Disable creation of unavailable volumes?

When some process in OSX wants to write to an unavailable volume, you won't get an error as user, but a new volume folder is created on the harddisk to make the writing of the file possible. With Timemachine over Airport for example, a lot of mess is created on the local harddisk if the Airport connection is not too good.
Question: is there a way to disable creation of volume folders? As these folders are invisble and very hard to manage (login via root and delete the stuff) I would rather have OSX pop up a dialog like "this volume is not available: with three buttons or so fail, retry, abort". Any idea how to block this behaviour?

When some process in OSX wants to write to an unavailable volume, you won't get an error as user, but a new volume folder is created on the harddisk to make the writing of the file possible. With Timemachine over Airport for example, a lot of mess is created on the local harddisk if the Airport connection is not too good.
Question: is there a way to disable creation of volume folders? As these folders are invisble and very hard to manage (login via root and delete the stuff) I would rather have OSX pop up a dialog like "this volume is not available: with three buttons or so fail, retry, abort". Any idea how to block this behaviour?

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    Try unmounting the volume on your iMac using Disk Utility. Then mount it again. You may need to reboot the laptop or relaunch its Finder process (using the Force Quit window) after remounting the drive on your iMac. Remember that no process may be accessing any files on the drive you plan to unmount, or the unmount will fail. Unmounting and remounting an external drive on my iMac made it become visible on my MacBook Pro after it had disappeared.

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    By default Access Control Lists (ACLs) are enabled on Leopard Server (10.5). The situation was different on Tiger Server (10.4) as you had to enable ACLs for each mounted volume.
    To disable ACLs on Leopard Server you have to use the command line:
    sudo fsaclctl -p path -d disable
    to disable and to enable:
    sudo fsaclctl -p path -d enable
    As with 10.4 you its a good idea to restart the server after disabling or enabling ACLs, otherwise ACLs won't take. Strictly speaking this should only be true of the Boot volume although in my view its worth doing it for any other mounted volume you are going to be using for sharing.
    To display ACL status for all mounted volumes issue this command:
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    for a specific volume its:
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    where path is the name of the volume - you can drag drop the desired volume into the terminal window to show its full path. For example you could have:
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    at all.
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    over the Network?
    Thanks in advance
    My postings are provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confer no rights

    Unfortumatly, you cannot perform a manual replica creation for a deduped volume in a deduped state, however, you can perform the following, but don't think it would provide you much benefit.
    1) On the protected server that has the dedup volume you want to protect, create a dummy folder in the root of the volume.
    2) On the DPM Server, protect the dedup volume, except uncheck the dummy folder.  Choose to make a manual replica.
    3) Copy the contents of the protected volume to the replica volume using any method you choose. 
    4) Run the mandatory consistency check to make sure the data is equivelent.
    5) On the DPM Server, modify the PG and now include the dummy folder - basically uncheck the drive letter and recheck it so DPM will protect the whole volume now.
    6) On the protected server, delete the dummy folder.
    7) Re-run a new consistency check, and DPM will now protect the volume in a dedup state.  This will result in only transfering deduped blocks, and leaving non-dedup blocks intact.
    Again, that may not buy you much and may be a waste of time - but give it whirl.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    Some people might not be understand how it can be done!.   Just go to the speaker icon on system tray and click on mixer.  Then try to increase the volume through quick launch volume button on your HP laptop. You can see the QLB button appeared on the mixer. Just mute it and thats it!  you are done!.  Have a good time guys...............

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    Thanks a lot!

    the new version was released a few days ago, so i guess you might have an older version.
    even on my external hard drives those folders don't exist.
    the new version looks like the image.
    Greece Nokia X6 RM-559 v40.0.002
    Capture.PNG ‏470 KB

  • Disable creation of transport request in development system

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    I have a strange requirement. I want to disable the option of transport request creation in development system for all the object.
    Waiting for your valuable inputs. Thanks a lot.

    May be this solution is not suggested by SAP.but yes by hook and cook if you really urgent need this we can achieve this i tried by putting a breakpoint here in my system for testing.and i got result.
    just open include LSTRDF30 in se38.search for string   WHEN 'INSA'. here you can modify your code as below:
    CASE okcode.
        WHEN 'LOCK'.
          PERFORM append_to_order.
        WHEN 'OWNA'.                       " show own orders
          PERFORM show_own_orders.
        WHEN 'INSA'.                       " insert new order
    SET SCREEN 0. LEAVE SCREEN."this need to be add.
          PERFORM insert_new_order.
        WHEN 'ATTR'.                       " object attributes
    in such manner request will not be generate.
    but only access key is required.
    Edited by: Amit Gujargoud on Aug 5, 2008 4:35 PM

  • Disable Local Backups per Volume

    Hello world!
    I need to urgently disable local backups (/.MobileBackups) on a per-volume basis  --  is this possible?
    I was considering just removing it and placing a zero-permission-zero-byte file in it's stead, but I wanted to check first and curiously found that seemingly no one has asked this question ever before … strange! My use case is simple: I have a second drive almost constantly attached to my MacBookPro, and it's formatted in HFS+, and I do want it to be included in the regular TM backup onto my Time Capsule.
    But, because the drive is external and slower than the internal, having the hourly snapshots taken gives me a 10 Minute performance degradation every 50 Minutes. This I cannot suffer.
    On the other hand, I do want to keep my internal SSD to make regular, even mobile, backups.
    What would be the smartest way to achieve this?
    Thanks for your input and greetings,

    [...] Local backups are made on your MBP itself, not on the external disk, [...]
    Not true.
    Just try for yourself, connect a HFS+-formatted (that's the important part) drive and wait.
    will be created in due time, and it will fill up with linked backup files. 
    I reproduced with two disks (actually, one SDCard and one USB drive) and this is fully reproducable.
    retina /Volumes/Zweitplatte % ls -la
    drwxr-xr-x+  3 thomas staff    102 Sep 20 15:38 .MobileBackups
    drwx------   5 thomas staff    170 Sep 20 15:38 .Spotlight-V100
    d-wx-wx-wt   3 thomas staff    102 Sep 20 19:59 .Trashes
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 thomas staff 216345 Sep 20 16:05 .VolumeIcon.icns
    drwx------   7 thomas staff    238 Sep 21 02:11 .fseventsd
    retina /Volumes/Zweitplatte % sudo du -sh .MobileBackups
    90G .MobileBackups
    retina /Volumes/Zweitplatte %
    I actually work on the external drive, and a lot of files are slightly modified regularly, and you can surely see that 90GB starts to be an issue. Im at this very moment _directly_ connected to the LAN and the Re-Backup /Sync to my Time Capcule is ongoing for hours now ... and I don't need this #*#
    Thanks for your advice!

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  • OES2 SP3: Master sends poison pill upon creation of new volumes

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    the master starts killing other nodes. Inspection with nssmu shows that
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    is working nicely.
    Should I send the cluster to maintenance mode prior to adding a new
    volume? How can I force OES2 to scan for new pools other than rebooting
    the system? Is there a known problem or a TID for this behavior?

    Am 05.09.2012 09:38, schrieb Hans van den Heuvel:
    > On Tue, 04 Sep 2012 18:00:53 +0000, Andy Konecny wrote:
    > Hi Andy
    >> From this TID, it does look like the fix isn't generally available yet,
    >> especially given that the TID was last edited today.
    > I have modified the wording in the TID, as the 'naming scheme' part
    > seemed to be confusing here.
    > The should have read as in this particular tree, specific services are
    > installed and named in a specific way for easy identification purposes,
    > and these newly created cluster resources just did not comply to that.
    > They were just not named properly, nothing else.
    Sorry, but right now I'm completely confused. What are you talking about?
    From cluster administration manual:
    "10.1.1 Naming Conventions for Cluster Resources
    Cluster resource names can be up to 63 characters. Novell
    Cluster Services supports only
    alphanumeric characters and the underscore character in
    cluster resource names:
    ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz0123456789_
    Special characters, such as the following, are not supported
    in cluster resource names:
    Because the NSS pool name and Linux volume names are
    automatically used in the cluster resource
    name, do not use special characters !@#$%&() in names of NSS
    pools or Linux POSIX volumes that
    you plan to cluster enable."
    I did not use special characters in names of cluster resources, pools or
    volumes. So will my problem be still related to this TID?
    I will gave to go and check with CRM debugging.

  • Disable creation of proxies. How ?

    I want to turn off proxies for Video. I just want to use FCS as stocking server and be able to see the thumbnail of the video and that's it. I have set the proxy Transcode Setting to NONE (not No Conversion) on video and i have unchecked Enable Edit Proxies in the Preferences but i still get proxies generated for video. I just want the JPEG. Is that possible ?

    Wow, that *****, you can't disable Proxy create? If you don't want proxies, there's no way to turn that feature off with FCServer????
    Hey Nicholas, what is typical of an FCServer proxy create, compared to real-time. Does FCServer create proxies at 1/4 real-time, or 6 time real-time? From my experience, Compressor is pretty slow on FCStudio2 installs and I wouldn't expect FCServer to be faster... is it? I know this all depends on the proxy type (codec, size and etc.).
    I have experience with Dalet and FORK, both competing products, though more features, and they create a proxy at around 6x real-time for Dalet and I think faster with FORK. What should be expected for FCServer on a single, dedicated XServe (new one, 8core)?

  • Disabling creation of new pages on user's PC

    Hello everyone,
    By editing the various roles' settings, I've managed to
    restrict my users to creating new pages from only the list of pages
    I want them to, EXCEPT for the fact that they still have the option
    in the 'New Page' dialog to create a new blank page on their own
    Does anyone know if it is possible to remove this option from
    the dialog? I've investigated some of the XML and JS files, but so
    far haven't come up with anything.

    I'd also like to find out if this is possible, as limited
    roles to specific templates is great, but only if you're truely
    limiting them, and by allowing new pages to be created as blank
    pages on their PC, you're not.

  • Why is the Verizon "chat' ALWAYS disabled due to 'unavailable at this time' regardless of time of day?


    Thanks CCTM, I searched the drop down help 'Logic Pro Users manual' no info found on muting or on regions.
    I googled the problem and found the answer in an old post in Logic pro help-ctrl click on region for menu and problem is solved.
    I the searched in the next drop down choice 'Exploring Logic Pro just to see how difficult finding these answers could be, and it was there.
    You deserve the points for being kind enough to offer your knowledge,  unlike searching the downloads ssection of this aite for a Manual-which found nothing.
    it is only as a last resort that I would be so importunant to post here at all.

Maybe you are looking for

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