Disable Facebook birthday notifications

Okay so I like the Facebook integration in that it updates the address book with pictures and stuff, but I do not want daily reminders popping up on my desktop (or iPad/iPhone), that some of my 400 Facebook friends have a birthday coming up in a day or two.
No matter what I do they still pop up. Have unticked the birthday calendars all over the place, to no avail.
So besides disabling the FB integration completely, is there any other way of getting rid of these?

I have been trying to solve this problem for months.
I have unticked 'Birthday Calendar' in my Calendar app.
There is an entry for 'Birthdays' in the Calendar app too but when I try to delete it it is greyed out and can't be deleted
I have set birthday alerts to 'none' in the main settings for mail, contacts, calendars
I'm guessing I need to remove the 'Birthdays' entry within the calendar app but as it won't let me delete it I don't know what to do.
Any ideas?  It's getting incredibly annoying.

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    Have you tried going into the calendar app > then hit the top left button saying calendars > then uncheck the Facebook birthdays and events things. I hope this helped if not then I'm not sure

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    I want to keep Facebook calendar integration, but I don't want the daily birthday notifications.
    Is there a way to turn them off using Facebook, iCloud, or any other way?

    In my opinion this is an "on purpose hack" by Facebook as I feel it is to tempt you to log onto Facebook to wish happy birthday, and thus expose you to adverts.
    I have disabled Facebook birthdays in my calendar so many times, but it keeps getting checked again as if by magic.
    I have disabled access to my calendar from Facebook, even disabled Facebook notifications in Settings, and the option in the Calendar keeps re-selecting itself.
    I have now disabled all push notifications in the Facebook app under settings, lets see what happens.
    If this is a hack, I hope Facebook get a huge fine for illegal privacy and hacking law breaches.  Lets see if the authorities in America or the EU stand up for consumers.

  • Can't turn off Facebook birthdays

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    I have disabled Facebook in notifications (no banners, off on every option), I go into Calendar and disable the "Birthdays" under "Facebook", I have even diabled Birthdays for phone contacts.
    Once another birthday comes along the option in Facebook Birthdays for Calendar is enabled as if by magic and up pops a notification.  I disable it again and once another birthday comes along, hey presto it enables itself again with another message. The phone contacts birthdays does not re-enable itself, just the Facebook Birthdays.
    Seems like either a bad Facebook "bug" which is legally a privacy infringment, or an iPhone bug.

    The bug is that Facebook Birthdays calendars keeps turning back on by itself.  Once I turn off birthdays, they disapear from the calendar, then re-appear after something turns the option back on.
    Bug is that something is turning the calendar back on without permission.  Disabling a usefull feature due to what seems to be a bug (or maybe done on purpose by the Facebook App) is not a solution.
    If it is the Facebook App doing this, then that is against the law in EU and USA and it goes against the Apple and legal privacy policies and laws.
    I know it seems minor, but due to privacy laws and my phone is being altered without my consent, this could be quite a serious situation.  If it is the Facebook app doing it (I'm not saying it is), this would encourage people to go onto Facebook to wish birthday wishes, then they are committing a crimnal offence by altering a phone contrary to the the users consent for their profit (adds are shown to us in Facebook which profit them).

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    Thanks a lot for your swift response. And sorry if it was a bit too hectic to go through my detailed query (which I did because it was misunderstood when I asked previously). As I've mentioned above, I was informed that updating to 5.0.1 would '''require''' me to '''delete''' the current version and then install the new one. And doing so will involve losing all my bookmarks. I guess I should have been more specific and detailed there. By losing, I didn't mean losing them forever. I'm aware that they're secured in some place and deleting and installing the software doesn't harm its existence. What I meant that if I install the new version, I'd have to delete the old one. And after installing the new version, I'd have to transfer them (bookmarks) back from wherever they are. Get it? When it updated from 3.6.9 to 3.6.13, and from 3.6.13 to 3.6.18, I didn't need to follow that process. They were already present on their own.
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    The previous suggestion will work but perhaps you might want some of the birthdays in your personal contacts to show in your calendar yet you still do not want all the Facebook birthdays there.
    Settings > Facebook > turn off Calendar and Contacts

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    Other than that, I don't know what to try.  I'm wondering if this is some kind of bug.  Any thoughts?

    the padlock means they are using a secure server (HTTPS,versus HTTP).  <any sites are always secure, others only use secure when they are doing something that needs security.  if they are asking for info from you, like a password, or bank account, you need to see the padlock.  for general viewing, it does not matter, and does not mean the site is dodgy.

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    Facebook: unchecked
    Other: unchecked
    Default Alert Times:
    Birthdays: None
    Facebook settings (allowed apps):
    Calendar: Off
    Facebook app settings:
    Birthday reminder push notifications: Unchecked
    I've done all this and still the birthday notifications remain. Is there something I'm missing?

    You can't delete or change Birthday notification from Facebook. Because all birthday notification are pulled from contacts app directly, and users are unable to edit facebook contact info, only way to disable birthday notification from Facebook is to disable contact integration with Facebook completley.

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    Apple can you please fix this, or someone else could you please offer some help?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for your reply.
    Disabling Linkedin is kind of overkill as I like the Linkedin integration just not the birthdays. I like that fact that the pictures of my contacts are automatically updated from their LinkedIn profiles, as well as the fact that I can directly see their profile when I click in contacts. The only thing I don't want is 500+ birthdays cluttering my calender.
    I'll send this feedback to Apple, thanks for the link.

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    If anyone can tell me how to simply delete Facebook from Notification Center all together, I'd be thrilled.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Let me know if it works... You can add facebook in internet acounts again later if you want it...
    It might reset the settings.. And may solve the problem anyhow...
    i.e. you might want birthdays on your calendar for example...
    Personally I dont like facebook junk cluttered on my email. However dont mind facebook notifications for facebook chat...
    I dont know if your notification center also clutters you with other rubbish... Like facebook notifications that are not private chat... Mine doesnt... I think i had set the facebook settings a while ago not to spam all the rubbish facebook sends.

  • Facebook Birthday Reminders - Don't Dismiss

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    This is fine and I get the reminders on schedule, however when I Dismiss the reminders, they simply pop back up again a short while later, almost as if I'd hit snooze instead.
    Basically every time I pick up my playbook, I have to start off by dimissing all the upcoming birthday events.  The worst of it is that sometimes when the notification appears, it turns on the screen which was blanked at the time, menaing that its using up more battery.   
    I think that deleteing the current instance of the birthday (which hopefully keeps all the recurring instances for next year) sorts the problem, but surely i shouldn't have to do this?
    Anyone else seeing this problem. 

    I guess theres a fix for this.
    I have a BB curve 9320 and here's what I did :
    First of all, uncheck the 'connect facebook to BB calendar' option in Facebook options. This will make sure there will not be anything added to BB calendar from facebook in future. Now lets get back to present where we can still see the Facebook notifications crowding the panel.
    Go to notifications panel and click on each of facebook notifications. You will enter your calendar. Then 'delete this series' from the menu options. Do likewise for the three items in notification panel. Now, if you click on any of them, it shouldn't direct to BB calendar but instead show an error.
    Now, restart your phone. In notification panel, you can see 3 new items from facebook (this might take a little time during which you can see the previous 3 notifications, but be patient).
    Once new items are apperaing, repeat the same process, restarting your phone everytime.
    After a few attempts, once calendar gets rid of all exixting notifications from facebook (this number can be seen decreasing everytime we restart, from options on calnedar), the problem will be solved.

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    I am also using MSN on iChat through Jabber (server is headcounter.org). It seems that each time I access iChat after an absence, I get an iChat message from headcounter.org. Does this happen to all servers? Is there any way to disable this?

    If I remember correctly, the various MSN transports would try to add me as an MSN buddy, which I usually ignored or refused. For msn.jabber.belnet.be, I think (but can't say with certainty) that I added it as a buddy, but when I checked just now, this was still pending authorisation from the other party.
    I was unable to delete msn.jabber.belnet.be in PSI. I also clicked on the links to try and unsubscribe to manage subscriptions, but the links were broken.
    Although msn.jabberbelnet.be is not on my MSN/iChat list, this notification still appeared when I closed PSI and restarted iChat:
    When I click on it, I get the screenshot which I attached to my previous post.
    All this is getting too complicated for me, I think i'll just bear with the notifications and hope that iChat will one day come integrated with MSN! Thanks a lot for your help.

  • Birthday Notifications

    I have always had Birthdays on my Calendar.  They appear as soon as you add them in a Contact.  I do not want to remove this.
    Suddenly, in the past month or so, at 11:45 PM, I get a notification sound on my iPhone.  No message is on the screen.  I finally figured out that it is happening 15 minutes before the new days starts on days when I have a birthday showing on my Calendar.
    Again, this was not always the case, so something has changed in setup that I am unaware of.  I do know that Apple made me do a factory reset and this problem started after that.
    Anyone know what in Settings I need to fix so I can stop this notification?  I do not want to remove Birthdays from my Calendar.  Also, this has NOTHING to do with Facebook.  I do not have Facebook birthdays synced to my Calendar.

    You're leaving something out...
    You open your email messages and WHERE is this other heading call "Calendar"?
    Are you opening the main messages list on your BlackBerry?
    or through a browser?
    Yahoo, Gmail, what?
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    thanks crhis, but this doesn't work for me. I want the photos, but not to have birthdays in my notification center every day.

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