Difficulty understanding Windows service credentials

Hi all. I have created a windows service that uses FileSystemWatcher to keep track of metadata on files in a folder on a remote server. In testing, reading local files, the code works perfectly.
When I try to use the service using any ProcessInstaller account except a User account the service installs, but when I try to start it I get "The directory name \\blah\blah\blah is invalid". (UNC or any other path, same result.)
When I specify a user account, including an administrator account on the service host machine that has read-write access to the remote folder, I get
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the
account name specified
So what do I need to specify to get this service to start?

"LocalSystem/LocalSystem, User/LocalSystem, LocalSystem/User, etc. "
None of these accounts have network access and therefore can be used to access remote resources.  Traditionally you would run the service under the NetworkService account to allow it network access but since you're trying to use a UNC path
to access a remote server you would need to give the machine that is hosting the service access to the file path on the remote server.  Since this is generally not done you should probably run the service using a network account that you have created
that has permissions to access the remote UNC path.
To configure your installer to prompt for the user credentials at installation time you should set the process installer's Account property to ServiceAccount.User.  Alternatively if the service is already installed then open it in the Services.msc app
and change the account under the Log On tab.
Mapped drives will not work as they are per-user so you'll have to use a UNC path.  You'll also need to ensure that you have sufficient privileges as required by FSW. Finally note that FSW has problems when connectivity is lost in my experience (such
as the remote machine rebooting).  Therefore since you are doing this in a service you might want to check that scenario explicitly and code for it (perhaps by resetting the FSW on certain errors).  It might be better in the newer frameworks but
I had problem back in the v2 days with it.
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor

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       I would like to launch SQL Server Management Studio from C# Process Class thru windows service account. When I start the process, I got the in Win32Exception ( “Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password”). I verified the User credentials
    as well. Please let me if you have any idea on this issue.
    void cmdSqlServer2012_Click(object sender,
    EventArgs e)
    Process objProcess =
    ProcessStartInfo objProcessStart =
    string strSqlServer =
    @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe";
    //string strSqlServer = "ssms.exe";
    string strUserID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserID"];
    string strUserPwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"];
                    objProcess =
    new Process();
                    objProcess.StartInfo.LoadUserProfile =
                    objProcess.StartInfo.FileName = strSqlServer;
                    objProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute =
                    objProcess.StartInfo.UserName =
                    objProcess.StartInfo.Domain =
                    objProcess.StartInfo.Password = ConvertToSecureString(strUserPwd);
    catch (Win32Exception w32E)
    // The process didn't start.
    catch (Exception ex)
                    objProcess =
    public static
    SecureString ConvertToSecureString(string password)
    if (password == null)
    throw new
    SecureString secureString =
    new SecureString();
    foreach (char ch
    in password)
    return secureString;

    Firstly please try do the following steps
    Service____rightclik___Propertise___Logon___allow service  to interact with desktop.
    Secondly, from your code,  I would suggest you used
    to  sets the set of command-line arguments to use when starting the application.
    objProcess.StartInfo.Password = ConvertToSecureString(strUserPwd);
    I doubt this issue maybe you have converted to secure string.
    By the way, here is how to use SSMS command line.
    sqlwb.exe [-S server_name[\instance_name]] [-d database] [-U user] [-P password] [-E] [file_name[, file_name]] [/?]
    [-S The name of the SQL Server instance to which to connect]
    [-d The name of the SQL Server database to which to connect]
    [-E] Use Windows Authentication to login to SQL Server
    [-U The name of the SQL Server login with which to connect]
    [-P The password associated with the login]
    [file_name[, file_name]] names of files to load
    [-nosplash] Supress splash screen
    [/?] Displays this usage information
    Please also refer to Bruce Prang's Blog
    to learn more.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Call a program via windows service

    Hi! I have write a windows service,and it works. I want to call a .exe file,and my .exe file is signature. The program can not work when I call it through my service. How can I solve my problem? Thanks!

    Hi Hassan,
    Thank you for sharing the code with us! 
    As I understand it, your code handles the situation of an user that is already logged on to an interactive window station (those of you, who need to create a UI-process of a user not yet logged on, could use
    CreateProcessWithLogon, or
    LogonUser to get the token). Because calling CreateProcessAsUser() requires advanced privileges (such as "Replace a process token level", or "Act as part of the operating system", privileges usually not held by a user unless specified so by the security
    policy), the code also implies a service running in the local system account (or equivalent).
    To make it easier to read, I'll post here the C#-version of your code:
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace WindowsServiceLaunchingExe
    class NativeMethods
    public struct PROCESS_INFORMATION {
    public IntPtr hProcess;
    public IntPtr hThread;
    public System.UInt32 dwProcessId;
    public System.UInt32 dwThreadId;
    public struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
    public System.UInt32 nLength;
    public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;
    public bool bInheritHandle;
    public struct STARTUPINFO {
    public System.UInt32 cb;
    public string lpReserved;
    public string lpDesktop;
    public string lpTitle;
    public System.UInt32 dwX;
    public System.UInt32 dwY;
    public System.UInt32 dwXSize;
    public System.UInt32 dwYSize;
    public System.UInt32 dwXCountChars;
    public System.UInt32 dwYCountChars;
    public System.UInt32 dwFillAttribute;
    public System.UInt32 dwFlags;
    public short wShowWindow;
    public short cbReserved2;
    public IntPtr lpReserved2;
    public IntPtr hStdInput;
    public IntPtr hStdOutput;
    public IntPtr hStdError;
    public struct PROFILEINFO {
    public int dwSize;
    public int dwFlags;
    public string lpUserName;
    public string lpProfilePath;
    public string lpDefaultPath;
    public string lpServerName;
    public string lpPolicyPath;
    public IntPtr hProfile;
    SecurityAnonymous = 0,
    SecurityIdentification = 1,
    SecurityImpersonation = 2,
    SecurityDelegation = 3
    internal enum TOKEN_TYPE {
    TokenPrimary = 1,
    TokenImpersonation = 2
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken, string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, ref PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool DuplicateTokenEx(IntPtr hExistingToken, uint dwDesiredAccess, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, TOKEN_TYPE TokenType, ref IntPtr phNewToken);
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool OpenProcessToken(IntPtr ProcessHandle, int DesiredAccess, ref IntPtr TokenHandle);
    [DllImport("userenv.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool CreateEnvironmentBlock(ref IntPtr lpEnvironment, IntPtr hToken, bool bInherit);
    [DllImport("userenv.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool DestroyEnvironmentBlock(IntPtr lpEnvironment);
    private const short SW_SHOW = 1;
    private const short SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 7;
    private const int TOKEN_QUERY = 8;
    private const int TOKEN_DUPLICATE = 2;
    private const int TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY = 1;
    private const int GENERIC_ALL_ACCESS = 268435456;
    private const int STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1;
    private const int STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK = 64;
    private const int CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400;
    private const string gs_EXPLORER = "explorer";
    public static void LaunchProcess(string Ps_CmdLine)
    IntPtr li_Token = default(IntPtr);
    IntPtr li_EnvBlock = default(IntPtr);
    Process[] lObj_Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(gs_EXPLORER);
    // Get explorer.exe id
    // If process not found
    if (lObj_Processes.Length == 0)
    // Exit routine
    // Get primary token for the user currently logged in
    li_Token = GetPrimaryToken(lObj_Processes[0].Id);
    // If token is nothing
    if (li_Token.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
    // Exit routine
    // Get environment block
    li_EnvBlock = GetEnvironmentBlock(li_Token);
    // Launch the process using the environment block and primary token
    LaunchProcessAsUser(Ps_CmdLine, li_Token, li_EnvBlock);
    // If no valid enviroment block found
    if (li_EnvBlock.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
    // Exit routine
    // Destroy environment block. Free environment variables created by the
    // CreateEnvironmentBlock function.
    private static IntPtr GetPrimaryToken(int Pi_ProcessId) {
    IntPtr li_Token = IntPtr.Zero;
    IntPtr li_PrimaryToken = IntPtr.Zero;
    bool lb_ReturnValue = false;
    Process lObj_Process = Process.GetProcessById(Pi_ProcessId);
    SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lObj_SecurityAttributes = default(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
    // Get process by id
    // Open a handle to the access token associated with a process. The access token
    // is a runtime object that represents a user account.
    lb_ReturnValue = OpenProcessToken(lObj_Process.Handle, TOKEN_DUPLICATE, ref li_Token);
    // If successfull in opening handle to token associated with process
    if (lb_ReturnValue) {
    // Create security attributes to pass to the DuplicateTokenEx function
    lObj_SecurityAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lObj_SecurityAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_SecurityAttributes));
    // Create a new access token that duplicates an existing token. This function
    // can create either a primary token or an impersonation token.
    lb_ReturnValue = DuplicateTokenEx(li_Token, Convert.ToUInt32(TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY), ref lObj_SecurityAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityIdentification, TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary, ref li_PrimaryToken);
    // If un-successful in duplication of the token
    if (!lb_ReturnValue) {
    // Throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("DuplicateTokenEx Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    else {
    // If un-successful in opening handle for token then throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("OpenProcessToken Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    // Return primary token
    return li_PrimaryToken;
    private static IntPtr GetEnvironmentBlock(IntPtr Pi_Token) {
    IntPtr li_EnvBlock = IntPtr.Zero;
    bool lb_ReturnValue = CreateEnvironmentBlock(ref li_EnvBlock, Pi_Token, false);
    // Retrieve the environment variables for the specified user.
    // This block can then be passed to the CreateProcessAsUser function.
    // If not successful in creation of environment block then
    if (!lb_ReturnValue) {
    // Throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("CreateEnvironmentBlock Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    // Return the retrieved environment block
    return li_EnvBlock;
    private static void LaunchProcessAsUser(string Ps_CmdLine, IntPtr Pi_Token, IntPtr Pi_EnvBlock) {
    bool lb_Result = false;
    PROCESS_INFORMATION lObj_ProcessInformation = default(PROCESS_INFORMATION);
    SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lObj_ProcessAttributes = default(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
    STARTUPINFO lObj_StartupInfo = default(STARTUPINFO);
    // Information about the newly created process and its primary thread.
    lObj_ProcessInformation = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
    // Create security attributes to pass to the CreateProcessAsUser function
    lObj_ProcessAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lObj_ProcessAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_ProcessAttributes));
    lObj_ThreadAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    lObj_ThreadAttributes.nLength = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_ThreadAttributes));
    // To specify the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the
    // main window for the new process.
    lObj_StartupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();
    lObj_StartupInfo.cb = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(lObj_StartupInfo));
    lObj_StartupInfo.lpDesktop = null;
    lObj_StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW;
    // Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the
    // security context of the user represented by the specified token.
    lb_Result = CreateProcessAsUser(Pi_Token, null, Ps_CmdLine, ref lObj_ProcessAttributes, ref lObj_ThreadAttributes, true, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, Pi_EnvBlock, null, ref lObj_StartupInfo, ref lObj_ProcessInformation);
    // If create process return false then
    if (!lb_Result) {
    // Throw exception
    throw new Exception(string.Format("CreateProcessAsUser Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
    To use the code, create a new windows service project, and add code like the following one:
    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.ServiceProcess;
    using System.Timers;
    namespace WindowsServiceLaunchingExe
    public partial class ExeLauncherSvc : ServiceBase
    public ExeLauncherSvc() {
    Timer timer;
    protected override void OnStart(string[] args) {
    timer = new Timer(5000);
    timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
    try {
    EventLog.WriteEntry("WindowsServiceLaunchingExe", "Launching process...");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    EventLog.WriteEntry("WindowsServiceLaunchingExe", ex.Message);
    protected override void OnStop() {
    Because NativeMethods.LaunchProcess() throws exceptions on errors, be sure to enclose calling code in a try/catch-block.
    I also would recommend reading this:
    Stephen Martin - The Perils and Pitfalls of Launching a Process Under New Credentials
    Stephen Martin - Launch Process From Service (code download)

  • Error 193: 0xc1 when starting windows service

    I see there is another related question, however I do not understand what 'dependent services' are and cannot check these.
    I am trying to start MySql service and I receive the error 
    Windows could not start the MySql56 service on the local computer.
    Error 193:0xc1
    I should also note that when I start windows, I receive this message:
    There is a file or folder called "c:\Program" which could cause certain applications to not function correctly. Renaming it to "c:\Program1" would solve this problem
    I don't know if these issues are related.
    Thank you.

    Hello Susie,
    Thank you for your reply. 
    Yes, MySql is running as a windows service. C: has been scanned and threats removed.
    This difficulty occurred after trying to reset a forgotten root password after installing MySql for
    the first time.
    I will continue to try other methods of removing the error, but if you or others have other suggestions
    I would appreciate it.
    I thought that a system restore/reinstall might work, but it did not.
    Thank you again,

  • Windows Service does not start automatically

    I have a .NET 4.5 C# windows service, StartType set to automatic. It is running fine in server.
    Few days ago, my server has windows update, including security update for .NET framework 4.5.1. Server auto restarted. 
    However, my service is not started.
    By referring to eventlog, it shown as below sequence
    1. Explorer initiated restart - Shutdown type - restart
    2. Sql Server Service is stopped successully
    3. My Service is stopped successully
    -- Server restarted
    4. Sql Server Service is in running state
    5. My Service is stopped successully
    Question is, why my service is stopped instead of running/started? I checked event log and my app log, no error at all.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you

    I was thinking to set "SQL Server", but I am not sure what is the service name for the SQL service name.
    Anyway to specify like "SQL Server *" ?
    thank you
    The default instance service name is MSSQLSERVER, and MSSQL$[name] for a named instance. If you're not sure what the instance is, you could check the services.msc or the registry value in this registry hive:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\InstalledInstances
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • Shared services as a windows service

    Has anyone had a problem getting shared services to work as a windows service in system 9. Everything works fine when i start shared services from the programs menu but nothigng works when i try to run shared services as a windows service. I try to go to the user management console and it will sit there for a few minutes and then display a page cannot be found message. I have changed the default JVM memory settings as specified in the documentation. The provider service seems to be working as i dont have to change anything to get shared services to work from the programs menu. What am I missing?

    I think i have it working correctly now. I changed the service to run under the credentials of the user i granted access to the database rather than the local system and it seems to have started however i have not rebooted the server yet to find out if everything will work.

  • Error while trying to load Crystal report via Windows service

    I am trying to generate PDF file using crystal reports. I have developed a console application which works absolutely fine, however when I converted the code to work as windows service (wcf hosted in Windows service), this below error I see from stack trace:
    Load report failed.
    at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.EnsureDocumentIsOpened()
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename, OpenReportMethod openMethod, Int16 parentJob)
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename)
    at AtDataWindowsService.GetData.generatePDF(DataTable dt)
    The code used is:
    CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType exportFormat;
    ReportDocument reportObj = new ReportDocument();
    exportFormat = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
    //Load the Crystal Report
    What might be going wrong here?

    Thank you for your post.
    Based on your description, I am afraid that the issue is out of support of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    I suggest that you can consult your issue directly on SAP Crystal Reports:
      for better solution and support.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • DbgHelp fails in a Windows service

    I am trying to download debugging symbols from a .NET Windows service. The service calls a helper dll that does the actual calls into dbghelp.dll. I've found that the call to SymGetTypeFromNameW fails but GetLastError returns 0.  If I run the exact
    same code but in a Windows form application it works exactly as it should.  This is not a versioning issue because I load dbghelp with LoadLibrary with the exact path of the version I want to use and have verified through the debugger that it has actually
    loaded the correct version. 
    Here is the snippet of code that fails with a service but works with a form app.
     sz = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFOW) + MAX_SYM_NAME + 1;
     siw = (PSYMBOL_INFOW)malloc(sz);
     ZeroMemory(siw, sz);
     siw->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFOW);
     siw->MaxNameLen   = MAX_SYM_NAME + 1;
     bRet = SymGetTypeFromNameW(proc, mb, sn, siw);
     if (!bRet) {
      gle = GetLastError();
      return gle;
    I have not yet stepped through the call to see where it fails but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if so knows a way to solve it.  Thanks.

    Hi DevOps26,
    Like this document:
    As my understanding, the DbgHelp would be related to the windows debugging, I help you move this case to the
    WinDbg forum for dedicated support. Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • Cluster and Windows Service

    I have three machines running weblogic 6.0 in a cluster. One of the machine is an administration server. I wish to set Weblogic as a Windows service on each machine. The problem is managed servers can't start up until the administration server is fully started. Does this mean I have to start the administration server first and wait until it is fully started before I start the managed servers?

    I am not quiet understanding your question, could you clarify your question, as far as I know, an answer file is an XML-based file that contains setting definitions and values
    to use during Windows Setup. In an answer file, you specify various setup options, including how to partition disks, the location of the Windows image to install, and the product key to apply. You can also specify values that apply to the Windows installation,
    such as names of user accounts, display settings, and Internet Explorer favorites. The answer file for Setup is typically called Unattend.xml.
    The related KB:
    Building an Answer File
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Windows service, error Maximum request length exceeded

    What is causing this error, from the windows service?
    There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded

    Hi Nick,
    Per my understanding you got this error "Maximum request length exceeded" about your reporting services, right?
    It seems the issue is caused by the request reach the max length.
    To solve the issue, please made the changes in web.config of both the Report Server and the Report Manager:
    <httpRuntime executionTimeout = "9000" maxRequestLength=" 2097151" />
    If the solution above does not help, please post the error logs of the Report Server. The error logs will help us more about troubleshooting and also provide us details information about what actions you are doing when causing this error.
    We can get the logs from:
    <Install Driver>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.<X>\Reporting Services\LogFiles
    Please feel free to ask, if you have any more questions.
    Vicky Liu

  • Question about oradim and windows services

    I have a db instance on my W-XP Pro machine that was created with this command:
    oradim -new -sid <my_sid> -startmode m -pfile <my_pfile>
    Since the creation I only used to need to start the windows service in order to work with the db.
    I decided to delete the instance.
    oradim -delete -sid <my_sid>
    Afterwards I recreated the instance:
    oradim -new -sid <my_sid> -startmode m -pfile <my_pfile>
    And now I have this strange situation:
    First I need to start the windows service (although it does not startup the db) and then starting the db with sqlplus.
    Would it be possible restoring to the initial situation?
    Thanks in advance.

    Did you tried changing the database startup as Auto
    oradim -edit -sid <my_sid> -startmode auto -SRVCSTART
    Although the above solution is working ok, I am also trying your solution but it seems there must be a syntax error:
    D:\>oradim -edit -sid <my_sid> -startmode auto -SRVCSTART system
    DIM-00036: Ha introducido una opci¾n no vßlida para el comando -DELETE
    D:\>oradim -edit -sid <my_sid> -startmode a -SRVCSTART system
    DIM-00003: Falta un argumento para el parßmetro
    (I am sorry but I do not understand all the oradim options).

  • Identity Management for UNIX (aka Windows Services for Unix) Adding 2012 DC to a prep'd 2003 domain.

    We have been successfully using Windows Services for Unix on a 2003 domain for passwd and group maps.
    I prep'd the domain to allow a 2012 R2 server to be added and then added the IdMU role/feature on this new 2012R2 DC. Now the passwd map is still OK but the group map now shows full usernames rather than short names.
    i.e. what DID show with "ypcat group" as ...
    "infra-shared::65550:gfer,jhug,shig", now shows as
    "infra-shared::65550:Garry Ferguson,Jason Hughes,Steve Higgins"
    and so is not usable. I have had to revert to local /etc/group files on all our unix machines!!
    Help/comments would be really appreciated!
    Garry Ferguson

    Hi Gaz Ferg,
    SFU 3.5 is used to installed on windows 2003 and windows XP. SFU 3.5 cannot used on Windows 2012, that makes customer cannot user NFS and user name Mapping services on Windows
    2012.  From windows 2003 R2, NFS is a build-in component in OS, we need to add Roles/Features to use NFS.
    1. What is change in 2012R2
    IDMU component, which was used to authenticate Linux users has been removed. Now a Windows server cannot play role of NIS Master server. 
    Passwords cannot sync to the Unix Machines. Maps can not sync between Windows and Unix computers.
    2. What has not change in 2012R2
    Following methods to authenticate and map a Unix user to Window user are available:-
    Active Directory
    Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS)
    Username Mapping Protocol store (MS-UNMP
    Local passwd and group files
    Unmapped UNIX Username Access (UUUA) (applies to Server for NFS using AUTH_SYS only)
    You can find more information about this here –
    More information:
    Install Identity Management for UNIX Components
    I’m glad to be of help to you!
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Forms 11g as a Window Service

    Does anyone know how to set up WLS_FORMS as a window service ?
    I'm ok with admin server and node manager, but can't get it work with WLS_FORMS.
    If I create the service without ADMIN_URL, I get this message : "Booting as admin server, but servername, WLS_FORMS, does not match the admin server name, AdminServer"
    If I create the service with ADMIN_URL, the server starts in ADMIN mode, not in RUNNING mode...
    Is there an option to start in Running mode ???
    Any help would be appreciated !!

    Yes I did and that's how I succeeded with the AdminServer.
    At the present time I can't access the note on Metalink
    (Article cannot be displayed. Possible reasons are:
    The article is not classified as publicly accessible ("non-public") ...).
    I reported this to support, waiting for the answer...
    I hope the solution is in this note but I found this one on OTN : Link:Automatic startup of WLS_FORMS in Oracle Fusion Middleware
    I just can't understand why Oracle does not provide a simple running example to its customers...

  • Calling OCCI from a windows service

    Hello, I am trying to call OCCI from a windows service. And as soon as I put in the createEnvironment call the service will not load. I get an Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. Anyone else seen this problem? Any ideas?

    I'm using downloaded a couple of weeks ago.
    My english is not so good to completelly understand your last sentence.
    Nobody directed me in using OCCI in a service. I had to face the proble to let my I.R. engine write XML data into an XMLTYPE object in Oracle, I downloaded the OCCI library and samples and build some code for my test.
    Everityhing seems to work properly using Clob containers, while XMLType columns can be created but I can't read the value as the result of a select.
    Anyway, OCCI compiled with Visual C++ 2008 (VC9) with a couple of tricks with manifest to use oraocci10.lib (built for VC8) works for me even as a service.
    I have to say that this code is in a DLL that I dynamically load and use.
    Does it make sense for you?

  • Conver weblogic Admin server to a windows service

    I used the following scripts to conver weblogic Admin server to a windows service :
    set DOMAIN_NAME=Sayesaman
    set USERDOMAIN_HOME=C:\jdev11.1.1.6\user_projects\domains\Sayesaman
    set SERVER_NAME=Sayesaman
    set WL_HOME=C:\jdev11.1.1.6\wlserver_10.3
    set WLS_USER=weblogic
    set WLS_PW=weblogic110
    set PRODUCTION_MODE=false
    set MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m –Xmx512m
    call "C:\jdev11.1.1.6\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
    after running these scripts the windows service created successfully and running properly .
    but the state of all web application is failed and even I can't deploy any web application and I get the following error :
    Class Not Found : oracle.dms.wls.DMSServletFilterr
    Please help me to conver weblogic Admin server to a windows service correctly .
    Edited by: 950222 on Aug 1, 2012 2:46 AM

    Request you to share the entire stack of error.
    Meanwhile,I would recommend that you deleet the existing service created and re-create the service by following the below steps:-
    1. Create a text file
    Add the following lines
    Important to Note:
    a. If this step is not performed you will see the following generic error when the Admin Server is started in " background mode " via an MS Windows Service.
    BEA-090403 Authentication for user weblogic denied
    This error occurs because, by default, startup of Admin Server interactively prompts for the weblogic username and password. If the password is not supplied the error is thrown.
    b. As soon as you start the Admin Server the username and password values in this file will be encrypted. Be sure to stop / start the Admin Server as soon as possible to ensure the credentials are not exposed for longer than necessary.
    2. Create a command script called installAdmServer_Service.cmd which has lines like
    set DOMAIN_NAME=ClassicDomain
    set USERDOMAIN_HOME=C:\middleware\FMW11g\user_projects\domains\ClassicDomain
    set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
    set PRODUCTION_MODE=true
    call %USERDOMAIN_HOME%\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd
    call "C:\middleware\FMW11g\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\installSvc.cmd"
    3. For troubleshooting / debugging purposes it is helpful to redirect standard out and error to a text file. Although most information is captured in the AdminServer server log files, you will not see all standard out and error when the server is started via a MS Windows Service (unlike when you start an AdminServer from the command prompt using startWebLogic.cmd). To redirect standard out to a text file, backup and edit installSvc.cmd and change the line at the bottom of the file so it include the -log parameter e.g
    "%WL_HOME%\server\bin\beasvc" -install
    -javahome:"%JAVA_HOME%" -execdir:"%USERDOMAIN_HOME%"
    -extrapath:"%WL_HOME%\server\bin" -password:"%WLS_PW%"
    4. Now run "installAdmServer_Service.cmd". The Service should be installed, it will have a name like ""beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%" e.g
    beasvc ClassicDomain_AdminServer
    The Service "Startup Type" will be 'Automatic'. Just like any other MS Windows Service you can change the 'Startup Type' to 'Manual'.
    Start the Service. The Service will come back fairly quickly to say it is started. The actual time taken for AdminServer to start and reach a state of 'RUNNING' will be longer - perhaps two or three minutes. The state of the server can be monitored by reviewing the stdout txt file.
    An alternative to the boot.properties approach to specifying the Admin Server weblogic username / password is to add the following environment variables to your wrapper cmd script - installAdmServer_Service.cmd
    set WLS_USER=weblogic
    set WLS_PW=manager11g
    The beasvc utility encrypts the login credentials and stores them in the Windows registry.
    This is one of two possible methods for avoiding the username/password prompt when a server instance starts. The disadvantage to this method is that changing the username or password for the server instance requires you to delete the Windows service and set up a new one with the new username and password. Instead of this method, you can use a boot identity file. With a boot identity file, you can change the login credentials without needing to modify the Windows service.
    Create a MS Windows Service for a Managed Server e.g WLS_FORMS
    Important to Note:
    1. The ADMIN_URL value should reference the AdminServer hostname and listen port.
    2. The SERVER_NAME value is case sensitive. For example, if you are creating a MS Windows service for a different managed server such as 'wls_ods1' then the value needs to match the case of the server name otherwise the startup of the server via the MS Windows service will fail.
    3. Be careful that there are no trailing spaces after each line in the command file - trailing spaces will cause the managed server to fail at startup. For example a trailing space in the ADMIN_URL value will result in the error
    <Error> <EmbeddedLDAP> <BEA-171524> <Cannot determine the Listen address for the Admin server
    3. Now run "installAdmServer_Service.cmd". The Service should be installed, it will have a name like ""beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%" e.g
    beasvc ClassicDomain_AdmServer
    The Service "Startup Type" will be 'Automatic'. Just like any other MS Windows Service you can change the 'Startup Type' to 'Manual'.
    Start the Service. The Service will come back fairly quickly to say it is started. The actual time taken for the managed server to start and reach a state of 'RUNNING' will be longer - perhaps two or three minutes. The state of the server can be monitored by reviewing the stdout txt file.
    Hope this helps!

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