Disable Hyperlink Display in Enternet Explorer

In Internet Explorer 11, when I put the mouse cursor over a link the link address (or some other information information related to the link) is displayed on the page
For example, when the cursor points over "Images" link in
www.google.com, the link
 is shown bottom-left of the screen in a yellow box.
Is it possibile  to disable displaying of the link (or information related to shortcut)?

Could you share a screenshot with us if possible? I suspect that an add-on oe an ActiveX control you installed in IE causes this issue, please test IE in no add-ons mode, launch IE in no add-ons mode, check the result
%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -extoff
if it disappears in this mode, then click Tools\Manage add-ons\Show all add-ons, find the suspicious one, disable it, or under Manage add-ons\Show download controls, find a suspicious one.
Yolanda Zhu
TechNet Community Support

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    Hello sudirende,
    Thank you for the question.  You can disable hyperlinks by verifying that Edit>Substitutions>Smart Links is unchecked before you enter the links or email address in the document:
    Turn off automatic formatting for links
    If you don’t want Pages to automatically format links as clickable text, you can turn off automatic formatting.
    Choose Edit > Substitutions > Show Substitutions (the Edit menu is at the top of your computer screen).
    Select the Smart Links checkbox.
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    Pages Help for Mac - Link text in a document
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    Hi there
    Looks like an IE8 issue.
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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    Honestly, it looks OK to me in IE7. Is that the browser you
    are using?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
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    news:g2rrk2$qjf$[email protected]..
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    > now
    > only the front page displays in Internet Explorer and
    all the other pages
    > only
    > show a white block.
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    so any help would
    > be
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    > Password: v8tqnpcmmz

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    Hi there
    Absolutely it's normal. One way you are viewing the actual file name used (along with the htm file extension). The other setting controls whether you view by the title you assigned to the topic.
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    Helpful and Handy Links
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    Hi Kiran,
    it's not possible to show the favicon into Internet Explorer.
    It may be viewed only in Mozilla (Firefox).
    This is due to the browser itself. (You can simply check that in the IE any favicon is showed)
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    Function UpdateModDT(myFolder, myFile, DateTime)
    Dim objShell, objFolder
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = objShell.NameSpace(CStr(myFolder))
    objFolder.Items.Item(myFile).ModifyDate = DateTime
    End Function
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    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    * "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

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    1) Close out of Internet Explorer.
    2)Backup with this command:
    reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{4063BE15-3B08-470D-A0D5-B37161CFFD69} " C:\qt_plugin1.reg
    NOTE: This registry path is for Windows x64 (64-bit). I am not certain of the path for Windows x86 (32-bit), but I assume you may just need to remove Wow6432Node from the path. If it is not there, open regedit.exe and search for 4063BE15-3B08-470D-A0D5-B37161CFFD69.
    3) Delete with this command:
    reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{4063BE15-3B08-470D-A0D5-B37161CFFD69} " /f
    4) Open Internet Explorer and test. When you click on a music or video link, your default media player should now launch.
    I have tested this myself several times, including a reinstallation of Quicktime, and it worked. If it doesn't work for some reason, you can try performing the same steps with the following registry entries. Do one at a time and test so that you don't delete anything unnecessary.
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Compo nents\3F9E7EA97A1AEE54490637032025DEF9
    If you wish to restore the Quicktime plugin, simply double-click the registry file that you backed up in step 2. Click yes when it asks you to confirm. Now when you open Internet Explorer and click on a link, the Quicktime plugin will load and play the media.

    I mentioned I have the Acrobat Pro 9 version.
    Also, Im using IE 8.

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    Can you please help me to solve this issue?
    Thank you and best regards

    Try comparing the settings of the Internet explorer on the machine you are having trouble with running the report vs the computer that you are successfully able to run the report. As this is computer specific, this should be either related to IE settings or missing components like flash etc installed on the machine.

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