Disable CheckIn/CheckOut for FileSystem Repositories

how can i disable CheckIn/CheckOut in the KM? We have implemented Filesystem Repositories. If the user opens a document, or edits it locally, he should be able to open it with the right application and save it, without checking it in. Is this possible?
Thanks for help!

Hi Sven,
only to make sure:
If you use the file system repository manager in a clustered installation. Editing on the CM user interface can lead to data inconsitency.
See <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/e3/92322ab24e11d5993800508b6b8b11/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/e3/92322ab24e11d5993800508b6b8b11/frameset.htm</a>
Where the following is given:
<b>If you are using KM in a load-balancing environment, you must set up the file-system repository manager in write-protect (read-only) mode. If the repository is not read-only in such a scenario, concurrent updates to a file by different users on different installations can leave the content of the file in a corrupt state.</b>

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    Hi Armando,
    I'm afraid that you posted your question on the wrong forum. This forum is intended for Project Server questions. Please go to this forum in order to have answers from experts: 
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

  • Checkin/Checkout

    To make changes to an existing document as of now we are doing a 4 step process.
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    In simple terms I can put it this way
    1) First you need to verify if you have the checkin/checkout permissions.
    2) Go to DTR perspective select the SC/DC which you want to modify, right clich and sync the sources
    3) Again right click on the selected the DC you want to edit and then select Edit,
    It will prompt you for an activity name. Enter the activity name
    4) Once you successfully check out you will be able to see your newly created activites under open activity. Do the necessary changes and the check in the activity from the open activites view.
    5) After successful checkin of your activity you will be able to seee it under closed activites following which you shall activate your activty.
    Additionally you may refer the link below for clean steps:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/88/cb0b405bacdd5fe10000000a155106/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/88/cb0b405bacdd5fe10000000a155106/frameset.htm</a>
    You may also go through the topic "Editing development components" under the topic "Working with components". Hope this helps.

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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John - JDeveloper Team:
    This is with respect to the 'Stuck on checkout' problem.
    This has been fixed but not uploaded.
    The fix is to simply change:
    file: NodeHelper.java
    line: 62
    public static final int DISK_FILE_READWRITE = 2048;
    // original was:
    //public static final int DISK_FILE_READWRITE = 2048 + DISK_FILE_READONLY +
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    When you do a checkout(), the VersionSeries of that Family is reserved. It should only restrict others from performing an update to that Family, but not from viewing it. So, you should still be able to view the file when you do a listFolder() on the same folder.
    At checkin(), a new version is created in the VersionSeries. Whether a new ID (I assume you mean ID for the new Document) is created or not depends on when and how you do the checkin(). Did you:
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    If #2 is the case, then yes, there's a new Document created behind the scene with the same content as your previous version. So, there IS a new ID being created.
    Hope that helps to clarify a little bit. I can't help you further without looking at your actual code for a better understanding of what you're trying to accomplish. If you'd like, please post your code, and make comments on the places where you're seeing these behaviors, and I'll be able to help you further.

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    Message was edited by: JeffHowe

    We were having problems before I upgraded to Windows 7.
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  • Checkin/checkout Arrow(never used it)

    Error message " AnFTP eror occurred- cannot make connection
    to host
    Dreamweaver encountered an internat data error.
    ARROW has check mark.
    thank you for reading this message.

    I read it. You're welcome. What is your question? I have no
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "wefollow" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f80phs$frq$[email protected]..
    > Error message " AnFTP eror occurred- cannot make
    connection to host
    > Dreamweaver encountered an internat
    > data
    > error.
    > i found that CHECKIN/CHECKOUT ARROW SHOW lock and
    > check
    > mark.
    > thank you for reading this message.

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    Need a way to disable "Exception" button for "Block Pop-up windows" in Tools-> Options -> Content tab. I want to be able to do this for Locking Down Firefox preferences.
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

    That button doesn't have a pref associated with it, so you can't disable that button with a pref on the about:config page or a lockPref call.
    That only leaves the choice to remove that button with code in userChrome.css
    <pre><nowiki>#popupPolicyButton {display:none!important;}</nowiki></pre>
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Editing_configuration#How_to_edit_configuration_files

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    First, try a reset: hold down the home button along with the power button until you see the Apple, then let go.

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    I can't  enable or disable cellular data for certain iOS apps and features from  setting.
    When I off data for specific application and go to other option it automatic on all application
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    I have the same issue for the last two weeks. But i have already managed to solve the issue all by myself. When i go to Settings > Cellular > below the tab "use cellular data for:", i turned off some apps which i didnt want to use with cellular data. As soon as i go back to Settings, and then i went back to Cellular, the apps which i had switched off earlier, automatically turned back on.
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    Either you're using wifi or cellular data, first of all you're gonna hafto turn on the cellular data use for App Store. Once you have turned it on, go to App Store application. Update ALL the apps which have new updates available. If it asks you to log in your App Store, just do so. If there's something wrong with your debit or credit card information, it will ask you to update to a different card. Just do what it asks. Put in a new credit or debit card info and fill in the forms provided. The card you're using must be usable and has usable balance in it. Let's say atleast $10 to $20. As soon as it confirms your card successfully, the app updates will start automatically. Continue to update all the apps. After all updates are finished, go back to Settings > Cellular. Try to switch on or off some apps for data use and recheck.
    Try it yourself! Have a nice day and don't put a blame on Apple for this.
    From Malaysia, with love.
    Please hit LIKE button if this solve your issue. Thank you very much! (:

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    I want to Disable Delete Button for infotype 2001 subtype 0025 only in PA30/61.
    Is there any EXIT available

    Try it .
    Somebody already given this type of answers.
    Pls first use Search then post.
    Well FYI,
    <b>There is a standard User Exit for PA30 / 40 for PBO and PAI events.
    ZXPADU01 for PBO and
    ZXPADU02 for PAI events.
    By writing proper code in here for the IT2001, you can write your rules.
    PBAS0001 ( PA: Pers.Admin./Recruitment: Default values and checks ),</b>
    Manoj Shakya.

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    Appreciate any comments on the above.

    No response

  • Disabling the Check for Update feature in 10.1.3

    I work at a government facility that has tight security restrictions regarding downloading software. We are about to prepare a software delivery package for JDeveloper 10.1.3 that will let our IT department install JDeveloper on all of our developer workstations. One thing we would like to do as part of this deployment package is to disable the Check for Updates and PlugIn feature of JDeveloper. Is there a setting in a configuration file that controls this menu item?

    Is the requirement to disable the check for updates feature altogether (i.e. remove the menu item), or to just disable the automatic check that happens on startup?
    There isn't currently a documented way to totally disable the feature altogether, however it's possible to add such a feature in a future service update if necessary.
    There is a potential way in which you can modify the behavior of the wizard such that it will always find no updates (the menu item will still be present, however). If this is an acceptable solution to you, let me know and I'll fill you in on the details.

  • Step by step to disable Folder Redirection for a single user - Windows 7 and SBS 2011 Essentials

    OK...I got chewed (by someone I have a lot of respect for) for pounding on an old thread, so I'm starting a new one. I've got the Windows 7 Value Pack Plugin for SBS 2011 Essentials and Folder Redirection is working for everybody. What I'm looking for is
    exactly how to go into Group Policy and disable the FD for a single user. I'm not looking for quick, incomplete answers. If you don't have time to give me the 'For Dummies' version, don't bother. Sorry, but I've done all the Googling I can stand for one day
    and I'm over it! (and a little grumpy)
    Thanks in advance!
    Wayne S. CompTIA A+ CompTIA Network+ Microsoft MCP

    ... I've got the Windows 7 Value Pack Plugin for SBS 2011 Essentials and Folder Redirection is working for everybody. What I'm looking for is exactly how to go into Group Policy and disable the FD for a single user. I'm not looking for quick, incomplete
    Hi Wayne,
    Here's what I'd do. 
    1) create a Security Group in your AD environment. Call it 'Folder Redirection Members' or something like that. Put all the user accounts in your AD environment who you want to have their folders continue to be redirected to the server, do not include the
    one user who you wish to exclude.  in other words, you're going to use a specific security group to target the Folder Redirection policy (right now, it's Domain Users, which is everyone).
    2) Edit the Group Policy that the W7PP created in your AD environment. It's likely called "W7PVP Folder Redirection".  Start with verification under the Settings tab, expand Folder Redirection beneath User Configuration states that
    Policy Removal Behaviouris set to Restore Contents.  Then proceed using the Editor, to make adjustments under the Scope tab; verify membership in Security Filtering.  Remove Domain Users,
    add in Folder Redirection Members (or whatever you named your group in step 1).
    3) on your workstation that your user you are applying the change to disable folder redirection, Log on to the domain account while connected to your network, elevate a command prompt, and perform a 'gpupdate /force' command and then reboot your computer. 
    Folder redirection configuration should be removed from the system and redirected contents should be restored back to your local path. Verify with inspection of the My Documents or other folders.
    Hope this helps. Keep in mind, no warranty implied or expressed in this advice.
    Try not to be so darn grumpy. :-/
    Jason Miller B.Comm (Hons), MCSA:Win7, MCITP, Microsoft MVP

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