Disable hyperthreading on a GE70 20E

Hi all,
before starting another flame war on hyperthreading (HT): yes, I know what it is. Yes, I'm certain I want to turn it off. Reasons below.
On my previous laptops (both HP) turning it off was about as easy as going to the BIOS and disable the hyperthreading. I've been through the complete Aptio setup utility that was installed on the laptop, but there's no option for disabling the hyperthreading to be found. I can find it in the online manual of Aptio, but not on my computer.
Does somebody have an idea if it's possible to access that option without having to flash the BIOS? I'm not keen on doing that on a laptop for obvious reasons...
Rationale for turning of the HT:
I run multiple single-threaded programs for advanced statistics and modeling. Right now my 4-year old HP with an i5 dual core of a previous generation outperforms my brand new MSI with an i7 quad core 4th generation when running the models. I bought this laptop to avoid having to connect to the HPC for every model I want to run, but for the moment I'm still losing more time waiting on the results than on that old piece of craHP of mine.

Quote from: darkhawk on 15-November-13, 21:30:00
The other option is to just do it within Windows. Which is probably even easier.
Control Panel->Power Options->Change Plan Settings (for whatever power plan you use)->Change Advanced Power Settings->Scroll down to Processor Power Management->Maximum Processor State->Change each to 99% instead of 100%.
I guess this disables TurboBoost and not Hyperthreading.

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    yeah, BIOS v1.8 made no difference.
    I'm running StatBar as i usually monitor performance and the temp is hovering around 42c with 0% CPU useage.
    Hmmmm... this sucks.
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    What WLAN adapter do you have?

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    for low-latency applications, i strongly suggest to disable hyperthreading: it
    may increase throughput, but at the cost of latency. some time ago, i have done
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    the os. it was raising the worst-case latency by about 250 microseconds. (for a
    block-size of 64 samples at 44100hz, it would reduce the performance in the
    worst case by about 20%).
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    from my understanding, it is better suited for server/database workloads.

    What's current BIOS version installed?
    Look in BIOS Setup, System Information.

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    Try doing the EC reset procedure....
    1. Turn notebook off.
    2. Remove AC adapter.
    3. Remove battery.
    4. Let the notebook sit there for about 20 minutes.
    5. Come back, insert battery.
    6. Add AC adapter.
    7. Power on and see if its working now.

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    You better know what your doing
    Lets see far as I can tell installing Xcode installs CHUD tools which you can set via the command line hwprefs
    If you got Xcode 4 installed, do a 'man hwprefs' and see if it pulls up the manual.
    If so the command is
    hwprefs -v cpu_ht=false
    hwprefs -v cpu_ht=true
    (last one turns it back on)
    HWPREFS(1)                               BSD General Commands Manual                              HWPREFS(1)
         hwprefs -- inspect and control low-level system and processor parameters
         hwprefs [-v] [-h] [cpu_count={1..N}] [cpu_enable {1..N}] [cpu_disable {1..N}] [cpu_l2_cache={true,
                 false}] [cpu_l3_cache={true, false}] [cpu_nap={true, false}] [cpu_hwprefetch={0, 4, 8}]
                 [cpu_nop_dsts={true, false}] [memctl_readbypass={true, false}] [os_class] [os_type]
                 [machine_type] [memory_size] [cpu_type] [cpu_freq] [cpu_bus_freq] [memctl_type] [ioctl_type"]
         hwprefs inspects and controls low-level system and processor parameters
         -v       verbose mode
         -h       display help message
                  number of processors available for use by MacOS X
         cpu_enable {1..N}
                  enable a specific processor
         cpu_disable {1..N}
                  disable a specific processor
         cpu_nap={true, false}
                  processor nap
         cpu_l2_cache={true, false}
                  processor L2 cache
         cpu_l3_cache={true, false}
                  processor L3 cache
         cpu_hwprefetch={0, 4, 8}
                  prefetch engines used by hardware prefetcher (PPC970 only):
                  0 - all prefetch engines disabled, DST instructions treated as NOPs
                  4 - four automatic hardware prefetch engines, four used by DST instructions
                  8 - eight automatic hardware prefetch engines, DST instructions treated as NOPs
         cpu_nop_dsts={true, false}
                  treat DST instructions as nops
         memctl_readbypass={true, false}
                  memory controller (U3 only) read-bypass optimization (allows read commands to memory to bypass
                  straight to read memory request queue, saving a significant number of cycles)
                  displays OS class {Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Smeagol, Panther, Tiger}
         os_type  displays operating system type
                  displays machine type
                  displays system memory
                  displays processor type and version
                  displays processor clock frequency
                  displays processor bus frequency
                  displays memory controller type
                  displays io controller type

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    Possibly you disabled another service you should not have disabled.
    Check whether you have NVidia Display Driver service runs?
    otherwise I suggest resetting as possibly you disabled some services which may be needed in the future.
    A tip is when you want to disabled some service, rather than putting as disabled, set as manual instead, in case another service need that.

  • MOVED: ge70 20e not utilizing 750m gpu

    This topic has been moved to MSI Notebooks & Netbooks.

    Possibly you disabled another service you should not have disabled.
    Check whether you have NVidia Display Driver service runs?
    otherwise I suggest resetting as possibly you disabled some services which may be needed in the future.
    A tip is when you want to disabled some service, rather than putting as disabled, set as manual instead, in case another service need that.

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    Thank Guys.

    Please find the Device Manager and check your computer has Killer Wireless-N 1202 device.
    And turn on WiFi, after that, you can use Killer LAN.

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    Uninstall SCM. Reboot and afterwards install >>this version<<.
    Retry enabling backlit keyboard. Try changing brightness level (Fn & - or Fn & +)

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    I did reset the old driver and touchpad works as it is supposed to but isnt driver updates supposed to be better?
    Anyone else have the same problem?
    I use Windows 8.1

    Glad its sorted, MSI recommend you run that once every 3 months to keep your battery in best shape
    - - - Updated - - -
    Glad its sorted, MSI recommend you run that once every 3 months to keep your battery in best shape

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