    You can also access the BEx Analyzer via SAP Easy Access ® SAP Business Information Warehouse ® SAP Menu ® Business Explorer ® Analyzer or in the Business Explorer Browser using the Business Explorer Analyzer symbol in the menu bar.
    Hope this will solve your issu

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    2. Is Composite index of 3 columns x,y,z better
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    1. Unique index is part of unique constraint. Of course you can create standalone unique index. But is is no point to skip the logical view of business if you spend same effort to achive.
    You create unique const. Oracle create the unique index for you. You may specify index characteristic in unique constraint.
    2. Depends. You can't utilize the composite index if the searching condition is not whole or front part of the indexing key. You can't utilize your index if you query the table for y=2. That is.
    3. As old words in database arena, Index may be good or bad for a table depending on the size of table, number of columns in the table... etc. It is very environmental dependent. In fact, It is part of database nomalization. Statistic is a way oracle use to determine the execution plan.

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    What's the difference between gnome, kde and xfce? Today I heard someone said gnome and kde have more software than xfce. Is that real?
    Thank you.
    Last edited by thesimpsons (2009-04-02 01:50:28)

    Its really a matter of taste, really. KDE is know to be configurable like hell, GNOME very easy to use, and XFCE lightweitgh.
    Keep in mind that whatever desktop environment (DE) you choose, you can use any application in any DE. For example, firefox, a "GTK" application, works without problem under KDE. Or Kile, a latex front-end for KDE, works perfect under Gnome.
    Personnally I prefer KDE. But I mostly prefer KDE applications like the editors (Kate/Kwrite) and file manager (dolphin).
    KDE is slower to start on my EeePC (really small machine) but because it is full featured, I can cut on number of packages installed, so in the end, with the same functionality, I have more room on my disk then using XFCE!
    Just try them, and choose the one you like

  • Visual Difference between acrobat 7 and 8

    Hi All,
    Facing visual difference between acrobat 7 and 8. Working on MAC.
    1. Create pdf using compatability "Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6). There is no visual differences,  while open the pdf in Acrobat 8 and above (as like as Indesign)
    2. But there is a visual differences in open the pdf in Acrobat 7 and below (Loss transperency)
    [Note: But if I create the pdf using "Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3)" there is no visual differences in any acrobat version.]
    Please anyone give solution or advice.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Doc,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Could you tell  where can I check the visual settings of installations.

  • Difference between Field symbols and field group

    Hi experts,
    Can you please advice me what is the difference between field symbols and field groups.
    Thanks in advance,

    Field symbols: are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol cam point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
    Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
    Field Groups:
    A field group is a user-defined grouping of characteristics and basic key figures from the EC-EIS or EC-BP field catalog.
    The field catalog contains the fields that are used in the aspects. As the number of fields grows, the field catalog becomes very large and unclear. To simplify maintenance of the aspects, you can group fields in a field group. You can group the fields as you wish, for example, by subject area or responsibility area. A field may be included in several field groups.
    When maintaining the data structure of an aspect, you can select the field group that contains the relevant characteristics and basic key figures. This way you limit the number of fields offered.
    A field group combines several existing fields together under one name
    then you can use one insert statement to insert values in fields of field-group.
    INSERT f1 f2 ... INTO fg.
    Field symbols
    If u have experience with 'C', then understand this to be similar to a pointer.
    It is used to reference another variable dynamically. So this field symbol will simply point to some other variable. and this pointer can be changed at runtime.
    WRITE <FS>.
    Field symbols: are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol cam point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
    Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
    Field Groups:
    A field group is a user-defined grouping of characteristics and basic key figures from the EC-EIS or EC-BP field catalog.
    The field catalog contains the fields that are used in the aspects. As the number of fields grows, the field catalog becomes very large and unclear. To simplify maintenance of the aspects, you can group fields in a field group. You can group the fields as you wish, for example, by subject area or responsibility area. A field may be included in several field groups.
    When maintaining the data structure of an aspect, you can select the field group that contains the relevant characteristics and basic key figures. This way you limit the number of fields offered.
    example :
    line(1000), " or type string
    field-symbols <FS1>.
    split tb_sip AT ';' INTO table sptab.
    IDX = IDX + 1.
    If sy-subrc = 0.
    <FS1> = SPTAB-line.
    append tb_detsip.
    clear idx.
    Field Groups / Extracts
    Field Symbols
    Reward points if useful.

  • Difference between Field symbols and Field groups

    <b>Hi Friends,
    can you tell me the differences between Field symbols and Field groups? with any examples preferably?

    Hi Dinesh,
    A field group combines several existing fields together under one name
    then you can use one insert statement to insert values in fields of field-group.
    INSERT f1 f2 ... INTO fg.
    <b>Field symbols</b>
    If u have experience with 'C', then understand this to be similar to a pointer.
    It is used to reference another variable dynamically. So this field symbol will simply point to some other variable. and this pointer can be changed at runtime.
    WRITE <FS>.
    Field symbols: are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol cam point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
    Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
    Field Groups:
    A field group is a user-defined grouping of characteristics and basic key figures from the EC-EIS or EC-BP field catalog.
    The field catalog contains the fields that are used in the aspects. As the number of fields grows, the field catalog becomes very large and unclear. To simplify maintenance of the aspects, you can group fields in a field group. You can group the fields as you wish, for example, by subject area or responsibility area. A field may be included in several field groups.
    When maintaining the data structure of an aspect, you can select the field group that contains the relevant characteristics and basic key figures. This way you limit the number of fields offered.
    Field Groups / Extracts
    Field Symbols
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Hi Friends ....Difference between SAP memory and ABAP memory

    Hi Friends,
    I faced a interview and they ask this question
    What is the difference between SAP Memory and ABAP memory..

    SAP Memory
    SAP memory is a memory area to which all main sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session, or to pass data from one session to another. Application programs that use SAP memory must do so using SPA/GPA parameters (also known as SET/GET parameters). These parameters can be set either for a particular user or for a particular program using the SET PARAMETER statement.
    Other ABAP programs can then retrieve the set parameters using the GET PARAMETER statement. The most frequent use of SPA/GPA parameters is to fill input fields on screens.
    ABAP Memory
    ABAP memory is a memory area that all ABAP programs within the same internal session can access using the EXPORT and IMPORT statements. Data within this area remains intact during a whole sequence of program calls. To pass data to a program which you are calling, the data needs to be placed in ABAP memory before the call is made. The internal session of the called program then replaces that of the calling program. The program called can then read from the ABAP memory. If control is then returned to the program which made the initial call, the same process operates in reverse.
    A simple example of ABAP memory is using the EXPORT/IMPORT statements.
    Here in this program, I get the data, export it to memory,
    clear out the internal table in my progam, then reimport the data into it and write out the data.
    You probably wounldn't do this in a normal program,
    but this is how you can pass data from program a to program b when A Submits program B.
    report zxy_0002 .
    data: it001 type table of t001 with header line.
    select * into table it001 from t001.
    export it001 = it001 to memory id 'ZXY_TEST'.
    clear it001. refresh it001.
    import it001 = it001 from memory id 'ZXY_TEST'.
    loop at it001.
    write:/ it001-bukrs, it001-butxt.
    SAP Memory
    SAP memory is a memory area to which all main sessions within a SAPgui have access.
    You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session,
    or to pass data from one session to another.
    Application programs that use SAP memory must do so using SPA/GPA parameters (also known as SET/GET parameters).
    These parameters can be set either for a particular user
    or for a particular program using the SET PARAMETER statement.
    Other ABAP programs can then retrieve the set parameters using the GET PARAMETER statement.
    The most frequent use of SPA/GPA parameters is to fill input fields on screens
    ABAP/4 Memory
    ABAP memory is a memory area that all ABAP programs within the same internal session can access
    using the EXPORT and IMPORT statements.
    Data within this area remains intact during a whole sequence of program calls. To pass data
    to a program which you are calling,
    the data needs to be placed in ABAP memory before the call is made.
    The internal session of the called program then replaces that of the calling program.
    The program called can then read from the ABAP memory.
    If control is then returned to the program which made the initial call, the same process operates in reverse.
    SAP memory
    The SAP memory, otherwise known as the global memory,
    is available to a user during the entire duration of a terminal session.
    Its contents are retained across transaction boundaries as well as external and internal sessions.
    The SET PARAMETER and GET PARAMETER statements allow you to write to, or read from, the SAP memory.
    ABAP/4 memory
    The contents of the ABAP/4 memory are retained only during the lifetime of an external session
    (see also Organization of Modularization Units).
    You can retain or pass data across internal sessions.
    The EXPORT TO MEMORY and IMPORT FROM MEMORY statements allow you to write data to, or read data from, the ABAP memory.
    ABAP Memmory & SAP Memmory
    Other Imp Help

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