Direct kana input on U.S. keyboard

I'm a Japanese language student, and I've recently started typing Japanese using direct kana input (as opposed to romaji input).
However, the default U.S. keyboard on my MacBook doesn't seem to allow me to do this. Everything works mostly fine, but, for example, the ろ key is nowhere to be found. On my other machines (running Windows & Linux), I'm able to use direct kana input, even on a standard U.S. keyboard, so I'd like to do the same in OS X.
Anyone here has any experience with this problem?

You will have to find someone else with a JIS keyboard to verify that it is not something peculiar to your own setup.  Try setting up a new user account and see if the problem persists when you are logged into that.
I suspect it may be a bug.  To let Apple know, go to

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  • How to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application

    Re: how to enter text in text input box using virtual keyboard in flex application
    im using flash builder 4,
    i  designed virtual keyboard, i have to update the text in text input box  continously by using virtual keyboard.
    i used button events.i did  some mistake there.
    can some one help me out of tat.
    thanks  in advance.
    i have included my mxml program with this.
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application  xmlns:fx=""
                    xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955"  minHeight="600" creationComplete="initfunc()">
                import  mx.controls.Alert;
                private function initfunc():void
                public function handleEvent ( e :  MouseEvent ) : void
                    var a:String= ;
                   var b:String=null;
                        case "Button20":
                       case "Button21":
        <s:Panel  x="43" y="82" width="527" height="213">
          <mx:Button  x="71" y="86" id="b1" label="1" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="180" y="86"  id="b2" label="5" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="127" y="86"  id="b3"  label="3" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="99"  y="86"  id="b4" label="2" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="323" y="86"  id="b5" label="0" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="86"  id="b6"  label="9" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="265"  y="86"   id="b7" label="8" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="237" y="86"  id="b8" label="7" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="209" y="86"  id="b9"  label="6" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="42"  y="86"  id="b10" label="`" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="382" y="86" id="b11" label="=" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353" y="86"  id="b12"  label="-" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="410"  y="86"  id="b13" label="back" width="76" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="157" y="86"  id="b14" label="4" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="109" id="b15"  label="tab" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="105"  y="109"  id="b16" label="q" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="247" y="109"  id="b17" label="y" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="303" y="109"  id="b18"  label="i" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="361"  y="110"  id="b19" label="p" width="34" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="394" y="109"  id="b20" label="[" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="191" y="109"  id="b21"  label="r" width="34" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="424"  y="109"  id="b22" label="]" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="222" y="109"  id="b23" label="t" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="161" y="109"  id="b24"  label="e" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133"  y="109"  id="b25" label="w" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="332" y="109"  id="b26" label="o" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275" y="109"  id="b27"  label="u" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="220"  y="133"  id="b28" label="g" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="424" y="132"  id="b29" label="enter" width="62"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="132"  id="b30"  label="caps" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275"  y="133"  id="b31" label="j" width="42" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="314" y="132"  id="b32" label="k" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133" y="133"  id="b33"  label="s" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="161"  y="133"  id="b34" label="d" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="250" y="133"  id="b35" label="h" width="31"  height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="105" y="133"  id="b36"  label="a" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="191"  y="133"  id="b37" label="f" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="342" y="132"  id="b38" label="l" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="152" y="154"  id="b39"  label="x" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353"  y="154"  id="b40" label="." width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="325" y="154"  id="b41" label="," width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="154"  id="b42"  label="m" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="259"  y="154"  id="b43" label="n" width="37" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="236" y="154"  id="b44" label="b" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="211" y="154"  id="b45"  label="v" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="181"  y="154"  id="b46" label="c" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="122" y="154"  id="b47" label="z" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="154"  id="b48"  label="/" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="368"  y="132"  id="b49" label=";" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="396" y="132"  id="b50" label="'" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="154"  id="b51"  label="shift" width="82" height="24"/>
            <s:Button  x="407" y="154" id="b52" label="shift" width="79" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="455" y="109"  id="b53" label="\" width="31"  height="24"/>
        <s:TextInput  x="161" y="27" id="textbox" width="253"/>
    saran r

    how to code for these buttons "control,alt,delete,insert and spacebar".
    can u help me how to program?
    i have attached the mxml code with this,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName;
                private var inpText:String = 'inp1';
                private var shiftState:Boolean = false;
                private var capsState:Boolean = false;
                protected function keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+(event.currentTarget as Button).label;
                    if (shiftState == true) shift_clickHandler(null);
                protected function caps_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    capsState = !capsState;
                    if (capsState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function tab_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"    ";
                protected function shift_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    shiftState = !shiftState;
                    if (shiftState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function enter_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"\n";
                protected function backspace_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var tmpStr:String = this[inpText].text;
                    this[inpText].text = tmpStr.substr(0,tmpStr.length-1);
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                protected function focus_enterHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    inpText =;
            <s:State name="PRIMARY"/>
            <s:State name="SHIFTED"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:TextInput id="inp1" y="36" width="151" horizontalCenter="0" click="focus_enterHandler(event)" y.PRIMARY="239" horizontalCenter.PRIMARY="42" width.PRIMARY="199" height.PRIMARY="31"/>
        <s:Group id="keyboard" width="661" height="184" horizontalCenter="0" y="300" focusEnabled="false">
            <s:Button x="5" y="5" label="~" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="`"/>
            <s:Button x="49" y="5" label="!" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="1"/>
            <s:Button x="93" y="5" label="@" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="2"/>
            <s:Button x="137" y="5" label="#" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="3"/>
            <s:Button x="181" y="5" label="$" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="4"/>
            <s:Button x="225" y="5" label="%" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="5"/>
            <s:Button x="269" y="5" label="^" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="6"/>
            <s:Button x="313" y="5" label="&amp;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="7"/>
            <s:Button x="357" y="5" label="*" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="8"/>
            <s:Button x="401" y="5" label="(" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="9"/>
            <s:Button x="445" y="5" label=")" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="0"/>
            <s:Button x="489" y="5" label="_" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="-"/>
            <s:Button x="533" y="5" label="+" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="="/>
            <s:Button x="577" y="5" label="Backspace" height="43" width="80" fontSize="11" fontWeight="bold" click="backspace_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="48" label="Tab" height="43" width="67" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="tab_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="72" y="48" label="Q" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="q"/>
            <s:Button x="116" y="48" label="W" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="w"/>
            <s:Button x="160" y="48" label="E" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="e"/>
            <s:Button x="204" y="48" label="R" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="r"/>
            <s:Button x="248" y="48" label="T" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="t"/>
            <s:Button x="292" y="48" label="Y" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="y"/>
            <s:Button x="336" y="48" label="U" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="u"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="48" label="I" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="i"/>
            <s:Button x="424" y="48" label="O" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="o"/>
            <s:Button x="468" y="48" label="P" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="p"/>
            <s:Button x="512" y="48" label="{" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="["/>
            <s:Button x="556" y="48" label="}" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="]"/>
            <s:Button x="600" y="48" label="|" height="43" width="57" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="\"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="91" label="CapsLock" height="43" width="80" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="caps_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="85" y="91" label="A" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="a"/>
            <s:Button x="129" y="91" label="S" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="s"/>
            <s:Button x="173" y="91" label="D" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="d"/>
            <s:Button x="217" y="91" label="F" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="f"/>
            <s:Button x="261" y="91" label="G" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="g"/>
            <s:Button x="305" y="91" label="H" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="h"/>
            <s:Button x="349" y="91" label="J" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="j"/>
            <s:Button x="393" y="91" label="K" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="k"/>
            <s:Button x="437" y="91" label="L" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="l"/>
            <s:Button x="481" y="91" label=":" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=";"/>
            <s:Button x="525" y="91" label="&quot;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="'"/>
            <s:Button x="569" y="91" label="Enter" height="43" width="88" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="enter_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="111" y="134" label="Z" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="z"/>
            <s:Button x="155" y="134" label="X" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="x"/>
            <s:Button x="199" y="134" label="C" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="c"/>
            <s:Button x="243" y="134" label="V" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="v"/>
            <s:Button x="287" y="134" label="B" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="b"/>
            <s:Button x="331" y="134" label="N" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="n"/>
            <s:Button x="375" y="134" label="M" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="m"/>
            <s:Button x="419" y="134" label="&lt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=","/>
            <s:Button x="463" y="134" label="&gt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="."/>
            <s:Button x="507" y="134" label="?" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="/"/>
            <s:Button x="551" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
    thanks in advance,
    saran r

  • Premiere Pro 2.0 and Windows 7 - Direct Sound Input soundcard driver problem

    My XP machine crashed, I reinstalled Premiere Pro 2.0 with Windows 7, and I got the following error: 'The Currently installed soundcard driver does not support Direct Sound Input. Recording audio is not possible.' The soundcard drivers are updated. Any ideas? Here's what I have: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor  3.40 GHz 8 GB, 64 bit. Thank you for looking.

    Thanks! Though I upgraded to solve the problem, this is good to know.
    Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 04:45:42 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Premiere Pro 2.0 and Windows 7 - Direct Sound Input soundcard driver problem
    Re: Premiere Pro 2.0 and Windows 7 - Direct Sound Input soundcard driver problem created by Steve-Italy in Premiere Pro CS4 & Earlier - View the full discussion
    VERY VERY VERY EASY (now, when I solved the problem, not before...!!!)
    Insert Micropone or any jack in Micropone Input or Aux Input, on your sound card or motherboard !
    Steve - Italy
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  • My voice input option in the keyboard has disappeared ..i am using iphone 4s

    my voice input option in the keyboard has disappeared ..i am using iphone 4s

    Three places:
    1.  Setings > General > Cellular is in the second block of access buttons.
    2.  Settings > General > About > Network tells what network you are on, and Carrier tells who your cellular service carrier is.
    3.  Settings > WiFi ON for wireless network access, then Choose a Network to select and attach to a wireless network.

  • Help!!! Installed Sound Card driver does not support Direct Sound input

    I have just installed Premier Pro CS3 on a brand new PC. I am a new user and I am receiving a message "The installed sound card driver does not support direct sound input".
    PC is a 3 GHZ Intel Duo
    4 G RAM
    2 x 500 G HD
    Windows Home Vista Preminum
    I am sure it is a simple fix and really appreciate any one given me the time or guidance to help get me started.
    Many Thanks

    Thanks Harm for the prompt reply, nice one!
    Sound Card is a "Realtek High Definition Audio"
    Driver Version
    It was shipped with this Dell PC.
    I checked the driver was up to date etc. So not sure what to do now.

  • Unfortunately direct pen input has stopped working.

    Didn't do anything, this error message pops up more and more frequently, please advise.

    I ran into this issue as well, when I started carelessly turning off all the services on my GN3 to free up memory. I narrowed down the issue to the process/service called "My Script Resource Manager." If this is disabled / removed, you will get the Direct Pen input error.  

  • I have to step-input an existing score and tried it with the step-input-window in combination with midi-input from an usb-keyboard.

    I have to step-input an existing score and tried it with the step-input-window in combination with midi-input from an usb-keyboard.

    Tsk tsk, Nigel, don't you see: this is a story - with a cliffhanger... he said he tried... but he never clarifies if he succeeded or not... but still, he has to do it. It's stronger than him, bigger than him, there's no escaping the step-input and midi-input via usb-keyboard scoring... it's fate I tell you! Fate!

  • Canvas direct text input (TextBox alternative)

    Surprisingly little info on this on the net, so wonder if anyone can help:
    Rather than opening a native javax.microedition.lcdui.TextBox, I want to be able to detect user input directly on a canvas (with the keyPressed() method).
    I'm creating a generic MIDP2 midlet, and the main problem I'm going to face is detecting when the user has entered a space (as it could be possibly, the '0' key, the '#' key, the '*' key or the '1' key).
    Is the best solution to just treat any of those key presses as a space, or is there a better way? Has anyone already got the code?

    Thanks James
    Your post inspired me to create my first canvas, haven't got around to text input yet, but made a color picker... maybe by next weekend I'll try text input but I don't think I'll be able to even activate the on-screen keyboard from the canvas... lets see.
    I'll post only when I have a specific problem like yours, there are too many people (read: college kids trying to get their homework done for them) posting inane requests for help they could find with 2 minutes on Google.
    Also it looks to me like there isn't any way you can identify the default space button/key, maybe this will be incorporated in a future spec.
    Wish you luck, Darryl

  • How do I set up multiple midi-input devices:WX5 wind & keyboard controllers

    I'm trying to setup my system to utilize two midi input devices.
    1. Novation Controller Keyboard connected through USB
    2. WX5 wind controller connected via VL-70 tone module with midi out cable to channel 1 of my Motu midi interface.
    As it is currently setup I am able to play both my Wind Controller and MIDI Keyboards fine, but for some reason whenever I finish playing the Wind Controller, the MIDI Keyboard no longer plays sound (it plays midi fine according to the transport, but no sound is created until I load another patch of the EXS).
    What am I doing wrong? Should I be switching between inputs in Logic somehow? How can I setup my system to be able to jump back and forth between my midi keyboard and wind controllers? I have done no setup besides cabling the devices in the AudioMidi setup (outside of Logic).
    Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!

    This is just a guess, but if the last thing your wind controller puts out is a volume message of zero (as I think it would do as you stop playing the last note) then you would need to send a volume message to the sound module to reset it to the desired volume.

  • Japanese input with non-English keyboard

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    Now - when I use Roman fonts in Text Edit etc with the Swiss Input menu, everything is swell. However, when entering Japanese text, the system assumes an English (US?) keyboard layout. Thus z's become y's, all special characters sit elsewhere on the keyboard etc. A royal mess.
    Any advice?

    Hi Peter,
    sorry, but this is the wrong forum for this type of question. Please visit the Tiger forum. There you will find a lot of people happy to help. This part of Discussions is just for feedback on the forum itself.

  • IMac constantly inputting text, even with keyboard unplugged etc

    Hi guys,
    Bought a second hand iMac (2012/21.5 Lion) and it's constantly inputting text. If I bring up a text program it usually looks like this '/////////////}}}]]]]   pPPPPPPPPPPPP' completely random characters plus the volume is going up and down and the return key is being pressed. I've unplugged the mouse and keyboard and it is still doing it. Last night I decided to format the harddrive and reinstall OSX and it is still happening. I've reset the PRAM and tried everything I can think of but have run out of ideas,
    Anyone had any experience with this, did you find a solution?
    Many thanks.

    In the end I wiped the whole thing and it seems to be behaving a little better now. It's no longer spitting out text and the mouse is working.
    The wireless keyboard is still acting strange. Press the number 1 and it will actually type '1qz', press A and it types 'A', press B and it will be something like 'bsq'. For about 80% of the keys its adding two extra letters for everyone typed. It's always the same two letter depending on which key you type.
    I've tried the keyboard and international settings and they seem fine.
    Any ideas?

  • "Choose input method" is behind keyboard so I can't use it

    I just upgraded to Kit Kat on my Galaxy S4, and I can no longer pick my preferred keyboard because the "choose input method" dialog does not close the keyboard when it opens like it used to, and so half of the dialog is hidden behind the keyboard.  Normally I would hit the back button to close the keyboard, except this closes the input selector dialog instead.  How do I change my active keyboard?

    OK, I can change the default keyboard from the settings panel, but that means I have to go into settings every time I need to change it (and I often switch back and forth between a few of them depending on what app I'm using because some keyboards are better suited for different tasks).  So the question then becomes is Verizon aware of this problem and how do I make sure they are so it gets fixed in the next update? (and how long before that update?)

  • Multiple UOMs in Direct Entry Input in iStore

    When I enter an product number into the Direct Item Entry field within the store and click on 'fill details' I am presented with the correct product but with a drop down of 17 UOMs of which 16 are invalid on the price list. How can I get the UOM drop down to show only valid unit/s of measure thus stopping the users from getting any errors by inputting invalid ones?!
    Any ideas?

    Hello Dave,
      You can use a trick to do this. But has to be done by the user.
    The user instead of clicking in Display ( wrench ) button in selection screen, can click on the adjacent button ( settings ). this will pop-up the settings screen, where in general tab click on "Custom" and choose "key". Remember to click the check box at the bottom - "Save settings for next time". press Ok.
    Close the workbook and open again, variable will be in "key" mode in inputable way.
    This personalized setting is stored at the level of user and infoobject. Hence, user has the option of saving in Key format for particular infoobject ( not variable )
    Hope this works for you.
    Sheik Bilal

  • Left direction Key not working on the keyboard

    i have an hp envy 15 laptop.Recently my left direction key on the keyboard has stopped working.the warranty got over this month.can the key be repaired? or is there a way to find out if there is a software glitch involved in this.
    and what will be the charges if it has to be repaired
    I am a resident of India

    First, can you share the specific model of Envy 15 that you have?  If you aren't sure how to find that check out (How do I find my product name/number?)
    You mentioned that the left direction key has stopped working, can you explain that a bit more?  Is it stuck down, does it just not respond to getting pressed, does it respond incorrectly?  Do you have windows 7 or Windows 8?
    I would probably start with Notebook Keyboard Troubleshooting (Windows 7), there is a section on Stuck keys that might help, and several sections on possible software glitches that might cause keyboard problems, take a look through those solutions and see if they help.
    Another options is to run the Keyboard test as described under Component Tests in Testing for Hardware Failures (Windows 7, Vista).  This will tell you for sure if the keyboard is functional or not.
    As to figuring out how much a repair from HP would cost, for that you will need to contact your local HP support team there in India, as repair costs will be detirmined by exactly what is wrong, as well as your specific location and product model.
    Although I am an HP Employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

  • USB Keyboard Multimedia keys ; two input devices for one keyboard.

    Hi. I can't get my multimedia keys to work (Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop USB keyboard). They don't show up in dmesg, xev, or the command line scan code program at all, even though the standard keys show as usual.
    One peculiarity is that the keyboard appears to be mapped to two devices /dev/input/event3 (the standard keys) and /dev/input/event4 (the multimedia keys) ; is there a way to "merge" the two inputs ? Is it a kernel problem ?
    TIA, Paul

    I solved my problem :-)
    Keyboard creates two event devices:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 lip 17 12:57 pci-0000:00:1a.1-usb-0:1:1.0-event-kbd -> ../event1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 lip 17 12:57 pci-0000:00:1a.1-usb-0:1:1.1-event- -> ../event2
    I had only first of it configured in xorg.conf (normal keys). I configured second device as below  (Identifier  "Multimedia keys"):
    # Core keyboard's InputDevice section
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Logitech Media Keyboard 600"
    Driver "evdev"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd" # it is my event1
    Option "XkbModel" "evdev"
    Option "XkbLayout" "pl"
    Option "evBits" "+1"
    Option "keyBits" "~1-255 ~352-511"
    Option "Pass" "3"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Multimedia keys"
    Driver "evdev"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:1a.1-usb-0:1:1.1-event-" # it is my event2
    Option "XkbModel" "evdev"
    Option "Protocol" "evdev"
    In Serverlayout I added entry for  InputDevice  "Multimedia keys":
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Dual Head"
    InputDevice "Logitech MX620" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Logitech Media keyboard 600" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "Multimedia keys" "SendCoreEvents"
    Screen "Desktop"
    And almost all multimedia keys started to work.
    I had small problems with couple of keys which created keycodes greater than 255. I used keyfuzz to remap these keycodes to something smaller than 255.
    After that i scaned all keycodes with xev, and mapped them to keysymlinks with xmodmap.
    Now all media keys are working and I can configure KDE to use it.

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